Demon Blade/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Michiko - Sweet little Daddy's Girl who's also a Violently Protective Girlfriend? Or disturbed Yandere who's into Hot-Blooded guys due to an Electra Complex?
  • Complete Monster: Every other monk of the Faustian Cult has a valid reason for being a part of it, but it's pretty obvious that Vlad's only in it for the thrill of maiming and killing people.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
    • Although Dibi didn't place in the popularity poll, he has had the honor of spawning the comic's very first meme. (See Memetic Mutation below)
    • Natsuki, who'd only made four appearances up to that point, all short and unimportant, made it into the top 3 on the first character popularity poll. A position Diablo himself couldn't make. I repeat, Natsuki was more popular than the main character during the first year.
    • Jack, who hasn't been mentioned since the third chapter, is apparently up there with Carl and Michiko in terms of popularity.
  • Genius Bonus: Diablo makes a pun about swordplay being his "forte" in an omake strip. The "forte" is the base of a blade in fencing terminology.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The omake strip parodying Sassy Gay Friend featured relatively subtle Product Placement. A few months later, the actual Sassy Gay Friend show would start advertising MiO at the end of each episode.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Diablo's flashback to the night of his father's murder is quite the Tear Jerker.
  • Memetic Mutation: A throwaway line from Dibi in a video announcing the dub became possibly the most quotable thing related to the comic. "My axe is huge", indeed.
  • Moe: As small as the comic's fanbase is, most of them adore Michiko. The author himself says she's his favorite character because of her cuteness.