The Adventures of the American Rabbit: Difference between revisions

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Rob leaves the village and plays piano at a San Francisco nightclub known as the Panda-Monium. His first public performance ends in disaster, however, as the Jackals biker gang invades and tears up the place. This is the last straw for Bunny O'Hare, a female performer, and organizes a protest parade. The Jackals' boss, Vultor, learns about the parade and puts the Jackals at the end to cause mischief. Meanwhile, Vultor's vulture pecks at the Golden Gate's suspension cables, causing them to break. Rob turns into the American Rabbit and fixes the bridge, causing Vultor and the Jackals to retreat.
The Jackals drug Ping Pong, a big gorilla, and takes him to the Grand Canyon, where they put him in a flooding chamber. Vultor tells him to join up and [[Card -Carrying Villain|be evil]] or drown. Meanwhile, Rob, Bunny, the White Brothers band, and Teddy, the panda manager, decide to go touring around the country to try to raise funds to rebuild the bar. Their first stop happens to be the Grand Canyon. Rob notices what's going on, becomes the American Rabbit, and saves Ping from the Jackals' clutches and the rest of the group from falling off a waterfall [[Too Dumb to Live|in an inflatable raft that Rob suggested they hop into in the first place]]. Unable to find a venue, Rob and his group head to New Orleans with Ping, but so do Vultor and the Jackals.
The Jackals burn down the Hog & Frog, the bar the White Brothers were supposed to play at. A jackal lures the band into a steamboat, locks them in the ballroom, and sets fire. Again, Rob transforms and saves everybody, but he goes over to the getaway boat the bad guys are on and overhears their next plan. He can't get any good details except that it's in New York City. Rob turns back to normal and suggests everyone head to New York City.
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=== This film provide examples of: ===
* [[Action -Hogging Opening]]: Which involves Rob transforming into the American Rabbit to stop a dam burst.
* [[All -American Face]] - The American Rabbit of course.
* [[Bad Boss]] - All Vultor is shown doing is yelling at the Jackals, whether because they failed to kill Rob or because they don't think like he does. He doesn't even plan anything out at first--he leaves that up to the Jackals. From the Grand Canyon until {{spoiler|The Doomsday Switch plan}}, he travels with the Jackals but doesn't help them out; all he does is follow a Jackal around and insult him repeatedly. He's not any tougher than the Jackals either: When Rob actually takes him on, {{spoiler|he has no combat capabilities whatsoever}}.
* [[All Bikers Are Hells Angels]] - The Jackals.
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* [[Villainous Breakdown]] - Ever since Rob deflates Walt and Vultor the Vulture reveals that he can talk he becomes increasingly insane and paranoid.
* [[We Can Rule Together]] - Vultor does this as a very desperate last ploy to the American Rabbit as the American Rabbit is pursuing him in which this doesn't work at all.
* [[What Measure Is a Non -Cute?]] - One of the most disturbing cases there is.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]] - Quite a bit actually. Characters are introduced and discarded. Like Rob's parents. Ever since Rob's village disappears... for some reason, they are never even referenced again. The mysterious old rabbit wizard makes a vague reference to Rob's home town being protected from the evils of the outside world in some way, and the "Legacy" of the American Rabbit being the price they pay for this peace, but it's never explained or followed up on in any way.