Unintentionally Sympathetic: Difference between revisions

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* Justin Hammer from ''[[Iron Man 2]]'' comes off as unintentionally sympathetic because he is played as a comic relief joke villain. Where as he could have been played as an [[Evil Counterpart]] to Tony Stark, his utter incompetence — both in his profession and in his personal life as shown by his complete failure with women, begs the question of whether or not the writers really hated the character, or were simply parodying the [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] archetype. Then again, they had already had a hyper-competent [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]] in the first movie, so perhaps they went too far the other way in not wanting to tread old ground.
** He's pretty much a parody.
*** He's also not the main villain of the movie.
* Ray Finkle, the deranged kidnapper and murderer of ''[[Ace Ventura]]''. ''Anyone'' would turn out at least a little screwed up after what he'd been through. Seeing as he was the only professional athlete to come out of his small town, you'd think he'd be a beloved folk hero. Instead, he misses a field goal at the biggest football game of the year....and [[Never Live It Down|the townsfolk never, ever let him live it down]]. They even vandalize his parents' home, driving his mother to irreversible insanity and making his father so paranoid that he has to get his shotgun every time he answers the door! It's no wonder that Ray's room is covered with hateful graffiti and has Ray's traumatic blunder playing on an old movie projector at all hours of the day - or that Ray was eventually committed to a mental institution and {{spoiler|suffered one hell of a gender-identity crisis}}.
* The Orcs in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' are bad guys, sure, but even Tolkien himself was a little disturbed looking back on how one-sided the story's view of them is. Just because they look ugly and fight the heroes doesn't mean they're all completely vile. They might have a good reason for hating the other races.
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** On the one hand, he's way more evil in the Avengers movie; on the other, even his actor greatly sympathizies with him and in an interview said that he "just want(s) to make it all okay" for him. The fact that Loki is currently an adorable [[Badass Woobie]] child in the comics does not help.
* In ''[[Caveman]]'', Tonda is the bad guy, and no question he's a [[Jerk Jock|jerk ass]]... but at least he's looking out for his tribe, and he was also shown to be genuinely upset when he lost Lana to the river (despite that because of his status he would be able to easily get another mate), so did he really deserve the beating (and possible death), he got in the end?
== Literature ==