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== Video Games ==
* On a general note, many strategy guides - particularly unofficial ones - advise this strategy against a [[Hopeless Boss Fight]] in order to conserve resources - in which case you should not only sheathe your sword, but not do ''anything''.
* [[Arcanum: ofOf Steamworks and Magick Obscura]]: In a side-quest where you have to remove interlopers from an elven Holy Ground, you have the option of goading them into attacking you so that a curse will kill them for shedding blood. But if you fight back ([[Guide Dang It|or if your Automatic Combat Mode is on]]) you are pretty much screwed by the same curse.
** You can order Virgil to hold position somewhere nearby so that he can't reach the fight until everyone is already dead; the Resurrection spell, however, ''can be cast at long distance.'' [[Good Bad Bugs|If he casts it on you before combat ends, the game over screen doesn't appear.]] Yes, you can end up cheating the peaceful elven hippie curse using a combo of ''[[Murder Is the Best Solution|preemptive violence and necromancy!]]''
* ''[[Final Fantasy IV]]'' had Cecil go through this to cast off his dark past and become a Paladin. Considering the message that you got if you attacked, this is probably the [[Trope Namer]].
** The literal reason behind this working becomes a [[Guide Dang It]] moment in the US port of the SNES version. You win because you're fighting [[Enemy Without|yourself, but still as a Dark Knight]] who he keeps using its "Darkness" ability, which damages every unit [[Cast From HP|at the cost of its own HP]] until it kills itself. However, in the US version [[Dummied Out|you didn't have this when Cecil was still a Dark Knight]], so you'd have no idea that he was losing health.
** Of course, with sufficient [[Level Grinding]], you could get bigger healing potions that could restore all of your health at once, leaving you free to attack. With enough of these, you could whittle down the Dark Knight quite easily. Yes, you ''can'' defeat your inner darkness by beating the crap out of it!
** In [[Final Fantasy IV: theThe After Years|the sequel]], {{spoiler|you can try this with Kain, but his dark side is a bit too powerful for it to work, kicking off the main plot thread of the Prologue.}}
*** The [[Bonus Dungeon]] in the GBA remake also features a similar situation for {{spoiler|Kain}}. After a few turns of defending, Dark!{{spoiler|Kain}} turns into Lunar Bahamut, and ''then'' you can wail on him.
* And ''[[Final Fantasy V]]'' made your party "fight" the Mimic by mimicking the Mimic mimicking you -- i.e doing absolutely nothing. He would congratulate you, and yield if you did so for awhile.<ref>Of course, there's that [[Oxygen Meter]] in the corner to keep an eye on...</ref>
** Gogo can be beaten with proper tactics, but if you waste too much time reaching the boss and escaping, you'll drown.
* ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'' also has Ozma, a bonus boss that can be defeated this way, by letting your characters counter attack, since inputting actions causes it to have an immediate turn.
* In ''[[Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World]]'', getting the [[Multiple Endings|best ending]] requires that {{spoiler|you do nothing, and let Lloyd and Marta defeat you at the end}} before being able to proceed.
* In ''[[The Darkness]]'', you are required to combat a dark version of yourself, whom you defeat by putting your weapons away.
* The final boss in the Flash game ''Inquisitive Dave'' {{spoiler|[[No Fourth Wall|becomes aware of his "role" as a final boss and becomes stronger for it. Your refusal to fight him robs him of his purpose, and he eventually fades.]]}}
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* In the Mecha fight at the end of ''[[Escape from Monkey Island]]'', both Guybrush's robot and LeChuck regenerate health too quick to be able to defeat each other, so the only way to win is by tying in the Monkey Kombat three times, so LeChuck gets tired and Elaine is able to escape.
* In the Knights of the Nine quest in ''[[Oblivion]]'', you are given a test of character in which you are told you must show respect to nature. A huge bear appears and attacks you. To pass, you must not fight back.
* In ''Mysteries of the Sith'', the expansion to ''[[Dark Forces Saga|Jedi Knight]]'', the only way to defeat Kyle after his fall to [[The Dark Side]] is to deactivate your sabre and basically [["I Know You Are're in There Somewhere" Fight|dare him to kill you]]. While a highly appropriate tactic for a Jedi, the lack of ingame pointers that this was even possible led to many players experiencing massive keyboard-snapping frustration.
** Lack of ingame pointers? There's a blatant hint right behind you at the start of the fight.
* In ''[[Beyond the Beyond]]'', you can do this when you face off against the [[Black Knight]] close to the end of the game. The Black Knight in question is really {{spoiler|Annie's brother Percy}}, who was earlier [[Never Found the Body|presumed dead after fighting off a group of Imperial guards]]. If you decide not to attack him for several rounds, he'll run from the battle and {{spoiler|re}}join your party. Should you decide to fight him anyway, [[Dramatic Unmask|his mask will crack]], revealing his true face to the party before he dies.
* ''[[Mother 3]]'' has a very, ''very'' tragic variation of this. The last battle with the final [[Big Bad]] comes only moments after the reveal that {{spoiler|the said big bad is your long lost twin brother, who was kidnapped, forcibly turned into a robotic chimera, and brainwashed. During the battle the knowledge of this leaves you unable to attack (later on you can ''try'' but those attempts are pretty much you closing your eyes and half heartingly swinging) so all you can do is defend and heal as [["I Know You Are're in There Somewhere" Fight|you, your father, and the spirit of you dead mother tries to reach him.]] In the end he regains senses but then turns his own attack on himself and [[Died in Your Arms Tonight|dies in your arms.]]}}
* In ''[[Legend of Dragoon]]'', the fight against the corpse of Lavitz in disc four. Defend enough and your party will talk him into turning his back, allowing you to take out the demon possessing him.
* ''[[Rise of the Triad]]'' has the first form of {{spoiler|El Oscuro}}. Attacking him causes him to eat your missiles and regain energy. You're supposed to run away and let him wear himself out and revert to his snake form, which you chase down and kill. Except that every other challenge in this game essentially boiled down to [[Wild Wild West (film)|shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more, and then when everyone's dead, try to ask a question or two]], which made this [[Guide Dang It|a bit counterintuitive]].