Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Turtles in Time/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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* [[It's the Same, Now It Sucks]]: Those who are aware of the arcade version say this about the remake, which was a bit ''too'' accurate to the arcade, and didn't have many features from the somewhat more popular SNES version.
** This is how some feel about ''The Hyperstone Heist'', since aside from adding a run button, there is not much else. There are some new areas, but everything else is a re-skin of stages seen in the arcade/SNES counterparts, though the environments have more detail and faster game play compared to the SNES.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]:
** "This cave is creepy."
** "MY TOE! MY TOE!"
* [[Misblamed]]: The fans say that the game "Removed" several features that made the game good, like Bebop and Rocksteady, the Technodrome, and Super Shredder... When they're talking about the SNES version, which expanded upon the arcade game.
* [[Narm Charm]]: Shredder, in the versions he actually says: "Turtle Soup, my ''favorite''!" would probably be ridiculously funny, if the actor didn't sound so ''awesome''.