Raiders of the Lost Ark/Nightmare Fuel

Marion, don't look at it. Shut your eyes, Marion. Don't look at it, no matter what happens!

  • The (in)famous "opening of the Ark" sequence from the finale is incredibly jarring for a viewer who has thus far enjoyed an action/adventure movie with a relatively light tone and Bloodless Carnage. The shot of the melting face - quickly followed by an exploding head - would have been enough to give plenty of theatre-goers nightmares, although it is hardly as effective now considering how much it looks like a model.
  • Bloodless Carnage nothing. Earlier in the film, a Giant Mook is chopped up by the propeller of an airplane and while it happens off-screen, the copious amounts of blood on-screen are just as jarring.
  • The Well of Souls is this trope both for the audience and Indy. Unbelievable amounts of snakes. And mummies. And snakes slithering out of the mummies. GAH.