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Welcome to the Troper Board on Multiversal Travel and thank you for choosing or being chosen to join the Classification section of our Task Force. This Board was assembled after the Great Multiversal Incident of '09 to regulate and control interuniversal travel to prevent travelers from getting into difficulty, regulate trade in between universes and prevent certain universes from coming into contact with others.

This section of Administrative deals with the classification and description of universes, their known inhabitants, the local tech base, known supernatural and psionic phenomena and most importantly; how dangerous they are to the common traveler. This section is the heart of our operation. In many ways, we are the policy setters. Intelligence is the eyes. Rescue and Enforcement are the hands. We are the brain which makes sense of what they see and after a fashion, directs their actions. Billions of dollars in business and thousands and sometimes millions or even billions of lives are affected by our designations and their accuracy... or lack thereof. So, no pressure, huh?

-Internal Document 66-Classification Section Operative Manual, excerpt from pages 1–2(Introduction).

Scales and Classification


This scale is based on the course of technological development which most cultures follow to a greater or lesser extent. While there are major deviants from this course, they are generally rare. Not all technologies on a level need to be achieved to qualify, only most.

  • N/A: Non-sentient No signs of sentient life.
  • -9: Epipaleolithic Crude stone tools; some evidence of abstract thought.
  • -8: Neolithic Complex stone tools; clear evidence of abstract thought.
  • -7: Copper age/bronze age Early metal smelting; beginnings of civilization and agriculture.
  • -6: Iron age Advanced metal smelting.
  • -5: Roman/medieval tech Simple mechanisms.
  • -4: Early Gunpowder Moderately complex mechanisms; early firearms.
  • -3: Early industrial age Complex mechanisms; steam power.
  • -2: Mid industrial Simple automation; electricity.
  • -1: Fission Age Atomic power and weaponry; complex automation; primitive computing.
  • 0: Information Age Modern Earth, starting in the 1970s.
  • 1: Advanced Computing/Early Fusion age/Dawn of Biotech Customizable lifeforms; highly-interconnected computing; development (if not deployment) of fusion technology.
  • 2: Fusion age/Advanced Biotech Uplifted species; sophisticated biological warfare; beginnings of artificial intelligence.
  • 3: Age of Colonization Interplanetary travel; first offworld colonies. Primitive terraformation.
  • 4: Early Starflight Interstellar trips, often using the first FTL technology.
  • 5: Starflight Age Young interstellar polities. Generally post-FTL but before major interstellar polities (none bigger than 9-14 star systems.) Often at least one alien species known by this point.
  • 6: Advanced Starflight Mature nanotech or better, antimatter power sources, Gravitic Technology usually in use. Mature terraforming capabilities.
  • 7: Early Hypertech Not much more powerful or advanced than previous level, but the beginnings of Smart matter, Godlike AI, Planet cracking or Matter Transmission have been established. Many cultures undergo Technological Singularity at this point. This is generally the lowest tier which precursor cultures are to be found.
  • 8: Hypertech Era Matter Transmitters are often commonplace, planet cracking is often in reach, Smart-matter is not uncommon at this point and Zero point energy technologies are not unknown. Most of the Precursor cultures are to be found here.
  • 9: Übertech Godlike AI, advanced smart matter, picotech, controllable Time Travel.) The most well known examples are The Culture and the Time Lords. Most examples, however, are long since extinct or have otherwise disappeared.

(Please note and concisely explain major deviations from the scale.)

Magic/Psionics rating

This rating is based off abilities demonstrated. Not all phenomena have to be present to qualify for a rating. The max number is determined by the highest level power shown in that universe or by the culture in question. As with technology, major deviations from median are to be noted and explained.

  • 0: No Magic/Psionics
  • 1: Clairvoyant/precognitive dreams, conversations with spirits, minor transmutation, basic 'glamour' (a Magical or psionic ability to obscure the nature of something from others), low level combat, minor to well developed empathic ability, low level telepathy, minor and clumsy telekinesis.
  • 2: Competent magical attacks, charms, wards and curses. Advanced glamour, moderate transmutation, moderately active spirit world/Advanced empathic abilities, well developed telepathy, moderate and/or fairly dexterous telekinesis.
  • 3: Effective magical attacks, long lived and high power environment effects, very active and moderately interventionist spirit world/Powerful and long ranged telepathic abilities including basic manipulative abilities, such as addition or subtraction of memories or minor psionic compulsion, powerful and/or highly dexterous telekinetics and uncommon cases of more exotic effects. Combat disciplines beyond predicting enemy actions begin to become practical.
  • 4: Very powerful magical attacks, indefinite and extremely powerful environment effects, Extremely active spirit world that is generally highly interventionist/ Extremely powerful telepathy with highly advanced manipulative abilities, Extremely powerful and/or extremely dexterous Telekinesis, fairly common occurrences of more exotic effects such as teleportation or astral projection and/or well established combative disciplines.
  • 5: Magic attacks capable of reaching Megaton level outputs. Warping of reality itself. Spirit world of extreme power and easily capable of making its will felt upon 'mortal planes'/ Long range interstellar telepathy, telekinetic molecular manipulation, Teleportation or astral travel quite common and combat disciplines are almost always to be found here.

Hazard rating

This scale is determined by two things:

  1. how dangerous the universe in question actually can be, I.E the prevalence of such things as assimilation entities, memetic hazards, violently xenophobic cultures or religions/cults/subcultures and the degree which the latter are embraced by the mainstream of the society in question, how common warfare is in the universe and how intense that warfare gets, the prevalence of piracy and other banditry or the stability of local government; and
  2. how likely travelers are to run afoul of these hazards. For example, a universe with horrific assimilation entities but little chance of encounter rates lower than a universe with naught but comparatively mundane warfare but in which warfare is prevalent and conscription is widespread.

A breakdown of the hazard ratings follows:

  • X: No more hazardous than contemporary Earth.
  • XX: Somewhat hazardous, but reasonably safe for the prepared and sensible traveler.
  • XXX: Significant hazards. Prior transworld experience recommended. Travelers must prepare and file a travel plan. Casual travel not advised.
  • XXXX: Extreme hazards. Prior transworld experience highly recommended. Travelers must prepare and file a travel plan; cognizant supervisory personnel must prepare and file an emergency retrieval plan. Casual travel strongly disadvised.

A + or - is used to show variance in hazard level small enough to not warrant a change in class.

Chronal Entry Points (CEP)

Most universes have only one chronal entry point: that is, the local time period in which travelers arrive; some universes have several, years or even centuries apart. Statistics for the universe may highly vary between these points, so in some cases separate stat blocks are provided for different periods. Due to the inherent danger involved, travelers are required to take the utmost caution in assuring that the timeline remains unchanged. Any deliberate attempts to alter the timestream will be met with swift and severe disciplinary measures.

Worlds of the Metaverse

Avatar: The Last Airbender

  • Tech Level: -4 Some industrial-level technological analogues exist, but they're actually Magitech. Mundane, well-understood technology is a little behind the Industrial Era.
  • Magic/Psionics Level:
    • Baseline: 0
    • Benders: 2-3
    • Avatars: 4
    • Some larger, older creatures may be level 5, but this is unconfirmed due to their secretive nature.
  • Hazard Rating: XX Governments are notoriously easy to topple and warfare is prevalent, but travelers who avoid causing trouble are unlikely to be harassed. Bandits, raiders, and pirates are fairly common, but can be handled by the wary traveler without using the local Applied Phlebotinum. Never underestimate the children of this universe, especially 15-year-old girls. While the local fauna is fascinating and many of the small towns are friendly, insightful travelers know that staying in large cities is the best way to avoid the hazards listed above. Ba Sing Se is easily the cleanest and most accommodating, and any connoisseur can tell you that it also has some of the best tea shops in the world.
  • Notes: While travel to this universe can be rewarding, it does not pay to involve yourself in local politics. Traveling in a group is recommended, as is some kind of transportation.
Update: Visitors have reported that in the century or so since this entry was written, this world has experienced a remarkable evolution, leaping from tech level -4 to -2, with a corresponding social development.

BattleTech 'Verse

  • Tech Level: 6 FTL travel and communications are notably backward for the degree of galactic development demonstrated. Major entities came close to dropping to levels 5 or 4 during periods of prolonged total warfare.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 0 No known displays of supernatural or psychic abilities; less than half a dozen individuals have shown the ability to scramble targeting systems but this remains highly controversial and evidence is inconclusive at best (see Dossier-3025-Phantom Mech).
  • Hazard Rating: XX: The major occupied areas of space have existed in a state of near constant low intensity warfare for several centuries. The majority of political entities are militaristic but unwilling to risk total warfare and the resulting loss of technology and resources. Most major worlds are well policed and safe (X) provided travelers do not antagonize the authorities but war zones and borders should be avoided. Piracy is rampant in some frontier regions and travelers should bring enough protection to repel raiders but at the same time avoid attracting the attention of civil authorities. A return to previous states of total warfare (see Dossier-2785A-Early Succession Wars and B-Word of Blake Jihad) would likely lead to a danger rating of XXX+.
  • Notes: Non human travelers are recommended to not reveal their actual species; due to all major entities lack of previous contact with alien species and tendency to use violence when faced with perceived aggression. Involvement in intergalactic politics is not advisable; any disruption of the status quo tends to lead to additional violence. Most major political and military entities are not dangerous unless provoked; mostly because they to prefer to focus on their traditional foes. As a final note, many registered mercenary entities are considered trustworthy and, provided the issue of affordability can be addressed, can provide extra security or assistance to travelers capable of reaching them.

Ben 10

  • Tech Level: 2 on Earth, varies on other planets.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 3 on Earth, varies on other planets.
  • Hazard Rating: Ranges from X- to XXXX+++
  • Notes: The average traveler will find the main body of this 'verse fairly welcoming and unassuming. The average non-Terran lifeforms are usually just passing through. And there is an established force for keeping peace on the planets, one of whom is a celebrity on this 'verse's Earth. Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, known to the general public as "Ben 10" is the most well known of the galactic peacekeeping force known as The Plumbers. Their symbol looks like a green hourglass inside a circle, operates as multiplanetary translator, and is recognized by most sentient planets in the galaxy. Non-Earth destinations include:
    • Legerdomain (Hazard Rating: XXXX- Travel discouraged unless the traveler is particularly gifted magically/psionically),
    • The Null Void (Hazard Rating: XXXX+)
    • The Forge of Creation (Hazard Rating: X, but difficult to reach)
    • Plumbers Academy (No Hazard Rating unless one attends as a student)
    • Incarceron (Intergalactic prison. Hazard Rating XXXX+++)
    • Perplexahedron (Hazard Rating: XXXX+)
    • Pisciss (Hazard Rating X- with proper equipment)

City of Heroes

Paragon City

  • Tech Level:
    • Majority of populace: 0 (Similar to Earth)
    • Government and select individuals: 6-7 (dimension breaching, but no interstellar travel)
  • Magic/Psionics Level:
    • Majority of populace: 0
    • Government and select individuals: 2-4
  • Hazard Rating: XXX
  • Notes: Populace very accepting of unusual phenomena and beings.

Rogue Isles

  • Tech Level:
    • Majority of populace: 0 (Similar to Earth)
    • Government and select individuals: 3-4 (dimension breaching, but no interstellar travel)
  • Magic/Psionics Level:
    • Majority of populace: 0
    • Government and select individuals: 2-4
  • Hazard Rating: XX
  • Notes: Populace very accepting of unusual phenomena and beings. However, local government (Arachnos) is liable to conscript beings of power into its service.


  • Tech Level:
    • Majority of populace: 2
    • Government and select individuals: 2-4 (dimension breaching, but no interstellar travel)
  • Magic/psionics Level:
    • Majority of populace: 0
    • Government and select individuals: 2-4
  • Hazard Rating: XXX- Prominent thought police, all beings of power required to serve government.
  • Notes: Unusual phenomena are the norm in this dimension. Entry into this world is not discouraged, but should remain discreet. Individuals with superhuman abilities are advised to enroll with the locations' respective governments to avoid arousing suspicion. All travelers should be advised of the large number of hostile groups present in each location and that rescue parties will only be launched in extenuating circumstances.


  • Tech Level: 1 (Earth), 5-6 (Fenspace) Fen technology is unpredictable due to its dependence upon the substance known most commonly as "handwavium", which has been described as "ultratech-in-a-jar", but it is never any lower than level 4. However, the Fen have grown adept at getting consistent results with the sometimes unpredictable compound, which routinely creates stardrives and artificial gravity systems when applied to appropriate base technologies. Most nations on Earth choose to ignore handwavium and its advantages either out of fear of a Grey Goo scenario, or because of its disruptive effects; some outlawed its possession and use after a sizable fraction of the North American population literally took off for space.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 0 Individuals who have undergone a handwavium "biomod" may demonstrate abilities far off the human baseline (included limited shapechanging), but none have been proven to be supernatural or psionic in nature. At least two subcultures habitually mimic magical effects using handwavium-based technology, but do not actually portray these as genuine magic. Accounts exist of previous extradimensional visitors with paranormal abilities.
  • Hazard Rating: XX (Earth), X- (Fenspace) The Fen civilization is (generally) accepting of the odd and unusual to the point of xenophilia; there are verified accounts of previous extradimensional visitors, to which the general Fen reaction tends to be "damn, I wish I'd been there, it would have been cool to meet them." Consequently, off-Earth civilization is considered almost a no-threat zone. Visitors to Earth proper, though, should be cautious and avoid revealing their origins and any enhanced abilities they may possess in those jurisdictions, like the United States, known to be hostile to the Fen. Obvious non-humans should only venture Earthside in magical or mundane disguise, as many jurisdictions will treat them as biomodified Fen and arrest them on sight on the grounds that they may be "infectious".

Firefly 'Verse

  • Tech Level: 5-6 No FTL travel, but terraforming technology is unusually advanced.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 0 Some individuals may reach 1, but they are extremely rare and seem to only result from prolonged psychological torture.
  • Hazard Rating: XX
  • Notes: Non-humans are unknown to this civilization; magical or mundane disguise is strongly recommended for visitors not closely matching the standard human phenotype.

Forest Tales

  • Tech level: 7 Matter Transmitters in common use, antimatter power is standard on military shipping, FLT commonplace. However, nanotech and non-wetware AI technogies are somewhat stagnated.
    • Bio-engineering: 8 Large numbers of uplift and chimera species species present.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 2-3, going up to 4 or more in rare individuals. Psionics are not uncommon, mostly Empaths/Telepaths with Telekenetics and Astral projectors making up most of the remainder. Teleporters are not unknown.
  • Hazard Rating: XX- Much of populace in major polities friendly to aliens, however there are comparatively minor polities where non-dominant species slavery is legal. Law and order is well enforced out until the frontier colonies of the dominant polity. Significant pirate activity in outer regions and unclaimed areas, mostly depending on sabotage to incapacitate target ships. Not insignificant slave trade active in those regions, mostly trafficking in non-humans, often fed by piracy, trading the spoils to the slave-holding polities. There have been tenuous reports of Assimilation entities active in this universe.
  • Notes: Most varieties of alien will not be remarked upon in most regions of the dominant polity. There have been unsettling reports of anti-nonhuman activity on earth and human majority colonies however. Recommended tourist destination for uplifts and anthropomorphics. Those with phobias and aversions to such are recommended not to visit. As well, there have been have been reports of a highly expansionist race (see Dossier 458-Faleshkarti) noted for extreme reproductive rates. However, recent breakthroughs in biotech may have resolved these issues. As well, one of the regional capitals and more interesting tourist destinations is noted for harsh drug policies (See tourists' brochure "Visiting Chakona: A tourist's guide to local laws, culture and mores")and because of this visitors are recommended to divest themselves of any recreational chemicals they may possess.

Kingdom Hearts

  • Tech Level: Highly variable, as this "world" is composed of a large number of smaller worlds. Lowest is -9 (Pride Lands- basically no technology), highest is ??? (Space Paranoids, technically a subunit of Radiant Garden)
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 1-4 Magic-based combat (and architecture, if Hollow Bastion is any indication) is common, as well as usage of summoned weapons and travel via crossing another plane of existence. Or something like that, anyway—the cosmology around here is a bit complicated.
  • Hazard Rating: XX Recently downgraded from XXX. A major assimilation entity (see Dossier-673 "Heartless") has been pushed back recently, but travelers should exercise caution as minor breakthroughs may still occur. There is no other major conflict occurring at present, and locals are largely friendly to anthropomorphs and aliens.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe

  • Tech Level: 0-2: While the average inhabitant of Earth lives on the cusp of level 1, governments and select individuals are firmly in level 2, and often the high end at that. A very few special cases may actually have access to individual Level 3 technologies. Extraterrestrial civilizations in contact with Earth, such as the Asgardians, demonstrate much higher tech levels, and may leave "artifacts" behind in the hands of humans.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 3-4: While most individuals are at level 0-1, this world is on the verge of an explosion in its metahuman population, and persons of advanced ability have been present for centuries. Further, the small fraction of powered individuals currently in existence already cover a wide range of variety and versatility. Be warned, though, that off Earth there exist entities and artifacts easily classified as 5+, including the so-called "Infinity Stones".
  • Hazard Rating: XXX: In recent years this world has been prone to massively destructive events, ranging from an abortive extradimensional invasion to a robotic army puppeteered by a rogue A.I. Even in its most allegedly peaceful nations, tensions seethe between rival factions both hidden and overt. Obvious non-humans will prompt fear and panic in the average citizen, and cautious if not violent response by most local governments. Off-Earth there are XXXX hazards, such as Thanos, a rogue entity who (briefly) managed universe-wide genocide with the aforementioned Infinity Stones, and the so-called "Time Variance Authority", which makes it its mission to lock down the local multiversal skein into a single rigidly-enforced timeline.
  • Notes: Visit with care, and avoid demonstrating any extranormal abilities if at all possible, as governments and private organizations have been known to forcibly conscript or kidnap powered individuals. Magical or mundane disguise is strongly recommended for any visitors who do not closely match the standard human phenotype.

Middle Earth

  • Tech Level: -5 Technological progress is not a priority for this world, and two of the four major sentient species actively dislike it. That said, this world boasts extremely sophisticated metalworking capabilities.
  • Magic/Psionics Level:
    • Men, hobbits, dwarves: 0-1
    • Elves: 1-2
    • Maiar/Valar: up to 5
  • Hazard Rating: Varies. Highly variable from time period to time period, from X during the years of calm up to XXXX for some potent conflicts. The peak, XXXX+, was registered during the last century of the First Age.
    • Known hazards: Warlike, xenophobic and very fecund Orcs, mind-warping willful artifacts, Nigh Invulnerable monsters serving the Enemy, moderate memetic hazard registered, entities with assimilating powers exist but are rare. Most of the high-level hazards are associated with the faction known as the Shadow (see Dossier 1379-9); travelers are advised to avoid contact.
  • Notes: Two major chronal entry points exist: Point 3019-LOTR and Point 1A-SILM. Point 3019 has median Hazard Rating XX, but the world is preparing for a major military conflict at this point, so the Hazard Rating is likely to increase. Point 1A is temporally located near the HR peak and is HR XXXX; casual or freelance travel through this point is highly discouraged.

Narnia and environs

  • Tech Level: -5
  • Magic/Psionics Level: most individuals 0-1; magicians are not uncommon and seem to peak out at 3-4; one level 5 entity known. Magical artifacts are common.
  • Hazard Rating: X- within Narnia and Archenland; XX elsewhere
  • Notes: Main CEP is within the (mostly) temperate and pastoral nation of "Narnia", a charming country that boasts an unusually wide variety of nonhuman intelligent species. Humans are extremely well-received in Narnia, doubtless accounting for its perennial popularity as a tourist destination. Outside Narnia and its protectorate Archenland are at least three hostile nations: the Human-eating Giants to the north, the slave-owning Carlormene to the south, and pirates among the islands to the east.


  • Tech Level: -4, supplemented with magic for an effective -3
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 4. However, either there is no spirit world or it does not take interest in the material world.
  • Hazard Rating: XX. Some individual adventurers are able to battle entire non-magical armies and win, but these adventurers are rare.
  • Notes:
    • Gods walk among the humanoid population, but are forbidden to use their divine powers without permission. The two things that the gods can do are make themselves known as gods, and grant mortals the ability to become adventurers.
    • There is a fantasy-game-style dungeon, over fifty levels deep, under Orario. This dungeon has a Hazard Rating of XXX. There is a group (styling itself a Guild) that ensures only adventurers are allowed to enter the dungeon.
    • There is prejudice against non-humaniods. Elfs, dwarfs, and hobbit-analogues are not affected, but anyone who appears to be more monstrous than these races is assumed to be unintelligent and hostile, and thus automatically a target for the local adventurers.


  • Tech Level:
    • Terran: 6 FTL travel commonplace, kinetic weapons are the norm for man-portable armaments, laser and plasma weapons not uncommon for larger platforms.
    • Protoss: 8 Highly dependent on innate psionics for many applications, including a unique 'Psi-blade' technology that is favored by their common infantry. Plasma cannon, Advanced FLT, teleportation quite common.
    • Zerg: 6 Products of assimilated biologies
  • Magic/Psionics Level:
    • Terran: 0-3 Runs the general gamut, mostly under governmental control)
    • Protoss:0-4 Large Numbers of combat oriented abilities and skills known. Much of technological base is derived from these. Two main disciplines, Khalai and Dark Templar.
    • Zerg: 0-4 Depending on breed. Mostly non-combat abilities.
  • Hazard Rating: XXXX- Major Assimilation Entity active, All major powers in the region (See Dossier 866-Koprulu Sector) in a state of war. Main Human power noted for heavy use of brainwashing in conscription. Reports of external manipulation of situation by an unknown entity, possibly one of the local precursor races, possibly through a an agent(see Dossier 999A-Samir Duran and b- Voice in the Darkness).
  • Notes: Local sector in current state of war involving a swarm assimilation entity (see Dossier 642-Zerg). Full conscription in effect in most areas. Little is known about the state of Earth in this Universe (See Dossier 875-United Earth Directorate). Digressional travel is strongly discouraged, especially by non-humans that are unable to disguise themselves as Human. Use of a brainwashing process native to the universe is widespread in the dominant human polity in the most well mapped region(See Dossiers 701 and 566-Neural Resocialization and Terran Dominion)and Board Psis have had little success in reversing the damage done by it.

Stargate 'Verse

  • Tech Level:
    • Majority of Terran population: 0
    • Terran Government and select individuals: 4 Most advanced Earth technology has either been gifted by aliens or adapted from alien technology.
    • Majority of Non-Terran population: Between -9 and 1 Non-Terran human technological development has been intentionally stalled by former major powers of Milky Way and Pegasus to prevent potential threats from attacking.
    • Few alien races: Between 2 and 8
  • Psionics Level:
    • Majority of universe's population: 0
    • Near-Ascended/Ascended individuals: 1-5
  • Hazard Rating:
    • Earth: X
    • Rest of Milky Way: X+
    • Pegasus: XX-
    • Rest of universe: XXX- The only way to exit the Milky Way and Pegasus Stargate networks is via Destiny.
  • Notes: The majority of travelers to this 'verse will find few differences to their own universe. However, if one manages to gain access to a Stargate, they can travel between many different planets in a galaxy. With access to certain power sources, one may gain access to the Pegasus galaxy, or the Ancient spaceship Destiny. The Pegasus galaxy is slightly more dangerous than the Milky Way, as it has an active hostile entity that will most likely use you as food if you are found by them. However, there is not much chance of that happening, due to the efforts of the Atlantis expedition. Travel to Destiny is not recommended, as there is no real way to get back to the known 'Gate networks, outside of extraordinary and/or potentially dangerous circumstances.

Strait Jacket

  • Tech Level: -2, achieved through copious use of magically enhanced technology.
  • Magic/Psionics Level:
    • General populace: 1-3
    • Sorcerists: up to 4
  • Hazard Rating: XX- The resident civilization is generally stable and prosperous, but the local method for magic use contains the constant underlying threat of magical contamination(see Dossier 993-Molds, subsection B-Demons). Travelers coming into contact with these entities are advised not to engage them in combat unless your magical capabilities exceed their own.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

  • Tech Level: 6-9 Level is erratic due to an indigenous energy source that allows for such things as powering giant humanoid mechanical constructs, the spontaneous creation of mass, breaking through the barriers between dimensions, probability manipulation, and the defiance of nearly every known law of physics.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 1-5 Certain individuals are able to manipulate reality up to and including the cosmic level.
  • Hazard Rating: X+ Popular tourist destination. There is no excessive conflict, but giant robot use is rampant and accidents do happen.
  • Notes: Most of the human population is not registered in any kind of government database, allowing travelers to integrate themselves into society relatively easily. The local giant mecha are powered by a vaguely defined but extraordinarily powerful energy source known as Spiral Power. As a possible byproduct of this energy, a memetic trigger is contained within each mecha that gives the pilot innate knowledge of the machine's functions and controls without any prior training. This factor has made the dimension a popular vacation destination, but travelers should keep in mind that use of Spiral Power has been strictly regulated by the local governments for fear of causing a YK class end-of-the-world scenario (see Dossier 374-Spiral Nemesis). Travelers are advised to adhere to these rules for their own safety as well as others. Anthropomorphs and aliens may travel freely, but be wary of light social prejudice.

Tri-State Area

  • Tech Level: 0 Though some of the technologies that are built by some individuals surpass what is considered as the norm for the early twenty-first century. Naturally, civilizations other than Earth will have varying tech levels of their own..
  • Magic/Psionics Level: Uncertain. Believed to be 0, but individuals have exhibited the ability to accomplish seemingly impossible feats.
  • Hazard Rating: X Popular tourist destination. There's little to no conflict, although occasionally aliens or robots may invade.
  • Notes: Travelers should take care to be careful of entering some of the dimensions, like the Second Dimension, nor to confuse them for friendly ones since they're all part of a multiverse. For example, in the Second Dimension the scientist became a dictator ruling the Tri-State Area with an iron fist, accompanied with a robot and cyborg armies. It's mainly a futuristic distopia. Besides the First Dimension, the other dimensions, like the ninth and the eighteenth unvierses, are more tourist friendly, due to the inhabitants being more friendly.


  • Tech Level: -5 to -6 Fairly standard late/post iron age technologies. Nothing particularly notable.
  • Magic/Psionics Level:
    • Baseline: 4 Highly interventionist spirit world, but seemingly little in the way of natural magic effects. Reports of "Dragons" with considerable magic power are as of yet unsubstantiated.
    • Human: 0-4 Advanced combat disciplines, possibly some architectural augmentation, astral projection onto the focus of a familiar. There have also been reports of a artificial magical hub, based around a tower serving ends currently unknown.
    • Keidran: 0-3 Dependent upon crystalline magical 'batteries' for any magic use. Other than certain medical operations involving what basically can be described as a 'soul transfusion', effects used run the usual gamut.
    • Basitin: 0 Magic use is actively detrimental to members of this species. Medical examination of those who attempted use of it reveals severe central nervous system degradation. (See Dossier 559-Basitin, Section Biology, Subsection Neurology, pages 23–30)
  • Hazard Rating: XXXX Widespread interspecies warfare between Humans and Keidran, with multiple reports of ethnic cleansing by both parties. Slave trade of fairly standard size for technological level is thriving among the two combatants, fed by the current state of warfare. Slaves are commonly bound by enchantments and there have been reports that these enchantments cause mental degradation in the victim. Travel is strongly recommended against. However, Recovery teams will be sent after those who signal difficulty, as local arms are easily overpowered by the standard equipment of Enforcement and Rescue.

Warhammer 40,000

  • Special Advisory to All Travelers: legal Release From Liability is required before entry. All visitors please be advised that retrieval teams will not be dispatched if you run into difficulty. A commission on interdiction has been convened and a Quarantine order has been issued. SCP team on loan will examine all travelers and items brought back for contamination. Agents of board and SCP are authorized to employ lethal force up to and including kiloton yields to enforce quarantine.
  • Tech Level: T7, going down to T6 and up to T8. Effective tech level varies, due to ill understanding by dominant polity(See Dossier 12-Imperium Of Man, section 5-Technology [pages 93–105]).
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 5, with major reality warpers present in large numbers.
  • Hazard Rating: XXXX+ Large Numbers of Assimilation entities extant. Leading power known for xenocidal policies. Major Memetic Hazards Present in large numbers. Main Polity in state of ongoing collapse.
  • Notes: Visidation discouraged by all but highly trained encounter teams. Nonhuman visitors strongly discouraged.

The Wizarding World

The Wizarding World exists side-by-side with contemporary ("Muggle") Earth.

  • Tech Level: -2 Electricity and magic appear to be inimical, but wizards can and do adapt Muggle technology to meet their needs.
  • Magic/Psionics Level: 2-3 Exceptionally gifted individuals may reach 4.
  • Hazard Rating: XX Non-magical travelers strongly discouraged from visiting when the so-called "Death Eaters" are in power.