Talk:Heard Any Good Jokes Lately?

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Fossil joke page

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Worth keeping?

Derivative (talkcontribs)

it's utter cancer

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

IMHO, it's a bad joke. There are plenty of lists of one-liners elsewhere on the 'net; we don't need to host yet another one. If somebody wants to explain the jokes and pull the tropes out of them, than I'll change my mind ... but Don't Explain the Joke is itself a trope.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

I'm inclined to nuke, myself, but I've gotten worried with how often I've found myself saying that recently...

Labster (talkcontribs)

Huh, again I'm saying keep. Not because the jokes are amazeballs, but because the title is a stock phrase, the jokes are examples you'd hear after that stock phrase, it's entertaining to someone, and I don't think it does harm. This seems closer to my ideal of a content creation wiki than a lot of other pages I could mention.

It might be cancer, but maybe just a benign tumor?

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

I'm leaning closer to benign tumor. A lot of the jokes are pretty stupid, but I laughed at them because they were so stupid.

Derivative (talkcontribs)

Seems like we are quite split, would some cleanup of whatever kind be a good compromise then? Looks a bit messy right now.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

I've always thought "when in doubt, do nothing" - we have plenty of other things to do, and it isn't as if we've been given a takedown notice about anything on this page. This page can wait until everybody's thought about it for a few days.

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