Scribblenauts: Difference between revisions

Fridge Horror
(Fridge Brilliance)
(Fridge Horror)
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* [[Gay Option]]: In one of the levels, Maxwell has to but presents for each of his parents and his girlfriend, based on the objects they have in their rooms. [[Les Yay|And if you switch to a female avatar...]]
* {{spoiler|[[Fission Mailed]]}}: In the sequel's last level. {{spoiler|It says "Try again: The starite was destroyed." with the only button saying "No way".}}
* [[Fridge Horror]]: The ending of the sequel. {{spoiler|The Starites are destroyed, Jeremiah Slazcka, a baby, a deer and Barack Obama all die and Maxwell is stuck on the moon. The time machine shows that the future is apocalyptic and people have already left for Mars. Hopefully a third game will clear things up.}}
** {{spoiler|Actually, Maxwell isn't stuck on the moon. Sometime in the near future he uses a time machine to get off it. Other than transporting you back to the first level of the original game, it occasionally also transports you to the final level of this game. Here you can see Maxwell quickly walk into a time machine and disappear}}
** Wait... how the hell did they manage to give ''Scribblenauts'', a game with no remarkable plot, a [[Downer Ending]]? depressing as that is, it's kind of impressive.
** Only one Starite is destroyed, and the final puzzle is to summon up a replacement.
* [[Guide Dang It]]: To get the final merit, you must "apply the [[Guide Dang It|secret]] Super Scribblenauts adjective". The only clue is that the merit is called "The Fourth Wall". {{spoiler|The adjective is Scribblenautical if you were wondering. It gives everything the rooster hat.}}
* [[G-Rated Sex]]: Try summoning "Pregnant Potion".