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[[File:Maleficent2014.jpg|thumb|350px|No jokes about the horns, please.]]
2014 live-action film from [[Disney]] starring [[Angelina Jolie]] thatand [[Elle Fanning]]. It [[Retool|retells]] the story of ''[[Sleeping Beauty (Disney film)|Sleeping Beauty]]'' from [[Perspective Flip|the viewpoint of its villain]], the "evil fairy" Maleficent -- and reveals that the tale as conventionally told is not ''quite'' the way things "actually" happened. Along with 2009's ''[[The Princess and the Frog]]'' and 2013's ''[[Frozen]]'', it appears to herald a new generation of Disney films that toy with and actively subvert the conventions of "traditional" Disney storytelling.
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: Maleficent. Oh, she certainly does curse Princess Aurora, but not because of anything so petty as [[Revenge SVP| not getting invited to her christening]] and certainly not just [[For the Evulz]]. And she repents later and does everything she can to undo it.
* [[Badass]]: Maleficent, even moreso than in the original animated film.
* [[Becoming the Mask]]: Aurora mis-identifies Maleficent as her [[Fairy Godmother]] -- which Maleficent, amused, goes along with. But by the end of the movie she has fully taken on the role, doing everything she can to save Aurora from her own curse.
* [[Big Entrance]]: Maleficent gets several impressive entrances, including her "traditional" one at the christening.
* [[Book Ends]]: The narration which opens and closes the film.
* [[Broken Angel]]: Maleficent, after {{spoiler|Stefan drugs her and cuts off her wings}}.
* [[Chromatic Arrangement]]: The fairy "aunts" maintain the same color scheme as in the animated film.
* [[Cognizant Limbs]]: {{spoiler|Maleficent's wings, even seventeen years after their amputation, remain ''alive'' and have to be imprisoned in a glass case; when freed they fly back to Maleficent and fuse back to her body. One sequence where we briefly see the castle interior from their point of view suggests they are actually ''sentient'' on their own in some way; Stefan certainly seems to think so, as he appears to spend long hours ''talking to them''}}.
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* [[The Dragon]]: Diaval, loosely speaking, for most of the movie {{spoiler|and very literally at its end}}.
* [[The Fair Folk]]: The inhabitants of the Moors are all manner of fae -- and defying studio tradition, not all of them are [[Disneyfication|Disneyfied]]. Maleficent herself is some variety of fae, but precisely which is never said.
* [[Fairy Godmother]]: Played with when Aurora, unaware that the three women who've raised her are literal fairies, decides that Maleficent (whom she knows has been watching over her for years) is her Fairy Godmother. Maleficent's response is basically [[Sure, Let's Go with That]] -- but by the end of the film she [[Becoming the Mask|has become for all practical purposes the real thing]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: For Maleficent: {{spoiler|Stefan betraying the love he shared with Maleficent, drugging her and ''cutting off her wings'', so he can become king of the human nation bordering the Moors}}.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Aurora, to creatures both mundane and magical. ''Everything'' seems to love her automatically, even the scariest faerie creatures.
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* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]: Although this is the way the human kingdom views her anyway when she is the guardian of the Moors, when Maleficent promotes herself to its dark queen after Stefan's betrayal even the fairie folk seem to have thoughts along these lines.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Aurora.
* [[Has Two Mommies|Has Five Mommies]]: Aurora has a birth mother (who vanishes from the story after her christening) and three fairy "aunts", and {{spoiler|Maleficent watches over her and makes up for the aunts' failings as guardians, eventually becoming Aurora's [[Fairy Godmother|"fairy godmother"]]}}.
* [[The Hedge of Thorns]]: Maleficent causes a wall of thorns to grow around the Moors to protect them from Stefan's army.
** Stefan has a similar wall made of cold iron created to guard the castle from Maleficent.
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* [[Involuntary Shapeshifting]]: But Diaval gets used to Maleficent yanking his physical form this way and that over the years.
* [[Ironic Nickname]]: Maleficent affectionately calls Aurora "Beastie", a term which dates back to when Aurora was a toddler and Maleficent was half-heartedly trying to convince herself she hated the girl as much as her father -- while seeing to it she got fed and occasionally saving her life.
* [[King on His Deathbed]]: King Henry, who has no heir but plans to avert what seems like the inevitable chaos by awarding the crown to whichever of several candidates proves his worthiness.
* [[Knight in Shining Armor]]: [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] by the cold iron armor worn by Stefan and his men at the climax, which while gleaming metallically comes off almost black in appearance.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: Simultaneously expressed and subverted: it's obvious that Phillip and Aurora are attracted to each other from the moment they first see each other, {{spoiler|but there is nothing mystically powerful about teenaged hormones -- Phillip's kiss does not awaken Aurora when the curse has taken effect}}.
* [[A Love to Dismember]]: Stefan keeps {{spoiler|Maleficent's wings in a glass cabinet and ''talks to them''}}.
* [[Mama Bear]]: {{spoiler|How Maleficent comes to be toward Aurora.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Thistletwit, the blonde ditz fairy.
* [[Missing Mom]]: Queen Leila, who vanishes without a trace or mention after the christening.
* [[The Missus and the Ex]]: Princess Aurora's christening, although Maleficent barely spares a glance for Queen Leila, saving all her venom for Stefan.
* [[Narrator All Along]]: A woman's voice -- which the viewer is initially led to believe is Maleficent's -- introduces and ends the story, {{spoiler|and in the final moments identifies herself not as Maleficent but Aurora, telling the "true" story years later}}.
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]: Diaval for Maleficent. Unusual in that he spends a lot of his time as a human anyway.
* [[Offered the Crown]]: Stefan, upon proving his "worthiness".
* [[Oh Crap]]: Everyone at the christening when Maleficent arrives, but Stefan most of all.
* [[Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping]]: Stefan has a vaguely British accent -- except in the scene where a page interrupts him while he's {{spoiler|holding a conversation with Maleficent's amputated wings, which are mounted in a glass cabinet}}. For a couple of lines he sounds inexplicably Scottish.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: Aurora is foisted off on the three fairies for no good reason, and the fairies tell her that her parents are dead.
** Stefan appears to be an orphan.
* [[Perspective Flip]]: The animated movie's villain recast as the protagonist.
* [[Princess Classic]]: Flittle's and Knotgrass's gifts (and possibly Thistletwit's had she not been interrupted) were related to this trope. Apparently averted when we finally see Aurora, though, as she comes across more as a friendly girl-next-door than a Disney princess {{spoiler|even when Maleficent crowns her queen of the Moors ''and'' the human lands}}.
* [[Psycho Ex-Girlfriend]]: How Stefan sees Maleficent -- not without some justification during the middle of the movie, but considerably less so toward the end.
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* [[Start of Darkness]]: Maleficent's "start" is really a long, gradual process that begins when Stefan gives her "[[True Love's Kiss]]" and then all but vanishes for years as he begins his rise in human kingdom, but the moment when it all snaps into place is when {{spoiler|he drugs her and cuts off her wings in order to become the heir to the king}}.
** Stefan definitely has his own -- he seems like a nice enough kid at the start, if ambitious, but that ambition consumes him to the point that he is willing to drug and mutilate the girl he claimed to love in order to become the heir to the dying king. And after Maleficent curses Aurora, it's clear that he slowly goes mad over the subsequent sixteen years...
* [[Sure, Let's Go with That]]: Maleficent's ultimate response when Aurora mis-identifies her as her [[Fairy Godmother]].
* [[Sympathetic Criminal]]: Even when Maleficent is at her darkest, the audience understands ''why'' and sympathizes with her pain -- if not necessarily with her methods.
* [[Then Let Me Be Evil]]: Subverted, in that while Maleficent does go quite dark, takes on the trappings of the Evil Queen, and curses Aurora to punish Stefan, she never really becomes truly ''evil'', and in fact ends up a secret guardian to Aurora as she grows up.
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* [[Twice-Told Tale]]
* [[Very Loosely Based on a True Story]]: The narration makes it clear that the "traditional" version of ''Sleeping Beauty'' is a sour-grapes retelling by humans that makes them out as the heroes and Maleficent as a horrific monster without a single redeeming feature.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Naturally, the story is mostly told from Maleficent's point of view, exploring her true history and motivations, eventually making her somewhat more sympathetic. If anything, the movie shows that even in the world of Disney there are two sides to every story and things are rarely so black and white.
* [[Welcome Back, Traitor]]: The fairies raising Aurora are the only Moors folk who venture outside the Moors after Maleficent shuts the border; they are attempting to broker some kind of peace agreement entirely on their own. When Maleficent sees them at the christening, they seem oddly loyal to Stefan, which only adds to her rage -- and afterwards they abandon their homeland to raise the princess. At the end of the movie, they return to the Moors with no consequences.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: What happened to Queen Leila after Aurora was fostered?
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