Magic Mirror: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[Van Helsing]]'', a giant mirror serves as a magical doorway to Castle Dracula.
* ''[[The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus]]'' features a stage mirror as an entrance to the dream world.
* In the French supernatural thriller ''Vidocq'' the villain makes his immortality-granting [[Magic Mirror]] into [[Mask Power|a mask]] for convenience.
* The titular mirror mask from ''[[Mirror Mask]]'', in part.
* In ''[[Snow White: A Tale of Terror|Snow White a Tale of Terror]]'' of course. It's also implied that the mirror is either the experience of Claudia's psychotic break or a spirit.
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*** This was actually based around the idea of a soul renewing itself every so often (some basis in fact, as your bones are fully replaced every 7 years in. In that this is how long it takes for all your old cells be replaced by news ones).
**** A lot of mirror folklore stems from the idea of the reflection as a manifestation of the soul: covering mirrors in a dying person's room prevents the departing soul from being trapped, soulless creatures (such as vampires) don't cast reflections, etc.
** Using a mirror to summon some malevolent force, such as "Bloody Mary."
*** And "Candyman".
*** And "[[Kingdom of Loathing|Guy Made of Bees]]", a nod to ''[[Candyman]].''
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== [[Literature]] ==
* Mirrors can be used for scrying in both of [[Tamora Pierce]]'s universes, but none of the main characters have a particular affinity for this means of divination.
* The Mirror of Erised, from ''[[Harry Potter]]''.
** Also, a pair of linked mirrors that can be used like the magical equivalent of walkie-talkies.
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** And the Demon King in ''[[Discworld/Eric|Eric]]'' has one that answers questions, although not very helpfully.
* Tom Holt's entertaining but nonsensical novel ''Snow White and the Seven Samurai'' subverts this (as he does practically everything else) by introducing the "Mirrors 3.1" operating system which Snow White's Evil Queen Nemesis uses to pretty much control the whole fairytale world. Sort of. Since it's a parody of a rather well-known OS, you can imagine it doesn't work quite as well as the box claims.
* Galadriel in ''[[The Lord of the Rings|Lord of the Rings]]'' has a mirror that shows "''things that are, things that were, and some things that have not yet come to pass.''" When the Fellowship visit Lórien she uses the mirror to show Frodo and Sam what will happen if the Ring is not destroyed.
** That's just what happened in the movie (though Sam wasn't present). In the book the Mirror shows what's going on in the Shire right at that moment, as well as glimpses to the history of the Ring. The Mirror itself is incidentally just water in a silver bowl. It's implied that all the power comes from Galadriel herself, or her ring.
*** The light of the star Eärendil is also caught in the water of the spring, which Galadriel also uses to fill the crystal vial she later gives to Frodo, so presumably it has mystical properties, as well.
* Parodied in book three of the ''[[Enchanted Forest Chronicles]]'', ''Calling On Dragons'', where magic mirrors are used as magical telephones. (You call someone by reciting the couplet "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, I would like to make a call".) A sign of the quality of the mirror is how polite it is to you; one mirror has quite the personality.
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s ''The Hour of the Dragon'', [[Conan the Barbarian]] is shown to Xaltotun with a magic mirror.
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** "The Enchantress of Sylaire". The title character has a mirror that reflects reality as it really is, ignoring all illusions and enchantments.
** "The Colossus of Ylourgne". The magician Gaspard du Nord has a mirror that allows him to see distant scenes and places.
* Many of the godmothers in the [[Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms|Five Hundred Kingdoms]] have magic mirrors to help them.
** In ''The Sleeping Beauty'' Fairy Godmother Lily {{spoiler|falls in love with hers}}
* There are several forms of [[Magic Mirror|Magic Mirrors]] in ''[[Septimus Heap]]'', mostly of the portal type. Several of them become critical to the plot in ''Physik''.
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* ''[[The Tenth Kingdom]]'' has lots of these. Besides the main set of mirrors that the Evil Queen has ("mirrors to travel, mirrors to spy, mirrors to remember, mirrors to forget, mirrors to rule the world!"), people can use them like videophones. The Huntsman even has a small pocket mirror that acts as a video cellphone!
** At one point, the heroes are shown to a mirror which answers questions, and finds that it's so old that not only is it half-deaf, but it won't understand a question unless it's spoken in rhyme.
* An episode of ''[[The Twilight Zone]]'' features a mirror that supposedly shows a reflection of a man's assassins. A Central American dictator leaves it to the man who overthrew him, who becomes paranoid when he sees visions of his companions trying to do him in. Ultimately, {{spoiler|he ends up killing himself}}.
* [[Rod Serling|Rod Serling's]] ''[[Night Gallery]]'', episode "The Painted Mirror".
* Gideon of ''[[Charmed]]'' has a magic mirror that connects his world to a [[Mirror Universe]].
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** In ''[[King's Quest I]]'', Merlin's Mirror, one of the treasures of Daventry, was a magical mirror, one of the three treasures Graham sought to collect.
** In ''[[King's Quest II]]'', the mirror shows the imprisoned Valanice to king Graham.
** In ''[[King's Quest III]]'', the mirror finally clears up after a long period of darkness has passed.
** In ''[[King's Quest IV]]'', the fairy Genesta first contacted Rosella through it, launching the events of the game.
** In ''[[King's Quest VI]]'', this mirror revealed to Alexander the peril of Cassima in the intro, again launching the events of the game; and yet another magic mirror is given to Alexander by the Beast from Beauty and the Beast, and later used to {{spoiler|win a duel with Death by making him cry.}} The mirror has a second use in the [[Multiple Endings|bare-bones ending]], where it {{spoiler|reveals the princess to be a fake at the royal wedding.}}
** In ''[[King's Quest: Mask of Eternity|King's Quest Mask of Eternity]]'', the mirror shows king Graham what transpires in the Realm of the Sun and later allows Connor his first glimpse of his enemy Lucreto.
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[[Category:Magic Items Index]]