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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* One arc of ''[[The Authority]]'' had an Avengers [[Expy]] team kidnap the newborn Jenny Quantum. Midnighter managed to use a [[Mistreatment -Induced Betrayal]] on the [[Iron Man]] equivalent, even convincing him to help him out of rubble after being badly injured... and this from a team of supers who rarely let their enemies live. Another example in the same arc had them convince a [[Mad Scientist]] type in charge of the team to turn good and use his brilliant ideas to help humanity.
* The [[Brightest Day|White Lantern Corps]], full stop. The Entity has chosen 12 people to come back from the dead after [[Blackest Night]] to fufill a given task. When fufilled, the life of the individual is returned, otherwise they keep suffering some residual effects of the Black Lantern Corps. The only problem is, the Entity doesn't seem to really care about anyone, and will do whatever it takes to fufill its goal.
** In addition to the Entity having its own peculiar notion of redemption, {{spoiler|two of the 12 have been killed ''immediately'' after having their lives fully restored. And this was when [[Deader Than Dead|they'd finally broken the curse that kept them reincarnating]].}}
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* Averted in the Victory Bay mission in ''[[Dawn of War]]'': Dark Crusade, when playing as the Space Marines. As you play, squads of the Imperial Guardsmen you're facing defect from the opposing side and fight for you - likely expecting this would spare their lives. It doesn't - at the culmination of the mission, the Imperial Guardsmen who fought against you get heroes' burials and commendations for following orders even until the bitter end (the surviving loyalists, if there are any, get transport and safe passage home), and the guardsmen who joined your side are executed for treason and cowardice.
** Given they turn traitor when ANY of the faction knock out the commissar, this is actually reasonable!
* Ryoto Hikawa, in ''[[Super Robot Wars Original Generation]]'', is shown as a reluctant [[Mook]] of the Divine Crusaders who doesn't seem to have the heart for fighting, but believes in their cause. Unfortunately for him, the DC doesn't reciprocate this belief and [[Why Am I Ticking?|use him as a delivery vector for a bomb to blow up the Hagane]]. His surrender to the Hagane's crew literally saves his life.
* This happens to {{spoiler|Mr. [[Big Bad]], ''Lord Wily himself''}}, at the end of the ''[[Mega Man Battle Network (Video Game)|Mega Man Battle Network]]'' series. Touched by the [[Heroic Sacrifice]] of {{spoiler|Iris and Colonel, his creations}}, he survives the explosion of his base, and then willingly surrenders to the authorities, ready to atone for all his sins. He also sends Lan and Mega Man a letter, thanking them for showing him the error of his ways.
* Variation. In ''[[Devil Survivor (Video Game)|Devil Survivor]]'' if {{spoiler|Keisuke}} doesn't get redeemed, he dies
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