Showing Off the Perilous Power Source: Difference between revisions

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[[File:EvenHorizonEngine_3699EvenHorizonEngine 3699.jpg|link=Event Horizon|frame|Even astronauts can forget to stand behind the yellow line.]]
[['''Showing Off the Perilous Power Source]]''' describes that scene where the captain of the [[Cool Ship]] shows off the fantastic power source of the vessel to others, usually hapless passengers (and of course us, the audience,) to impress them with just how powerful indeed the ship is. Included will be dialogue of how [[What Could Possibly Go Wrong?|dangerous it is]] to be exposed to such terrible energies, and that were it not for the radiation suits/visor/lead glass that were provided to gaze through, it would have otherwise been certain death to merely look on such elemental fury.
Trope formerly named for dialogue in just such a scene from ''[[Forbidden Planet]]''; Doctor Morbius states that "man cannot look upon the face of the gorgon and live", as they gape in awe at the sight of the power of ninety-two exploding suns.
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For what it's worth, in that film, they used a mirror to see this -- [[Classical Mythology|Perseus,]] take note.
Related to [[Take Our Word for It]], as [['''Showing Off the Perilous Power Source]]''' can be used to compensate for lack of budget or [[Special Effects Failure]]. Not to be confused with [[You Cannot Grasp the True Form]], which sounds similar but is in fact very different.
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== [[Web Comics]] ==
* ''[[Quentyn Quinn, Space Ranger]]'' played with this scene in the second arc (which mocked ''Star Trek'' technical solutions, especially their [[No_OSHA_ComplianceNo OSHA Compliance|ideas of safety]]), when the Federation Aliens escorted protagonist to their Main Engineering:
{{quote|'''Quentyn''': (popping out eyes) Omnibus--- a comprehensive scan, please?
'''Omnibus''': No need, commander. It's obviously what it appears to be... an enormous ''antimatter reactor''.
