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* Anti-Munchkin: [[Scrub|The type opposed to optimization of any kind.]] He'll frequently hand in characters which are wildly incompatible with the style of the game (such as an underwater basket weaver in a dungeon crawl), or the rest of the party (like a Paladin in a group where everyone else is evil, though sometimes this is just a [[Munchkin]] looking for an excuse to kill the party). Any objections will be met with a [[Berserk Button|rant about character conceptualization]], implying that the other players at the table are nothing but power-gaming Munchkins who are [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|there only to kill monsters and steal their stuff]].
Those above types are frequent punching bags of [[The Loonie]] and [[Griefer]]s for being somewhat high-strung and humorless, especially in the [[Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game|MMORPG]] (of all places) where they occasionally show up. Some games, such as ''[[World of Warcraft]]'', even have RP-oriented servers where this style of play is theoretically encouraged (whether a given RP server ''succeeds'' is [[Your Mileage May Vary|open to interpretation]]). ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' in technical terms is a largely static environment, and is far more heavily designed to cater to Munchkin/MinMaxer players, however; so while it is possible for players of this type to do what makes them happy, [[WoW]] will generally require that they work much harder at it, than they might need to in other games.
A [[Player Archetypes]] subtrope, along with [[The Real Man]], [[The Loonie]] and the [[Munchkin]].