Digimon Regenesis

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Enter the reGenesis.

This sounds like the premise for a bad Saturday morning cartoon.

Digimon re:GENESIS (Digimon re:GEN for short; simply Digimon Regenesis for those for whom the silly formatting is too much) is a Digimon fanfiction (go figure), focusing on (yet another) new interpretation and history of the Digital World, and a whole new set of kids and original digimon. ... Still here? Okay. The setup runs as such:

A mysterious, otherworldly entity with the powers of a god, Era, has been assailing the Digital World for the past hundred Digital years. Having appeared with no warning, he slowly overtook more than three quarters of the digital world under his control, turning Digimon against their brethren and corrupting huge portions of the world.

Ten years have passed in the real world since Era's sudden appearance in the Digital World. Reaching their last-ditch lines of defense, the five sovereigns of the Digital World have called upon the power of Yggdrasil, the core of the Digital World, to summon children from the real world to help fight. Our heroes: the heroic and hot-blooded Simon; the strong-willed and sometimes-reckless Andrea; the calculating, strategic Julian; the wisecracking, sarcastic Faris; the cheerful, sometimes-spacy Emily; and the quiet, optimistic Toby.

Each is suddenly plucked out of his or her daily life and whisked away to the Digital World. There, they're partnered with a Digimon, and each is granted a mysterious talisman (dubbed a Virtue) to help them help their digimon fight. They quickly ally themselves with their digimon partners, and the digimons' mentor, the mysterious (and questionably sane) Deekamon. The problem is this: there are supposed to be seven of them. The seventh child and his partner have gone missing, and the group needs to function as a whole to stand a chance. Forced to set out on a mission to find their last teammates—and after that, Era --, the kids wind up having to learn to deal with eachother and their own personal issues along the way. They'd better, too, if they ever want to get back home—or have a home to get back to at all.

As may be evident by the summary, Digimon re:GENESIS attempts to evoke an original flavor feel, despite the all-new cast. It follows the basic structure of Adventure: a number of children find themselves teleported to the Digital World in order to protect it from a mysterious menace. Callbacks and subtle references to canon series abound.

Currently a work in progress, with chapters published at either a weekly or bi-weekly basis.[1] It can be found at its website, on Fanfiction.net, or deviantArt. The author is very much making it up as he goes, working with a very vague outline and winging it along the way. If nothing else, he's dedicated.

Tropes used in Digimon Regenesis include:

  • Action Girl: Andrea is the shining example—one of her first actions in the Digital World is to run headlong into Deekamon, who the entire human group believed to be attacking them, and taking him out. Her willingness to run in against digimon, partner or no partner, is one of her more defining personality traits.
  • Alternate Universe: Digimon re:GENESIS is an FDD (Fan Digimon and Digidestined) work, taking place in a setting almost entirely removed from the canon depictions.
  • All There in the Manual: A number of things are totally peripheral and stored only on the site—from information on the Digital World as it appears in the series, to the author's selection of songs assigned to characters in order to emulate the Digimon series' infamously huge selection of Image Songs. In fact, there's some tidbits of information slipped in only on this very page.
  • Ambiguous Species: While Egakumon is regularly referred to as a rabbit, he's one heck of a weird rabbit if he is. He gets somewhat more bunny-esque at higher levels, but 'rabbit' is just, apparently, the closest thing any of the characters could think of.
  • And I Must Scream: Luke serving as the core for Forbidramon has absolutely no control; the body is instead controlled by a second consciousness, leaving him to feel and experience everything but being forced to go along with its will, not his own. Presumably the same is true for Sampamon serving as Reimon's core, at first, but she manages to take at least some control back.
  • Art Attacker: Egakumon and his Champion-level Shokunimon both attack using their paintbrushes, a trend that stops once it turns into a sword.
  • Bad with the Bone: Iguamon's Mega level, WarTriassimon.
  • BFS: StarShokunimon and Sakuseimon's paintbrush-swords.
  • Big Bad: Era
  • Big Badass Bird of Prey: Kamomon, in his Ultimate and Mega forms—his Mega form is a freaking roc.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Julian towards Faris.
  • Bishoujou Line: Reimon, of all digimon-- whose gender is left completely ambiguous until she reaches Ultimate.
  • Bond Creatures: The seven digimon, the Virtue Recievers; Regenesis returns to the idea of the digimon being created specifically to partner with their human partners as opposed to meeting by chance.
  • Brutal Honesty: Julian does not believe in sugar-coating things. Most of the time.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Well, it is a Digimon fanfiction.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: The first time Forbidramon shows up, the partner digimon don't stand a chance. Likewise with Narakamon.
  • The Chosen Ones: The seven kids, the Virtue Holders.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Simon and Egakumon can't walk away from someone who needs help. Their teammates are not always so eager.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Sampamon.
  • Deadly Upgrade: Narakamon.
  • Dem Bones: Narakamon
  • Demoted to Extra: Happened to characters meant to be major, but that never made it to the story in said form; see What Could Have Been below.
  • The Determinator: All of the characters have traits of it, but battle-wise, Andrea and Rajamon take the cake.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: Quoth the Andrea: "I didn't ask for your namby-pamby boyscout input!"
  • Double Meaning Title: Depending on how you punctuate it; if written as "re:Genesis" (or any variation thereupon), it takes on the meaning "regarding the beginning", as re: means in email headers; if without the colon, as "Regenesis", it means "rebirth".
  • Dual-Wielding: Sakuseimon's twin swords
  • Eccentric Mentor: Deekamon.
  • Elemental Powers:
  • Establishing Character Moment: In his first in-person appearance, Era taunts Forbidramon, kills Reimon, and is able to freeze six Ultimate-level digimon in their tracks with the wave of a hand.
  • Everything's Better with Dinosaurs: Iguamon and his higher forms
  • Everything's Even Worse with Sharks: Pointedly averted with Delfinimon's higher forms.
  • Extendable Arms: Deekamon's Extend Arm attack.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Every of Reimon's form above, well, Reimon; Ichimon has a Third Eye in the middle of its forehead, Nimon has one giant eye in the middle of its chest, and Sanmon has an eye on each palm and on its abdomen.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Era.
  • Fearless Undead: Narakamon, which is stated to have no instinct outside of battle, and will thus fight until it literally falls apart. This is fitting, considering that it's the dark digivolution of Rajamon, who shares the virtue of bravery with his partner.
  • Female Monster Surprise: A number of large or scary digimon end up being female, most notably SkullGreymon that Toby and Julian face down with in chapter eighteen and Reimon and her higher forms, as revealed in chapter 20.
  • Five-Man Band: Though a number share duties.
    • The Hero: Simon, naturally—hot-blooded and driven by his ideals
    • The Lancer: Alternates between Andrea and Julian; Andrea butts heads with Simon, where Julian just thinks he's obnoxious and has no reservations about telling him so.
    • The Big Guy: Andrea, who runs into battle head-first and has the most powerful partner pound for pound.
    • The Smart Guy: Julian, the stoic strategist, shares duty with Faris, who's snarky and sarcastic but is revealed to be kind of a tech geek.
    • The Chick: Emily, who's cheerful and happy—if a bit ditzy—with a subtle touch of iron, and Toby, who tries to keep the others from murdering one another.
    • The Sixth Ranger: Lukas, not appearing until after the 20-chapter mark.
  • The Four Gods: The five Sovereigns (including Huanglongmon) keep control over Yggdrasil, and their unanimous will is what drives it. It's in the air whether or not they will appear in-person later.
  • Four Eyes, Zero Soul: Era.
  • Four Is Death: Though Word of God is that it will never appear in-story, Reimon's Mega form, Shimon, was meant to invoke this—hence its naming scheme.
  • Friendly Playful Dolphin: Delfinimon.
  • Genki Girl: Emily has shades thereof.
  • Genre Savvy: Forbidramon seems to be perfectly aware he's the villain almost every time he shows up, and really delights in making snide comments about typical hero behavior.
  • God-Emperor: Era.
  • Goggles Do Nothing: In keeping with the tradition, Simon wears a pair over his hat.
  • The Gunslinger: Kamomon as Kaizokumon.
  • The Heart: Toby and Lammon get relegated to this role more than once.
  • Heroic Dolphin: Delfinimon. She is one of the heroes' partners, after all.
  • Heroic RROD: Narakamon, in true Digimon fashion.
  • Hidden Elf Village: The Flora-Palmon village, one of the first locations the kids encounter. They make a point of simply hiding from Era's agents until one of their leaders becomes one.
  • Honor Before Reason: Simon's M.O., and by extension, Egakumon's.
  • Hot-Blooded: Simon and Egakumon. Frequently.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: Well, more accurately, the main humans are good people, it's just that Era's not so much.
  • Idiot Hero: Simon and Egakumon are enthusiastic, but aren't so hot in the book-smarts area. Running headlong into a wall, anyone?
  • Image Song: As stated above, there's a section of the site dedicated to the author's selection of songs assigned to characters to follow on the series' trend of massive amounts of image songs.[2]
  • Improbable Weapon User: Egakumon and his paintbrush, though by the time he reaches StarShokunimon, it becomes an unusual scabbard.
  • Killed Off for Real: The fate of digimon whose digicores are destroyed; Dobermon is one such example.
  • King of Beasts: Even though Rajamon is predominantly a tiger, the second he hits his Mega form... consider the mane and the name (ImperialBaghamon). Yeah.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The first seven chapters are a fairly standard "go around, each digimon reaches its next form" procession. And then Forbidramon shows up, curbstomps the team into the dirt, and holds his ground against seven Ultimate-levels—in fact, he's not defeated until Era himself to put a stop to the battle and make things even worse.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Usually courtesy of Julian or Faris.
    • At one point, when it's revealed that all of the human characters have at least tenuous connections to one city in the real world, Julian remarks that it "feels like the premise for a kids' show"; in later chapters he makes a point of using the phrase "Saturday morning cartoon moral".
    • This exchange:

Faris: You know, every movie I've ever seen says that going in there will get me killed.
Delfinmon: Still going in, yeom?

Faris: Duh.

    • The narration's occasional tendency to stick in an "Of course." whenever something bad happens at an inopportune time.
    • Regarding all of the Proxy Areas thus far shown being caves:

Rajamon: I'm getting tired of caves.
Iguamon: I'd love to see you come up with a better way to connect areas.
Rajamon: Just feels like some architect of the digital world was getting lazy, y'know?

  • La Résistance: The main group, in a way; taking it further, the partners, Deekamon, and (very roughly) a full fourth of the Digital World form a very loose sort of resistance group against Era.
  • The Lifestream: Yggdrasil, the world tree at the core of the Digital World, is the location from which all data is born and to which all data goes. Except for digimon who have their digicores destroyed.
  • Light Is Good: Lammon.
  • Master of Illusion: Magoriamon, a minor villain.
  • The Maze: The Proxy Areas tend to have something to trip up those trying to pass through; however, the first seen (between the Wide Forest and the Great Ocean) is the most traditional maze.
  • Meaningful Name: In addition to being a Shout-Out to The Lion King, the monkey digimon that helps the seventh child in the flashback chapter 23 is named Rafikmon—derived from rafiki, meaning friend.
  • Mind Rape: It's implied that Era did this to Lukas and Sampamon in order to use their core data as a basis for Forbidramon and Reimon. In fact, it's explicitly stated that it's not More Than Mind Control.
  • Monster of the Week: Frequently.
  • Mook Lieutenant: Forbidramon, explicitly in charge of the Agents.
  • My Favorite Shirt: Simon loves his beanie hat. Do not mess with Simon's beanie hat. Do not attempt to remove Simon's beanie hat.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: While very few characters are human, Reimon is as good as this for the human-esque Forbidramon. Even compared to the other digimon it acts very strangely, rarely speaks, and behaves almost as Forbidramon's pet and once it reaches Champion level, steed.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Deekamon. Eccentric and skittish, and constantly contradicting himself, has been all but confirmed to know more than he says (to the point of contradicting himself about "not knowing things" within five minutes of two statements). Oh, yeah, and he's (probably) a Mega level, and Era considers him a remarkable threat.
  • Panthera Awesome: Rajamon—a tiger, a fire-wielder, pound-for-pound probably the strongest of the partner digimon, and courageous to a fault.
  • Parrot Pet Position: Sampamon's preferred mode of transport is to hitch a ride draped on Luke's shoulders.
  • Physical God: The Five Sovereigns, and to an extent, Yggdrasil. In the latter's case, Yggdrasil is implied to be alive but not sentient. It is the ultimate power, but only acts to carry the (unanimous) will of the five sovereigns.
  • Pirate: Kaizokumon.
  • The Power of Trust: Toby and Lammon's Virtue.
  • Precision F-Strike: Chapter 22 contains what the author has said will be the only swear word used by a character:

Forbidramon: If you touch her, I'll fucking kill you.

  • Rascally Rabbit: Egakumon, from time to time.
  • Raptor Attack: Iguamon and his higher forms, particularly his Champion form, Velocimon.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Andrea is the red oni to Julian's blue oni, and their partners are much the same in relation to eachother.
  • Red Right Hand: Forbidramon (but actually, it's his left hand that's red, arharhar). If the circumstances of his appearance didn't tip a reader off that he's a villain, the fact that one hand is cybernetic and the other is monstrous and red might help.
  • Sad Clown: Faris and Delfinimon show signs of this.
  • Samurai: Sakuseimon, Egakumon's mega form.
  • Samus Is a Girl: surprisingly, it's Reimon!
  • Save Both Worlds: It's heavily implied by Wisemon in chapter 8 that Era intends to use the power of Yggdrasil to cross over to the real world, mobilizing the digimon under his control as an army.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Egakumon's Ultimate and Mega forms. His champion level, Shokunimon, comes close, with a neckerchief of asskicking.
  • Schedule Slip: Not too horrible, as the author tends to "make up" for updates he misses, but the phrase usually operative when he mentions his update schedule: "Real life takes precedent."
  • Scottish English: Implied by some of Kamomon-as-Kaizokumon's speech patterns. It waits to be seen if the trend continues into his higher forms. It does.
  • Shout-Out:
  • The Sixth Ranger: Lukas and Sampamon; the search for them motivates much of the plot of the first half of the story.
  • The Smart Guy: Julian fairly quickly becomes the team strategist, being able to think quick and adapt to changes in battle.
  • Super Smoke: Reimon and Lammon, standing on exact opposite ends of the morality scale; later, the minor villain Magoriamon picks up the slack.
  • Team Mama Bear: Lammon shows signs of it.
  • Technical Pacifist: Lammon and Toby both.
  • Ten-Minute Retirement: Andrea and Rajamon don't have much choice but to go into one after the Narakamon fight, which results in Rajamon being temporarily forced down to his lowest non-digitama form.
  • Text Message to Adventure: The kids receive their call to adventure in the form of an empty text message, in a bit of a nod to Frontier's methods of calling the children to the Digital World[3]
  • Two Girls to a Team
  • The Quiet One: Julian and especially Iguamon, while Toby and Lammon have shades of it in a 'shy' way. For the villainous side, Reimon.
  • The Stoic: Julian and Iguamon, often to the irritation of their teammates.
  • Trapped in Another World: The kids, and it's implied that Era himself is from a third outside world. What this means when Era turns out to be at least superficially human is up for debate.
  • Trickster Mentor: Deekamon, who's of... questionable sanity.
  • True Companions: The partner digimon, from the start; eventually enough, their human partners follow suit.
  • Undying Loyalty: All of the digimon, but Kamomon in particular; his and Emily's Virtue is Dedication. While qualifies for the virtue by never giving up, Kamomon displays it by means of undying loyalty and dedication to his partner (sometimes to reckless ends)-- when asked by Sanmon if he would follow her even if he believed she was wrong, he replied that he would.
  • Verbal Tic: Delfinimon's 'yeom', which she sticks at the ends of sentences, and she keeps it regardless of form. Faris remarks at one point that it's incredibly weird to see Shayumon (her champion-level form, a giant shark) still ending her sentences in 'yeom'.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Forbidramon slips into one at the end of chapter 21, not taking it well when Sanmon turns on him.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Era, apparently—he has a multitude of willing servants (Word of God is that for every one ally the heroes find, there are twenty Agents lurking around) and has three-fourths of the Digital World under his direct control. He must be doing something right.
  • Wham! Line: Chapter 22 has two, both of which reveal important characters' identities:
    • "Is it just the Virtue going to your head, or does your dedication to it override your loyalty to me?"
    • "SAMPAMON!"
  • What Could Have Been: According to Word of God, Delfinimon was originally going to be a male parrot digimon named Loromon, and an eighth team-member was planned with an ice-powered monkey partner, Tumbilimon. Neither of these ever got past the planning stages, but Loromon and one of Tumbilimon's higher forms have as of present made appearances.
  • Whole-Episode Flashback: Chapter 23 is dedicated to detailing what Luke and Sampamon had been doing until their uniting with the main team.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: Toby.
  • World Tree: Yggdrasil
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Lammon.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside: Not quite so much as the time dilation used in Digimon Adventure, but the Digital World has an exchange rate of one unit of Earth time = 10 units of Digital time. Meaning the kids have been completely missing, from Real World perspective, for at least a few days.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: How Forbidramon and Reimon meet their end.
  1. the author can't make up his mind; it started as once a week, briefly had a stint in updating once every two weeks, and has just been announced as going back to weekly updates
  2. Each human and each digimon has a song, plus a duet between them. ... Plus a number of songs chosen for thematic reasons. ... Plus a song for the humans as a group, a song for the digimon as a group, and a song for the entire group. ... Plus a song for Era, a song for Deekamon, and a duet for Era and Deekamon.
  3. though from there it takes the Digimon Adventure approach of whisking them away immediately, whether they like it or not