Refuge in Audacity/Recorded and Stand Up Comedy

  • Dane Cook intimated in a bit the time he got fired from a video store. The boss is chewing him out, and he snaps, and says "Fuck you!" then realizes what he's just done, and regrets it, but then thinks, "I'll have to beat him up now," figuring the more over the top his response, the less likely prospective employers will be to believe his old boss.

See also Refuge in Audacity/Jokes, until such time as the contents of that page are merged with this page.

Old Boss: Well, he sat on my chest and punched me repeatedly. You don't want this guy working for you.
Prospective Employer: (hangs up phone)You're right, he's completely nuts. You got the job.

  • Utah Philips' "Moose Turd Pie" monologue is made of this trope. So is the character who speaks its final line, for that matter.
  • If anyone has heard The Aristocrats joke, this trope was made for its very existence.
    • Particularly when Gilbert Gottfried told it after his failed 9/11 joke at the Roast of Hugh Hefner.
  • Don Rickles.
  • Andy Kaufman
  • Tom Green
  • Daniel Tosh discusses this trope regarding a joke about how, given three wishes, he would have sex with the theoretical baby of David Beckham and Brad Pitt (Which apparently resembles baby Jesus with a six-pack) three times.
  • Bob Saget, apart from his more well-known family friendly gigs. Possibly due to having to play those roles.
  • Andrew Dice Clay was very popular for awhile primarily due to this and Refuge in Vulgarity.