The Book of Stories (Original Character Tournament): Difference between revisions

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==== [ Lady Ink]: ====
* [[The Spock]]
* [[WomaninWoman in Black]]
==== [ Mudd]: ====
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=== General Tropes: ===
* [[Apocalypse How]] / [[Ret -Gone]] - The worst outcome of the Book's Unwriting could be classified as Class X-5 or even Z, though it's not as much destroying as it is making everything nonexistent.
* [[Archetypal Character]] - The fictional characters in the Book are these.
* [[Got Volunteered]] / [[Refusal of the Call]] - Lady Ink and Mudd pretty much do this to their recruits if they're unwilling.
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==== Tropes: ====
* [[Chaotic Neutral]] - The Musician is played up as this in-universe.
* [[De -Power]] - Being a musician, he can normally use his power of music to great, nearly godlike extents, but being inside the Book has neutered his abilities to just creating small objects, hovering and disrupting others' magical abilities.
* [[Living Shadow]] - Somehow the Musician has complete control over his shadow, though its uses are rather situational.
* [[Magic Music]]
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* [[Relationship Upgrade]] - After some rather harrow circumstances derived from [[Poor Communication Kills]], Bobu and Ricco finally level up in their relationship.
* [[The Rest Shall Pass]] - Sian does this in the second doctor fight in Round 1, giving Bobu time to run away and get help. Subverted when the villain has accounted for that and rigged the only exit to keep Sian and Bobu trapped inside.
* [[Ridiculously -Human Robots]] - Ricco is quite deeply flawed and sympathetic for an AI. {{spoiler|Turns out he's not an AI.}}
** {{spoiler|Turns out Bobu is one. Or maybe not.}}
* [[Schizo -Tech]] - Played straight during Round 1, particularly the second doctor fight and the climax.
* [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock]] - Bobu is randomly shuffled and stuck in one of her [[Multiform Balance|Alternate Modes]], due to escaping her video game too early.
* [[Shark Man]] - Ricco is a positive example of this. Bonus points for being part whale shark, which is rather tame for a shark due to being a filter feeder.
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* [[Wandering Minstrel]] - Ricco.
* [[We Need a Distraction]] - Played straight in Round 1. Played even further when Bobu failed the first distraction and Ricco ended up as a second impromptu distraction, which gave Bobu enough time for her [[Transformation Sequence]] to kick in.
* [[Wham! Line]]: From Round 1: {{spoiler|"...I'm not fictional."}}
* [[What Would X Do]] - Played straight in Round 2, where Bobu based her reasons for striving to get a [[Happy Ending]] on what Ricco would want.
* [[Wholesome Crossdresser]] - Ricco's a straight example, as he's wearing the clothes out of comfort and possibly for style.
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* [[Not in This For Your Revolution]] - Both Anna and Reinald. They just want to get home, and if fixing the Book is the only way to achieve that, then so be it.
* [[Refusal of the Call]] - Both Anna and Reinald. Predictably, it doesn't work.
* [[Selfish Good, Selfish Evil]] - Reinald is somewhere between Lawful Selfish and Neutral Selfish; Anna is between Neutral Selfish and Selfish Evil.
* [[Shapeshifting]] - Anna and Reinald, though the latter's rather terrible at it.
* [[Sharp -Dressed Man]] - Reinald.
* [[Sir Swearsalot]] - Anna.
* [[The Social Darwinist]] - Anna's mindset, more often than not.
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* [[Inspector Javert]] - He definitely could become this, and is this at home.
* [[Lawful Good]] - In-universe.
* [[My Country, Right or Wrong]]
* [[The Stoic]]
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* [[The Gunslinger]]
* [[The Snark Knight]]
* [[The QueensQueen's Latin]]
=== [ Oreramar]'s Entries ===
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* [[Animal Motifs]] - Jaya's motif is a hawk, corresponding to her mask.
* [[Blade On a Stick]] / [[Simple Staff]]
* [[Full -Body Disguise]]
* [[The Hunter]]
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* [[Berserk Button]]- For Adante, any intrusion into his mind by magic. It will cause him to enter [[Heroic Safe Mode]] of the [[Tranquil Fury]] kind, and he will [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|not stop until the threat stops moving.]] He regards mind-readers as the ultimate threat if they do so without consent, and will feel nothing but rage and the will to annihilate said threat if he is the target.
* [[Blue Blood]] - Adante's father was a first generation noble, being given the rank for valor in war. Adante is the first ''born'' noble of his family.
* [[Boisterous Bruiser]] - Vin, to the point of sometimes being [[The Berserker]]. Obviously, his main strategy is to [[Attack! Attack! Attack!]] Nevermind his own injuries.
* [[Dandere]]/[[Kuudere]] - Adante fluctuates between a type 1 to 2 kuudere. He’s not quite ''shy'', but tends not to talk too much unless he feels it’s necessary, because he feels he comes across as socially awkward.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]] - This is partly the result of growing up in a world that does not recognize Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and being forced through something that is essentially [[Mind Rape]]. Also, his parents died and {{spoiler|he's left with the [[Red Right Hand|taint]] of [[Black Magic|dark magick]] that causes him a lot of problems.}} He has recurring [[Flashback Nightmare|FlashbackNightmares]].
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* [[Team Mom]] - Vin is a male version, though it's more of a [[Big Brother Instinct]] than a [[Papa Wolf]] one.
* [[The Quiet One]] - is more what Adante is. Ocassionally, though, [[Beware the Quiet Ones]].
* [[The Spock]]- Logic and reason are paramount ideals for Adante. He's a great believer in [[The Needs of the Many]] and [[What Is One MansMan's Life in Comparison?]], even (especially) if it’s his own life.
* [[The Stoic]] - Stoicism is Adante's ideal of what he wants to be. He would be happiest feeling no emotion at all. Overlaps with being the [[Stoic Woobie]] for those who know what's really going on in his head.
* [[The Strategist]] - Adante specializes in military logistics and strategy.
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* [[Not So Different]] - Luka noted early on that her curiosity rivals that of a goblin like Rupert, which is probably why she tolerates him.
* [[Our Goblins Are Different]] - Rupert's kind seems to lean towards the more magical kind, though they're not as proficient with it as mages or wizards.
* [[Plant Person]] - Luka's a [[Mix -and -Match Critters|Plant Deer Giraffe thing]].
* [[The Prankster]] - Rupert all the way.
* [[The Storyteller]] - Luka is into collecting stories.
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==== Tropes: ====
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]] / [[Goggles Do Something Unusual]] - Azrael's goggles were a gift from a friend, which she treasures for the memory. They get an upgrade during the audition where Mudd enhances them with the Function of Descry.
* [[Mix -and -Match Critters]] - Azrael is a manticore.
* [[Tertiary Sexual Characteristics]] - Physically imposing features aside, Azrael having a pseudo-male organ makes it all the more confusing.
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* Opponent(s): Satoshi “Reyes” Ando and Long Ai “Aurelia” Lien (Round [\]), Paige (Round [\]), Jaya Ferox (Round 3, eliminated)
==== Tropes: ====
* [[De -Power]]: Vespera; possibly inverted with Tatiana, although she's still wary of using her powers in conjunction with those of the book.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: Vespera.
* [[The Fair Folk]]
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