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[[File:Maleficent2014.jpg|thumb|350px|No jokes about the horns, please.]]
2014 live-action film from [[Disney]] starring [[Angelina Jolie]] and [[Elle Fanning]]. It [[Retool|retells]] the story of ''[[Sleeping Beauty (Disney film)|Sleeping Beauty]]'' from [[Perspective Flip|the viewpoint of its villain]], the "evil fairy" Maleficent -- and reveals that the tale as conventionally told is not ''quite'' the way things "actually" happened. Along with 2009's ''[[The Princess and the Frog]]'' and 2013's ''[[Frozen]]'', it appears to herald a new generation of Disney films that toy with and actively subvert the conventions of "traditional" Disney storytelling.
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* [[Narrator All Along]]: A woman's voice -- which the viewer is initially led to believe is Maleficent's -- introduces and ends the story, {{spoiler|and in the final moments identifies herself not as Maleficent but Aurora, telling the "true" story years later}}.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: Diaval for Maleficent. Unusual in that he spends a lot of his time as a human anyway.
* [[Offered the Crown]]: Stefan, upon proving his "worthiness".
* [[Oh Crap]]: Everyone at the christening when Maleficent arrives, but Stefan most of all.
* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: Stefan has a vaguely British accent -- except in the scene where a page interrupts him while he's {{spoiler|holding a conversation with Maleficent's amputated wings, which are mounted in a glass cabinet}}. For a couple of lines he sounds inexplicably Scottish.
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* [[Twice-Told Tale]]
* [[Very Loosely Based on a True Story]]: The narration makes it clear that the "traditional" version of ''Sleeping Beauty'' is a sour-grapes retelling by humans that makes them out as the heroes and Maleficent as a horrific monster without a single redeeming feature.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Naturally, the story is mostly told from Maleficent's point of view, exploring her true history and motivations, eventually making her somewhat more sympathetic. If anything, the movie shows that even in the world of Disney there are two sides to every story and things are rarely so black and white.
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]: The fairies raising Aurora are the only Moors folk who venture outside the Moors after Maleficent shuts the border; they are attempting to broker some kind of peace agreement entirely on their own. When Maleficent sees them at the christening, they seem oddly loyal to Stefan, which only adds to her rage -- and afterwards they abandon their homeland to raise the princess. At the end of the movie, they return to the Moors with no consequences.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: What happened to Queen Leila after Aurora was fostered?