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Hour/Afternoon of Darkness

  • Stage 6-3 for instance:

 Enemy Prinnies: We challenge you to a game of baseball, dood!

"Etna." "Yes, Prince?" "Kill them."

    • Followed up in Disgaea 2 with bowling, which leads to the most hilariously one-sided battle ever... in your favor.
  • Laharl: Do you want me to give human kids an addictive video game that will deprive them of their sleep?
  • The entirety of Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth!'s gloriously wacked-out introduction chapter.
  • Equippable Horse Wiener!?
  • Early in the first game, Flonne is talking about Love and Friendship and Stuff, and has this exchange with Etna:

 Etna: What good is that stuff? Is your head full of flowers or something?

Flonne: Yes, I love flowers.

Etna: Oh geez... Your head IS full of flowers.

 Maderas: Dammit! Prinnies! Make mincemeat out of her!

-music stops-

Prinny Squad: ....Dooooooooooooood.

 Flonne: Nice to meet you! I'm an assassin! ...whoops. I wasn't supposed to say that...

 (After being insulted and degraded by Laharl.)

Vyers: How dare you! I am the Dark Adonis Vy...

Laharl: Who gives a damn about you? Your new name is "Mid-Boss".

Mid-Boss: Mi,Mi,Mid-Boss!?

    • Just to emphasize: The above mid-dialogue name change is canon. The moment Laharl declares Vyers' new name, the game itself obeys his command and changes it.
  • The Prism Rangers. As they are preparing to initiate their Transformation Sequence, Etna shoots them.

 Prism Red: "Bluuueee....Yelllowwww!!!!"

  • In "War of the Netherworld, part 2", everytime someone mentions that Jennifer is about to be modified, Laharl, Etna, and Flonne all imagine a giant robot version of Jennifer stomping around a city until Gordon yells at them for it.
  • In Episode 3 of Afternoon's Etna Mode, Flonne confronts Etna at the Sea of Gehenna...wearing a sentai mask. Calling herself 'Justice Flonne', she swears to defeat Etna, and after being chased off the first time, she comes back, claiming to have powered up. All she does is turn on lights where the mask's eyes are.

 Etna: That's it? So your eyes are glowing...?

Flonne: Yes. Now, I can see in the dark.

Etna: Anyone who walks around at night, wearing that mask has gotta be some kind of crazy.

  • In Episode 9, when Jennifer and Thursday meet the Disgaea trio. This is Thursday's response when he senses lifeforms approaching:


Cursed Memories/Dark Hero Days

  • And then we have the full Prism Ranger battle in the second game. Prism Orange alone makes it funny, but Adell's reaction, made particularly funny by the delivery:

 Adell: "Okay, man. Calm down. I'm just saying, when I look at you guys it makes me want to cry."

    • And also after the battle:

 Rozalin: "Hmm. I can respect your spirit. But that's all. Just your spirit."

Red: "Then we will allow you to be the guardians of our task! Since you're way stronger! Take this! It is undeniable proof of our blazing friendship!"

  • Adell has received the title, "Prism Black"!*

Red: "Now you are the 8th Prism Ranger! The fate of the Champions of Justice, and the world, rests in your hands!"

Adell: "What a crappy reward..."

Rozalin: "I don't get anything...? Well, can't I be Prism Pink..."

 Tink: (to Adell) "Monsieur Napoleon Bonerhard!"

  • Also, the first encounter with Prinnies in Disgaea 2...you seriously just need to watch it.
  • Rozalin gives Laharl a chance to be the main character again for one hundred seconds. Here's what he does with those one hundred seconds.
  • Axel the Dark Hero has apparently been murdered.
  • The hardcore fights with Raspberyl, Champloo and Mao in Disgaea 2 Dark Hero Days are all hilarious but Mao's takes the cake for one simple line:

 Adell: Huh? Why the hell are you breathing like that?

Mao: Don't worry...I'm just getting Turned on.

  • "I'm a huge fan! Please give me an autograph!" O_O
  • Taro's crush on Rozalin becoming so deep that the game officially changes his title to "Rozy's Slave".
  • "HEY, TAXI!" <zoom>
  • Rozalin trying to mislead Adell in the beginning of the game.

 Rozalin:"My father is...over there."

Adell:"...Are you sure about that? Sure looks like you're just pointing randomly."

Rozalin:"What? You don't trust me?"

Adell:"...I trust you. I did give you my word."

And then they found her mansion...

  • In the final chapter, the protagonists are all having their own private thoughts on the coming battle with Zenon and what may happen afterward. Taro notices this, and tells Hanako that the two of them should try it. While Taro's is sweet, Hanako's...needs work.

 Hanako: (Introspective) I will defeat the fake Zenon, thrusting me into the highest rank of demons! I will be as cool as Etna, but twice as sexy! (Normal) Whaddya think?

Taro: Uh, I guess that was serious-like.

  • Defeating Zetta causes Adell's title to change to "Badass Overlord". Adell's reaction is priceless.
    • Prior to that, Zetta vaporizing Tink with his namesake Zetta Beam. Moreso in the Japanese audio, due to Zetta dragging out the name of the attack far longer.

Absence of Justice

 Mao: Truly a super hero... He has 100 dads.

  • The Prism Rangers!...just one, actually. As he's lamenting his lack of friends, the party promptly do their own version of the Prism Rangers roll call:

 Mao: To protect the evil of the Netherworld--

Almaz: We cause more trouble than what we're worth!!

Raspberyl: We, the seven darknesses, lovers of all evil deeds--

Sapphire: Will save the Netherworld with reckless ambition!

Master Bigstar: With our powers combined... We are--!!

Salvatore: The Cruel Fighter Squad!!

Mr. Champloo: The Evil Rangers, boom!!

Mao: Heh... Perfect. In every way, or at least more than one, we have achieved total victory!

  • The normal ending, which is also Mao's Crowning Moment of Awesome. It's not every day that you see a main character throw the final boss into his lab for experimentation.
  • Raspberyl and Co.'s Big Damn Heroes moment is sidetracked by a stunning revelation from Mr. Champloo- they're graduating! What follows is an utterly hilarious and played-completely-serious graduation ceremony, while the final boss of the level sits on the sidelines and waits.

A Promise Unforgotten

  • On TGS Press conference, Prinny took the stage and welcomed everyone to the show. As he waved his flippers about, he called NIS President Souhei Niikawa onto the stage. Turns out he was cosplaying as the prinny itself.
  • This video (provided by GamesRadar) talks like a cheesy salesman trying to sell his snake oil, but the ad is so over the top it loops around to freakin' hilarious. "Take a dump on the face of common sense"?! What are they smoking, and where can I get some?
  • The entirety of chapter 6. Two Words: Axel Apocalypse!
  • Valvatorez trying to get Pringer X to follow his Prinny rules. He fails to realize that Pringer X doesn't talk at all and spends over ten hours trying to get him to say "Dood" while the rest of the party leaves him.
    • A similar event involving Valvatorez and Prinny Kurtis. Val notices the lack of "dood" in Kurtis' speech, and fights him after he refuses to say the word. He complies afterward, but gets annoyed when Fuka, Desco, and Vulcanus share their opinions of how cute it makes him sound, due to wanting to maintain a cool image.
  • Fenrich's big lie that Axel is the anarchist trying to rebel against the government. It works without a hitch, helped by the fact that Valvatorez believes it wholeheartedly.
  • The appearence of Flonzor X is both this and a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
    • Also everyone's reactions to the reveal of Vulcanus' identity
  • Genjuro, Fuka's dad, takes Fuka's death and return rather calmly...

 Fuka: What the hell are you doing, Dad!? Have you teamed up with that Nemo guy!? Are you trying to destroy everyone!?

Genjuro: Huh? I saw there was girl wearing a weird hat, but I didn't know that girl was you, Fuka.

Fuka: Huh!? You JUST noticed me!? I'm your daughter!

Genjuro: Fuka, what are you doing here? I thought you went to Hell.

Fuka: What...!? How can you say that about your own daughter!?

Genjuro: Well, you're not the Heaven-type, you know?

Fuka: Urrrgh! What the hell's your problem!? Plus, I'm not even dead! Are you telling me that I died!?

Genjuro: Yup, you died. You definitely died.

Fuka: (Speechless)


  • They also can happen mid-battle. Seeing your ninja character get hit by a Jack-O-Lantern's Jacknife attack, being stabbed multiple times in mid-air and then thrown to the ground with a bang, only for 'Miss' to appear always makes me chuckle.
  • Not actually part of the story yet hilarious nevertheless: In Disgaea 3, there's a brand new class called the "Superhero". He not only has one of the largest movement and jump stats in the game, but he can go through enemies much like flying characters. However, there is one oversite in his sprite animations: he doesn't jump. Instead, he merely slides up the wall using his normal standing animation.
    • Actually, that's what happens with all Flight-type movement characters. Give Asagi her "Sky High" Evility, which gives her the same properties as a flight-type character, and watch her Air Guitar her way up the wall.
  • The item descriptions. ALL of them. Highlights include (but certainly aren't limited to) the Assassin Bow (Best when fired from a grassy knoll), the Charred Newt (Recovers HP/SP. He didn't get better.), the Trumpet Gun (Be sure to put your lips to the right end) and the Guillotine Axe (Let's not lose our heads over this)

 Poison Knuckle: Try not to pick your nose with this.

Sesshomaru: Hurry up and find the damn jewel shards!

Love Spankin': Oh my word! Don't stop!

Soul Eater: Beware its strange foot fetish.

  • In Prinny 2, when the Prinnies finally trap the Phantom Thief, he decides to use the Omega Ice Cool spell to summon the Spell Keeper, Joshua. However, instead of instantly unleashing powerful ice magic, she clumsily drops onto the stage, apparently busy reading a magazine, and answers a call on her cell phone. While she does lend the Phantom Thief a little help in the form of random ice magic, she spends the entire battle on the phone!