Jack Ryan: Difference between revisions

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'''Colonel Bondarenko''': Yes, I suppose he is. }}
** Misha. Filitov. Fought for Russia against the Germans, famous for killing Germans ''whilst on fire.'' As a [[Retired Badass]], he became so disgusted with Marxist-Leninism in general and [[Josef Stalin]] in particular that he took up spying for NATO, and was unbelievably good at it that he escaped being caught for over nearly thirty years. Doubles as a [[Memetic Badass]] amongst the entire Soviet military establishment.
** PatPatrick O'MalleyDay, an FBI agent and hardass lawman. Also a [[Badass Bystander]], see below.
** The USSS is definitely a [[World of Badass]], especially Andrea Price and the service Grandfather, Donnie "Don" Russell.
* [[Badass Army]]: America (and to lesser extents other good guys) are portrayed as commanding one, though America seems to get the lion's share.
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* [[Badass Grandpa]]:
** John Clark, who is already approaching sixty by ''Rainbow Six'', isn't quite what he used to be in ''Without Remorse'', but as noted in ''Rainbow Six'', he's still on everybody's "don't-fuck-with list."
** Secret Service Special Agent Don Russel, Katie Ryan's bodyguard, who has grandchildren of his own. {{spoiler|When terrorists with AK-47s attack Katie's daycare centrecenter, Don has one second of warning and takes down 3 before getting shot, and kills a fourth with his dying breaths}}.
* [[Basil Exposition]]: Sir Basil Charleston is frequently used for this purpose, especially in ''Patriot Games''. [[Captain Obvious|He's even called Basil!]]
* [[Bavarian Fire Drill]]: The terrorists in ''The Sum of All Fears'' impersonate TV network service personnel to get their bomb (disguised as a commercial VCR) into the Denver Skydome. Their German terrorist accomplices get onto a Soviet army base in East Germany by donning Soviet officer uniforms, and pretending to be there for a surprise inspection.
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** Used as a drug dealer base in ''Without Remorse''.
** "Bronco", in ''Clear and Present Danger'', speculates that the [http://www.amarcexperience.com/AMARCDescription.asp Boneyard] in Arizona is where the a captured druggie DC-7B will eventually be dumped, given that one more old aircraft in storage there won't be particularly noteworthy.
* [[Did the Earth Move For You, Too?]]: A throwaway joke in ''The Sum of All Fears'', as terrorists are digging up an unexploded bomb... Though it's some time before they realiserealize that it would have made the Earth move on [[Empty Quiver|a much, much bigger scale than they had first anticipated.]]
* [[Dirty Communists]]: Played more or less straight until ''The Cardinal of the Kremlin'', but completely turned on its head afterwards, to the point where the Russian Federation actually becomes a NATO member nation in ''The Bear and the Dragon''.
* [[Discussed Trope]]: Clancy loves to discuss the tropes related to [[Reality Is Unrealistic]], largely via characters commenting on how people expect various aspects of police and spycraft to work because they saw it in a movie.
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* [[Drugs Are Bad]]: The justification for the plot of ''Clear And Present Danger''. Subverted when the methods the government uses to attack the drug trade are shown as [[What the Hell, Hero?|clearly worse]] than the trade itself. Played straight, however, in ''Without Remorse'', although the drug dealers in question were also engaged in prostitution and a number of other nasty things. Played straight when Ryan asks for a Presidential pardon for Clark and as soon as he mentions that the people Clark murdered were drug dealers, it's a slam dunk.
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Occasionally invoked by government officials regarding their bodyguards/SPOs. They (and the Marines) are usually characterized as "knuckle draggers," though in the case of the Secret Service, most if not all of them have at least a college degree and, in the case of Andrea Price, a Masters.
* [[Eagle Land]]: The first flavourflavor, although both versions are [[Discussed Trope|discussed]] frequently. More specifically, Clancy generally differentiates between the types, generally casting the 'good guys' as Type 1, and Type 2s are generally frowned upon, to say the least.
* [[Elite Army]]: Generally invoked regarding the United States armed forces. Gennady Bondarenko's main reason for visiting the National Training Center in ''Executive Orders'' is because he wants to learn from the Americans how to transform the Russian Army (ex Red Army) from [[Zerg Rush]] into this.
* [[Empty Quiver]]: Forms the basis of the plot of ''The Sum of All Fears''.