Young Dracula: Difference between revisions

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* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Erin's 'friend' Becky is attracted to evil Vlad, eagerly accepting his invitation for [[Exact Words|a quick bite for lunch.]]
* [[Annoying Younger Sibling]]: Vlad fits the trope for Ingrid, just as she, though older, covers the "annoying" bit for him: he doesn't want to be a vampire but is still favoured by his father and she does want to be one but is ignored. Olga, although she is a cousin rather than a sibling of theirs, likewise fits the trope for Ingrid because of her competitive streak.
** Vlad's friend Robin Branagh, due to his semi-gothic persona and obsession with vampires is something of an annoyance to his elder siblings Ian and Paul (and vice versa) and although his sister Chloe is younger, her brothers tend to fit this trope for her since she is generally more mature and academically bright.
*** Wolfie, on the other hand, seems to get along fine with his older half-siblings, preferring to annoy Renfield.
* [[Anti-Anti-Christ]]: In the season/series 2 episode, Insomnia, Vlad is said to be this in a dreamworld (he's supposed to bring vampires back to their former glory-i.e. make vampires the rulers once more and knowing most vampires' preference of draining tens of peasants dry a day
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* [[Bathroom Break Out]]: Van Helsing does it in "Halloscream"; leaving behind a tape of himself whistling to convince Jono that he is still in there.
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: Ingrid saves the lives of the Branagh family in the series 1 finale for this reason, although {{spoiler|she accomplishes this by insulting them and refusing their kindness}}.
* [[Big Brother Bully]]: Ian and Paul Branagh to Robin. Ingrid is a Big Sister Bully to Vlad.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Renfield, Eric van Helsing.
* [[The Caligula]]: Ingrid, at least in the series 2 finale
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* [[Clip Show]]: Episode 4 of series three - though it also provides [[Character Development]] as [[Interspecies Romance|Vlad and Erin]] reminisce, and is actually quite helpful given the [[Uncancelled|long gap]] between series two and three. And it's the nearest we'll get to seeing Robin back in the series.
** Episode 9 of series 3 is a mild form of this, focusing on Ingrid. Does help her to get out of her [[Villainous BSOD]]. And it's the nearest we'll get to seeing Will back in the series.
* [[Compulsory School Age]]: [[Lampshaded]]. The Count has no intention of sending either Vlad or Ingrid to school. That is, until the Headmistress of the school comes by, pointing out he will be taken to court if he doesn't place them in the school. We all know that the courts are the modern equivalent of an angry peasant mob, after all.
** School isn't compulsory in the UK, anyway.
*** No, but education is. If you don't inform the local council of your home-schooling plans in detail, you can be arrested, which leads us back to the issue in the beginning.
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* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: an interesting example in episode 3x01 has Vlad change from his school uniform into a black leather jumpsuit and black cape to go rescue Ingrid from the slayers. He's not actually turning evil but he is embracing the vampire side of himself.
* [[Evil Gloating]]: Borris does this after his transformation into a vampire, "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!" included.
* [[Femme Fatale]]: Ingrid in series 3. In her own words: "twice as beautiful, three times as evil. Make that four times as evil."
* [[A Fete Worse Than Death]]: What the Branaghs would suffer had hunt of the Hunt Ball went to plan.
* [[Fille Fatale]]: Ingrid. And she's well aware of it.
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]]: What Vlad wants his family to be. What Uncle Ivan appears to be when he first shows up.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: In episode 3x03 when Vlad's tired of telepathy training, he's given a walky talky for practise and sarcastically says "Whisky Tango Foxtrot" (WTF). For a children's show on the BBC, fairly risky.
** When the Count tries to get Vlad to practise his telepathy:
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{{quote|'''Count''': Then I will reveal myself to her
'''Renfield''': Is that legal? }}
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: Sort of blink and you'll miss it, but in series one, episode 10, there's a historical in joke which is quite amusing for those who know the history of Dracula.
{{quote|'''Count Dracula''': [reading from book] "The rugby players huddle together, toss the ball around, and pat each other on the back for being good sports." ''Good sports?'' I didn't impale half of Wallachia so you could be a ''good sport''.}}
* [[Hollywood Nerd]]: Borris, a solid Type 1. (Until his 16th birthday, that is...)
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* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad]]: Vlad has touches of this at times, as he doesn't want to become a vampire as family tradition dictates. To be fair, most of his anger does seem to be more directed at his mum. Ingrid also suffers this, though it is mostly because the Count largely ignores her.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: Vlad ''and'' Jonathan.
* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]: Robin.
* [[Ignored Confession]]: Ingrid's therapist assumes that her references to 'sucking the life out of her friends', 'seeing nothing when she looks at herself in the mirror' and others being interesting metaphors, perhaps related to some kind of extended vampire fantasy.
* [[Immortality Begins At Twenty]]: Born vampires age normally until they are 16. From the looks of the Count, and Krone and Attlia, it can be assumed that they do age after this, but at a much slower rate.
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Between Vlad and {{spoiler|Erin}} in Series Three. {{spoiler|A strange example in that Vlad had [[Everyone Can See It|a strong crush on her]] before he discovered she was actually human.}}
* [[Jedi Mind Trick]]: Brilliantly used in the episode ''Bodyswap''.
** Vlad, Robin, and Chloe are trying to escape from a museum guard. It just so happens Vlad can hypnotise people.
* [[Jerk Jock]]: Ian and Paul Branagh.
** Though not really. To be clear, while the twins do fit the stereotype of 'jerk jock', they do seem to hold their young siblings in varying degrees of affection.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Renfield, at least in the opening in series 3,is still affected by the mind-wipe performed by Vlad in the last episode of series 2.
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* [[Not His Sled]]: In the books the kids were [[Switched At Birth]]. In the TV series Vlad and Robin look this way at first, each fitting into the other's family better. {{spoiler|They're not, no matter how much Robin wishes they were.}}
* [[Ominous Latin Chanting]]: In the episode ''Insomnia''. It's there to show the serious nature of what Vlad is being told.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Chloe shows these tendencies at times. Within their family, both Ingrid and Vlad could also count as this at times.
** Chloe eventually stops hanging out with them on the basis that strange and dangerous things keep happening when they're around. That's a degree of sense few fictional characters ever demonstrate.
*** Lampshaded again by Chloe in the episode ''Bodyswap''
* [[Our Vampires Are Different]]: Vampires can be born, receiving their full powers after passing Blood Tests, and merging with their reflections from the family Blood Mirror on their sixteenth birthday.
** However, this can also happen on an earlier birthday, 13th at the earliest, if the child drinks the blood of a Translyvanian bat.
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: Any of van Helsing's disguises. ''Especially'' the female ones.
* [[Parent Service]]: Count Dracula for the mums, Magda for the dads.
* [[Pivotal Wakeup]]
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{{quote|'''Slayer''': We're gonna need a bigger van}}
* [[Sliding Scale of Vampire Friendliness]]: Vampires become such by merging with evil mirror-world versions of themselves at age sixteen, and how evil they turn depends on their strength of will. Ingrid, for example, is downright bloodthirsty, manipulating and evil before she changes, but when her mirror-self suggests she kill her boyfriend she flees from it. When she does merge, she does it of her own will and overcomes the urges associated with it. Compare with Boris, who is weaker willed. Boris becomes completely psychotic from the merge. Vampires can subsist on animals, but most would prefer not to.
** Vlad, as the Chosen One doesn't have an evil reflection... {{spoiler|he has a ''thousand''.}}
* [[Split Personality Takeover]]: A threat to all born vampires on merging with their reflection on their 16th birthdays. The stronger willed of the two will survive the merge.
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: The count attempts to seduce Miss [[Mc Cauley]] by acting as a "secret admirer". Unfortunately, he [[Too Dumb to Live|leaves the delivery work to Renfield]], with predicatable results:
{{quote|'''Miss [[Mc Cauley]]''': Someone at this school has launched a hate campaign against me.}}
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* [[Take That]]: In "Faustian Slip" the Count is laughing uproariously as he reads a copy of ''[[Twilight (novel)|Twilight]]''. More as an affectionate poke than it seems, though, since he still expresses interest in reading the sequel. Although, he could just be interested in reading it to continue his amusement.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: In "Halloscream", Robin says "It's just an old biscuit tin. What's the worst that could happen?". As it turns out, opening the tin unleashes an ancient curse that will turn the Dracula family human.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: Robin's older brothers, Ian and Paul.
* [[Title Drop]]: Executioner Morai in ''When Vampires Go Bad'':
{{quote|'''Morai''':Don't get clever with me, young Dracula!}}
* [[Torches and Pitchforks]]: The Draculas were driven out of Transylvania by an angry peasant mob. When we see the mob in the Count's nightmares and flasbacks, they are wielding the requisite torches and pitchforks.
* [[Total Eclipse of the Plot]]: Shortly after Ingrid becomes a full vampire and is no longer able to go out in sunlight, there is an eclipse that lasts long enough for her to go out to the movies with her boyfriend and make it back home safely.
** The eclipse ended while Ingrid was still in the movies. She probably just hung around in the shadows outside until it got dark before she went home.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Mina Van Helsing. From unsuspecting breather to Vampire Slayer.
* [[Uncanny Valley Girl]]: Ingrid. No one notices, of course. Except Eric Van Helsing.
* [[The Unfavorite]]: Ingrid
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: Ingrid again. She actually acknowledges that Erin saved her life - but only so that Vlad will ''think'' she has a reason to help save her in return. All the while, she's planning to have Erin killed.
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