"We are Karate Duo Number One. Soldiers of fortune. Mercenaries for hire. Karate guys for cash. We work hard for the money. So hard for the money... We work hard for the money, so you'd better treat us right..."
Karate Duo Number One, Episode 9 of Bowser's Kingdom
"I'm not in this for your revolution and I'm not in this for you, princess. I'm in it for the money!"
Han Solo, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
"Repeat after me: 'morality pays poorly.'"
Schlock, Schlock Mercenary
"For just a moment, I didn't want to ask for more money. I think I'm still on drugs."
Ulysses Diello: [to Moyzisch] Spies are notoriously poor businessmen. Most of them are professional patriots, frustrated liberals or victims of blackmail. And in all such cases the emotional involvement weakens their bargaining position and destroys sound business judgements.
—from the classic spy movie Five Fingers (1952)