• Crowning Moment of Awesome: The fight scenes are indeed awesome, but some just begs to be remembered.
    • Early in the series, Shinya fights a Zoa-Evil Katla... with a baseball bat. Bear in mind that he only gets Ishtelte a bit later on, meaning at that time he is still more or less a normal Earth human being.
    • Ryohei's Affably Evil moment as described above.
    • There's even one for Nanashi near the end of the series, when he prevented Shinya from killing Ryohei, thus revealing that Ryohei is Good All Along.
  • Designated Hero: Shinya.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Sariel, enough said.
  • Needs More Love: This story is less popular than its creator's next series, Heaven's Lost Property, despite having quite a deep and compelling story.
  • Tear Jerker: The chapters towards the end is filled with these... the most triumphant being when Shinya is forced to choose between using Atropos to restore the state of Celestia and Earth or healing Haruna's incurable illness. Haruna, however, died in Shinya's arms just before Shinya can take the second option.
  • The Woobie: Shinya. Being The Messiah worsen his predicament, if any. He does get the perks of being an Iron Woobie.
    • Lilu. Oh Lord, Lilu.

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