COPS (animation)/Characters

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The characters list for COPS


C.O.P.S. or the Central Organization for Police Specialists is a team of the best law enforcers in the United States. C.O.P.S. was founded and lead by "Bulletproof" Vess with the expressed purposes of stopping the Big Boss and his gang's rampant control over Empire City. Each member of C.O.P.S. has a special skill, weapon and/or vehicle used to effectively stop crime in its tracks.


Real Name: Baldwin P. Vess - An FBI agent brought into Empire City by Mayor Davis to take down Big Boss and his gang of crooks. He is gravely injured after a conflict with some of the crooks. To save his life, he is given an experimental surgery which gave him a special armor plated cybernetic torso to repair his body. The torso is bulletproof (get it?), can plug into other machines and control them and contains disks that can short circuit any robot or machine the crooks have up in their arsenal. As leader of C.O.P.S., Bulletproof assigns which officers are best suited to handle a case.


Real Name: P.J. O'Malley - A patrolman born and raised in Empire City, LongArm serves as the second-in-command of C.O.P.S. He is the 10th generation of O'Malleys to be a police officer and is a very firm believer in the law. He can detain or capture criminals using a device on his arm that fires out a single handcuff attached to a thin but strong cable (his "powercuffs").


Real Name: Donny Brooks - A rookie patrolman and LongArm's partner before C.O.P.S. is formed, Hardtop along with Mainframe were not initially part of the team. They proved themselves to Bulletproof on the C.O.P.S. first case and became official members. With his highly skilled driving, Hardtop now drives the "Ironsides", an armored assault vehicle with an external machine gun area.


Real Name: Tina Cassidy - A rookie officer who works as a police dispatcher. Mainframe along with Hardtop were not initially part of the team. They proved themselves to Bulletproof on the C.O.P.S. first case and became official members. Mainframe has a genius level IQ and is very adept with technology. Her high tech skills become a very crucial part in the C.O.P.S. cases.


Real Name: Colt Howards - Originally a member of the Philadelphia S.W.A.T. team, Mace is very skilled weapons expert and can contain the toughest situations single-handedly. He is rarely ever seen without his trusty laser bazooka.


Real Name: David E. Harlson - Originally a member of the California highway patrol officer for the SFPD, Highway rides the "Bluestreak" motorcycle, the fastest vehicle in the C.O.P.S.' arsenal. Because of the "Bluestreak's" speed, Highway often cuts the crooks off before they can escape.

Bowser and Blitz

Bowser's Real Name: Rex Pointer - Originally members of the Chicago PD's K-9 Unit, Bowser, is an expert animal handler with an interest in dogs and Blitz is Bowser's cybernetic canine partner that is very intellegent and can think like a human being. Blitz was once a normal dog, but, like Bulletproof, he had to be be rebuilt into a cyborg after a near fatal accident.


Real Name: Stan Bach - Origionally a cop from Detroit, Barricade often worked as a crowd control officer and also has skills as a negotiator for peaceful resolutions. He wears riot gear on patrol and uses the "MULE", a streamlined battering ram that can launch its head, to peacefully detain crooks and knock down doors and walls.


Real Name: Walker Calhoun - A former Texas ranger, Sundown is a quick and gifted gunslinger, keeping a pair of pistols at his sides when needed. He also is proficient with a lasso.


Real Name: Suzie Young - Mirage is an officer origionally from San Fancisco where she acted as mostly on undercover missions. A master of disguise, Mirage is able to spy on the crooks unnoticed.


Real Name: Hugh S. Forward (tv show) / Hugh S. Sikorsky (comics) - An ace helicopter pilot from the Miami PD, Bullseye flies the "Air Raid" a two-cockpit helicopter with twin machine guns. With the "Air Raid", Bullseye is as skilled in hunting down and capturing crooks as he is doing aerial reconnicense.

Big Boss' Gang (The Crooks)

The Big Boss' Gang are some of Empire City's most nefarious criminals. Like the C.O.P.S., the members of Big Boss' Gang brings a special skill, weapon and/or vehicle used to commit their crimes.

The Big Boss

Real Name: Brandon Babel - Big Boss is the source of most of the crime caused in Empire City. With no legitimate business practices as fronts or legitimate wealth from his fortune, Brandon Babel's identity as the Big Boss is obvious. He does very little to hide it, going as far as to extort the mayor and threaten the city publicly. He is also rarely seen without his servant Squeeky Kleen and partially mechanical pet weasel Scratch.


Real Name: Barney L. Fatheringhouse - The nephew of the Big Boss, Berserko is an above-average crook who, while lucky at times, is psychotic, foolhardy and terribly incompetent. Because of this, he is imprisoned more than any other crook in Big Boss' inner circle. Twin handguns are his weapon of choice and he often rides the "Jail Bird" air speeder.

Dr. BadVibes and Buzzbomb

Dr. BadVibes' Real Name: Percival Cranial - Mad Scientist, Dr. BadVibes used to work for the Comtrex corporation, before he was fired for stealing. He joined Big Boss' gang almost immediately and proved his use almost as quickly. A gifted inventor, Dr. BadVibes inventions usually aid in the plans of the crooks. R2D2 Buzzbomb is BadVibes robot assistant who communicates with him with various beeps and whistles. He is very intelligent and emotional, often bribing his creator for help with his inventions and capers. Buzzbomb can also turn his hands into buzzsaws.

Buttons McBoomBoom

Real Name: Constantine Saunders - The Big Boss's personal bodyguard and hitman, McBoomBoom is an old-school gangster with a cold personality, and a hatred for bugs. His signature weapons are machine guns, a tommy gun he keeps in a violin case and two machine guns that are cybernetically implanted in his chest.

Rock Krusher

Real Name: Edmund Scarry - Unlike most crooks, Rock Krusher likes being in jail, but when the Big Boss is in need of his services, he can easily break out. Rock Krusher is incredibly strong and resistant to harm. His tool of the trade is a jackhammer.

Ms. Demeanor

Real Name: Stephanie Demeanor - Ms. Demeanor is an ugly, callous, musclebound crook who is as strong (if not stronger) than Rock Krusher, picking large items and punching through walls with little effort. She also is armed with a pistol whenever the situation requires it.

Turbo Tu-Tone

Real Name: Ted Stavely - Turbo Tu-Tone is Big Boss' personal getaway driver and auto mechanic. He is able to drive and control any vehicle, though he mostly drives the "Roadster", a drag racer with an external machine gun area.


Real Name: Rafaella Diamond - Nightshade was from a very rich family, but was disowned when she turned herself to a life of crime. She now is an expert cat burglar on the Big Boss' payroll, but she isn't too chummy with him and is only in his racket for the potential monetary gain.

Squeeky Kleen

Real Name: Dirk McHugh - The Big Boss' personal servant, Squeeky Kleen has a special microphone attached to his ear where he can only hear the words of Big Boss. He is almost always by the Big Boss' side, rarely working on the plans with the other crooks.