• Funny Moments: A pregnant contestant on February 8, 1974 was expecting her baby to arrive in "a couple of months", and Bill got her to be a little more specific — "February". Knowing they just exposed their taping schedule, Bill explained that the show was pretaped...and that the contestant would probably end up watching this episode air with the baby sitting on her lap.
  • Growing the Beard: The format change, no doubt.
  • Moment of Awesome: On February 12, 1974 Fred Abrahams made an Instant Match with three hearts for the game ($5,000 in prizes), his seventh consecutive match ($5,000 cash and a new car), and his second entry into a week-long Valentine's sweepstakes.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Averted; you'd be hard pressed to find anybody who hates the second format.
  • Too Good to Last: The show was canned after three years because Lin Bolen wanted something flashy. The resulting "flashy" game, Winning Streak, was an all-around failure.