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Characters that appeared in Tite Kubo's Bleach. There are so many that they occupy eight pages. This page is for all of the present members of the Gotei 13 / 13 Court Guard Squads.

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WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Squad 1

Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Ryūjin Jakka

Captain of the first squad and leader of the Gotei 13, he's one of the most powerful characters in the whole series. A sage-looking old man who doesn't speak a lot, he also founded the Soul Reaper Academy and strongly believes in the rules. His Zanpakuto is named Ryujin Jakka.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Commandant General and therefore obviously stronger than other captains.
  • Badass Boast: Chapter 483, shortly after the Vandenreich note the lax security of the head captains office: "I am here. There is no better security than this."
  • Badass Grandpa: Get off his lawn or he'll set your punk ass on fire. Seal his zanpakuto's powers and he'll tear you a new asshole with his bare hands.
  • Badass Beard
  • Bald of Awesome: Very, very awesome indeed.
  • Berserk Button: Question the laws of Soul Society, and he'll give you a stern look and maybe a sterner lecture. Defy the laws of Soul Society openly, and he'll burn you out of existence.
    • He's gotten a new one, he won't mind if it gets damaged, he won't mind if it's destroyed, but you should never ever ever lose your captain's haori.
    • And now we have his biggest one yet. Harm, cripple, or even worse -- kill Sasakibe. Ever since then, the man has been in a constant state of Tranquil Fury. Eeeeep.
  • Big Good: A major contender, among the few that can match the Big Bad in raw strength and top-tier power level, but it's rare for him to provide any help at all to the Gotei 13 or to Ichigo's gang.
    • However, he was the founder of the Gotei 13 (at an unknown time, though) and the Shinigami Academy 2,100 years ago, and he's been the Captain-Commander for 1000 years.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows
  • Black and Gray Morality: His direction of Soul Society.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Reduce All Creation to Ash - Ryujin Jakka!" ("All Things In The Universe Turn to Ashes - Ryujin Jakka!" in the English dub).
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Ikkotsu!", "Sōkotsu!", "Jōkaku Enjō!", "Taimatsu!", "Ennetsu Jigoku!", various Kido spells.
  • Cane Sword: Ryujin Jakka's sealed form.
  • The Captain
  • Cassandra Did It: When Yamamoto confronts Mayuri about the steps Mayuri's taken to counter the Vandenreich's potentially world-unbalancing activities, he briefly tries to pin the blame for the extent of the problem on Mayuri and his division's competence level. Mayuri retaliates by pointing out the only one to blame is Yamamoto himself for ignoring Mayuri's Cassandra Truth two years beforehand as paranoia when it was Yamamoto's own fault for not killing the cause of the problem years ago. Yamamoto's forced to back down.
  • Cool Old Guy: To an extent.
  • Combat Pragmatist
  • Crippling Overspecialization: According to Aizen.
  • Eccentric Mentor: A sterner version.
  • Eyes Always Shut: That pic above is from a rare moment!
  • Good Is Not Nice: And that's putting it mildly.
    • He gets a little better.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Many of them.
  • Grumpy Old Man
  • Handicapped Badass: Loses an arm after casting a powerful kido against Aizen. This doesn't seem to have affected his ability to verbally tear three captains a new one over losing their captain's haoris. Ukitake even comments that despite having lost an arm Yamamoto's still the most powerful in Soul Society.
  • James Bondage: Spectacularly subverted in the Zanpakutou filler arc. People thought that he had been captured and sealed inside a powerful kido barrier, but it turns out that he sealed himself in willingly to keep Muramasa from getting at his memories.
  • Knight Templar: To a certain extent. This guy is generally a good guy, but he has HIGH respect for the laws of Soul Society, and will kick anyone's ass for daring to defy them.
  • Mundane Utility: He uses Ryujin Jakka's flames to cook and bake.
  • Nightmare Face: With a tinge of Tranquil Fury.
  • Not So Different: During his fight with Ukitake and Shunsui, he admits that while their methods are different and, at the time, conflicting with each other, their goals (upholding justice) are the same.
  • Orcus on His Throne: He never really seems to do much. He's done one thing of consequence in the entire series, which was save Matsumoto and Hinamori from Allon, and even then he complained the whole time. A case might be made for him sealing Aizen in a barrier at the beginning of the fight, but there was really no reason to have done that, because Aizen was perfectly willing to stand there looking pretty while the Espada had their battles, as he demonstrated shortly after when the barrier was extinguished.
    • There was plenty of reason to have done that (taking such a chance would have been sheer idiocy); the problem is he probably could and should have beaten the holy hell out of at least one of the Espada while Aizen and co. were out of the way. Instead, he left it to his subordinates which nearly got a lot of them killed, despite the fact that he could probably have stomped everyone on the other side. It was even worse when Aizen and the others got out and he still waited 'till the last minute, which did not turn out well for him.
  • Person of Mass Destruction
  • Playing with Fire: Includes Ring of Fire and Flaming Sword.
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Zanpakuto sealed, and facing off against an Arrancar who oneshotted one of your strongest captains? Punch it to death. He could have fought with just his sealed blade, but why do that when the former solution is much more awesome?
  • Taking You with Me: Attempted on Aizen. It didn't work due to meddling by Wonderweiss, of all people.
  • Taking the Bullet: Part of the reason his fight with Aizen goes poorly for him is that he does this, taking his own attack to prevent it from destroying everyone and everything in the area.
  • The Older Immortal: By far the oldest Soul Reaper, he is at least 2000 years old, potentially much older. There is an anime omake lampshading the fact that not only is he old-looking, he's apparently not aged since Kyoraku and Ukitake were young... er.
  • Took a Level In Kindness: Orders the Gotei 13 to pour some of their reiatsu in order to help Ichigo get back his Shinigami powers.
  • Tranquil Fury: He's been in this state since Sasakibe's death.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Yamamoto admitted that he would've allowed Kurotsuchi to kill those citizens in the Rukongai, had Kurotsuchi told him beforehand (and the reason for it).
    • It's also later revealed that the Soul Society OK'd his extermination of the Quincies, although it hasn't been revealed yet whether this was Yamamoto or Central 46, going along with it fits this for Yamamoto either way, but to be fair at the same time, it's also not hinted that Kurotsuchi was allowed to perform the horrible experiments on them.
  • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Seems to have shades of this. Expresses regret and pity on Wonderweiss before killing him. Seems to be the case that if the child is a known or experienced combatant, like Hitsugaya, or the situation warrants it, will quickly turn into Would Hurt a Child. He also surprisingly seems to get along rather well with Yachiru in some omakes.

Chojiro Tadaoki Sasakibe

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Gonryōmaru

Lieutenant of the 1st squad and... not a whole lot besides that. Virtually everything we know about him comes from the Data Books as he's someone who stays in the background and almost never fights in the manga. The first time he came to notice was when Ichigo defeated him and two other vice-captains shortly after obtaining bankai. He has the most unusual eyes in the manga: they're solid gold in colour and lack both pupils and sclera. His Zanpakuto is named Gonryomaru.

In the latest arc, he was killed by the Vandenreich during their intrusion.

  • Adaptation Dye Job: In the manga, his eyes are solid gold with neither pupils nor sclera. In the anime, he's given normal sclera and pupils, leaving him with golden irises.
  • All There in the Manual: He's so much a part of the background in the manga that most of the information comes from the databooks.
  • Barrier Warrior: Apparently. He's the one who guarded the barrier over Karakura and later opened it to let the Visoreds pull their Big Damn Heroes.
  • Battle Butler: To Yamamoto.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Bite - Gonryomaru!"
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Accessorises his right arm but not his left.
  • Foreshadowing: He wears something that looks like a captains' haori, even though he's a lieutenant. Why is that? He has Bankai, for longer than Ukitake and Kyoraku had theirs. The only reason he didn't became a captain was because of his loyalty to Yamamoto.
  • Informed Ability: Knows Bankai, and hates fighting. We only find out either of these at his funeral, as he spent none of his (admittedly minimal) screentime displaying either one.
  • Killed Off for Real: No, really. His murder showed that even good guys can die in Bleach, of all things.
  • Minor Major Character: He is the vice-captain of the prestigious first division, serving as the captain-commander's second. However, he almost never takes part in any fighting and has very few lines. He is very much Yamamoto's shadow and it's revealed this was deliberate, something he worked hard to cultivate.
  • Odd Couple: The Databooks say him and his captain make an unstoppable team, but they have differing tastes in tea, which they argue about all the time. Tea isn't the only thing they argue over. Chojiro is a fanboy of Western culture (England mainly) and dislikes Japanese culture while Yamamoto prefers Japanese culture and disapproves of Western culture.
  • Royal Rapier: His shikai transforms into a rapier. Its powers are never revealed.
  • Sacrificial Lamb: The first unambiguously good guy ever to die onscreen in the entire series.
  • Satellite Character: To Yamamoto.
  • Shock and Awe: Apparently this is his zanpakuto's power, as revealed in the Zanpakuto Unknown Tales filler arc—not that anybody knew that. His zanpakuto seems very upset that nobody realized who his owner was, though it might have something to do with him having a different weapon than his shikai as previously seen.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: He survives in the anime because it ends an episode before he would have been killed.
  • Undying Loyalty: In a similar vein to Ikkaku, it's mentioned that he could have been promoted to Captain, but he turned down the offer whenever there was a vacancy out of loyalty to Yamamoto.

Squad 2

Soi Fon

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Suzumebachi

Real name Shaolin Fon, is the overly strict captain of the 2nd squad. She is also a Ninja, in case you don't know. Her speciality, other than super quick attack, is her two-hit kill as featured by her Zanpakuto, Suzumebachi. She has a history together with Yoruichi and highly respects her, even to this day... to the point that it's taken for comedy, (but we love it anyway). That said, she may be super-efficient and cold when it comes to her job, but when alone and subjected to anything Yoruichi (or black cats in general)... she gets googly-eyed.

Marechiyo Omaeda

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Gegetsuburi

The slow and large cocky tough guy counterpart to Sui-Fon and her lieutenant. He comes from a rich family as well. His Zanpakuto is Gegetsuburi.

Marenoshin Omaeda

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Father to Marechiyo and lieutenant to Yoruichi, Marenoshin retired from his position and fathered four children (two daughters; two sons), living in a luxurious lifestyle typical of aristocrats.

  • All There in the Manual: Everything we know about him was revealed in the Masked databook.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: In an after-episode segment and manga omake, we get our first glimpse of Marenoshin when Marechiyo introduced the Omaeda family to Ichigo and Rukia. In particular, Marenoshin now has darker and curlier brown hair, along with a pair of sunglasses, extra weight and tons of jewellery.
  • Generation Xerox: The Omaeda clan makes its living out of being, traditionally, members of the Stealth Force. Marenoshin, in the meantime, was the lieutenant to the same division as his son. They even share the same birthday, height, weight and fashion sense (right down to the same purple collar in their Shihakusho, but Marenoshin had curly brown as opposed to Marechiyo's black.
  • Informed Ability: Said to be stronger than his son.
  • Smug Super: Subverted. He's a stereotypically overweight noblemen, but he retains an unusually cheerful disposition.

Squad 3

Rojuro Otoribashi

Was reinstated as captain sometime after the defeat of Aizen for more information see Bleach 2.2

Izuru Kira

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Wabisuke

Squad 3's lieutenant. He graduated the Soul Reaper Academy along with Renji and Hinamori and was later assigned under Gin Ichimaru. After Ichimaru's betrayal, he occasionally joins Matsumoto in drinking sessions. His Zanpakuto is Wabisuke. During the Vandenreich arc, we learn the names and faces of his subordinates - Riku Togakushi (3rd Seat), Taketsuna Gori (5th Seat) and Asuka Katakura (6th Seat), as well as the names of their Zanpakuto - Shunjin, Mogaribue and Katakage.

Chikane Iba

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Mother to Tetsuzaemon and the lieutenant to Rojuro Otoribashi, Chikane seemed to be a particularly naggy and old-looking woman.

  • All There in the Manual: Everything we know about her was revealed in the Masked databook.
  • Badass: Implied, since, hey, she was a lieutenant.
  • Jerkass: Her own son even called her a bitch-hag.

Squad 4

Retsu Unohana

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Minazuki

The extremely gentle and motherly captain of the 4th Squad. Despite her calm and motherly outlook, Unohana happens to be one of the oldest Captains in the Gotei 13 and has been around presumably since the beginning of the formation of the Gotei 13, and has led her squad ever since. Not only that, she hides an extremely scary Battle Aura that makes even the most Badass Shinigami go weak in the knees when imagining her wrath. This is even more evident whenever other squads start bullying her squad, whereas a slight glare is enough to send the bullies pissing their pants.

Being one of the senior captains, Unohana harbors great wisdom and perception, and prefers supporting from behind. In fact, she is the only one to notice that something amiss when Aizen 'died' and was able to catch up with him and correctly identify him as a traitor, which prompts him to reveal his trickery... and run off instead of taking her out. She has reappeared in the Hueco Mundo arc, stating her purpose is to heal, but even that's enough to scare the Arrancar Execution Squad shitless. She then heals Chad and Privaron Espada Gantenbainne Mosqueda. Her Zanpakuto is Minazuki.

  • Aya Hisakawa: Her seiyuu.
  • Action Mom: Skirts the trope as she treats her protegé and her squad as if they were her children. We still haven't seen her in action, though, but if others are terrified at the mere thought of fighting her...
  • Berserk Button: Bully her squad, and this is pressed. Though she still looks so damn calm when angry. Being forgotten? Shunsui worries about getting on her bad side when he forgets she's one of the original captains.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Acts nice and all, but a mere slight annoyance on her eyes is said to scare the whole fight-happy Squad 11. Not to mention merely forgetting to mention her brings fear to even Shunsui and Ukitake, TWO senior captains.
    • Not even The Ax Crazy Kenpachi will challenge her.
    • Or Aizen of all people.
    • Even Kurotsuchi is hesitant to mess with her...and he's borderline INSANE.
    • Bilingual Bonus: Retsu, her given name, translates to "violent" in Japanese.
    • And, seen here we can count even Ichigo among the people fearing her.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Various Kido spells.
  • Covert Pervert: In the Beach Episode, Isane complains about being offered an extremely skimpy swimsuit. Unohana forces her to wear it.
  • The Dreaded: A Comedic example—Although we haven't been shown why, this is the effect that she has on pretty much the whole of the Soul Reapers. It has, as such, become somewhat of a Running Gag.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: Even the Visoreds, when they were once Shinigami, say that her wrath is worse than Yamamoto's Bankai.
  • Giant Flyer: Her shikai makes Minazuki transform into a gigantic, flying manta for transportation.
  • Hiroko Kasahara: Her live-action musical actress.
  • Hot Mom: While she's been around for hundreds of years, she physically appears this way.
  • Informed Ability: But we never get to see her fight despite all those.
    • As of episode 325 (a filler episode to be fair) we've seen her in action against her reigai. While several characters have used Kido without incantation they're usually low level, Unohana can do it with kido in the 80's range!
  • Kate Higgins: English VA.
  • Mama Bear: Go on, bully her squadmates when she's around.
  • Older Than They Look: Being one of the original captains, she is almost as old as Yamamoto, yet appears to be in her 30s. Note that Yamamoto, despite not looking like he's 2000 years old, does have a clearly elderly appearance.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • Somebody Else's Problem: Doesn't lift a finger to stop Aizen from entering the real Karakura Town after he beats all of the other Soul Reapers. She is healing Hiyori, but stopping Aizen is more than a little important.
  • Team Mom: She definitely invokes this trope with her squadron, whom treats like her own children.
  • The Medic: The Captain of a whole squad of them.
  • When She Smiles: She does look very cute, but she generally scares the life out of everyone when she does, especially if she's had to repeat herself.
  • World's Most Beautiful Woman: Word of God says she's the most gorgeous woman in all Soul Society.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: According to the Bootleg, she epitomises the ideal Japanese woman.
  • You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: People would rather take on Yamamoto's Bankai than anger her.

Isane Kotetsu

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Itegumo

She is the lieutenant of Squad 4. Isane is the older sister of Squad 13 co-lieutenant Kiyone Kotetsu. She is very conscious of her height. Her Zanpakuto is Itegumo.

Seinosuke Yamada

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Brother to Hanataro and the former lieutenant to Unohana, Seinosuke was reputed to have a "Bad character", but made up for it through his loyalty to Unohana. His current status is unknown.

Hanataro Yamada

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Hisagomaru

A weak shinigami, but a dutiful one. He meets Rukia while she's imprisoned and soon they become friends. Later teams up with Ichigo and Ganju Shiba as they head to save her. His Zanpakuto is Hisagomaru.

Squad 5

Shinji Hirako

Was reinstated as captain sometime after the defeat of Aizen for more information see Bleach 2.2

Momo Hinamori

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Tobiume

Lieutenant of Squad 5, and a childhood friend of Hitsugaya who apparently was raised with him. She's a sweet, determined, hard-working, enthusiastic and very popular girl. Her Zanpakuto is Tobiume.

  • Action Girl: Specially in Filler, where she defeated her Face Heel Turned Zanpakuto.
  • Badass Bookworm: The data books says she's an accomplished artist and loves to read.
  • Berserk Button: Mention Aizen's betrayal within earshot, and she'll attack ANYONE who said it, including her Zanpakutou that she formerly tried to convert kindly.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Once attacked her longtime friend Izuru Kira because she thought his captain, Ichimaru Gin, killed her captain. And at other time, she also attacked her own Zanpakuto when she pressed her Berserk Button.
  • Break the Cutie: Maybe one of the most heartbreaking examples in recent shonen manga, especially considering what happens to her in chapter 392.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Yes, she of all people pulls one by saving Matsumoto from three arrancar with her shikai, then creating a massive explosion using her kido abilities, although still not fully recovered from the deception of her captain.
  • Broken Bird
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Snap - Tobiume!"
  • Childhood Friend: with Hitsugaya. They were both raised by the same old woman whom they call "grandmother".
  • Combat Pragmatist: Has no problem with laying a Kido net around the battlefield before appearing, then setting it on fire when the enemy gets caught in it.
  • Genki Girl: Before she breaks.
  • Girlish Pigtails: As a youngster and an Academy student. --> Odango Hair: As a Lieutenant.
  • Heroic BSOD: "Shiro-chan... I don't... I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE IN ANYMORE!" Word of God has indicated the time-skip (specifically Shinji resuming his position as fifth squad captain) has been good for her.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Twice. Once by Aizen, then by Hitsugaya under the influence of Aizen's shikai.OUCH. Three times, actually—Kyoraku landed a hit on her heart with the help of some shadows before Hitsugaya got in on it.
  • Lovely Angels: With Matsumoto.
  • Playing with Fire: Tobiume's main power.
  • The Ophelia: When at her lowest point.
  • Rescue Romance: When she, Renji, Kira and Shuhei were still students, Aizen and Gin rescued them from being killed by a huge Hollow. He then petted Momo's head affectionately and told her she had done a good job (she had tried to fight it with Shuhei, before Gin and Renji came to help). Predictably and understandably, Momo fell in love with Aizen, which made her liable to his More Than Mind Control.
  • Talking to Herself: Kumi Sakuma voiced both the Moe Momo and the bad-tempered Apache from Harribel's Fraccion. Sui-Fon, and Momo are voiced by Karen Strassman, but since the two characters never actually interact at any point this trope is averted.
  • Two Guys and a Girl: With Renji and Kira.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Practically a "triumphant" example.
  • Weak but Skilled: Momo knows she's got no super strength or raw power, but uses what she already has (more exactly, her high efficency with kido) in rather versatile combinations.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In the anime, she calls out Byakuya Kuchiki over his treatment of Renji. Too bad he doesn't listen.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Spunkier, less willowy and shorter than the standard, but is still gentle and deeply devoted to her people. Unfortunately, with these good traits come some not so good ones.
  • Yandere: Once she's really mad and has a blank stare in her eyes, do NOT cross the girl's way. In her defense, though, a good part of this comes from Aizen's decades of More Than Mind Control over her.

Squad 6

Byakuya Kuchiki

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Senbonzakura

Captain of the 6th squad, Aloof Big Brother of Rukia. He's an all around stoic Bishonen, whose stoicness is matched with his utter dedication to upholding the law and setting up a good example for the Kuchiki clan. He can be very cruel, but there is a good reason behind it as he is still pretty dedicated and protective to Rukia. He's very good at Flash Step, but can never beat Yoruichi at it. Pretty ironic that he used to be such an impulsive brat when he was young. His Zanpakuto is Senbonzakura.

  • Achilles' Heel: He doesn't allow his shikai or bankai within an 85-centimeter radius of himself. If push comes to shove, however, he can and will violate this safety bubble at high risk of self-injury.
  • Aloof Big Brother: He does have deep feelings, but is trapped in so many honor codes that he can't show his love towards others as much as he'd like.
  • Anti-Hero: Type IV-> Type III
  • Badass Long Hair: His hair isn't as long as some, but it's long enough to qualify.
  • Badass Baritone
  • Bishounen: He's one of the prettiest captains in Soul Society, as voted for by the Shinigami's Women Institute itself. Still doesn't stop him from being Badass though.
  • Be Careful What You Say: Thanks to his two conflicting vows, Byakuya learned this lesson the hard way when Rukia was given a sentence disproportionate to her crime.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Once he does allow himself to show his love of his little sister Rukia, he will kill anybody who harms her.
  • Big Fancy House: And, boy, do the Shinigami Women's Institute and Yachiru love it. He really hates that they love it, too.
  • Blood Knight: Not only does he learn he's got this instinct, but he also learns he enjoys it.
  • Bratty Half-Pint: When he was younger. Go figure.
    • Mouthy Kid: He was definitely a handful when he was a child.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Scatter - Senbonzakura!", "Bankai - Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!"
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Senkei", "Gōkei", "Shūkei: Hakuteiken", various Kido spells.
  • Cherry Blossoms: Senbonzakura breaks down into thousands or millions of tiny blades that reflect the appearance of cherry blossom petals floating on the wind.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Seaweed Ambassador just can't be a coincidence.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Characterising his early appearances, a favourite opening tactic of his was Senka, a technique which attacks the target's sources of spiritual power to strip them of their abilities completely and which more than qualified him for this. The last time he was seen using it, he used it as his closing attack against Zommari.
  • The Comically Serious: His stoic nature makes him an excellent straight man to characters like Yachiru in the omake. He can be unintentionally funny (his omake obsession with the Seaweed Ambassador results in this, as does his pride in his artwork... which is exactly like Rukia's). However, when he tries to be funny, it tends to either fail or scare people.
  • Cultured Badass
  • The Captain: Of the sixth division, which is apparently owned by the Kuchiki family. Both he and his grandfather Ginrei were the Kuchiki clan heads and 6th Squad captains. His father was neither but did become the 6th squad vice-captain under Ginrei.
  • Dan Woren
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: The end result of his shikai or bankai hitting a target.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: He can fight it all he wants, but he can't escape the truth that this is how things stand between him and Ichigo.
  • Defrosting Ice King: After the Soul Society arc as a result of the conflict between his two vows being resolved.
  • Emotion-Showing Button: Honor is a very important thing to Byakuya. He managed to hold onto his stoic demeanor until Ichigo uses his Bankai, at which point the strangeness of the Bankai pisses him right off. He takes it as a direct insult to the greatest ability of a Soul Reaper and honestly begins getting serious about the fight. Later, he vows to kill Tsukishima for the same reasons: Book of the End's brainwashing ability removes the camaraderie of an ally, and he intends on turning Tsukishima into a blood fountain for it.
  • Fake Defector: In the Zanpakuto Tales anime arc, he pretended to join sides with Muramasa, but only because he wanted to kill Muramasa's master Kouga Kuchiki who had disgraced the Kuchiki clan's honour.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Before the time-skip, he had a tendency to arrange his kenseikan in a way the ensured his hair was bound asymmetrically, flowing on the left side and held up on the right side.
  • Fingerless Gloves
  • Flash Step: His other specialty. Still can't beat Yoruichi at it, though.
  • Flower Motif: Cherry Blossom symbolism is associated with aristocracy, samurai and the transience of life. Byakuya is an aristocrat, military captain and widower who likes to uphold the samurai ideal.
  • Good Is Not Nice
  • Gray Eyes: Fits Type 2 to near-perfection.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He suffered from this into his teens before learning control and discipline. He still shows flashes of it underneath all that self-control.
  • Heel Face Turn: After the Soul Society Arc
  • Hidden Heart of Gold
  • Hot-Blooded: As a child, he was this. The signs are that it hasn't gone away, he's just learned to hide it better.
  • Indy Ploy: Uses one to defeat Tsukishima, since Tsukishima had read his memories and would have predicted any technique he tried to use.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Averted with Yachiru. She likes running around in his house (because it's biiiiig!) and he bakes snacks for her. However, it's only because he wants to get rid of her and not because he likes her. That works as well as expected.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Kick the Dog: Orders Renji to be imprisoned and refuses to let him be treated after he loses to Ichigo.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: When Byakuya asked Zommari if he was the one responsible for bringing Rukia to the verge of death, Zommari confirmed that he was not, but he was planning on taking her life. That's all Byakuya needed to hear to toss away any pretence of shinigami duty and destroy Zommari for even thinking about pointing a blade at his sister.
  • Meaningful Name: Part of his name means "white," and is often contrasted against the "black" Ichigo and the "red" Renji.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Even in-universe where the Shinigami Women's Institute voted him the sexiest male.
  • Offhand Backhand: While in Hueco Mundo, both he and Kenpachi do this to Yammy because they claim they are more interested in fighting each other.
  • Petal Power/Flechette Storm/Storm of Blades: Yes, his zanpakutou really does fit all three tropes, sometimes achieving all three at the same time.
  • Pillars of Moral Character: The reason why he can't show his feelings as openly as he'd like to. It's also the reason why he starts off looking like a villain which develops into looking like a Type III anti-hero but which is eventually revealed to be this type of character instead. See main entry.
  • The Promise: Two of them. Conflicting each other. Hanging around his neck (and Rukia's) like a noose... until finally resolved. The vows still hold, it's simply the conflict between them that's been fixed.
  • The Proud Elite: A noble and a Captain, and he comes across as cold and arrogant. However, he has a deeply engrained sense of honor and cares passionately for those few people who make their way into his heart.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: He's the Blue to Renji's Red.
  • Ryotaro Okiayu: His seiyuu.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: And it's VERY expensive
  • The Stoic: Outward persona. His inner persona is Not So Stoic. His is still a Sugar and Ice Personality as a result - at least as an adult. As a child, he hadn't yet learned to control his temper.
  • Tall, Dark, Handsome, and Snarky
  • Terrible Artist: Just like Rukia.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Death in All Directions Gokei (MawScape) Blasted with ALL of Senbonzakura Kageyoshi's blades at one time.
  • Undying Loyalty: Not even 300 years of Fake Memories of being trained by someone is enough to get him to stop killing that person if they're an enemy of Byakuya's True Companions.
  • You Have Failed Me...: To Renji. See Kick the Dog.
  • Warrior Prince: Head of one of Soul Society's most revered noble clans and a textbook example of a Cultured Badass.
  • Worthy Opponent: Apparently considers Tsukishima one, having immensely enjoyed the fight.
  • The Wise Prince: A cold, but still damn effective, variation.

Ginrei Kuchiki

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

The grandfather of Byakuya, the former captain of the 6th Division and the 27th head of the Kuchiki clan. He made his debut in Turn Back the Pendulum, and re-appeared during the Zanpakuto Unknown Tales arc, but his current status is currently unknown.

Renji Abarai

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Zabimaru

Recently-promoted Lieutenant of Squad 6, former member of Squad 5 and former 6th Seat of the 11th Division. He is the childhood friend of Rukia and forms a very close friendship bond with her, also highly respecting the captain Byakuya (yet still wanting to defeat him someday). Brash, but dedicated to his beliefs and loyal to his friends. He is also notably the next Soul Reaper, after Rukia, who eventually considers Ichigo among his True Companions, as opposed to other Reapers. While he poses a very genuine threat in the beginning, he is often hit with The Worf Effect for Soul Reapers, thus fans often accuse him as a jobber, in the same vein as Vegeta or Rock Lee. Soon after his Defeat Means Friendship Renji becomes more or less part of Ichigo's group of friends and an important main character. His Zanpakuto is Zabimaru.

Sojun Kuchiki

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Son of Ginrei, father to Byakuya and the previous lieutenant of the 6th Division. Rumor has it that he was sick, but became a lieutenant out of a sense of duty. He was buried alongside his wife, and Byakuya swore an oath to uphold every one of the Soul Society's laws, in order to please his parents.

  • All There in the Manual: His appearance, his height, his rank, his weight and his birthday were all found in the Masked databook.
  • Bishounen: What else is there to expect, from the father of Byakuya himself?
  • Generation Xerox: He looks exactly like his son.
  • Genki Guy: Smiles a lot more than his son.
  • Ill Boy: The sickness itself is unknown, though.

Ginjiro Shirogane

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

He was the previous lieutenant to Byakuya, preceding Renji by an unknown number of years. He started up his own sunglasses shop as a part-time job during his time as a lieutenant, but he resigned from his position to run the store better, supposedly because he gained more of a profit from it. His daughter, Mihane, works as the 9th Seat of the same division, and she co-owns the store with her father. The Mens' Association get their sunglasses from Shirogane, as does Renji himself.

  • All There in the Manual: The fact that he even exists, and we still don't know what he looks like.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Renji gets those sunglasses from his store. A specific pair (the one that Ichigo later broke) was outfitted with a built-in Reiatsu-detecting radar screen, which allowed Renji and Byakuya to find Rukia in Karakura.
  • The Determinator: Shirogane once sent a pair of sunglasses to Byakuya, but his ex-captain sent them back, saying that he didn't want them. Shirogane doesn't seem to care; he keeps sending sunglasses to Byakuya, anyway.
  • Nice Guy: Takes his ex-captain's indifference in stride, and even gave a discount to Renji, but it's subverted in the latter case. The prices of sunglasses are so high, that even with the discount, Renji still has problems getting the goggles that he wants.


Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

An unseated officer of the sixth division, who idolizes Renji. He breaks Hanataro outta prison so he can heal Renji, who was badly injured from his fight with Byakuya in the Soul Society arc.

  • Fan Boy: Idolizes and adores Renji, to the point that he entered the Sixth for him and even tattooed his forehead to follow his lead.
    • Undying Loyalty: Rikichi once told Renji that even if he doesn't agree with his methods, he admires his beliefs and thinks he should keep fighting for them.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: His tattoo.
  • Naive Newcomer: Seems so.
  • Nice Guy: In a way.
  • Only One Name: No surname given.

Squad 7

Sajin Komamura

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Tenken

"Don't worry. I have no doubts. My loyalty lies only in my debt to Genryūsai-sama. He took me in when I was alone because people pushed me away due to my looks. I shall repay this debt, even if it means I will be shattered into pieces. I shall have no doubts. If his greatness says ‘yes’, then even in death, I say ‘yes’!"

An anthromorphic canine, in the form of a wolf, currently the captain of the 7th squad. Komamura is at first overly sensitive about his appearance which causes him to distance himself, until he meets Kaname Tousen, who is blind and doesn't mind his outer appearance. They became fast friends and enrolled and graduated in the Shinigami Academy together. Komamura is also indebted with Genryusai Yamamoto and vowed to dedicate his life for him with utmost loyalty. He constantly covers his body with gloves and his head with a mask, just so that his fellow Shinigami do not ridicule his appearance, but eventually he abandons it. When Tousen betrays Soul Society, Komamura swears to help him open his eyes (that his betrayal is wrong).

His fight record wasn't that much impressive at first: he had an inconclusive fight with Kenpachi, but even then, Kenpachi managed to shrug off his Shikai with much ease, and he retreats his battle due to his worry towards Yamamoto. Then, Aizen easily dispatched him, and for a long time he's not put in battle, giving off the impression that he's just all bark and a weak captain. That changes when he finally shows what he is made of by literally curb stomping a Fraccion that beats up Ikkaku, who was at that time hyped to be very strong despite his low position. His Zanpakutou is Tenken.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Why he wore a mask, and why he was so quick to form a friendship with Tousen.
  • Animal Motifs: Physically, but also morally (extremely loyal).
  • Awesome but Impractical: His bankai has signs of this. Tousen notes that it's primarily designed to kill in one hit, so issues arise when it doesn't. Particularly, damaging done to it is reflected on him. It just takes a single attack from Tousen to blast a huge hole in his Bankai to bring Komamura down.
    • A Played for Laughs variant in the preview for 340. Iba grows concerned about Komamura's use of Bankai, as it could end up exhausting 7th Division's repair budget. Made worse by the fact that since Komamura's bankai draws the most attention, the other Divisions will blame 7th division for ALL of the damage caused by the battles with the reigai. Which causes Komamura to grow concerned as well.
  • BFS: By far the winner of this trope, though he doesn't wield it himself.
  • Big Badass Wolf: Defines this trope. Not a fox, despite what his red fur would suggest.
  • The Big Guy
  • Blessed with Suck: He's also vulnerable to the damage inflicted on his bankai. Also, unless he hits and takes out his target in one swing with his bankai, he's vulnerable.
  • Blind and the Beast: His friendship with Tousen is based on this. So of course Tousen just has to call him ugly upon gaining sight. And then he apologizes before dying.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Roar - Tenken!", "Bankai - Kokujō Tengen Myō'ō!"
  • The Captain
  • Comically Missing the Point: Seems to be prone to this. In #298, his response to Ichigo saying that Iba doesn't fit the image of the main character is that he didn't think the suit was designed as well as he thought it could have been. In #326, he responds to Zaraki to not worry, and he's tough. (the problem here was Zaraki was pissed that he interrupted his fight.)
    • In the JUMP festival omake, Komaura's response to Iba asking him for advice on how to make the drawing of him (due to Iba's drawing skils, is a cute cartoony wolf) look mighty and powerful, is to recommend he adds "woof" ("ruff" in the Viz translation) next to it.
  • Convenient Coma: He stays in one for almost the entire Zanpaktou filler arc after he gets TKOed by Tenken in the arc's first episode.
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Defeated Poww, who had himself curb stomped Ikkaku, with a single hit from his Bankai. When he fights Tousen, it's even hinted that it's his usual way of fighting.
  • Dramatic Unmask: Loses his helmet saving Tousen's life when he tries blocking Kenpachi's sword with his arm bracers, but due to the force behind the blow the sword cuts into his helmet and breaks it apart.
  • Eyes of Gold: Komamura is an anthropomorphic wolf and his golden eyes reflect his supernatural, animalistic nature.
  • Funny Animal: He's this rather than Petting Zoo People.
  • Furry Confusion: He is an anthropomorphic canine... that owns a pet dog...?
  • Gentle Giant: Owns a pet dog named Gorou, takes them out for walk in his free time, and is one of the more amiable Captains when it comes to arranging his squad. He also likes watching pet shows whenever he can. According to Hitsugaya, he personally pays for any collateral damage he or his subordinates cause. Though in the chapter 328 volume sketch, he's seen commenting that he'll only be able to feed his dog Goro okara (soy pulp) for the month due to all the damage he caused during his fight with Poww, as well as apologizing to him for it.
    • Seems to be good with kids as well. During the shinigami golden segment for episode 83, it seemed he was about to let Yachiru draw on his face even though he just got his fur done.
  • Incorruptible Pure Pureness: He's arguably one of the only truly good Shinigami captains in the Gotei 13.
  • I Owe You My Life: His source of devotion with Yamamoto.
    • He also takes a moment to thank Ichigo for his failed attack on Aizen, as Komamura was about to blindly attack Aizen out of anger, which probably would have gotten him killed.
  • Large and In Charge
  • Lions and Tigers and Humans, Oh My!
  • Made of Iron: He gets up from wounds that knock him down fairly quickly. After taking Aizen's Black Coffin attack, he simply wanders off refusing medical attention, despite taking an attack that appears to have hit him from every possible angle hard enough to shatter all the armor he was wearing. And later he gets a massive, gaping hole in his chest and he's up and about the next chapter.
    • Let's not forget the battle against Poww, Poww punches him a huge distance back, sending him crashing though buildings of the fake Karakura Town. Later we see he shunpos back quickly, and guess what? Not a single scratch on him!
    • Even though he lost an arm, and a slashed waist included, in his second fight against Aizen and screamed in pain. He tried attacking Aizen one more time before Aizen was able to own him again. Unfortunately, Aizen parried and then slashed him further.
    • Let's not forget he's blocked both Kenpachi and Tousen's swords with just his forearm despite the latter cutting off Grimmjow's arm and the former, well, being Kenpachi.
    • Even his bankai is this! In the Invading Army arc, his bankai is able to withstand a blow from Reigai Soi-Fon's bankai, which if you remember, is A FREAKING NUKE!!!!!
    • Bleach: Soul Resurreccion makes good use of this. Ichigo's Mugetsu is by far the strongest ignition attack, and more often than not, and instant kill. Even at high levels, Komamura manages to survive.
  • Meaningful Name: His [dead link] name [dead link] translates to "The dog who guards the left flank of the hamlet." The left side is a particular significance to pre-industrial japan as it would guard the lord's blind side (that is, assuming the lord was right handed). So when Lords would meet with their two bodyguards, the more trusted of the two would be to the left.
  • Mighty Glacier: How he fights. The manga has shown him to be more than capable of enough speed to intercept charging opponents when necessary, but it's not his strong point and it's not how he fights.
  • The Other Darrin: As of episode 99 of the English dub, his voice actor was changed from Kim Strauss to J.B. Blanc.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: His bankai is a giant Samurai, without a doubt one of the biggest if not the biggest bankai in the series.
  • Puppet Sword: Komamura's shikai summons disembodied gigantic limbs with the same movements as him, mostly a giant hand wielding a sword. His bankai brings forth the entire giant, which also follows his movements to devastating effect.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He likes... watching cute puppy dog shows?!
  • Secret Keeper: Seemingly overhears Tetsuzaemon and Ikkaku talking about the latter's Bankai (neither of them noticing he was there until they were done talking), but assures them that his "ears haven't been working well."
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: He can apparently talk to dogs.
  • Tetsu Inada
  • Undying Loyalty: To Yamamoto.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: When he first appeared in the story, he had been wearing a mask to conceal his true nature. After it got cut off during the Soul Society arc, he decides to go around without it. According to the databooks, barely anyone gives a damn.
  • The Worf Effect: Four "fights", one victory.
    • Though the writers decided to throw him a bone in the filler Gotei Invasion Arc and had him defeating the Lightning Bruiser Reigai Sui Feng alone.

Tetsuzaemon Iba

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

The lieutenant to Captain Komamura and the former mentor to Ikkaku. With the style of a Yakuza member, he joined the 11th Division as the 4th Seat under Zaraki, but transferred to the 7th Division in order to become a lieutenant. He is the stereotypical macho-man, believing that men have to be strong and courageous. He is president of the Shinigami Men's Association.

  • Big Fancy Sword: His unnamed shikai takes the form of a large falchion with a spike protruding from it.
  • Blood Knight: Comes with having served with Ikkaku in the past. They duel from time to time.
  • Butt Monkey: The Shinigami Men's association frequently gets its budget cut and forced out of the meeting spaces it has.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Believes that the most important thing when fighting for one's division is winning, even if it involves running away or taking an opponent from behind.
  • Cool Shades
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Not actually bad, but left the 11th Division to become a Vice-Captain to make his mother proud.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Well, he doesn't really hate women, but he did start the Shinigami Men's Association to counter Yachiru and Nanao's group.
  • Master of None: Is supposedly well-rounded, but the manga hasn't actually properly let us see him fight to judge for ourselves.
  • Secret Keeper: Regarding Ikkaku's bankai.
  • Smoking Is Cool
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Delivers a rather scathing one to Ikkaku, when his stubborn refusal to use his bankai results in an important pillar getting destroyed.

Jin'emon Kotsubaki

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Father to Sentaro and lieutenant to Love Aikawa, he received a scar sometime after Urahara was promoted, but it's unknown if he was killed in action or retired from service, and we don't know what his current status happens to be. He also has a ponytail, reminiscent of an old-school Samurai.

  • All There in the Manual: Everything known about him was revealed in the Masked databook.
  • Badass: Looks like one, at least.
  • Cool Old Guy: Appears to be in his late-forties, by the time he was Loves' lieutenant.
  • Cool Shades: Frameless red sunglasses, specifically.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: One runs along the left side of his face, from his forehead, through his eye and to his cheek.
  • Perma-Stubble: Subverted. He has a black beard that protrudes outward, instead of wrapping around his jaw line.

Squad 8

Shunsui Kyoraku

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Katen Kyōkotsu

Captain of the 8th Division and one of the oldest Captains in Soul Society. Shunsui is a Dirty Old Man, but not too old, and while a pervert, he does care for the girls he hit on. He abhors senseless fighting and prefers the way of peace, but if he has to, then his opponent better get ready to get their asses kicked. He is also good friends with Ukitake and calls Yamamoto 'Old Man' or 'Yama-Jii'. Oh, and he wears a woman's kimono and likes being showered with cherry blossom petals. His Zanpakuto is Katen Kyokotsu.

Because he doesn't have much screentime, combined with his inherent laid back Badassery, he has become some sort of a favorite amongst the fandom.

  • Agent Peacock: He likes to enter a fight in a swirl of rose petals and he wears a flowery, pink woman's kimono. According to the SOULS character book, he is officially Soul Society's biggest dandy. Befitting this trope, he is also a captain and therefore in a position of leadership. On one occasion he tries to make sure his flowery kimono doesn't get damaged in battle, only to deliberately ruin part of his actual uniform.
  • Badass
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Not merely that he's very capable of fighting when he has to, but how he goes about doing so. Kyoraku's blasé attitude really clashes with his somewhat brutal practicality when he comes to actually attacking someone.
  • Berserk Button: Seeing the usually laid back captain's reaction to Ukitake's impaling via Wonderweiss, it's probably safe to say that messing with Ukitake is a very bad idea.
  • The Big Guy: One of the tallest characters in the Gotei 13.
  • Blessed with Suck: He's also vulnerable to the effects of his Shikai.
  • Blow You Away: Subverted. We thought his shikai was like this. It wasn't.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: One of the most powerful captains in the whole Soul Society. Would rather just lay down and have his sake.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Yamamoto describes him as one of the best Soul Reaper that the Society can offer... even when he flirts with and chases every girl during the academy days.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Flower Wind Rage and Flower God Roar, Heavenly Wind Rage and Heavenly Demon Sneer - Katen Kyokotsu!"
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Bushōgoma!", "Takaoni!", "Kageoni!", "Irooni!"
  • The Captain
  • Captain Ersatz: He is quite probably an Ersatz of Last Blade's Amano Hyo, who shares LOTS of his Chivalrous Pervert and Real Men Wear Pink tendencies. They even have the same voice actor.
  • Carpet of Virility: To go with his Chivalrous Pervert persona.
  • Casanova Wannabe: To Nanao, again.
  • Cherry Blossoms: Subverted — He likes the aesthetic, so he has his lieutenant, Nanao, dump them out of a basket from overhead.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: To Nanao. Teases and embarrasses her mercilessly, but if she truly needs his help, he'll promptly give her a non-grabby hand. He also had a similar relationship with Visored Risa Yadomaru, back when she was his lieutenant.
  • Combat Pragmatist: For a Martial Pacifist, Shunsui certainly isn't above fighting dirty if he needs too.
    • He repays the favor to Starrk, hiding in the shadows and stabbing him in the back right as he's about to finish off Love and Rose.
    • Before delivering his final blow to Stark, he blinds him by throwing his Captain's cloak in his face.
      • It was more than just blinding him. Kyoraku's shikai had set the game so that they could only damage one color at a time, but the more of that color you were wearing, the stronger you were. (ie: on gray, Kyoraku cuts Starrk's gray wristband, but since Kyoraku has no gray on himself it's barely a papercut) Kyoraku threw off his white haori, leaving him in only his black kimono, changed the color to black, and stabbed Starrk right in the hollow hole!
    • To be fair, this does sort of fit his whole philosophy on war and battle—that it's an inherently terrible thing, and even when you're fighting for a good cause you're ultimately dirtied by it; therefore, far better to get it over with by any means possible, within some limits.
  • Combo-Platter Powers: Turns out his shikai's a little more complex than just Blow You Away.
  • Confusion Fu: Happens during the fight between Starrk and Kyouraku. After it becomes clear there are a lot of similarities between these two reluctant fighters, Starrk is convinced he's fighting a kindred spirit. Then it's revealed that was a red herring and the only thing they truly have in common is that they're both Brilliant but Lazy. Lampshaded by Kyouraku himself:

Starrk: "I thought I told you not to do uncharacteristic things, Captain-san!"
Kyouraku: "It's not good to keep forcing this characteristic thing, Espada-san. And, if you're going to talk about characteristic, not having a characteristic behaviour is characteristic of me."

  • The Dandy: He really doesn't like to fight, but he does enjoy flowery aesthetics if he does enter the battlefield. According to the Souls character book, he's officially Soul Society's biggest dandy.
  • Dirty Old Man
  • Dual-Wielding: Katen Kyoukotsu is one of four double-blade Zanpakutou, the others being Ukitake's Sogyo no Kotowari, Hisagi's Kazeshini and Ikkaku's Ryumon Hozukimaru. Kyoraku is the only one whose sealed form is composed of two swords instead of one.
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: The rare subversion. The only thing he tells Starrk about his powers is how to play the game, and given it was likely Starrk's "turn" he had to do that.
  • For Massive Damage: One of his shikai's abilities.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Ukitake.
  • Honorifics: Uses them rather curiously, referring to other captains by their names and then adding honorifics. This is considered as quite the rough speech, per Japanese standards.
    • When referring to one another by surname in the Starrk fight, he and Ukitake do not use honorifics.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: He and Starrk pull this on one another—repeatedly—though its one example where they're both well aware their opponent is hiding something, they're just not always sure what. Kyoraku's shikai arguably makes this kind of pretence easy, as the games are completely random, and it's just part of Kyoraku's pragmatic/underhanded approach.
    • A literal inversion; he's ambidexterous.
  • Martial Pacifist: Tries at first to search for easier and non-violent solutions for disagreements, but if he doesn't get his way, he'll fight you at full strength to not dishonor you.
    • I'm not sure he quite qualifies as a Pacifist, since he's perfectly willing to fight (brutally) if need be. He'd just rather drink, have fun, and solve problems peacefully. It's not that he objects to violence, he's just too lazy to want to bother fighting.
  • Odd Couple: With his serious and straitlaced lieutenant, "Nanao-chan."
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Alternative to Crouching Moron on his treatment of Starrk—he was quick on the uptake about the significance of Lilynette and really took advantage of Starrk's attentiveness and belief they were Not So Different. Starrk even points out that Kyoraku's clothing makes him look silly, which could be intentional on Kyoraku's part as it quite effectively makes him look harmless.
  • Perma-Stubble: Like so many badasses.
    • Although in the Turn Back the Pendulum arc, his stubble disappears in a few panels in the manga, despite being present elsewehere.
  • Pigeonholed Voice Actor: Akio "SOLOMON, I HAVE RETURNED!" Ohtsuka.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He wears a woman's kimono.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • Sinister Scimitar: Averted: Katen Kyoukotsu's Shikai may have creepy powers and look like a pair of scimitars, but Kyoraku is the nicest guy around.
  • Superpower Lottery: His Shikai gives Shunsui multiple benefits including sneaking into Shadows, Blow You Away, Attack Areas For Massive Damage. Of course there's also massive drawbacks as well.
  • Willfully Weak: Subverted, he doesn't release his bankai because it apparently can be dangerous to any of his allies, but this doesn't stop him from still being one of the stronger Captains.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Immediately attacks Wonderweiss after he hits Ukitake. The fact it's the only moment in the fight where he looks angry/truly shocked makes the Wouldn't Hurt a Child aversion all the more striking. Possibly a nod both to Lilynette as another supposedly innocent child, and to the concept of True Companions in relation to Kyoraku and Starrk.

Nanao Ise

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Kyoraku's lieutenant. She is very strict and dutiful, always doing her captain's paperwork. She is the vice-president of the Shinigami Women's Association.

Squad 9

Kensei Muguruma

Was reinstated as captain sometime after the defeat of Aizen for more information see Bleach 2.2

Shuhei Hisagi

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Kazeshini

Shuhei is the lieutenant of Squad 9, formerly serving under Kaname Tosen, whom he greatly admired and who taught him everything he believes in. His most notable trait is the "69" tattoo he has on his cheek. He is quite the drunk, and usually drinks with Izuru Kira and Rangiku Matsumoto. He appears to have a crush on Rangiku. In episode 305 of the anime this is taken to new heights, considering most of the episode is him trying to reign in pervy thoughts of her to hilarious comedic effect (sadly, it's filler). His Zanpakuto is Kazeshini.

  • Anime Hair
  • Badass
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's easily one of the nicest, but also the most Badass shinigamis.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Reap - Kazeshini!"
  • Calling Your Attacks: Various Kido spells.
  • Chained by Fashion
  • Drowning My Sorrows
  • Dual-Wielding: Kazeshini's shikai.
  • Everything's Better with Spinning: Hisagi himself lampshades his power by casually letting his weapon spin at both ends at the same time while lecturing his opponent. And that's before we get to the way he spins the weapon when actually attacking.
  • Face of a Thug: Has the appearance of one, contradicting his calm and mature personality.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: Has LOTS of face marks of all kinds, including a 69 tattoo on his cheek. The manga flashback chapters and episode 209 of the anime explain how he got that one: to show his respect to Kensei Muruguma, his idol and actual Visored, who had a similar tattoo on his chest and saved Shuhei's life when he was a child; thanks to this incident, Shuhei decided to become a Shinigami.
  • Hidden Depths: A Zanpaktou is a reflection of your inner self, right? What does it say about this peaceful man that his shikai is "shaped like something meant to take life"? Seeing Kazeshini in action in the filler arc has led people to believe that Hisagi has a dark side that he constantly works to keep under control.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: Often seen hanging around with Kira whenever off duty.
  • I Owe You My Life: To Kensei.
  • Katsuyuki Konishi: His seiyuu
  • Leitmotif: Though not always used for him, fandom typically associates the righteously badass "B13a" primarily with him and his utter beating of Findor.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: After releasing his zanpakto against Findor. Hoo boy...
  • Made of Iron / The Determinator: In the entire final battle, Hisagi has a brutal and epic fight with Findor Carias, joins in to help Komamura fight Tosen, gets slashed down his chest, comes back again, gets impaled, and shows up again to finish off Tosen. And then he just kinda disappeared.
  • Martial Pacifist: Prefers to avoid fighting, and even when using his sword, which he hates anyway, makes a habit of not attacking with excessive force.
  • Mr. Fanservice: To a degree.
  • Perpetual Frowner: In a fight, at least.
  • Secret Keeper: He is the only person alive who knows Yumichika's secret.
  • Sempai-Kohai: Sempai to Momo, Renji and Kira, whom he taught in the Shinigami Academy.
  • Sinister Scythe: "I don't like the shape. Look at it. It's shaped like something meant to take life, isn't it?"
  • Sleeves Are for Wimps
  • Steve Staley
  • Supreme Chef: According to the omakes.
    • Interestingly, Kensei is apparently one too...
  • Took a Level in Badass: Oh, definitely. After Tousen stabs him and changes into a Hollow, Hisagi sneaks up on him and stabs him through the head with his unreleased sword. And then releases it. Any guesses what happens when a katana transforms into a scythe while it's inside your head?
  • Variable-Length Chain: In shikai.
  • Was It All a Lie?: To Tousen. Before the latter impales him.
  • Worf Effect: Three times.

Squad 10

Toshiro Hitsugaya

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Hyōrinmaru

The Captain of Squad 10. A child prodigy, he is the youngest Captain in the Soul Society (of course he's much older than he looks). To prevent people from treating him like a kid, Hitsugaya is always a very serious Captain and focused and likes getting the job done. His Zanpakuto is Hyourinmaru, the strongest of the ice-based Zanpakuto.

  • Actor Allusion: Hitsugaya shrugs off half a dozen insults from Hyori, but he blows up at her when she calls him short.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: In his own words, when he was much younger: "They're scared of me. It's not like I did anything bad to them, but... even then, I could tell they were afraid of me." The databook indicates that he's much more popular now, but making captain and leading his Squad well could be seen as his won't-you-guide-my-sleigh-tonight moment.
  • An Ice Person: He's said to have the most powerful ice-based zanpakuto in the Soul Society
    • Human Popsicle: So of course he can make this. Unfortunately, this does little to both Luppi and Harribel.
  • Anime Hair: Funny thing though, his hair hangs down in flashbacks and after the time skip, which seems to imply that he styles it for the majority of the series.
  • Actually a Doombot: An ice clone, used on Harribel.
  • Badass Adorable: He doesn't always act the part, but Hitsugaya is still a cute-looking boy who looks like he's barely 15.
  • Berserk Button: "If you ever make Hinamori bleed... I'll kill you!!"
    • He completely goes ballistic when Aizen fools him into running Hinamori through, and his rage-filled scream in the anime is quite a sight to behold.
    • Or if you call him by his first name instead of "Captain Hitsugaya." Only his childhood friend, Momo Hinamori, is given any sort of leniency on this matter, and even then he will take issue with her calling him "Shiro-chan."
    • He can cope with being called 'baldy', but don't call him a midget. Or a kid. Now that sounds familiar.
  • Blade Run: To Ichimaru.
  • Blush Sticker: Gets these at one point during episode 230 of the Anime.
  • Break the Cutie: When Aizen reveals his illusory zanpakuto made him stab his childhood friend. Then, there the filler arc anime episode where Kageroza uses 2 Hinamori Reigais to fool Hitsugaya into protecting one so they can both stab him.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Sit Upon the Frozen Heavens - Hyorinmaru!" (Reign Over The Frosted Heavens - Hyorinmaru!" in the English dub), "Bankai - Daiguren Hyorinmaru!"
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Tensō Jūrin!", "Sennen Hyōrō!", "Hyōten Hyakkasō!", "Hyōryū Senbi!", various Kido spells.
  • The Captain
  • Child Prodigy
  • Childhood Friend: He and Hinamori were raised by the same woman whom they both call "grandmother".
  • The Comically Serious
  • Crash Into Hello/Marshmallow Hell: How he meets Rangiku for the first time.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Seems to have become this during the Time Skip.
  • Delinquents: He is thought of as being this by one of Karin's friends in a Filler Episode of the Anime due to his white hair.
  • Elemental Baggage: As long as there is water, Hyourinmaru never runs out of power.
  • Elemental Eye Colours: His piercing, icy blue eyes fit well with his ice powers.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Matsumoto once mentioned that he is well liked among men and women.
  • Flower Motif: His zanpakutou can produce ice-flowers in different kinds of attacks. The ice-flowers tend to take the form of the Glory-of-the-Snow, a flower associated with blooming in the snow because it's such an early spring flower.
  • Friendship Moment: With Rangiku.
  • Grumpy Bear: Another nickname for him: Captain Grumpypants.
  • Holding Back the Phlebotinum: Probably the poster boy for this trope, as he never ever uses Tensho Jurin, the strongest power of his zanpakuto except for two times, one when he was pissed at Gin, and the other was against Harribel, but only when he was weak enough to control it).
  • Hypocritical Humor: Wants to be called "Captain Hitsugaya", despite never addressing his colleagues by their ranks.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: There's a reason he's the trope example.
  • Informed Flaw: Captain ranked, but he's been in the Gotei 13 for less than a century. Basically he’s a prodigy, but he lacks experience and his reiatsu is still underdeveloped compared to the other Captains and his rate of improvement is actually remarkably good throughout the series considering he held his own against a much better fighter, Harribel, and even managed to defeat his opponent until Wonderweiss broke his ice.
  • Informed Ability: The series doesn't hesitate to call him a genius, but most of his fights don't show him really doing anything creative with his powers.
    • Of course, an in-universe definition of "genius" is also given, it's the ability of someone to achieve great skill and power in a much shorter-than-traditional amount of time which is why Mayuri called Uryuu a genius and why Ukitake called Kaien a genius. As a child-captain, Hitsugaya has therefore proven himself... by the in-universe definition.
  • Insistent Terminology: To Momo and Ichigo. "It's Captain Hitsugaya!"
  • Intergenerational Friendship: Several, pretty much by necessity. (He's much younger than anyone else he hangs out with on a daily basis, after all.) The most obvious are his lieutenant, Matsumoto, and fellow captain Ukitake, whose constant gifts of candy are not well-received.
  • It's Personal: Instant trope, just add Hinamori getting hurt!
  • Ironic Hell: You swore to protect her and kill whoever makes her bleed? Congrats, the guy who broke her the most just tricked you into stabbing her almost to death!
  • I Will Protect Her: To his childhood friend Hinamori. Definitely did not work out as planned.
  • Last-Name Basis: Insists on it, but excludes addressing anyone by their ranks, making him appear very formal. His most Egregious case was when he didn't call Byakuya and Rukia "Captain and lieutenant Kuchiki"; it was flat-out "Kuchiki and Kuchiki", which Madarame even called him out on.
  • Not So Stoic: Despite his attempts to appear otherwise, which only makes it easier for Aizen to manipulate him.
  • Older Than He Looks: Looks MUCH younger than he is. Although sometimes he acts like a child still.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: His zanpakuto's spirit looks like a white eastern-style dragon.
  • Perpetual Frowner
  • Power Limiter: Quite possibly. Tenso Jurin is Hyorinmaru's most basic ability, yet also its most powerful. This is what allowed him to create Hyoten Hyakkaso to encase Harribel. He didn't use it in his fights in Karakura Town, likely due to it being a threat to the citizens there.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: He tells Aizen that a Captain should raise their blade in duty, not anger, and that swinging an angry blade is just violence. He then admits that he doesn't care if he loses his seat for doing violence to Aizen, he's just that pissed for what he did to Momo.
  • Romi Paku: A close mix of Tao Ren and Edward Elric.
  • Say My Name: Say it with me now: MATSUMOTOOOOOOOOOO!
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Gets one during the timeskip. In turquoise. Combined with the new 'do,
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Some fans complain he gets more screentime than other characters because of his Japanese fanbase. Other fans don't think he gets any more screentime than the other significant characters do.
  • Straight Man: Usually for Rangiku. When he was in the real world, it was for almost everyone, to great comical effect.
    • In episode 303 of the anime, he becomes the Straight Man caught between the Men's and Women's Shinigami Associations. Poor Hitsugaya...the end just highlights he's also the Only Sane Man as well sometimes.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: With Matsumoto. At 5'7", she's much taller than the Japanese average height for women (5'2"). However, not only is he tiny, she's massive in two *special* areas. He even has these dynamics with Hinamori, since she's also taller and older than he is.
  • Took a Level in Badass: His fight with Harribel shows much more of his skill and potential as a great captain than his previous fights.
  • Two Girls and a Guy: Arguably, with Hinamori and Matsumoto.

Rangiku Matsumoto

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Haineko

Lieutenant of Squad 10. Rangiku is Bleach's epitome of Ms. Fanservice, with her having the biggest breasts, wearing her uniform in such a way that reveals her ample melons. She is a stark contrast to her no-nonsense captain, often sleeping during the day and going out for drinks at night, brushing off all her assigned duties. She has a past with former Captain of Squad 3 Gin Ichimaru. Her Zanpakuto is Haineko.

  • Absolute Cleavage: Aside from having the largest chest in the Soul Society, her uniform top is deliberately designed to hang loose and open enough to reveal a generous amount of her boobs.
    • Gag Boobs: Can be used for comedic purposes, which she LOVES to do.
    • Marshmallow Hell: Should we pity or curse at Hitsugaya for his, erm, luck?
  • Action Girl: Though more so in the anime.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: Her hair is blond in the manga but strawberry blond in the anime.
  • All Women Are Lustful: Her gigai will immediately be all over any man in the vicinity.
  • Badass: Oh, trust us; she has her moments.
  • Bottle Fairy: Loves her drinks and can handle her alcohol well.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Rangiku's a smart, skilled and loyal officer, that just so happens to love getting drunk, slacking off while on-duty, shopping for tons of stylish clothes, sneaking her way out of work and deviously getting her captain to pay and work for her.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Growl - Haineko!"
  • Calling Your Attacks: "Neko Rinbu!", various Kido spells.
  • Childhood Friend: with Gin
    • Childhood Friend Romance: Ambiguous/Open-Ended classification. The bond between them was very strong and Gin's volume poem, a partner to Rangiku's pained volume poem, talks about the pain of love, suggesting there might have been more than the supertrope at work but too ambiguous to classify accurately.
  • Cool Big Sis: Especially to Orihime and Hinamori.
  • Dangerously-Short Skirt: Both in her school uniform and her off-duty outfit, but she never fought in either of those, since she was in a Gigai. Furthermore, she's far more of a Badass in the anime than in the manga-related stories.
  • Death of a Thousand Cuts: Her shikai, in which Haineko turns into a cloud of razor sharp ash she can control.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: A lot.
  • Erotic Eating: Licks a long Popsicle in the Beach Episode.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: According to the Bootleg, she's the sexiest woman in the Gotei 13 and apparently not a single man can defy her.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: As a little girl, Rangiku had short hair with Peek-a-Bangs. By the time she met Hitsugaya, she had it a bit longer and off her face. Now she keeps it waist-level. In this panel, it seems she has cut it short again. At least the Peek-a-Bangs are back.
  • Flanderization: The personality of her Gigai in the World of the Living is basically a more sex-crazed version of her usual self.
  • Friendship Moment: With Toshiro.
  • Fun Personified: If you wanna have a great party, she's the girl for the job.
  • Gag Boobs: The anime has a field day using Matsumoto's chest for comedy. There's even one omake (turned into an episode) where the shinigami are at the beach and she begins training Orihime in the art of carrying water with breasts instead of buckets - much to Ichigo's horror (Nanao in the episode).
  • Genki Girl: Quickly becomes serious when needed, though.
  • Good Bad Girl: Her gigai, definitely, though she herself is a subversion (so far).
  • Hot Witch: Wore such a costume in a filler episode and manga spread.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Pulls this against Kira in the Soul Society arc. When he uses Wabisuke's Gravity Master powers on her zanpakuto, Matsumoto simply activates Haineko's special abilities and it turns into ash, freeing herself.
  • I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: When Ichigo tries to turf Hitsugaya's team out of his house, Rangiku retaliates by beginning to unbutton her blouse. Ichigo manages to resist, but peeks through his fingers.
  • Kaya Matsutani: Her seiyuu.
  • Last-Name Basis: Weirdly, Rangiku calls Hinamori by her surname, but Momo herself calls Rangiku by her first name.
  • Ms. Fanservice: One of the most famous, no less.
  • Odd Couple: She and Hitsugaya are basically this trope's poster children in Bleach. There are other captain/lieutenant pairs who are just as strange, yet these two seem to be closer than most of the others.
  • Offhand Backhand: Her way of dealing with Kon and Keigo when they try to glomp her.
  • One of the Boys: Busty and feminine, but she clearly prefers hanging out with guys (especially Yumichika and Ikkaku) when she's not on duty. Conversely, most guys of the Gotei treat her as one of those due to her fun-loving, easygoing personality.
  • Pigeonholed Voice Actor: Her seiyuu, Kaya Matsutani, is known for roles voicing girls with big boobs...
  • Ship Tease: The anime seems to favor her and Toshiro, judging from the facts that they're always together, trust each other the most, the movie The Diamond Dust Rebellion has so much chemistry between them you can cut it with a knife, they shared a few touching Friendship Moment and in the 9th- 10th season openings when the Captain/Lieutenant combos are introduced the camera seems to linger more on them than any other.
  • Significant Birth Date: She only started counting the days once she met Gin, and Gin even considered the day she met him as her birthday.
  • The Slacker: When not in action.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Not nearly to the extent of Isane, but she's one of the taller Bleach ladies at 5'8.
  • The Tease: She deliberately arranges her clothing to give her Absolute Cleavage which is guaranteed to have an impact on men. Any man who tries to take advantage of this, however, will get kicked in the face or elbowed in the face for his trouble.
  • Verbal Tic: Her gigai always end her sentences with "-beshii", so as to sound hornier and sexier.

Squad 11

Kenpachi Zaraki

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

The extremely wild, dangerous Captain of Squad 11. Kenpachi is a walking juggernaut of power, his spiritual power was so immense that he doesn't even need flashy Zanpakuto techniques to defeat his opponents. He's so overpowered that he has to hold back in various way to make the fight longer, such as letting the opponent strike his body first, or wearing gadgets that reduce his strength. Always looking for a good fight, and combined with his sheer strength and badasstitude, Kenpachi is a definitive fan favorite in Bleach. His Zanpakuto is, much like Ichigo's, always in Shikai form, due to Zaraki's immense power. However, unlike Ichigo, Kenpachi doesn't know the name of his Zanpakuto so he can't call upon its ability. Not that it matters for someone with his power level. He's usually assisted with his extremely small-sized, adoptive daughter and lieutenant, Yachiru Kusajishi.

  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: Slices a building in half with one swing of his sword. Much later, he pulls this off by stabbing it. And the actual blade is blunt, it's his badass aura that does it all.
  • Anime Hair: Somewhat subverted. His hair looks spiky beyond all belief but that is only because he goes through a lot of trouble to style it like that. When left to its own devices it hangs down rather normally.
  • Anti-Hero: Type V.
  • Ax Crazy: Check this out.

Tousen: It seems like you lost not only your pride, but your sanity as well, Zaraki.
Kenpachi: Sanity, huh? I don't even remember having a bothersome thing like that to start with.

  • Badass: He's a captain. Nuff said.
  • Badass and Child Duo: When he was a nameless murderer in the most lawless, dangerous areas of Rukongai, he took Yachiru in, though it's implied she's almost as badass as he is.
  • Badass Army: The 11th squad. Kenpachi flat-out says that the only requirements for being a member are loving to fight and being good at it.
  • Barefoot Poverty: While living in the poverty-stricken 80th district Kenpachi, like other residents of the district, has no access to luxuries such as footwear.
  • Battle Aura: In the shape of a skull no less.
  • The Berserker: His berserker nature makes him happy in battle, to the point where getting cut makes him laugh and the more he gets cut, the more he laughs. He's an example of someone who is technically on the good guys side who is unrepentant about his nature. He likes' being that way. Allies and opponents alike find him extremely unnerving to be around on the battlefield.
  • Blood Knight: He is the poster boy of this trope.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: He fights and LOVES it. Applies to the rest of the Division as well.
  • Boring but Practical: Most Captains save their Bankai or a technique that their Bankai uses as an ace in the hole for when the fight goes south. Kenpachi's equivalent of this is holding his sword two-handed and using Kendo, rather than swinging one-handed like a madman. The boringness is explicitly the reason he doesn't use it often.
  • Boxing Lessons for Superman: The aforementioned Kendo makes Kenpachi's natural strength exponentially greater.
  • The Captain
  • Cherry Tapping: Likes to limit himself to give himself a challenge.
  • Combat Pragmatist
  • Combat Sadomasochist: Averted. Kenpachi gets excited whenever someone injures him in battle because it means he has a Worthy Opponent and, as a Blood Knight, nothing is more fun to him. However, he doesn't revel in causing pain or drawing out the pain in others and he doesn't like pain for pain's sake. As a result, despite his excitement, it's not because he's a sadomasochist.
  • Covered with Scars
  • Creepy Good: He is obsessed with and greatly enjoys fighting, to the point of very nearly being a Combat Sadomasochist.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Kenpachi is the title of the top ranked warrior in the Soul Society. Subverted because he gave himself that name originally. Zaraki is the name of the place he's from. In the end, he doesn't really have a name.
    • In a flashback, he calls himself "Zaraki no Kenpachi" meaning "the best swordsman in the Zaraki district." It's very possible that after he marched in and killed the previous squad 11 captain, they asked who he was, got this response, and assumed his name was actually "Zaraki Kenpachi."
  • Excalibur in the Rust: His zanpakuto is dull, rusted, and pitted.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Doubles as a Power Limiter.
  • Fumihiko Tachiki:
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Kenpachi's Blood Knight tendencies are often played for laughs. Sometimes in the manga, including omakes, but most often in the anime.
    • Sociopathic Hero: However, most of the time, especially in the manga, Kenpachi's Blood Knight tendencies are not played for laughs and it's often emphasised that there's something deeply unnatural about his fighting style and urges.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Him and Yachiru despite not being a couple.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Especially when he whipped Nnoitra with Kendo.
  • Implacable Man: Good thing that he's on the good guys' side.
  • Klingon Promotion: How he attained his rank.
  • The Law of Diminishing Defensive Effort: Since he's very Badass and Made of Diamond, he hardly ever bothers with dodging.
  • Letting His Hair Down: Unlike most examples it just makes him more Badass.
  • Made of Diamond: Only truly stronger ones can actually hurt him. But even then he takes it like eating candy.
  • Moe Couplet: His interactions with Yachiru are often very cute and/or funny. AWWWW!
  • No Name Given
  • No Sense of Direction
  • Oh Crap: Anybody who fights Kenpachi is guaranteed to have at least one Oh Crap moment. It's a rule.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: To defeat Ichigo.
  • Papa Wolf: This wasn't extremely obvious at first, as Kenpachi knows that Yachiru can take care of herself for the most part. It became very, VERY clear when Nnoitra tried to kill her, though.
  • Parental Substitute: Found baby Yachiru in the streets and took her in.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Unless he's fighting; otherwise it would be a Slasher Smile.
    • If his opponent is a boring one like Giriko he won't stop frowning.
  • Psycho for Hire
  • Rated "M" for Manly: Arguably.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: An ultra-manly, towering, Ax Crazy powerhouse... who spends a lot of time on his hairdo!
    • Yachiru usually rides on his shoulder and she has pink hair. Does that count as wearing pink?
      • It does. And it is ADORABLE.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After he defeats Giriko, he declares he's bored and wants to go home, but Yachiru stops him.
  • Self-Imposed Challenge: Fights one-handed with a dulled sword, wears an eyepatch that constantly sucks power out of him, and wears bells in his hair so that people can hear him coming, all for the express purpose of making fights harder (and therefore more fun) for himself.
  • Slasher Smile
  • Super Speed: In one of the omakes.
  • The Other Darrin: As of Episode 243 of the Dub, his voice went rather jarringly from David Lodge to Patrick Seitz.
  • Victory Is Boring
  • The X of Y: As stated above, "Kenpachi Zaraki" isn't actually his name, but a title that kinda morphed into a de facto name. He is the Kenpachi (strongest swordsman) of Zaraki (placename).
  • Willfully Weak: To get the most out of a fight.

Gosuke Kiganjo

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

He's the 10th Kenpachi, the one that Zaraki killed before becoming captain. Although mentioned in the early chapters of Turn Back The Pendulum, he never made an official debut (and still hasn't), though it appears that he's the complete antithesis to Zaraki.

  • All There in the Manual: We learned of his height, name, weight, birthday and design in the Masked databook.
  • Ambiguously Brown
  • Broken Pedestal: Ichinose seemed to look up to him as a justice-seeker, despite evidence to the contrary. Since the Bount arc (non-canon anyway) came along several years before we even learned of his name, it's somewhat justified.
  • Foil: To Zaraki, from what we know of him, thus far.
  • Klingon Promotion: How he got his title, but we're not even sure why he wanted it. According to Love, it's even the reason that the other captains had to put up with his laziness.
  • Large and In Charge: Subverted. He's 7'3, and weighs 695 pounds, but he doesn't appear to be much of a leader.
  • Lazy Bum: According to Shinji, at least, almost to the point of being apathetic. He wasn't present during Urahara's promotion, or in the emergency meeting about disappearing souls in the Rukongai, and he didn't even bother to pick a lieutenant.
  • Perma-Stubble: Weirdly, it doesn't cover his chin.
  • Scary Black Man: Looks a little like Yammy, too.

Yachiru Kusajishi

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Kenpachi's pink-haired sidekick and best friend, whom he adopted before becoming a Shinigami. She is one of the most hyperactive characters in the series. Yachiru will stick by Kenpachi no matter what. She can be a little annoying to others, as seen in the Omakes. She is also President of the Shinigami Women's Association.

  • Badass and Child Duo: The child to Kenpachi's badass. She appears to be pretty badass herself though, being a lieutenant and all.
  • Barefoot Poverty: While living in the poverty-stricken 79th district Yachiru, like other residents of the district, has no access to luxuries such as footwear.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She is easily one of the cutest characters in the series, but there have been hints that she's actually the only person in The Verse that's more dangerous than Kenpachi. Let that sink in for a minute...
  • Big Eater: To the point that it's a Running Gag.
  • The Blind Leading the Blind: This comes into play whenever she gives directions to Kenpachi.
  • Blush Sticker
  • Catch Phrase: Seems to have a fondness for "Aye aye, sir!".
  • Cheerful Child
  • Curtains Match the Window: Yachiru's hair and eyes are pink. This makes her stand out as something cute and unusual creating a dissonance with the hint to her that there's something really quite dark and wrong to her.
  • Cute Bruiser, Killer Rabbit, Pint-Sized Powerhouse, and Waif Fu: She's small enough to easily ride on Kenpachi's shoulder, yet can easily pick him up and jump up two stories while holding him without breaking a sweat. And when she runs at full speed she digs divots out of stone pavement. She's also as able to cope with captain-class reiatsu as any other vice-captain.
  • Dead Guy, Junior: When Kenpachi adopted her he gave her the name "Yachiru" in honor of "the only person I ever admired." Exactly who this person was has not been revealed.
  • Effortless Amazonian Lift: Can carry Kenpachi on her shoulder while jumping from building to building. An indication that she isn't really just cute and harmless.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change and Every Girl Is Cuter With Crossbones On Her Head
  • In Love with Your Carnage: She enjoys watching violence, whether it is from Kenpachi or his opponent.
  • Moe Couplet: With Kenpachi in a father/daughter sort of way.
  • Morality Pet: After a fashion, to Kenpachi. She loves seeing him have fun, so, what kind of limits she actually imposes on him through her presence is a mystery.
    • Hmmm... Before they met, Kenpachi was pretty much a savage without even a proper name. Who knows how savage would he be if she wasn't around.
  • The Nicknamer
  • No Sense of Direction: ... Even so Kenpachi asks her for directions.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: She looks like she's around 6–8 years old. Considering the fact that Hitsugaya, who looks around 13 years old, has been around for at least 40 years (confirmed, most likely longer, but that's unconfirmed), it's very hard to say how long she's been around for.
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Street Urchin: Apparently, babies and toddlers can survive for a time on their own in Soul Society, so Yachiru most likely spent a while like this before being taken in by Kenpachi.
  • Undying Loyalty: Kenpachi is her whole world.

Ikkaku Madarame

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Hōzukimaru

3rd in command of Squad 11 and one of the most Hot-Blooded shinigami. In the past, Ikkaku fought Kenpachi, but ended up losing. He followed Kenpachi to Seireitei and vowed to someday fight and die under his command. He is the first person Ichigo fights when he gets inside the Seireitei. After their fight, they become rivals. During the Arrancar arc, he reveals that he trained Renji and obtained Bankai ages ago. During the Fake Karakura Town arc, he fought (and lost) to Chow Neng Poww, only to be saved by Captain Komamura. During the Lost Substitute Shinigami arc, he fights and defeats Moe Shishigawara. His Zanpakutou is Hozukimaru.

"You had a bad opponent. You were a lucky man, but I'm the luckiest bastard in the entire Gotei 13!"

  • Bald of Awesome: Who called him bald!?.
  • Berserk Button: I dare you to call him "baldie."
  • BFS: Despite all others having one, his bankai definitely stands out.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Parodied. Keigo's sister Mizuho finds him very attractive because she likes men who shave their head. Thus, she sees him more as a regular Bishie than the Badass Shinigami he is. Cue the sparkles!
  • Blade on a Stick: Hozukimaru turns to a three sectioned spear in Shikai.
  • Blood Knight: Atypical of the 11th Division.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Grow - Hozukimaru!" ("Extend - Hozukimaru!" in the English dub), "Split - Hozukimaru!", "Bankai - Ryūmon Hōzukimaru!"
  • Creepy Good: He is obsessed with and greatly enjoys fighting, to the point of very nearly being a Combat Sadomasochist.
  • Dual-Wielding Glass Cannon: His Bankai.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: After the time-skip, he wears no sleeve on the right and a full sleeve on the left. He also has his right shoulder and upper arm encased in armour but there's none on his left side.
  • Fighting with Chucks: Ikkaku's zanpakutou initially looks like a spear when it's released. However, this simply disguises the fact that it's really a three-sectioned staff. Justified in that Ikkaku's themes are based on Chinese warrior monks, so his weapon (in all its forms) is based on weapons associated with Chinese warrior monks instead of being based on Japanese versions.
  • Hand or Object Underwear: Mizuho causes this situation in Episode #229.
  • Hot-Blooded: Look at his seiyuu.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Knows Bankai, but hides it in fear of being told to leave Kenpachi's service. Doesn't work so well in the long run... He's also ambidextrous, and when fighting with his unreleased zanpakuto he switches hands for tactical advantage.
  • Large Ham: Ikkaku Madarame is not a quiet man.
  • Nobuyuki Hiyama: Japanese seiyuu.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Unless he's fighting.
  • Pre-Asskicking Dance: His "Lucky Dance" which he performs alone or in synch his released Zanpakuto whenever he faces a truly challenging opponent.
  • The Not-Secret: It looks like his bankai is this. For a lot of the manga, he believed that the only ones who knew were Yumichika and Renji and then he randomly reveals it in front of Keigo, but they were the only three that were supposed to know as far as he was concerned. Later on, Iba reveals that he already knew and that Ikkaku was stupid to think that bankai can be kept secret. And then the pair realises that Komamura overheard the conversation, too. Although Komamura promised to keep his mouth shut, Iba's speech has already implied The Not-Secret might actually be an Open Secret instead.
  • Those Two Guys: With Yumichika, to Kenpachi.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Ikkaku always goes into a fight with a smile, save for his battle against Shishigawara - expecting a quick throwdown against a human. Compared to the rest of the Soul Society reinforcements, he gets bloodied up the most. This was, in part, because he wanted to be, however.
  • Undying Loyalty: Pre-time skip this was his major characteristic given that he's hiding his true power simply so that he can fight and die under Kenpachi's command. After the time-skip, however... well, see Warrior Therapist and wonder.
  • Vic Mignogna: English actor.
  • Warrior Therapist: When Ikkaku learns of Shishigawara's motivation for having Undying Loyalty towards Tsukishima, he lectures him on everything that is wrong with his thinking.

"No man's life is worth more than another! If you're gonna put your life on the line, you do it as equals! I don't care if you're brothers, or master and apprentice, or whatever! You should only die for a guy who'd die for you! There's nothing honorable about throwing your life away as though it's nothing! That's just showing off like a kid!"

Yumichika Ayasegawa

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Ruri'iro Kujaku

Yumichika is the apparently narcissistic 5th seat in Squad 11. He isn't the fourth seat because he hates the number four (and who wouldn't?). His most distinguishing feature is his right eye which has two pairs of brightly coloured feathers accentuating it. Yumichika is first seen fighting Ganju Shiba during the Soul Society arc and losing, mainly due to having his precious hair messed up. During the Fake Karakura Town arc, he was seen in an arms race of narcissism against Charlotte Cuulhorne, but turned the tables to defeat him. He claims his zanpakutou's name is Fuji Kujaku, but its real name is Ruri'iro Kujaku.

  • Adaptation Dye Job: His feathers are a multi-hued in the manga. The anime changes this to one pair of solid red feathers and one pair of solid yellow feathers.
  • Almighty Janitor: Put it this way. He's officially the fifth seat of the strongest combat division. No-one's fourth seat because he won't take it and no-one can defeat him to take it, which makes him the fourth strongest member of the division. He's officially expected to take on enemies and responsibilities that only captains and vice-captains are supposed to be assigned to. And this based on his publicly acknowledged abilities. Now factor in the abilities he's keeping secret that allow him to win fights in a single strike when he uses them. Also factor in the implication he once made that the reason Ikkaku's third seat instead of him is because he let Ikkaku have it (make of that what you will). All he wants in life is to be Ikkaku and Kenpachi's subordinate, even if he has to hide his abilities to do it.
  • Ambiguously Gay/Camp Straight: He fits the western gay stereotype but he's also a typical heterosexual Bishonen by Japanese stereotypes. In the manga, there's no hints of him being attracted to any men (not even Ikkaku, although the anime will sometimes create Ship Tease) and the only person he ever calls beautiful is Orihime. He is very much a metrosexual, either Camp Straight or Ambiguously Gay depending on which cultural lens he's viewed through.
  • Animal Motif: The peacock - every aspect of the Asian symbology, which includes not just the beauty, vanity and pride, but also the loyalty, rejuvenation, resurrection, and watchfulness themes, too.
  • Berserk Button: Don't call him ugly or show him something ugly. Bad idea.
  • Bishonen: And damn, does he like to remind people.
  • Bishie Sparkle: Even his berserk buttons can cause sparkles.
  • Blood Knight: Don't let his obsession with beauty and his bishounen looks fool you. He loves fighting as much as any 11th division member.
  • Blood Lust: In the anime-only Invasion Arc, one of the shinigami clones is revealed to have this. Yumichika can't attack his clone because he thinks his clone is far too beautiful. However, his clone has no qualms about tearing Yumichika to shreds precisely because he thinks he'd look even more beautiful covered in blood.
  • Brian Beacock: English actor.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Bloom - Fuji Kujaku!", "Split and Deviate - Ruri'iro Kujaku!" ("Tear In Frenzy - Ruri'iro Kujaku!" in both the English dub and the English volume).
  • Cover-Blowing Superpower: His true abilities could get him kicked out of his division if it became common knowledge. At the very least, it'll disgrace him.
  • The Dandy: He will avert the part of the trope that says a dandy doesn't like fighting, but if his clothes get torn in a fight, he will prioritise getting a fresh set of clothing over an enemy invasion of the city he's trained to protect. And he's been known to lose a fight just because his hair got messed up.
  • Determinator: He'd rather die than let his division find out the truth, so, even though it's not his natural style, he'll keep fighting—unreleased—for as long as he can to protect his secret... or die.
  • Diagnosis From Dr. Badass: After one punch by Charlotte, Yumichika can immediately tell his arm is broken in three separate places. He keeps fighting regardless.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Yumichika has a "secret" (power) he very carefully hides out from everyone for fear that, if it got known, he would have to leave or even be expelled from the squad. It can be read as "not having a manly enough shikai." It's so important to him that he's willing to die sooner than have it revealed. Replace "power" with "sexual orientation" and it's easy to see how some of the fanbase interpret his hidden personality. Given that Japanese and American straight/gay stereotypes are often reversed, some of the fanbase regard this as an example of Unfortunate Implications or Values Dissonance instead.
  • Dramatic Pause: When Yumichika thanks Charlotte, the anime don't just emphasise it with Glowing Eyes of Doom. They give the moment a Dramatic Pause as well.
  • Empathic Weapon: Although they all have these, Yumichika's is a special case: His Zanpakutou can be released at full power when he calls out it's favorite color, which is Ruri'iro (Azure in Japanese), while be semi-released if it is called with a different color (Fuji, which is Japanese for Wisteria Purple, a color Ruri'iro hates). He takes advantage of this to hide the fact his zanpakutou is a kidou-type from his squad which only tolerates combat-type zanpakutou. His zanpakuto hates that he does this.
  • Energy Absorption: His shikai ability.
  • Evil Counterpart: Inverted. His gigai in the Real World is basically the exact opposite of him in personality: a tough grouch... despite only seeing it once in the entire show!
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: Averted. In a manga where almost everyone introduces themselves at the start of a fight and explains their abilities just before launching their described attack, Yumichika stands out as one of the few who doesn't do either. The only time we've ever seen him describe his power, he waited until his opponent was already too badly damaged by the attack to be able to escape, and he finished explaining just in time for his opponent to die.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: The king of this trope. He accessorises his right eye with feathers and his right arm is clothed in orange, and is attached to his neck ruff on the right side only. after the time-skip, he discarded the orange in favour of white, retaining the asymmetry of a clothed right arm and unclothed left arm. He's also got a clothing running vertically over his right shoulder, giving him a sash look on the right-handed side from the front and the appearance of having an all-white (right) sleeve from the back. On top of that, he's also rearranged his hair to have a lont plait on the right-hand side of his hair, and slightly longer strands of hair than his left-hand side.
  • The Fighting Narcissist: A rare non-villainous version due to the possibility that he actually subverts the trope.
  • Flower Motif: His shikai produces lilies which are, appropriately, symbols of rejuvenation, death and beauty.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Remember when he defeated Hisagi off-screen in the Soul Society arc? After the fight, when he talked to Kenpachi, Yumichika was unusually happy, while Hisagi was panting heavily, remarking that Yumichika had a Zanpakuto type that he'd never known existed beforehand. Years later, it's revealed that his Zanpakuto is a Vampiric Draining Kido-type.
      • Kenpachi has also noted that Yumichika tends to come out of fights looking like he's in better condition than when he went into them. Which turns out to be because his shikai heals him whenever he wounds his foe.
    • There's also the revelation that he wants to keep his squadmates from learning of his Zanpakuto's true form. Remember back when he kept slamming his sword onto a rock, frustrated that he couldn't properly train since it was being stubborn? In order for one to obtain Bankai, a Shinigami needs to use Jinzen to communicate with their Zanpakuto and get them to materialize in the 'real' world. If Yumichika did that, in front of Ikkaku, Matsumoto and Hitsugaya, his secret would've been out; he was notably calling his zanpakutou by the fake name during that training—the name designed to make his zanpakutou stubborn and uncooperative.
  • Funny Afro: As a result of Ganju throwing a firework at his head, Yumichika is mortified to find himself sporting one of these. Ikkaku finds it hilarious.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: The moment Yumichika turns the tables on Charlotte is accompanied by this in the anime.
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: The fanbase can often be found discussing the true nature of the relationship between Yumichika and Ikkaku and the anime often likes to add fuel to this debate as well. However, in the manga there's no open evidence they have any kind of sexual interest in each other, which makes them straight examples of this trope.
  • Hidden Depths: He's narcissistic on the surface, until it's revealed that he's actually sacrificing everything that he is for the sake of his division's philosophy. He's also implied to have sacrificed the chance to become third seat simply because Ikkaku wanted it. And that's before we get to the subject of his Blood Knight persona hiding a Magic Knight reality.
  • Honor Before Reason: Given the choice between having his division learn the truth or dying, he will choose death.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: He always fights with an imperfect release of his sword, because he is afraid that his squad mates will shun him for having a kido-based release. Unless, of course, he is absolutely certain that no one from the 11th Squad can see him. Bai bai, Charlotte Cuulhorne.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: Whenever Yumichika can get away with using his true abilities without being discovered, he's always this.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Before becoming a shinigami he was this.
  • Jun Fukuyama
  • Magic Knight: In the manga, it's revealed that the kidou-abilities he's hiding are his zanpakutou's true abilities. However, the Anime takes this a stage further in the Zanpakutou Arc and make him a full-blown kidou user. That makes him a Magic Knight of the warrior-that-learns-spells type.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: What do you mean "thank you" isn't an awesome phrase? If it wasn't impressive enough in the manga, the anime cranks it Up to Eleven by giving Yumichika Glowing Eyes of Doom and a dramatic music pause as he says it.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Knows his way around kido very well, but hides it to not offend his much more martial arts-geared squad mates.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Every time Yumichika uses his shikai he gets one, including one of the simplest of any character in Bleach: "Thank you".
  • Purple Eyes: Wisteria-coloured eyes, a shade of purple very similar to (and often confused with) lavender. Zanpakutou represent their shinigami's true nature and his hates the colour of wisteria-purple which itself raises questions about Yumichika's true personality. A straight example of this trope, his true strength and nature is a mystery. Superficially narcissistic, he's hiding the fact he's sacrificing everything he is to adhere to his division's martial philosophy. The very few times his true abilities have been used, he's won in a single strike, meaning his full strength has never been tested or even acknowledged. And he's working hard to keep it that way.
  • Secret Keeper: Regarding Ikkaku's bankai.
  • Shiny Midnight Black: The only consistent example in the manga - his hair sheen is always purple or blue (the anime is less consistent).
  • Those Two Guys: With Ikkaku, to Kenpachi.
  • Undying Loyalty: On the surface, his defining personality trait appears to be narcissism. As a result of Hidden Depths, his defining personality trait is actually this. He is so committed to the 11th division philosophy that he would rather die than publicly betray it. He's content to remain in a subordinate position, sacrificing his abilities to make sure he doesn't do anything that would harm Kenpachi or Ikkaku's faith in him as an 11th division warrior.
  • Vampiric Draining: His Zanpakuto's true ability. It absorbs the spiritual energy of its enemy, transferring it to Yumichika who can then use it to restore himself back to full health.

Squad 12

Mayuri Kurotsuchi

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Ashisogi Jizō

"Test subjects shouldn't run their mouths so much. This is an experiment and you are test subject No.1. You don't have the right to refuse or to make any decisions!"

The eccentric, cruel and outright psychopathic Captain of Squad 12, as well as the current president of the Research and Technology Institute. Mayuri is a unique type of character in that, despite aiding the protagonists and thus far entertaining no notions of betrayal, he is so cold and sadistic that he could easily pass as a bad guy. His atrocities include, but are undoubtedly not limited to: Dissecting Quincys to study them, Blowing up bright eyed young subordinates in an attempt to incapacitate the protagonists, whom he also wished to dissect (Noticing a pattern yet?). And finally, the horrible abuse he leveled towards his Lieutenant and Daughter, Nemu Kurotsuchi whenever he loses his temper. Well, at least he was like that in the Soul Society Arc. In short, Mayuri is a man who does everything For Science!...but despite his many villainous acts (he has been played more as a Heroic Comedic Sociopath as of late), Mayuri's pragmatic genius, coupled with his many technological contributions to Soul Society, make him a valuable ally. His Zanpakuto is Ashisogi Jizo.

  • Abusive Parents: His treatment of Nemu is absolutely appalling. He uses her as a human shield and their tag-team strategy is that he cuts through her to get at opponents with his poisoned sword. When she asked for the antidote, he started kicking her for it on the grounds that he made her immune to his poison, so if she thinks its affecting her anyway, she must be insulting his intelligence. Even she isn't sure why she still sticks around with him.
  • Ambiguously Brown: How he looks without his makeup.
  • Anti-Hero: Type V, arguably. The alternate theory is that he's a straight-up Complete Monster villain who hapens to be allied with the good guys.
  • Ax Crazy: But only if you make him mad. Or if he wants to open you up.
  • Badass: He actually had the balls to speak out against Yamamoto for not killing the Vandenreich leader 1000 years ago and handwaving a warning that more Quincies would infiltrate the Soul Society.
    • Also, what he did to Szayel Apporo Granz.
  • Bad Boss: He blows his subordinates up. Which is nothing compared to how he treats his Lieutenant, who happens to be his own daughter. Hell, Aizen is a better leader than Mayuri.
  • Beautiful All Along: A rather disturbing version of this trope. In the anime he's eventually shown without his freaky make-up on, and depending on who you ask, is either quite attractive or still very much a creep.
  • Berserk Button: Once, Ichigo offhandedly commented that he and Urahara were "a lot alike." Mayuri's response was to try to kill him on the spot, and when his attack missed he decided that simple murder was too boring and instead began thinking of an appropriate Fate Worse Than Death to inflict on Ichigo after the war. Wow.
    • His "test subjects" speaking back to him, especially to say they'll never do what he says, that they'll never let him get away with this, or to call out for their loved ones- this pisses him off to no end, and he found the latter "disgusting". He hates the Quincy for all their swearing "on the pride of the Quincy" too, especially when they are swearing they will stop or kill him, just because nearly all of them kept saying it while he was torturing them and he found it sounding like a broken record.
    • Also, do NOT tell him that you're perfect or that you achieve for perfection. Szayel is the freaking proof of it.

Mayuri: I spit on perfection! (...) HOW DARE YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAN OF SCIENCE!

  • Blue and Orange Morality: It's implied that Mayuri operates on his own principles and ethics, which don't make a whole lot of sense to anyone else except for Urahara. Much of it seems to be about his pride as a scientist and learning new things; Nemu takes the level of punishment she does at his behest because she is his creation and he is demonstrating his confidence his creation can handle the task she's been given, and Szayel is beneath even contempt not because he's an insane Complete Monster, but because he offends Mayuri's secular sensibilities with his dreams of perfection via parasitic rebirth.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: ... The dangerous kind, but one nonetheless.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "Rip - Ashisogi Jizo!" ("Claw Out - Ashisogi Jizo!" in the English dub), "Bankai - Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo!"
  • Card-Carrying Villain: His Soul Society incarnation certainly.
  • Cassandra Truth: When Ishida first appeared in Soul Society, Mayuri realised that Soul Society was vulnerable to quincy attack and, because Yamamoto had failed to kill an old enemy in the past, a quincy attack is precisely what was going to happen. Yamamoto dismissed Mayuri's advice as paranoia. Bad choice, old man.
    • Ignored Expert: Although Mayuri's knowledge of quincies was deeply shaken by his encounter with Ishida, he's the closest thing to an expert on the quincies and their powers that the shinigami have. Yamamoto even briefly tried a Cassandra Did It argument on Mayuri for allowing the situation to happen, but Mayuri gave him a Badass "The Reason You Suck" Speech by way of retaliation.
  • Characterization Marches On: Insane, scary, insanely irritable in his first appearence, Cloudcuckoolander Jerkass from his second appearance onward. It's a common joke among Mayuri fans that Ishida just caught him on a bad day the first time.
  • Cloudcuckoolander
  • Comedic Sociopathy: This is what his antics are meant to be seen as, but...
  • Covered with Scars: Underneath his makeup.
  • Crazy Prepared: Displays Batman-level planning to face fellow Mad Scientist Szayel.
    • In the third movie, he's shown to regularly create backup brains.
  • Creepy Child: Although it's not exactly clear how old his Turn Back the Pendulum arc incarnation is, it arguably qualifies.
  • Creepy Good: He takes "mad scientist" to its most extreme, creepy end (and looks quite a bit like a deranged clown to boot). He has also repeatedly demonstrated that he cares nothing about other characters' lives, except in so far as it benefits himself.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: When Ishida first infiltrated the Soul Society (to rescue Rukia), Mayuri figured that more Quincies would do the same (which the Vandenreich accomplished). Once the Vandenreich started wiping out Hollows and disrupting the balance of souls, Mayuri ordered his soldiers to kill a bunch of Rukongai citizens, using Luders' appearance as a cover, in order to get the balance back in order. How did he learn that more Quincies showed up? He knows that Yamamoto failed to kill the Vandenreich leader.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The positioning of his sword.
  • Early Installment Weirdness: In the Soul Society Arc he blew up subordinates, talked about how he manipulated Quincies towards their deaths to study them, and beat up his daughter. Since then he's saved Uryu and Renji, healed them, given Uryu weapons to help him in battle, aided Ichigo in getting to the Fake Karakura Town, and saved the Universe by killing 28000 people to restore the balance of souls. He has yet to abuse his daughter, kill a subordinate, or experiment on living specimens other than Szayel Aporro Granz.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Morally speaking, he's really not much better than Szayel, his Evil Counterpart, but Mayuri finds everything Szayel does quaint at best and disgusting at worst, ending by getting REALLY pissed off when Szayel starts talking about how he has become a "perfect being" by incorporating death into his lifecycle since it's a betrayal of the principles any REAL scientist would hold dear on top of being wrong. As such, he leaves a lengthy lecture of why achieving perfection is a load of crap to keep Szayel company for the eternity it would take him to perceive his own death.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: When Ishida calls him out on how he treats his Vice-Captain, Mayuri (after revealing said VC is both his creation, and his daughter) angrily asks him what right he has to tell him how to treat her, accusing the two of them of thinking he's stupid, and warns him not to wave his "creepy sense of justice around here."
  • Friendly Fireproof: Averted hard.
  • For Science!
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Does this to Yamamoto when the latter is on the brink of a self destructive Roaring Rampage of Revenge in the wake of Sasakibe's death.
  • Good Hurts Evil: Or at least, makes it sick. He complained to Ishida about how annoying all the Quincy he tortured and killed were, or forced to kill each other, because of all their swearing "on the pride of the Quincy" that they'll never do it or never let him do it. He also tells him that the last one kept calling out for either his grandson or student (both- it was Uryu) and that he thought that was "disgusting as hell". Along with the above Evil Cannot Comprehend Good, you have one seriously messed up individual for whom love and empathy are concepts both alien and infuriating.
  • Guile Hero: For given value of "hero", he ordered his Shinigami to kill 28,000' citizens in the Rukongai to correct the balance of souls, unauthorized.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: In the "Hueco Mundo" arc, at least, but it seems to have died down as of the latest arc.
  • Hypocritical Humour:

"Silence, reprobate".

  • I Did What I Had to Do: Mayuri's response when interrogated by Yamamoto regarding why he exterminated twenty-eight thousand residents of Soul Society.
  • Intimate Healing: To his daughter. Played for laughs, even; we never actually got to see exactly what the hell he did to her, but were treated to a rather amusing shot of Uryu and Renji's shocked/disgusted reactions while Nemu moaned in ecstasy off-screen.
    • This does not help either.
    • This has hilarious results when Ishida tries to call him out on that only for Mayuri to be confused by the accusation.

"In this secular existence, perfection is an illusion. Regardless of all those who utter contrary, this is the reality. Common man seeks it out... they aspire to achieve it as if it were some tangible thing. But the fact of the matter is, perfection is a hollow shell. It is... devoid... of any substance. I spit on perfection! Perfection, after all, implies you've reached the summit. No trial and error, no ability to conceptualize. An omniscient being would have no need for such superfluous things. Am I making myself clear? For people who dabble in the sciences, such as ourselves... perfection would render us obsolete. Many magnificent things have been and will continue to come into existence. And yet, every last one of them will fall short of perfection's finish line. Our function as men of science relies on their many shortcomings. Then, and only then, can we apply the fruits of our labor. To put it simply... as soon as you began that nonsense about being an immaculate being, your fate was sealed. How dare you call yourself a man of science!"

  • Uncanny Valley Makeup: The black and white makeup he puts on every morning and takes off before he goes to bed.
  • Amoral Heroes Out Shopping: His Omake appearances have him doing relatively mundane, even helpful things in his free time.
    • It's theorized that the help he offered Renji in one of the omakes to change his zanpakutou (who had originally manifested as a baboon with a snake tail) is why Zabimaru appears drastically different in the Zanpakuto Rebellion filler arc (as a woman with fur and Absolute Cleavage and a boy with a snake's tail chained together).
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair

Nemu Kurotsuchi

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

The Lieutenant of Squad 12 and Mayuri's daughter. She is a reserved and vulnerable woman who is often the first to suffer when her father becomes enraged. She takes this abuse in stride, as she was artificially created by Mayuri to serve as both the perfect lieutenant and daughter.

  • Artificial Human: Mayuri mentions that it was he who made her, and regards her as one of his greatest accomplishments.
  • Blunt Metaphors Trauma: She says "Butter" when she takes a picture of Byakuya in an omake.
  • Combat Stilettos: Not as extreme as other cases, but her sandals do have a noticable heel.
  • Creepy Good: She takes emotionlessness to new heights, leaving her dangling on the edge of the Uncanny Valley.
  • Dance Battler/She Fu - Kick Chick: Some bits in the anime hint that her fighting may be similar to Capoeira.
  • Dangerously-Short Skirt: Exactly why is she the only Shinigami who fights while in a miniskirt?
  • Emotionless Girl
  • Extreme Doormat: Dispassionate, submissive, mini-skirt, anyone?
  • Fingerless Gloves: she wears tekkou of a style very similar to Byakuya's.
  • Gag Boobs/Marshmallow Hell: Mayuri tells her to muffle Ishida with them so he can shut up and get healed.
    • Done more recently in the Zanpaktou Filler Arc, only this time with Ichigo.
  • Girl Friday: to Mayuri.
  • Green Eyes: An artificially (and almost magically) created being, she's modeled on Mayuri's ideals and that makes her about as trustworthy as he is and for the same Mad Scientist reasons.
  • Half Truth: After Kira deduced that the 12th Division was responsible for killing those Rukongai citizens, Nemu said that she's sure Mayuri did nothing wrong. Turns out, Mayuri ordering his squad to kill the Rukongai citizens to restore the balance is an acceptable solution for the crisis at hand.
  • Hime Cut: An odd variant.
  • The Immodest Orgasm: When Mayuri finishes... um, healing her, Nemu screams with pleasure.
  • Made of Iron: She can take all the shit she goes through, but it still hurts like hell for her.
  • Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter
  • Magic Skirt: Honestly, she wears a frigging miniskirt; she should be making panty shots just by standing!
  • Male Gaze: When she muffled Ishida in the Hueco Mundo arc, her largely-shaped rear end wiggles at the camera.
  • Meaningful Name: Nemu --> the Japanese word for "sleep." Maybe that's why she always looks tired.
  • Megan Hollingshead: Her English voice actress.
  • Opposite Gender Clone: Of Mayuri. Squick.
  • Rei Ayanami Expy: Looks completely different than the usual example, but she still has the typical personality.
  • Rie Kugimiya: Her Japanese seiyuu.
  • Sexy Secretary: She could be seen as Mayuri's.
  • She's Got Legs: Very much so. It's one of her major appeals, according to her fans.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: One of the most... quirky examples, to say it simply.

Squad 13

Jushiro Ukitake

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Sōgyo no Kotowari

The captain of Squad 13 and one of the oldest. Ukitake suffers from an unnamed disease that causes him to cough up blood. This hinders his combat skills. His Zanpakuto is Sogyo no Kotowari.

  • Achilles' Heel: Even though he's one of the most powerful Soul Reapers, his illness seems to prevent him from fighting for very long, and he appears to lapse into coughing fits at inopportune moments.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: His eyes are green in the manga, brown in the Anime.
  • A Father to His Men / Team Dad: Towards his subordinates.
  • Attack Reflector: His Shikai.
  • Badass Baritone: Tends to be voiced by deep voices, or who tone down their pitches some bits to play him. Hideo Ishikawa, Liam O'Brien, Gerardo Reyero...
  • Badass Creed: His Shikai command isn't as long and poetic as Shunsui's, but it's still pretty awesome nonetheless.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: According to the Starrk fight, for similar reasons as Kyoraku. His participation doesn't last long but leaves the impression that he's far more competent and shrewd than his Honour Before Reason philosophy and mild-mannered nature would imply.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: According to Ginjou, Ukitake created the Substitutes' badge to allow the Soul Society to communicate with, analyze, monitor and control the Reiatsu of their Substitutes, hence how Ichigo's Reiatsu came out of the badge itself when he first used Fullbring. Ginjou also claims that Ukitake can use the badge to execute a Substitute, if necessary. Ichigo himself claims that he didn't need Ginjou to tell him any of this as he'd already realised that Ukitake had dropped hints to enable him to work it out for himself.
  • Blood From the Mouth / Incurable Cough of Death
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Look at his interactions with Hitsugaya. It's hard to trust that with a captancy, but he still pulls it off.
  • By the Power of Greyskull: "All Waves, Rise now and Become my Shield, Lightning, Strike now and Become my Blade - Sogyo no Kotowari!"
  • Catch and Return: In shikai, his zanpakuto can absorb energy attacks through one blade and shoot it out the other, amplifying their speed and power in the process.
  • Dual-Wielding: Sogyo no Kotowari, his zanpakutou. One of only two sets of twin-blade zanpakuto.
  • Energy Absorption/Beam Spam: His Shikai ability absorbs spirit energy based attacks and sends it right back.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Oh, boooooy. Despite never using his looks to his advantage (being a Nice Guy), he still has both women and men fussing over him in equal measure. One fainting spell on the beach has everyone instantly hovering anxiously around him. His subordinates dote upon him (Kiyone is madly in love with him) and even the other captains are quite taken with him. There's Kyouraku calling him "iro otoko" which means "lover, lady-killer, sexy guy" (make of that what you will), Sui-Feng of all people pinning him to a tree with daggers and cutting his haori and kimono jacket to shreds while his 3rd seat took photos, and Amagai jumping him. It was the sake, sure.
  • Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: Averted. Tells Starrk outright to work it out for himself. Unlike Kyoraku, he doesn't drop hints or show any openings before Wonderweiss interferes.
  • Friend to All Children: Upon meeting anyone who looks like a child (no matter their actual age) he'll immediately offer them candy or invite them to play a game. It's too bad that half the time, they'd rather beat him up.
    • This could be due to the fact that during the Zanpaktou Arc, his humanized Zanpaktou are two little boys who love to play games.
  • Hideo Ishikawa
  • Heterosexual Life Partners: With Kyoraku. Canonically justified in that they've been friends since they were in the Academy.
  • Honor Before Reason: "There are two kinds of fights: Fight to defend your life, and fight to defend your pride." But this causes the death of his lieutenant Kaien Shiba.
    • Although the Starrk fight would indicate either he's a damn hypocrite (he steps in when Starrk and Lilinette fuse together yet still protests that the girl shouldn't be involved), or a damn hypocrite who's taken a leaf out of his mate Kyoraku's book and decided that in some cases honour is less important than, you know, not allowing people to die. i.e that was a lone exception under the circumstances, or he's actually learnt his lesson for future incidents (come on, it's bad enough to see Kaien horribly kick it, and later have Rukia almost executed...)
      • His protest to to Lilynette after Starrk's release was only in the anime. It never happened in the manga, and the anime only seemed to be doing it for comedy purposes.
  • Liam O'Brien
  • Ill Older Guy: His health problems.
  • Massive-Numbered Siblings: He has five younger brothers and two younger sisters, all of whom he essentially supports by himself.
  • Nice Guy: Arguably the nicest guy in the series.
  • The Obi-Wan: To Rukia.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Refuses to fight a little girl like Lilynette.
    • This seems to be more due to the fact that she's a child. We've never actually seen him attempt to fight an actual woman.
  • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Same as above.

Kaien Shiba

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Nejibana

He was the former lieutenant to Ukitake, as well as Rukia's mentor and (unrequited) first love. His zanpakuto was Nejibana. He died during a battle with one of Aizen's experimental hollows that took his wife Miyako's life. His body was then taken over by the hollow, forcing Rukia to destroy the body and kill the hollow.

That hollow would escape death and return to Aizen, with Kaien's memories inside of him. It would later be consumed by Aaroniero Arruruerie, and set the events for his and Rukia's battle.

Miyako Shiba

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

Kaien's beautiful and ladylike wife, Rukia's first idol, and the former 3rd seat. She was sent on a mission to investigate a nearby hollow, but she was killed by it (in the anime, the hollow possessed her, forcing Kaien to kill her). Kaien then went on to fight the hollow who did this to her.

Kiyone Kotetsu and Sentaro Kotsubaki

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown / Unknown

The two current co-3rd seats of the 13th division. They usually bicker on about who is more loyal to Ukitake, since both want to be the solo lieutenant.

  • Adaptation Dye Job: Kiyone. In the anime, she is kind of a redhead. In Tite Kubo's illustration of the Bleach Official Bootleg, she is definitely a blonde. Given that this was also the case with Rangiku, it kind of makes you wonder if the anime people had something against blondes.
    • Or it could be that the animators use a limited color palette and they're too lazy/busy/cheap/etc. to do otherwise.
  • Alliterative Name: Kotetsu Kiyone.
  • Bottle Fairy: Kiyone, to the point of showing up drunk to work.
  • Chinami Nishimura: Kiyone.
  • Koichi Tochika: Sentaro
  • Subordinate Excuse: Kiyone's got a HUGE crush on Ukitake.
  • Those Two Guys: Or actually, That Guy And That Girl, to Ukitake.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Kiyone is the tomboy to her older sister Isane's girly girl.
  • Volleying Insults: They engage in this a lot.

Rukia Kuchiki

Hidetomo Kajoumaru

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unknown

The sixth seat of the Thirteenth Squad, recently introduced in the manga.

Ryuunosuke Yuki

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unnamed.

One of the two young Shinigami who replace Kurumadani as Karakura guards in the manga. He's a rookie from the 13th Squad.


Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Unnamed.

The other young Shinigami who, alongside Yuki, replace Kurumadani as Karakura guards in the manga. She's a rookie from the 13th Squad, who has a crush on Kajomaru.


Zennosuke Kurumadani

Species: Shinigami
Affiliation: Soul Society
Zanpakutou: Tsuchinamazu

The Shinigami that replaces Rukia as the official Karakura guard. Don't take him too seriously.

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