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** This trope also applies to Miho and Anzu/Tea in Season 0
* ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]'' does this too with Gokudera (the jerk) and Yamamoto (the oblivious idiot), mainly in the crack arc[s].
* Gintoki and Katsura from ''[[Gintama (Manga)|Gintama]]'' have their verbal scuffles, the latter tries to drag the former back into their resistance group while the former tells him in so little words to shove it -- but when they team up against an enemy or twelve, the results are frequently [[Awesome (/Anime)|awesome.]]
** The Shinsengumi have a bond similar to this, as well. They even refer to it as a "rotten friendship".
* [[Foe Yay|Kaoru Kaidoh and Takeshi Momoshiro]] in ''[[The Prince of Tennis]]''.
* Sano and Kenshin from ''[[Rurouni Kenshin]]''. (Sano's [[Hot -Blooded]], so he tends to be vitriolic towards everyone, even his allies.)
* From ''[[Shaman King]]'' we have Yoh Asakura and Ren Tao with the latter usually snarking at Yoh's ideals and trust in others. Though Ren will usually go along with him anyway.
** This could also apply for Ren with both Horohoro and Chocolove as well.
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* Kenichi and Tanimoto in ''[[Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple]]''. After he first defeats him in combat, Kenichi [[Defeat Means Friendship|insists becoming Tanimoto's best friend]] despite the fact that Tanimoto wants nothing more than to beat his face in. Being a [[Slave to PR]], he's willing to tolerate it, [ but once nobody's looking...]
* Taiga and Minori both share this with Ami by the end of ''[[Toradora (Light Novel)|Toradora]]'', getting to the point where Taiga's insulting nickname for Ami, "stupid chihuahua", becomes more of a term of affection.
* Rosette and Chrono in ''[[Chrono Crusade]]''. Chrono's actually a full-grown demon, but his [[Old Than They Look|child-like]] disguise and [[Nice Guy]] disposition matched with Rosette's [[Hot -Blooded|Hot Bloodedness]] make for lots of griping, teasing, and roughhousing (see Rosette's self-coined Super Noogie). Despite this, they're in a [[Deal With the Devil|trust-based contract]] and are sort of, you know, [[Official Couple|inseparable]].
** Rosette and Satella personify this too, almost to a greater extent.
* Both ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'' (Taichi/Tai and Yamato/Matt) and ''[[Digimon Frontier]]'' (Takuya and Kouji) had a form of this with their main characters and lancers, of the both insulting each other variety. Ruki and Takato, from ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'', were less best friends, since theirs was a [[Power Trio]] situation, but it's still a similar outcome to the first description.
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** As well as Kyon and Taniguchi, with the latter always looking for chicks and rating them.
** Really, it's more or less Kyon and everyone else in the SOS Brigade. He begrudges everything that he does in it, but wouldn't change it for the world if given the choice {{spoiler|...and he was.}}
* Once they get past the whole [[Brainwashed and Crazy|brainwashed]] [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown|murder attempt]] incident, Tamahome and Tasuki of ''[[Fushigi Yuugi]]'' fall into this. Tamahome regularly provokes the already [[Hot -Blooded|short-fused]] Tasuki, and uses Tasuki's absolute phobia of water as a particular source of torment. Meanwhile, Tasuki tends to "accidentally" [[Paper Fan of Doom|set Tamahome on fire]], needles him about his [[Money Fetish]], and starts using Tamahome's [[All of the Other Reindeer|hated childhood nickname]] as soon as he finds it out. Still, when push comes to shove it's actually Tamahome who {{spoiler|manages to give a successful [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight|I Know You Are In There]] speech when Tasuki goes [[Brainwashed and Crazy]] himself, and it's the idea of betraying a friend that finally gets Tasuki to successfully [[Fighting From the Inside|fight from the inside]], even attempting suicide in order to stop himself.}}
* [[Jerk With a Heart of Gold|Konata]] and [[Tsundere|Kagami]] from ''[[Lucky Star (Anime)|Lucky Star]]'' are pretty good examples of this (or [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]], depending on how seriously you take the [[Les Yay]] vibes). Much of their dialogue consists of verbal jousting, and the barbs get quite vicious on occasion. You just ''know'' that both would happily give every organ in their body to the other if they had to.
** But perhaps certain organs more happily than others.
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** Back when the Sauce was still with Konoha, he and Naruto were like this, trading insults and each giving as good as they got. After he left, their relationship crossed into [[Rival Turned Evil|a different trope]].
** To varying degrees, Naruto has this with the rest of the Konoha 11 besides Hinata, having a Type 1 with Sakura and Shino, and a Type 2 with the others. Naruto often makes fun of his friends for their personality quirks, and they make fun of them for his, but they stand together in dangerous times, and Naruto's friends don't seem at all bothered by him being host to the demon fox. In a filler arc, the [[Arc Villain]] [[Big Bad Friend|whom Naruto had often talked with]] reminds him of how he often complained about his friends, Naruto responds that while they fight, he likes them and trusts them to help stop his [[Evil Plan]].
* [[Heroic Sociopath|Revy]] and [[Nun-Too-Holy|Eda]] from ''[[Black Lagoon]]'' are either this or [[With Friends Like These...]]... It's kind of hard to tell. They certainly haven't done anything selfless to help each other yet, but seem to get along well enough when there's a common goal (i.e. money, booze, [[Seinfeldian Conversation]], shooting at other people, or any combination of the above) for both.
* Lelouch Lamperouge and Suzaku Kururugi in the ''[[Code Geass]]'' Sound Stages, when Lelouch and Nunnally were staying with Suzaku prior to the invasion of Japan. They initially hated each other, but became friends after looking for a lost and injured Nunnally together. The two were willing to make fun of the other's physical and mental strengths and weaknesses, but they worked well together and formed a bond before Britannia invaded.
** Also Kallen and C.C., particularly in the radio dramas set between seasons, and several scenes in the manga.
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** [ There's a poster] about the first pair.
* ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' has quite a few (mostly Of the [[Homoerotic Subtext]] filled variety, [[Cast Full of Pretty Boys|understandably]]). The most notable are Germany and North Italy, Spain and South Italy and England and America (both major [[Tsundere|Tsunderes]], with England more aggressively tsuntsun and America being a subtler [[Master of the Mixed Message]]). England's relationship with France is almost this but it's a little too [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis|heavy on the vitriol and not enough on the "buds" part]].
** Greece and Turkey, of all nations, seem to be set up as this in the new character profiles. Apparently, in spite of them taking any and every opportunity to exchange blows with one another, [[Opposites Attract Revenge|fighting over Japan's attention]], and making England and France look positively peaceful in comparison, Greece still [[Go -Karting With Bowser|goes shopping]] in Turkey's malls.
** The Hetalia Fantasia 2 Drama CD and his [[Image Song]] reveals Iceland to be this with [[Non-Human Sidekick|his]] [[Talking Animal|puffin]].
* Let's not forget the title character and Koga from ''[[Inuyasha]]'' who, as romantic rivals, could, according to Kagome, "scrap (...) all day"; have fought side-by-side against numerous adversaries while trading barbs about each other's ancestry, personal cleanliness and fighting experience. (Or, rather, the lack thereof...)
** Notably, they keep it up right until the end, when Koga's jewel shards are stolen, but there is definite friendship between the two. {{spoiler|Which is possibly why so many fans were up in arms when Inuyasha stated in the final battle, "there isn't one missing," and Koga notably was.}}
** The rivalry-friendship evolves notably from the first appearance of Koga as a main sort-of villain, when he is quite determined to {{spoiler|kill Inuyasha in a [[No -Holds -Barred Beatdown]], and it isn't even ''remotely'' funny}}. Once he discovers that Inuyasha {{spoiler|wasn't the one who killed all his friends}}, he settles into a comfortable role of showing up occasionally and being annoying. In fact, the two have a tendency to [[I Was Just Passing Through|rescue each other]] from various horrible situations, snarking at each other all the while for being unable to escape themselves.
*** In fact, some [[Yaoi Fangirls|fans]] seem to have realized that their's is perhaps the most ultimate of [[Ho Yay|Rumiko Takahashi's slashes]]
* Ash and Misty from ''[[Pokémon (Anime)|Pokémon]]'' practically named this trope. This is due to the fact despite being friends they are rivals for being top Pokémon trainers, and their personalities naturally clash with each other. Many characters seem to take their bickering as a clue to "[[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]".
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* [[Combat Medic|Pavel]] and [[Lovable Rogue|Will]] from ''[[Forgotten Realms|The Year Of Rogue Dragons]]''. Will calls Pavel a charlatan, Pavel tells him "Silence, insect", and both of them constantly insult the other's intelligence. Yet they can always count on each other for anything serious.
* G'Joth and Davok in the [[Star Trek Klingon Empire]] books, of the "equally insulting" variant.
* A lot of the friendships in [[PG Wodehouse (Creator)|PG Wodehouse]], sometimes overlapping with [[With Friends Like These...]].
* Renton and Sick Boy in [[Trainspotting]]. In the book, Renton notes that he and Sick Boy started insulting each other in a joking way, but that over time they are starting to really mean it.
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* The Winchester brothers of ''[[Supernatural (TV)|Supernatural]]''. While they do have an unbreakable bond -- to the point of being each other's [[Berserk Button|Berserk Buttons]] -- they're also Vitriolic Best Buds. Why? [[Running Gag|"Bitch." "Jerk."]]
* ''[[The Mighty Boosh]]''. This is pretty much the gag with Vince Noir and Howard Moon. They spend twenty minutes bragging to and insulting each other, being nasty, inconsiderate, and down right cruel. Howard acts like he hates Vince, and Vince acts like Howard is a loser. But when one sees the other is really in need, they start acting like real friends.
* ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]''. The Doctor had this kind of relationship with Mickey and Jackie in his ninth incarnation. The 10th keeps it up but it's friendlier now. Jack also had this with Mickey at first as well.
** The Doctor and Rory are beginning to shows signs of this. The Doctor has now realized it's "always with the Rory" and treats him like a [[Butt Monkey]] sometimes but they're good friends.
** Also the Third Doctor and the Brigadier often had quite irate arguments with one another (see Doctor Who and the Silurians) but were obviously fond friends.
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* Homer and Ned in ''[[The Simpsons (Animation)|The Simpsons]]''. Homer insults Ned, steals from him (even to the point of ''breaking into his house''!) and continually wishes him harm. Yet, when it comes to helping Ned through his anger issues, rebuilding his house after a hurricane, saving his business by drawing in potential customers, helping him find a new wife or showing him how to have a good time, Homer is always there for him.
** Homer: "Stupid best friend Flanders>"
* Buck and Larry from ''[[Time Squad]]''. Larry frequently is very kind to Buck with his actions (much less with his words), cooking him meals, cleaning his weapons, sewing clothes for him and, according to Otto, disinfecting his underwear. Buck usually shows no gratitude whatsoever - in one episode, after exclaiming that "since Larry cooked us such a tasty dinner, I'll now amuse him with some anecdotes" takes out a diary he stole from Larry's room. However, Larry isn't blindly devoted to Buck whatever venom he spits at him; they regularly participate in old-married-couple-like quarrels, mainly throwing insults at each other, though sometimes Larry complains about being overworked and underappreciated. Usually Buck will reply [[Get Back in The Closet|telling him that he's just a robot and he's supposed to do what robots do.]] Larry then goes on about how he can't believe he is just a robot to Buck, and how [[Did You Think I Can't Feel?|he has dreams, needs and feelings too.]] But they have moments of [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]] (usually then spoiled by Buck, but not always) and blatant [[Homoerotic Subtext]].
* Uncle and Tohru in ''[[Jackie Chan Adventures (Animation)|Jackie Chan Adventures]]'', especially in the episode, "The Demon Behind".
** More like Uncle and ''everybody''.
* On ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'', Samy is Lucius' [[Yes -Man]] whom he [[Butt Monkey|treats like garbage]]. However, in one episode, Lucius states to no one that Samy is his best friend. Though he seems [[Card-Carrying Villain|to bemoan even having friends]].
* On ''[[King of the Hill (Animation)|King of the Hill]]'', this is Hank Hill's relationship with...well, pretty much every character who could reasonably be called a friend. No matter how much they piss him off, he does whatever he can to keep them out of trouble, and there's no one they'd rather have looking out for them.
* [[Bugs Bunny]] and [[Daffy Duck]] of ''[[Looney Tunes (Animation)|Looney Tunes]]''. Daffy also with [[Porky Pig]] and Speedy Gonzales.
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** Also the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, to some extent, (the South's response to the WWII bombing of Belfast comes to mind) though it's light on the vitriol these days.
* [[Paula Abdul]] and [[The Mean Brit|Simon Cowell]] of ''[[American Idol]]'' and the US version of ''[[The X Factor]]'', who fight constantly - when they're not draped all over each other like little cuddlebugs. He has called her his poodle more than once.
* Any actors who spend a decent amount of time together almost inevitably turn into this, because they spend so much time together and have to go through so many emotions, they often resort to teasing each other to get a laugh and let off steam. The best examples seem to come from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]],'' as the actors playing the Doctor and his companion almost always fall into this, with [[David Tennant]] / [[Catherine Tate]] and [[Matt Smith]] / [[Karen Gillan]] probably tying for the Best Example, although [[Jensen Ackles]] / [[Jared Padalecki]] / [[Misha Collins]] are a very close runner-up.
* [[William Shakespeare]] and Ben Jonson had a professional rivalry, though how much of it spilled over into their strong personal friendship is anyone's guess. At any rate, it's amusing to picture them as a swift English cutter and an overbearing Spanish galleon, respectively.
* Common between the various military branches. Each one loves to insult the others and use less-than-complimentary nicknames (Jarhead, Grunt, Squid, Flyboy, Puddle Pirate) but God help any civilian who tries to join in on the insults.
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