Pokémon/Nightmare Fuel: Difference between revisions

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* The Thundarus/Tornadus event in Pokémon Black & White, where a route attendant says that there's a huge storm going on at Route 7. For those unsettled by storms in the first place, just how huge they are is unpleasant. Then, players have to actually chase the storms, and when the legendary Pokémon is met, they're rewarded with [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaATQ15Qqbw this battle music.]
* Just when the anime starts calming down on scary stuff, Ash and his friends (as well as Team Rocket eventually) find themselves in the Litwick Mansion. While the Pokedex entries state that Litwick, the little candle Pokémon, leeches off a human's life force, the Litwick in the episode {{spoiler|actually try doing that to Team Rocket}}. Not only, {{spoiler|Team Rocket's energy is drained slowly, over the course of the episode}}. Thus we see them become more and more lethargic as time goes on only to end up looking like zombies eventually.
* When Pokémon Hunter J tried to capture the Lake Trio, {{spoiler|the remains of J's vessel are almost assuredly stuck at the bottom of the lake, and while theshe and her crew would have died quickly, her Pokemon’s Poke Balls may have survived intact. Surrounded by rubble. At the bottom of the lake. For a long time}}.
* Apparently the original planned name for the starting town in Gold and Silver beta was supposed to be "Silent Hill". Given that ''[[Silent Hill]]'' is... well, [[Silent Hill/Nightmare Fuel|Silent Hill]], that would have been a kinda rough way to begin an adventure.
* Boldore and Gigalith "eyes" are actually [[Eye Scream|two holes]], which is turned [[Up to Eleven]] in Pokédex 3D.