Amphibia (TV series)

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Revision as of 22:18, 9 June 2022 by Kuma (talk | contribs) (Adding some changes to the description and some tropes.)

Welcome to Amphibia!

Amphibia is a 2019 Disney Channel cartoon created by Matt Braly, who was a director on Gravity Falls. It premiered on June 17, 2019, and ended its third season on May 14, 2022. Anyone can view the first episodes on YouTube.

Anne Boonchuy is a girl who opened a mystical music box with her two friends, Sasha Waybright and Marcy Wu, where all three are transported to Amphibia. The inhabitants consist of giant flora, fauna, and sapient amphibians of frogs, toads, and newts. The three members of the Plantar family take her in: the energetic Sprig who becomes her new best friend, the brutal Polly who wishes to throw down with this monster, and the grandfather Hopediah or Hop Pop. Anne goes on many adventures with her new friends while searching for her old ones and finding a way back home.

Amphibia is a Spoilered Rotten series, so be warned, Spoilers may be unmarked.

Tropes used in Amphibia (TV series) include:
  • Adults Are Useless: Ultimately defied throughout the series.
    • In Amphibia, all the adults are shown as those that can fight and protect their children, or grandchildren, when the chips are down. Hop Pop is shown to be an accomplished wrestler, able to take down Mayor Toadstool, while Felicity Sundew uses innkeeping training to prepare Ivy for whatever is out there in the world.
    • Also, while Anne's father is something of a Bumbling Dad, her mother is a Mama Bear who catches on fast. With that said, Anne doesn't want to tell them about everything that happened in Amphibia because it was pretty traumatic, and she's sure they would never let her out of their sight again. Turns out after the killer robot exploded, both her parents become uber-competent at protecting their daughter and houseguests, keeping a tracking chip on Hop Pop and outsmarting the FBI. They help the group escape back to Amphibia when Anne's powers combine with Terri's portal, and then tell off Mr. X for how poorly handled the situation. The series finale shows them taking on Andrias's invasion head-on, much to the Plantars and Anne's delight.
  • Alien Lunch: A Running Gag in season one involved Anne being grossed out by the food in Amphibia, which tended to have bugs in it. After about a month in Wartwood, however, she starts craving pillbug pancakes and bug jerky. In Marcy's theme song takeover, she gobbled a whole plateful of bug appetizers at a party.
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Some insects and arachnids are kept as pets where they show dog-like behavior. There is one episode where Anne takes in a large wild caterpillar she names Domino II that resembles and acts like a cat but later changes into a meat-eating moth that almost ate her and the Plantars.
  • Alternate Realm Boon: The three girls had the energy of the Calamity Stones when they were transported into Amphibia. This energy allows them to go enter Super Mode where they become superhuman and have energy-based powers.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: Amphibians consist of different species of frogs, toads, and newts comprised of various skin tones.
  • Artifact of Doom: The Calamity Box, the MacGuffin that drives the whole plot. This device was created by a godlike entity to determine if mortals were capable of possessing unlimited power - it seems, in most cases, they are not, Anne being the only user not to use it for evil purposes.
  • Ascended Fridge Horror: Andrias practically falls over, crying, when Sprig reads aloud Leif's farewell letter, revealing that it was in the Plantar basement. Leif never forgot about Andrias, and she changed her name to Lily Producer, later Plantar, to hide from the King and Barrel. Andrias practically has a breakdown on realizing that his best friend truly didn't betray him for a selfish reason but because she did have Amphibia's best interests at heart, and wanted to save the planet. It also hits him that he nearly killed Leif's descendants, out of sheer pettiness and pain.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence:
    • Possibly the Core’s true goal, although it seems it believes itself to be a god in all but name.
    • In the finale, Anne is given the opportunity for this, the Guardian wanting her to be its successor. Anne, however, refuses, claiming her successes have been marred by numerous mistakes, and she doesn’t want them to mar up all of existence. The Guardian sees her point, but implies it will make the offer again in 78 years.
  • The Atoner:
    • In season three, Sasha resolves to protect Wartwood to make up for betraying Anne and Marcy in season 2. While Grime at first helps out with his friendship with Sasha, he starts bonding with the residents for real. "The Hardest Thing" shows him happily settled down in Wartwood.
    • "The Hardest Thing" shows Andrias reacting in horror as Leif's vision comes true because the Core wants to make a suicidal run on the planet. He uses the last of his robot army to help the girls fight the Core, and destroys the Crown connecting him to his father's spirit. While he does not think he's earned Marcy's forgiveness, in part because he nearly killed her and let the core assimilate her, he wishes her well. The Time Skip shows him going around Amphibia, planting the flora that he destroyed in his campaign.
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: The world's fauna consists of various giant predatory insects and arachnids. Plus a lot of Mix and Match Critters who combine such with birds, reptiles, or mammals.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Each season ends this way:
    • "Reunion": While the Plantars and Wartwood manage to rescue Hop Pop and overthrow the local Toad Regime while they're at it, Anne fails to rescue Sasha from what would have been a deadly fall. Grime has to do that, and shoots a Death Glare at Anne. Realizing that her friendship with Sasha is damaged, Anne starts bawling, as the Plantars hold her. The next day, the Wartwood residents return home, exhausted, as Anne promises the Plantars that they'll stick together, no matter how bad things get.
    • "True Colors": It's very close to a Downer Ending. King Andrias reveals that he is Evil All Along, nearly killing Sprig, smashing Frobo to bits, and outright impaling Marcy when she activates the Calamity Box to help save Anne and the Plantars. Sasha and Grime try to hold off Andrias in Sasha's first truly selfless action but get beaten. Anne and the Plantars, however, escape to Earth, and she still has a fragment of her powers from the Calamity Box. It means that she has the best chance of stopping Andrias's invasion of Earth. Anne also realizes they're in Los Angeles, close to her house.
    • "The Hardest Thing": The sad part is not Anne dying via Heroic Sacrifice, with her body disintegrating after Sprig and Frobo return her to Amphibia, where the Resistance mourns her saving the planet. The Cosmic Guardian of All Realms restores Anne to life, after learning that if it considers her worthy at thirteen, she will be even more qualified to replace them after a long time of growing and changing for the better. They also give Anne gem shards that will allow a one-way trip back to Earth. It means, however, that none of them will see their friends for a while, depending on if Terri can find a suitable power source for her portal. Grime and Sasha have a tearful goodbye, as she sobbingly asks him to find Percy and Braddock on her behalf. Marcy forgives Andrias, who can't look her in the face while wishing her well. Hop Pop says that he's proud of his honorary granddaughter and there will always be a home for Anne with the Plantars, while Polly says she'll miss her "big sister". Sprig clings to Anne, realizing he has to let go of his best friend and this may be a final goodbye. Anne gives him a final hug, and her cellphone since it is charged for infinity. The Time Skip further emphasizes this: while indeed Anne, Sasha and Marcy are still friends, Marcy did eventually move with her parents' job, while Anne and Sasha joined different cliques in high school. They reunite at Anne's workplace, where she maintains amphibian terrariums. Back in frog world, Andrias is spending the rest of his life repairing the damage he caused to Amphibia, content for the first time ever, as Hop Pop has settled with Sylvia, Polly has grown into a young lady, and Sprig plans to explore a new continent. Grime has also settled in Wartwood, while Olivia and Yunan have gotten married and Toadstool has helped Toadie become mayor. They end the day mounting a statue of Anne, as their Town Hero, as Sprig smiles fondly.
  • Black Comedy: Practically a staple of the series, especially when it references how easy it is to die in Amphibia.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: One that comes up in the series finale. Hop Pop gently tells Sprig that he may need to prepare for saying goodbye to Anne forever, as Anne has to return to Earth once Amphibia is safe and reunite with her parents. Sprig responds cheerily that he thought he would have to say goodbye to Anne forever back in Newtopia when Andrias betrayed them, and no matter what happens, they will always be best friends. They'll cross that bridge once they come to it. "The Hardest Thing" shows both of their points coming to life: The girls have to use the gems to stop the Core, and the Guardian provides enough shards for a one-way trip back to Earth when Anne sacrifices her life and dies temporarily to save Amphibia. Once they do so, the Calamity Box becomes dust. With that said, Anne reassures Sprig that no matter what, as they tearfully say goodbye before she goes through that final portal, he will always be her best friend, and gifts him with her phone so that he will have a piece of her with him, that will last forever. Hop Pop also tearily tells Anne that if she ever comes back to Amphibia, and there's at least a chance in the future with Terri's portal machine and blueprints, she always has a home as a Plantar and as her granddaughter.
  • Chekov's Gun: Tons:
    • First off, the letter Sprig finds in the Plantar family tunnels in Season One that nobody can read; it's a love letter to Andreas that pretty much turns the tide of the Final Battle when he learns about it.
    • Also, when “Darcy” (what the Core calls itself after stealing Marcy’s body) first appears, there seems to be an obvious Achilles' Heel, a cord tethering the helmet Marcy is wearing to the main Core. Sasha eventually figures this out and defeats Darcy by severing the cord.
  • Darker and Edgier: The second season is much darker than the first, and by the time the third comes around, most viewers will be likely be saying to himself, "This is a freakin' Disney cartoon??" To give just one example of how dark it is, Captain Grime loses an arm in the Final Battle against Darcy, and while any blood is concealed via shadow, it doesn't leave much to the imagination, leaving no doubt at all that he is bleeding to death.
  • Dramatic Irony:
    • "Best Fronds" ends with Anne hoping that Sasha and Marcy are okay whenever they are. Rapid cut to Commander Grime confronting a chained-up Sasha, with Anne's missing shoe.
    • In season three, Agent X is convinced that the "frog aliens" are planting an invasion when he sees traffic camera footage of them fighting a robot. All the while, Anne and the Plantars are trying to figure out how to build a portal back to Amphibia to stop Andrias. He's floored when the Boonchuys tell him off for these assumptions because the PLantars are planning to prevent an invasion, which will be much worse.
    • After capturing Anne, Darcy gloats about her plan to dissect her - while she is still alive.[1] Horrific and cruel, yes, but very ironic, seeing as Anne is a high school student. What sort of animals would are typically dissected in high school biology class?
    • Marcy Theme Song Takeover ends with Marcy proclaiming "Hope nothing bad happens to me!" Uh, yeah, in hindsight, of all the bad things that happen to the heroes, Marcy likely got the worst of it.
  • Easy Logistics: This is the Core’s fatal flaw. Believing itself to be invincible, it fails to do much reconnaissance of Earth and is ignorant of how much humans have evolved over the past millennia. Mistaking Marcie’s mobile phone for the apex of human military technology, it believes humans are “pathetic”. Granted, its army is capable of handling the job, but it underestimates its target, failing to understand that Machiavelli Was Wrong.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: Anne thinks that she was the only one sucked into Amphibia because she woke up alone in the swamp. Episode 2 ends with The Reveal that Sasha ended up in toad territory, and Grime captured her. In Season 2, when Anne realizes that Sasha was transported, she commits to finding Marcy as well.
  • Evolving Credits: The Season 2 intro changes their sequence where it shows Anne and Sasha fighting with swords while Marcy is depicted with the Calamity Box in the background. The outro has Anne looking at the night sky while Hop Pop drives the fwagon.
    • Season 3's intro changes to the show:
      • Anne and the Plantars are transported to Earth.
      • The Plantars adapting to life on Earth and characters that become friends with them.
      • The citizens of Wartwood becoming a rebellion led by Sasha against the Newtopian Empire.
      • Marcy is put in a recovery tank, followed by Andrias and the Core.
      • An army of robots could invade Earth.
      • Anne using her Super Mode to take them down.
      • Later on, the tank portion is replaced with Marcy being possessed by the Core (dubbed Darcy).
  • Fantastic Voyage Plot: "Mother of Olms", where the Calamity Trio have to go inside Mother Olm's skull to apply a cream to her brain to help job her memory. No shrinking required here, as Mother Olm is so enormous. Sasha is really grossed out by the whole thing, especially when they have to exit Mother Olm's body by being sneezed out.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Season One
      • Anne's eyes glow blue in the pilot when she rescues Sprig from a giant mantis. Season two reveals that it's an aftereffect of her using the box; the girls absorbed the Gem's powers.
    • Season Two
      • Valeriana tells Anne, "We have been waiting for someone like you for such a long time." Anne is confused but attributes it to Valeriana being quirky. Turns out that Valeriana was referring to herself and the Cosmic Guardian, who has been looking for a replacement.
    • Season Three
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Anne's eyes flash blue during certain high-intensity moments. There are also instances where Marcy's shine green and Sasha's red.
  • Grail in the Garbage: Anne, Marcy, and Sasha initially find the Calamity Box in a Thrift Store. Exactly how it wound up there is never explained.
  • Hollywood Healing: In the Marcy Theme Song Takeover short for Amphibia, Marcy says she was so overjoyed to find herself in the fantasy world she always dreamed of that she fell down a long flight of stairs and broke her leg. Lucky for her, Newtopia offered free universal healthcare. (This is confirmed in a flashback in "All In", showing her leg in a cast the first time she meets Andreas).Having said that, had she truly broken her leg it seems unlikely she could have done the heroic accomplishments she mentions in the rest of the short, plus all the things she spoke of in the actual show, especially since she had only been there three months by the time she and Anne reconnected.
  • Humans Are Ugly: In the pilot, Anne's attempts to ask Wally for help send him off screaming, claiming that a monster tried attacking him. He leads an angry mob in the town. When Sprig meets Anne, after she set snare traps to protect herself, he at first alls her "beast". Later, however, after she saves him from a giant mantis, he calls her an "ugly hero". Even after Anne proves that she's not a monster, the town still calls her the "scarecrow".
  • Large and In Charge: Mayor Froderick Toadstool is the largest resident of Wartwood Swamp, the town where most of season 1 takes place; justified, as he is a toad while most other residents are frogs. However, the king of Amphibia as a whole is King Andrias Leviathan, who towers over any of his subjects, clearly the biggest non-monster character on the show as of the end of season 2.
  • Lima Syndrome: Sasha's experience after being captured by Captain Grime was... well, maybe Sasha herself can summarize it better. While this may seem to overlap with Stockholm Syndrome, by the way, it does not; it took a long time before Sasha actually started to care enough about Grime and his men to regard them as anything other than tools.
  • Machiavelli Was Wrong: Initially, Grime had a Machiavellian method of leading his troops, and they were a mess. Sasha manages to convince him that this Trope is better, and it does make his troops more efficient and competent. Of course, Sasha never says a leader has to be sincere when respecting his men, as she initially only does this to manipulate them.
    • Also, the Core is so full of overconfidence and hubris it believes Earth will be an Easily-Conquered World. It doesn't quite go as planned.
  • The Man Behind The Man: This show lives on this Trope:
    • Mayor Frodrick Toadstool was the first antagonist, the greedy and corrupt mayor of Wartwood, but he was mostly penny-ante as a villain.
    • Later, it seemed Captain Grime was the higher-ranking antagonist, with Sasha on-track to be a Dragon with an Agenda.
    • Still later (in the “True Colors” Wham! Episode) it seemed King Andrias was the true villain, though even before that, it seemed Andrias was being supported by a thing that lived in his palace’s dungeons.
    • The “thing” turned out to be the Core, the true Big Bad. A computer Mind Hive of all of Amphibia’s former rulers that had been plotting invasion and conquest of Earth for over a millennia.
  • My God, What Have I Done?:
    • Anne has this reaction for many moments throughout the seasons when her ideas or stubbornness get the Plantars into trouble or mortal danger. She spends the end of the episode apologizing when that happens and making up for her mistake. In fact, this is why she turns down the Cosmic Guardian's offer to become the new Guardian; Anne points out that shes' done good, but has made so many mistakes.
    • Sasha goes through an extended version of this in season three when kicking herself over prioritizing Grime's invasion over rebuilding her friendship with Anne and Marcy. If she hadn't done that, she could have stopped Andrias's hostile plans and saved Marcy from being impaled. Grime has to tell her to stop beating herself up, she's no good to anyone in Heroic BSOD.
    • Andrias has two of them in the series finale. First is when Sprig reveals that he found a letter to Andrias from Leif, which was in his family's basement. Leif wrote a farewell letter, apologizing to her best friend for betraying his trust to save Earth and Amphibia from the future she saw, and begging him to not close his heart to others because of her. It hits Andrias that Leif was never using him, that he sent away Barrel in a fit of pain, and he nearly murdered Leif's great-great-great-grandchildren. On top of that, his pain motivated him to hurt Marcy, his Only Friend in the present, and deliver her to the Core. Then "The Hardest Thing" happens, and he sees the Core activating the moon as a giant superweapon, to wipe out all life on Amphibia. Leif's vision comes to life, and Andrias realizes belatedly that the vision was about the Core causing a suicidal run out of pure spite. He warns Anne and the Resistance about this, and stands up to his father for the first time ever by sending robots to help the girls fight the Core..
  • Ordinary High School Student: Well, The three human girls (Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu) are ordinary middle school students.
  • Organic Technology: Amphibia's technology consists of plants that act as appliances, such as mushrooms that can shine light through bioluminescence
  • Perspective Flip: Season one starts with the typical Trapped in Another World, season 2 expanding it with Sasha and Marcie trapped with her; Season three, however, starts with Anne escaping back to Earth, having to take the Planter family with her, resulting in them trapped in our world for several episodes.
  • The Power of Friendship: A major point plot of the whole series. Not only is this what helps the heroes survive, it is what convinces Andrias to switch sides, a never-delivered love letter from a childhood crush he believed a traitor making him see the light and distract the Core long enough for Sasha to Cut the Juice on it.
  • Predecessor Villain:
    • Ragnar the Wretched; little is known about him, but seeing as General Yunan will [[Large Ham| never let you forget she is the one who defeated him, he must have been one bad amphibian.
    • Zigzagged with King Aldrich, Adrias’ father and predecessor. He was certainly rotten, but as part of the Core, his influence isn’t quite gone.
  • Reality Ensues: Spending six months in Amphibia and having no access to modern hygiene facilities results in Anne needing extensive dental work when she gets home.
  • Schizo-Tech: Most of the Amphibian technology would be around that of medieval times. Later on, it is revealed that ancient ruins were actually robot factories. Newtopia was even revealed to be a Flying Fortress where they used the Calamity Box to invade other dimensions for their resources until it was stolen.
  • Secret Test of Character:
    • Each of the temples has one for those that hold the Gem's power. Marcy has to learn when to not sacrifice her friends for a win, Sasha persists to protect everyone out of sheer stubbornness, and Anne faces her flaws readily, accepting them when Valeriana tests her.
    • According to the Cosmic Guardian, the Calamity Box is this, in their quest to find a successor. It can give you the power to travel worlds, to explore them, and make them better. Or... you can use the box's power for selfish reasons, to exploit other planets or drag along others with you that don't want to travel. The secret power is if you use all the gems' for a super-form, but sacrifice your life doing so, meaning you would either be a fanatic or prepared to make a Heroic Sacrifice. As the Guardian explains, Anne was the only being in 10,000 years that made such a sacrifice, all the while knowing the consequences. Leif didn't pass the test all those years ago because she didn't have to sacrifice her life to save the planet or use the box, only her former way of living. That and she didn't really solve the problem, only delayed it by a few millennia.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: This is practically a Running Gag in the series and a motif:
    • Part of the reason why Sasha is so controlling is that she's worried Anne and Marcy would otherwise have no reason to hang out with her. Her actions in "Reunion" cause Anne to stand up to her when Sasha nearly stabs Sprig, and in "True Colors" Anne outright disowns her as a best friend. Fortunately, the three truly reconcile by the end of season three, when Anne sees that Sasha has protected the Wartwood residents with her life, and Sasha fights Darcy to save her best friend, as well as Earth.
    • Hop Pop buries the music box after Anne and Sprig try to seek answers at an underground market, fearing that revealing it will endanger his family. Only problem? He considers Anne part of that family. When she finds out in "After the Rain" that he lied to her and buried it in the backyard, and it went missing, Anne calls him out and actually goes back to the cave in the woods because in her mind, he prioritized his own fears over her quest to return home. Sprig and Polly proceed to endanger themselves getting the box back from the magpie beetles. Yes, this is lampshaded, and the next episode has Hop Pop and Anne acting awkward around each other because she needs time to forgive him.
    • Marcy convinced Sasha to make Anne shoplift the Calamity Box because she thought traveling to other worlds would mean they would stay friends. When Andrias callously reveals the truth in "True Colors", Anne and Sasha are horrified with her. Granted, Anne tries to protect her, and shouts at her to get into the portal when seeing Andrias is behind her. Sasha is more conflicted, talking with Anne in "The Beginning of the End" that she still feels betrayed by how Marcy used them for indulging in a fantasy. Fighting Darcy helps work out some of her frustrations about how she and Marcy enabled each otehr's selfishness.
    • A more ambiguous one with Leif. The box gave her a vision that if the invasion of Earth happened, the moon would turn red and crash into Amphibia. She sought an audience with the King, begging him to stop using the box until they learned more about the vision. He dismissed her and warned Andrias that Leif was using him for her benefit since he would be king soon. Leif ran away with the box, seeking the Olms for advice. This ended up saving Earth for a few thousand years, but the series finale shows the moon turning red and heading towards Amphibia just as Anne and the Amphibian residents are celebrating the end of the war. A captive and injured Andrias becomes horrified, as he recognizes it as the Core's last stand; the Core has turned the moon into a giant superweapon, to wipe amphibian life out of pure spite at being defeated. And why did the Core make this suicidal last stand? Because Leif hiding the box on Earth set the circumstances for Anne and her friends to find it, and help the humans stop the invasion.
  • Series Goal: Anne is trying to reunite with Sasha and Marcy while finding a way home. In season 3, her goal then changes to going back to Amphibia after returning to Earth to bring back her friends while stopping the Newtopian Empire's invasion.
  • Shared Universe: In If You Give A Frog A Cookie, one of Dr. Frake's photos is a blurred image of The Owl House. There is also the season 2 finale of Owl House shows an article featuring Anne Boonchuy on Camila's tablet.
  • Shipper on Deck: Anne loves romance, where she even obsesses over Sprig and Ivy being together.
  • Sissy Villain: Mr. X; "Villain" might be stretching the definition (he's sort of an Inspector Javert-type of antagonist) but he clearly fits the "sissy" part, with his lavender suit complete with purple lipstick.
  • Title-Only Opening: This happens in episodes that have plot development, are drama-heavy, or both.
  • Trapped in Another World: The three human girls are trapped in Amphibia due to the music box. Each one is sent to different locations: Anne near Wartwood, Sasha taken prisoner of Toad Tower, and Marcy in Newtopia.
    • In season 3, the Plantars are sent to Earth with Anne without Marcy and Sasha as they try to find a way back to Amphibia.
  • Wham! Episode: Two words, "True Colors."
  • Whole Plot Reference:
    • The series makes loving homages of Fushigi Yuugi, a story where two best friends end up in a magical world and become mortal enemies after enemy factions find them. Their school uniforms also become indicators of their connection to their homes, and fundamental goodness, much as how Miaka's uniform connected her to Yui until they switched places by accident in the real world and in the book. Anne sticks to her St. Catherine's uniform while traveling throughout Amphibia, while Sasha trades it in for Grime's toad armor, and Marcy wears the Newtopian guard colors. In the end, despite all the girls making more than their fair share of mistakes and realizing belatedly that they empowered the Big Bad they pull through, save the world, and return home wiser.
    • The series finale combines plot points from the Sailor Moon manga and anime. As with the Silver Crystal, the gems kill Anne after she uses their power to protect all of Amphibia. She then meets the Cosmic Guardian, who takes Domino's like Luna, and offers Anne a job as the new guardian. Anne declines, much as Usagi did in the first manga arc to rebuild the Moon Kingdom because she is just a teen and not ready to handle that much responsibility. Much as in the Sailor Moon anime, Anne is restored to life and prepares to live it properly on Earth.
  • You Killed My Father: The giant cybernetic herons that Andrias uses for the invasion are the beasts who killed Sprig and Polly’s parents; Hop Pop somberly says he’d recognize them anywhere, and Sprig still has nightmares of the terrible screeching they made. The mere sight of them terrifies the Planters so much they are unable to fight them… Until, that is, it seems likely Anne’s parents are going to be next. Cue the Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  1. Technically that is called "vivisection", by the way.