Baka and Test/Characters

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Character sheets for various characters in Baka and Test here. Potential spoilers ahead, you have been warned.

Class 2-F

Akihisa Yoshii

Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (Japanese) and Josh Grelle (English)

The biggest idiot in the world (according to the majority of the cast) and somehow the main protagonist. Though a consistent failure in tests, his one major advantage is that this gives his Summoned Being a special ability to interact with physical objects and dodge attacks by other Beings. Unfortunately, this also causes him to be drafted by various teachers to do their grunt work. Currently lives on his own due to his parents' overseas work and his sister studying in Harvard (though she later came back), and usually has meals consisting of water and condiments due to his habit of spending what little allowance he gets on video games.

'Yuuji: Akihisa go declare war on class x(x being E-A)
'Akihisa:*comes back beaten up and humilatated*

Yuuji Sakamoto

Voiced by: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Japanese) and Scott Freeman (English)

Self-appointed Representative of Class F and a close friend of Akihisa. Despite his low grades, he's quite the brilliant tactician and strategist, and always thinks up of plans to beat enemy classes.

Mizuki Himeji

Voiced by: Hitomi Harada (Japanese) and Alexis Tipton (English)

One of the smartest students in Fumizuki, who got stuck in Class F after missing the placement exam due to a freak fever and thus automatically scored a zero. She's the meat shield that keeps Class F afloat in a Summoned Being battle. She has a crush on Akihisa, though he doesn't seem to notice, and tries to win him over with her cooking, but one bite is all it took to cause all her classmates to fear her dishes.

Mizuki: I think Minami-chan will use this chance to touch Akihisa-kun's chest and butt...that's too sneaky...”
Minami: Wh, what are you saying, Mizuki! How can I do such a thing—eh, what? What did you just say? Touching...Mizuki, what were you talking about...”
Mizuki: Ah! No, nothing! I'm not talking about touching him sneakily. Th, that... I'm just talking about improving the relationship with Akihisa-kun. I just said it wrongly!”

Minami: Mizuki..what were you planning to do to Aki...”

Minami Shimada

Voiced by: Kaori Mizuhashi (Japanese) and Leah Clark (English)

The other known female student in Class F. She spent most of her life in Germany, making her bad at reading kanji despite being fairly intelligent. Like Mizuki, she also has a crush on Akihisa -- which she expresses by literally crushing him with wrestling moves whenever he misreads her intentions, which is quite often.

Hideyoshi Kinoshita

Voiced by: Emiri Katou (Japanese) and Brina Palencia (English)

A student with a talent for acting, whose extremely effeminate looks caused characters and audiences alike to question their sexuality. Everybody frequently mistakes him for a girl despite his insistence to the contrary, was considered by Mizuki and Minami as a rival for Akihisa's affection, occasionally gets confessed to by Akihisa, has a separate space reserved for him in dressing rooms, and keeps getting female roles and costumes from the Drama Department. The only person who considers him a guy is Akihisa's sister Akira -- only because she didn't expect him to have any female friends. He has difficulty studying serious subjects, and is pretty much the opposite of his twin sister Yuuko, who happens to be in Class A.

  • A Friend in Need: He joins in the antics of the others probably because its what friend's do, although its still a mystery how he can get away from the consequences when it goes downhill.
  • Ambiguous Gender: In-series, though he frequently insists he's a boy.
  • Antiquated Linguistics: Speaks mainly in like an old man(ancient japanese and all), but thats only in japanese language. In the english dub...not so much.
  • Attractive Bent Gender
  • Beneath the Mask: Deep down, Hideyoshi isn't all that different from the others in class F. Also he really does likes Akihisa (romantically).
  • Berserk Button: He really hates it when people sell him female clothing when he asks for male ones, as well when he wears male clothing and people make him switch to female ones.
  • Bishonen/ Bishojo: You decide.
  • Blade on a Stick: His Summoned Being wields a naginata, a weapon traditionally wielded by women.
  • Blue Eyes: Blue-green.
  • Butt Monkey: Not as bad as Akihisa, but no one will ever call him a guy on first glance, even when he insists otherwise. This obviously has caused him a bit of trouble in "I'm a guy" situations.
  • Catch Phrase: More or less "I'm a Guy", when he does or uses into non-female related things, and someone asks him why he did so.
  • The Chick
  • Childhood Friends: He's known Akihisa since first grade, and has been with him since then in every class.
  • Cooldown Hug: During the Study Camp arc, he had to do this to calm Akihisa when he went berserk baying for Yuuji's blood... It's a Long Story.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices
  • Damsel in Distress/Dude in Distress: Played for Laughs in OVA one where the two Jerkass students kidnapped him because "he was the best looking one of the group".
  • Deadpan Snarker: He does sometimes snark in his usual quiet and polite manner, especially towards Akihisa's Insane Troll Logic.
  • Dropped a Bridget On Him: Subverted. Hideyoshi insists he's a boy. Not like anyone, especially Akihisa, cares.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: To the point that EVERYONE mistakes him for a girl and very little know that he is actually a guy despite him saying that he is a guy. He even has his own exclusive bath house room just because of this.
  • Easily Forgiven: Due to his appearance and personality, he was the only boy to escape "punishment" by the girls during the Study Camp arc (Volume 3 light novels, Episodes 5 to 7 of Ni!).
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Just ask Akihisa and Kouta.
  • Fan Nickname: "The Trap", in some circles.
  • Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: An extremely Bishonen guy who's often put into cross-dressing outfits against his will, has his own male harem and also has a twin sister.
  • Hair Decorations
  • Half-Identical Twins: With his sister Yuuko.
  • If It's You It's Okay: May actually be the case towards Akihisa as of the later novels.
    • To a lesser extent, some of the non-yaoi in the fandom actually think Hideyoshi is the best one for Akihisa. As he is the only one of the other love interests who hasn't harm/humiliate Akihisa in anyway.
  • Innocent Fanservice Guy
  • Japanese Pronouns: In Japanese, his way of speech is quite antiquate and definitely not what a young person would use. To match with it, he refers to himself with "washi", the pronoun old men use.
    • Most likely a joke on his name: He shares his first name with Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the second unifier of Sengoku-era Japan, and his surname was taken from the surname of Toyotomi's alias when he was younger.
      • Of course, why one of the greatest traps in anime should be named after the man whose title gave English the word "tycoon" is a mystery known only to his creator.
  • Luminescent Blush: Like all of the other love interests of Akihisa, he is prone to this.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Feminine Boy to Yuuko's Masculine Girl, much to the latter's chagrin.
  • Master of Disguise: One can dress him up as a girl and he can/will play the part very well. Including voice work on both languages.
  • Meaningful Name: Hideyoshi means "good esteem"/"good excellence".
  • Meido: He and his sister have worn the uniform before. You decide who looks prettier.
  • Mr. Fanservice

Hideyoshi: Why was I the only one who got a transformation sequence?

  • Nice Guy: He's the only guy in class who doesn't try to beat Akihisa up.
  • Not So Above It All: He'd occasionally "fit in" with his classmates' antics. One example is blushing over Akihisa's confessions.
  • Only Sane Man: If it weren't for his appearance and voice, he'd be the nicest guy in Class F!
  • Proper Tights with a Skirt
  • Running Gag: Never seems to get male clothing (apart from his uniform), and even if he does, its not going to be on him for long.
  • Scenery Censor: His chest is always covered by something (a towel or a person's arm).
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Yuuko -- he is not too smart but kind; she is smart but haughty.
  • Sleep Cute: So cute Akihisa tried to kiss him once; it was even lampshaded in the novels. Of course he does look cute without his hair clips.
  • So Beautiful It's a Curse: He's so beautiful no one believes him to be a guy, and gets confessions from guys just about everyday. Then there's the poem a certain someone wrote to him which kind of gave him nightmares for a while.
  • The Stoic: Not quite, but most people say he has a good poker face. Quite good considering how many confessions he gets from other guys.
  • Stupid Sexy Hideyoshi
  • Talking to Himself: He and his sister share the same voice actresses in both languages.
  • Took a Third Option: Between the boys' and the girls' rooms, he ended up at the "Hideyoshi Room".
  • Unknown Rival: Very much unaware that Mizuki and Minami consider him a rival for Akihisa's heart.
  • Voice Changeling: His specialty in acting is voice mimicry, which has helped class F in certain situations.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Poor Hideyoshi. Just when someone can finally tell he's a guy, Akihisa screws it all up and insists he's a girl.

Kouta Tsuchiya

Voiced by: Kouki Miyata (Japanese) and Greg Ayres (English)

A friend of Akihisa and pervert par excellence who is almost never seen without a camera on hand. Whenever he sees a potential panty/boob shot, he'll squeeze into whatever angle necessary for the best shot, and sells them for some cash. Akihisa seems especially interested whenever he takes a photo of Hideyoshi in a sexy pose. He also turns out to be an excellent athlete, with Health and P.E. grades to rival even those of Class A, but is terrible at all other subjects.


A group consisting of the majority of male students within Class F, often seen wearing dark robes and hodes that hide their features. Since none of them have luck with girls, they formed a pact to hunt down anyone in their class who did. If they find a guy in Class 2-F winning affection from a girl, they will perform an Inquisition upon him. Even Akihisa has donned their robe at times (when he isn't a target).

The only named student to be a part of this group is Ryo Sugawa.

Class 2-A

Shouko Kirishima

Voiced by: Tomomi Isamura (Japanese) and Jamie Marchi (English)

The soft-spoken, if assertive, Class Representative of 2-A. She was Yuuji's childhood friend, and now dreams of marrying him... whether he likes it or not.

Aiko Kudou

Voiced by: Yoshino Nanjou (Japanese) and Trina Nishimura (English)

A green-haired girl and a bit of a troublemaker who might be Kouta's equal in terms of Health and P.E., except she adds that she has "practical" experience in that area.

  • Ascended Extra/Recurring Extra: Depending on which part of the story, but she plays a role here or there giving minor hints to the arc. But most of the time she just likes to tease and watch the guys get into trouble.
  • An Axe to Grind: Her Summoned Being uses one.
  • Bokukko
  • Brown Eyes
  • Cute Little Fangs: All the time.
  • Foe Yay: She and Kouta are arch enemies, but not that doesn't mean deep down (ok not so deep really) they do like each other.
  • Skirt Over Slacks: What she wears most of the time. Kouta can tell; everyone else can't.
  • The Tease: With the most prominent of her hijinks being her "practical" experience in Health and P.E. lessons, it is Most often directed at Kouta.
  • You Gotta Have Green Hair

Toshimitsu Kubo

Voiced by: Takuma Terashima (Japanese) and Joel McDonald (English)

A calm, collected boy who usually sticks to a tight schedule and has very good grades as a result. However, after a small misunderstanding, he thought Akihisa was trying to hit on him, and now happens to have a crush on Akihisa.

Yuuko Kinoshita

Voiced by: Emiri Katou (Japanese) and Brina Palencia (English)

Hideyoshi's twin sister. Unlike him, she is prideful, haughty and pretty arrogant, but has the grades to back it up.

Class 2-B

Kyouji Nemoto

Voiced by: Hiromu Miyazaki (Japanese) and Todd Haberkorn (English)

A cunning schemer and Class Representative of Class B who's willing to cheat his way to victory and good grades. He tried forming an alliance with Class C, only to be defeated by Yuuji and his own plan, forcing the poor guy to get dressed in female clothing and get photographed by Yuuji as leverage to force his class into fighting Class A.

Class 2-C

Yuuka Koyama

Voiced by: Hiromi Igarashi (Japanese) and Terri Doty (English)

Class C's Class Representative who was originally going out with Class B's Kyouji, until she saw him Dragged Into Drag.

Class 2-D

Genji Hiraga

Voiced by: Nobuhiko Okamoto (Japanese), Micah Solusod (English)

Class Representative of Class D.

Miharu Shimizu

Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu (Japanese) and Kristi Bingham (English)

A lesbian who is madly in love with Minami, even if that love is unrequited.

Class 2-E

Hiromi Nakabayashi

Voiced by: Yuko Takayama (Japanese) and Anastasia Munoz (English)

Class Representative of Class E and a natural athlete. Though she has bad grades, her athletic talent gives her greater endurance. Her summoned Being appears in the form of a basketball player.


Kaoru Todo

Voiced by: Kaori Nakamura (Japanese) and Wendy Powell (English)

The old principal of Fumizuki High. Her name is never directly mentioned in the anime.

Shin Fukuhara

Voiced by: Kenjiro Tsuda (Japanese) and Anthony Bowling (English)

A soft-spoken teacher who used to be 1-F's homeroom teacher, but later became the narrator after being replaced by Nishimura-sensei.

Souichi Nishimura

Voiced by: Akio Ohtsuka (Japanese) and Kent Williams (English)

A hardcore master of discipline who possesses great physical ability and serves as the current homeroom teacher of 2-F. He is the one who drags students off to remedial lessons if their Being gets KO'd in battle. Whatever the time, place, number of students or even relevance to school, he will pop up and drag them all back for those lessons.


A 45-year-old Math teacher rumored to threaten students into going out with her through manipulating their grades.

Other Characters

Hazuki Shimada

Voiced by: Mana Hirata (Japanese) and Lindsay Seidel (English)

Minami's little sister who refers to Akihisa as "baka na onii-chan" ("stupid brother"), and talks about marrying him one day after he saved up money to buy her a giant stuffed doll.

Akira Yoshii

Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese) and Carli Mosier (English)

Akihisa's 23-year-old sister with a bust that rivals Mizuki's. She studied at Harvard, but comes back to Japan later in the story to look after Akihisa. Considering some of her dialogue, it's possible that she has a brother complex or is just very good at teasing him in order to get him to do better. Unlike her brother, she's very smart, but bad at cooking.

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  1. Baka-Tsuki translated one of Himeji's recipes (Note the end part); for those not up on their inorganic chemistry, "King's Water" is called as such because it is one of the few solvents that can dissolve solid gold.