• In The Talent Search - Part 2, both Raya and Stormer's brother (and Aja's boyfriend), Craig, get one.
    • Raya, after realizing that Eric and the Misfits were responsible for vandalizing her family's flower nursery (by recognizing a flower in Jetta's hair) so that she would come to Eric for money needed to repair the damages in exchange for Jem's true identity, actually grabs Jetta by the hair and gets her to admit they were responsible before she lets go, then calls them a pack of jackals and storms out. And keep in mind that Jetta is a tough girl with known criminal connections while Raya spends most of the episode as a shy wallflower. After she leaves the whole group is pretty visibly shaken up.
    • Which is followed by Craig, who Eric was also trying to pressure into learning and revealing Jem's identity by threatening to expell Stormer from the Misfits if he didn't, bursting in, wrapping a lamp around Eric's head and telling him to write a check for Raya's father. He then turns on the Misfits, backs them into a corner, and tells them that if they don't start treating his sister better, they'll have to deal with him. Then, he meets Stormer as he's leaving and we get the following dialogue:

Stormer: Craig! What have you done!
Craig: Relax, Mary. Everything's fine. Isn't it?
Eric, Pizzazz, Roxy, Jetta: Why, yes, Craig...

  • Stormer telling Pizzazz to her face that the reason Roxy left in Roxy Rumbles was because Pizzazz made fun of her. This doesn't seem so awesome in itself, until you remember that this is Stormer telling off Pizzazz. Hell, pretty much any and every time Stormer displays her backbone and tells her band to back off or when she purposefully undermines their villainous actions.
    • Becomes a minor Crowning Moment of Heartwarming when you realize that it was only Roxy leaving that finally prompted Stormer's ire.
    • In The Jazz Player, Eric Raymond had the Misfits try and prevent the Holograms from reuniting an old jazz band because it would've cost him a record deal. Stormer follows Aja, and then watches as Aja and the band player she was sent to talk to were accosted by a couple of loan sharks. The loan sharks chase after Aja and the old man, and Stormer secretly follows them. Stormer provides a distraction so Aja and the old man can get away without being hurt, and watches as they drive away.

Stormer: Pizzazz isn't gonna like this... but I don't care!

  • In Scandal, after the Misfits have stolen pages from Kimber's diary and published them in Cool Trash Magazine, followed by attempting to ruin her budding relationship with Sean, Kimber asks Synergy to give her a new "hard and mean" look so she couldn't be hurt anymore. After Synergy manages to snap Kimber out of her depression by revealing that her father always thought she was strong enough to handle anything, Kimber writes a song about what her diary means to her and the Holograms perform it on The Harriet Horn Show, effectively putting the Misfits in their place.
  • Despite the Narm, or maybe because of it, Jem effortlessly skateboarding to get to the subway in Broadway Magic, in high heels, no less.
  • A villainous example from Last Resorts. During the You Gotta Be Fast music video, the Misfits take away some poor guy's skis, and he skids into the snow. He doesn't stop until he's completely covered and making a person-shaped outline in the snow. To add insult to injury, the Misfits pull up to him on their snowmobiles, and put on two button eyes and an icicle nose where his head is.
  • Season 3's "The Day The Music Died" is a major one for the Misfits; after Riot and Jem get stranded on an island, Pizzazz takes over the Holograms and the Stingers and makes a supergroup on the top of the charts.