The Corruption: Difference between revisions

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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Magical Project S]]'' - Pixy Misa is a part of Misao that she's not aware of, and gradually is growing stronger. {{spoiler|After The Big Reveal and Journey To The Center Of The Mind, they start to integrate.}}
* The plot of ''[[Princess Mononoke]]'' begins when Ashitaka is attacked and infected by a corrupted boar-god. While [[Walking the Earth]], he discovers that his infected arm has supernatural strength and a will of its own.
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* An odd case in ''[[Rosario + Vampire]]'': vampire blood injected into a wounded person will at first heal them and temporarily grant them vampiric powers, but repeated doses will begin to eat away at their [[Body Horror|body]] and [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|mind]]. The result [[Our Ghouls Are Creepier|isn't]] [[Humanoid Abomination|pretty]].
* ''[[Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha Force]]'' has the Eclipse virus (which is not [[The Virus]], despite its name), which grants the infected [[Anti-Magic]] and insane [[Healing Factor|regenerative]] powers, [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|at the price of slowly losing their sanity unless they regularly kill people]]. And that's only if you're lucky. Most people that are exposed to it just die.
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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* The Shadow Plague from the ''[[Fablehaven]]'' series.
* [[Michael Moorcock]]'s final story in his ''Elric of Melniboné'' series basically IS this trope....poor {{spoiler|Zarozinia}}. Blood and souls for <ref><s>Lord Jagged</s></ref> Arioch! {{spoiler|Zarozinia}} was almost a [[Heroic Sacrifice]], under the circumstances. {{spoiler|Rackhir the Red}}, on the other hand...
* In William King's ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' novel ''[[Space Wolf]]'', the aspirants are warned they can become [[Big Badass Wolf|"wulfen", wolf-like creatures]]. One does. {{spoiler|Ragnar has to kill it. It [[Dying as Yourself|speaks his name]] and dies. Only then does he learn it had been his best friend Kjel.}}
** In Lee Lightner's ''Wolf's Honour'', {{spoiler|all the Space Wolves}} are threatened by its taking over.
** In [[James Swallow]]'s ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' ''[[Blood Angels|Deus Encarmine]]'', many of the Blood Angels succumb to their "flaw" and begin to hallucinate that they are fighting the final battle between their primarch, Sanguinius, and Horus, and so become [[The Berserker]]; all of them are tempted by it, every fight, though Rafen notices that this time, it struck with uncommon quickness, among veterans.
** In ''Deus Sanguinius'', at the climax, {{spoiler|Rafen succumbs to this; on the other hand, it does unlock the powers of the [[Blade on a Stick|Spear of Telesto]] for him, and the daemon he fights is shocked to see that the many futures in which Rafen failed instantly vanish. Then the spear protects him. When the dying daemon unleashes it in the other Blood Angels, they terrify their enemies, who retreat although [[Attack! Attack! Attack!|they never retreat]], and the spear even lets Rafen bring back his battle brothers who had succumbed.}}
* In ''[[Keys to the Kingdom]]'', if Arthur uses the Keys too much, he will be permanently transformed into a Denizen, due to "sorcerous contamination".
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]]'' and ''[[Warhammer 4000040,000]]'' bring us [[Exclusively Evil|Chaos]], possibly the most developed and frightening example to date. It's ruled by the [[Four Is Death|four]] gods of mutation, plague, debauchery, and bloodshed.
** The gods Tzeench, Nurgle, Slaanesh and Khorne are descended from beings reflecting hope, determination, love, and honor respectively. The evil deeds and thoughts of the Warhammer galaxy's inhabitants spawned the overpoweringly evil versions of [[The Heartless|those beings]] that now rule [[Hyperspace Is a Scary Place|the warp]].
*** Warpstone is Chaos energy solidified into crystalline form, so while it's still as corruptive as true Chaos, it can also be used as [[Green Rocks]] by those blessed with either ignorance, a good sense of denial, or a willing embrace of Corruption.
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** In ''[[Changeling: The Lost]]'', changelings turn into {{spoiler|[[The Fair Folk|True Fae]] as they reach the zenith of their power (which is inevitably followed by the nadir of their [[Karma Meter|Clarity]]).}}
** Flux works a little like this in ''[[Promethean: The Created]]''. It is the antithesis of the creative power Azoth, waiting for a Promethean who has become disenchanted with the Pilgrimage to stumble upon it. Its trademark "gift" is mutation, slowly turning the user into an inhuman form, though it also grants control over Pandorans, its "children". Prometheans refer to the slow dive into irretrievable Centimani as being "seduced by Flux".
** In ''[[Geist: The Sin Eaters]]'', Sin Eaters turn into [[Meat Puppet]]s if they come [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] one time too many,.
** The [[Demonic Possession|Possessed]] (from ''Inferno'') turns into the embodiment of their Demon's Vice, and so on.
** To a degree, losing Morality is like this in all ''[[New World of Darkness]]'' games; you're less and less constrained by Morality as it falls, but if you hit zero, your character becomes [[Nonstandard Game Over|unplayable.]] In fact, The Corruption is ''the'' gimmick of [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Cheiron Corporation]]'s [[Hunter: The Vigil|Hunters]]: they graft monster parts into their body. [[Squick]].
* The protagonists of the ''[[Old World of Darkness]]'' game ''[[Demon: The Fallen]]'' have Torment, the spiritual residue of millennia in Hell. It afflicts all Fallen to some degree and can be used to supercharge a demon's powers, but doing so involves letting more Torment into your soul. It also acts as the game's [[Karma Meter]]: too much Torment turns you into a monster like the [[Eldritch Abomination|Earthbound]].
* The ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' 3rd edition sourcebook ''Oriental Adventures'' featured "Taint" as an effect of spending time in the [[Mordor|Shadowlands]] or interacting with its natives. It came back as a setting-generic version in the 3.5 supplement ''Heroes of Horror'': Taint slowly corrupts anyone who stays in a tainted area, performs evil actions, or is unlucky enough to fight a monster with the ''bestow taint'' ability. As your Taint score climbs, you [[This Is Your Brain on Evil|go mad]], endure [[Body Horror|horrific transformations]], shift alignment to evil, and eventually turn into either a psychotic killer or a psychotic killer ''monster'', at which point you roll up a new character.
** ''[[Ravenloft]]'' has Powers checks: every time a character does something sufficiently wicked to call the attention of the [[Powers That Be|Dark Powers]] of the demiplane, they may reward him with a special ability, which only serves to accelerate his damnation. Fail enough Powers checks and you end up a mockery of your former self, trapped forever in a domain of your own making.
* In ''[[The Dresden Files (game)|The Dresden Files]] RPG'' players have to spend precious refresh points to gain new abilities, and when the refresh rate hits zero the character becomes so corrupted by power that they become unplayable. Interestingly, these abilities need not be supernatural and are sometimes forced upon characters who act in certain ways. A wizard breaking one of the laws of magic, for instance, must buy the Lawbreaker ability.
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** All the bosses in ''[[Resident Evil 5]]''. Yes, includes {{spoiler|Albert Wesker with the G-virus, Las Plagas and Ouroborous combinated in his body}}
* Ryu's "Dragon Mode" in ''[[Breath of Fire]]: Dragon Quarter''. The corruption accumulates slowly over the course of the game. If it reaches 100%, your game ends. {{spoiler|Which you'll have to do for the final battle, anyway, ironically}}.
* The black "mud", a literal manifestation of "all the world's evil", that flows from the corrupted Grail in ''[[Fate/stay night]]'' and ''[[Fate/Zero]]'' will maim, torture, and kill anything that touches it, and those who resist it from sheer willpower are either corrupted or disabled in some way. {{spoiler|In the ''Heaven's Feel'' route of ''[[Fate/stay night|stay night]]'', Sakura uses this power to overwhelm the majority of the Masters and Servants, taking Saber and Berserker back out to assist her genocidal rampage.}} This corruption was also the reason why Gilgamesh and Kirei managed to [[Back Fromfrom the Dead|survive their "deaths"]] in ''[[Fate/Zero|Zero]]''.
** Gilgamesh gets [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] from his [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|"All the world's evil? Ha! You'll need at least triple that to corrupt ''me!''"]] line. Then again, [[Pure Is Not Good|he was already kind of a]] Jerkass.
** Fate!Shirou shows his [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness|strength of will]] by mentally resisting this curse at point blank range {{spoiler|once, then blocking the second shot with Avalon}}.
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* In ''[[Kingdom Hearts]] II'', utilizing your Drive Form repeatedly may result in Sora turning into hist Anti-Form that resembles a feral Heartless. Although the form can fight with near limitless combos the lack of a finishing move means it can never be used to defeat a boss and the inability to control its appearance make it, for the most part, [[Deadly Upgrade|a penalty]].
** Not to mention you take double damage and can't heal yourself while in this form.
* Seithr in ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'', a toxic substance spread over the world by the [[Eldritch Abomination|Black Beast]] when it attacked the world 100 years ago, renders most of the surface inimical to most life. Humans were forced to live in cities built at high altitudes to avoid succumbing to seithr poisoning. It's The Corruption since seithr is also the source of the setting's magic. The [[Functional Magic|Ars Magus]] and [[Artifact of Doom|Nox Nyctores]] used by most of the characters absorb seithr from their surroundings in order to use their abilities. The Kaka clan, including [[Catgirl|Taokaka]], are able to tap into the seithr naturally with no apparent ill effects.
* Done beautifully in ''[[Shadow of the Colossus]]''. After every time you defeat a colossus, some weird dark tendrils come out and latch into The Wanderer. {{spoiler|The effect is gradual enough, that you don't notice how bad its got until the final colossus, where, because of the wind and some camera close ups, you notice how ragged and bad he looks, unlike the young man you started the game as.}}
* The Taint of ''[[Lusternia]]'' is the effluence of an [[Eldritch Abomination]]. Those subjected to it lose their moral compunctions and become stronger, more intelligent, taller, and [[Evil Makeover|more demonic-looking]]; prolonged exposure exaggerates these characteristics further and can result in [[The Undead|lichdom]]; and overdosing results in ''serious'' [[Body Horror]]. [[Blob Monster|Gorgulu]] - the former ruler of Shallamar - is a good example of the latter.
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** Also makes an appearance in [[Transformers: War for Cybertron]], a videogame to which [[Transformers Prime]] is [[Broad Strokes|sorta]] a sequel. Its less corrupting there for living or formerly living things, but a lot more corrupting for nonliving things and feral creatures.
*** The novel Transformers: Exodus, which is sort of a prequel and adaptation of the game, is very explicit about the corruptive influence of Dark Energon. Start with euphoria, boosted power, and greatly increased violent tendencies... then add on instant addiction that will kill you real real slow if you try to kick the habit. Oh, and the stuff turns any normal Energon it comes in contact with into more Dark Energon.
* In ''[[Samurai Jack]]'', the Episode titled "XLIII: The Aku Infection" shows the Samurai fighting a spreading black corrupting infection from part of the villain Aku's diseased body.
== Real Life ==
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