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Alternatively, because they are feigning what they claim to be, they may find they are [[Becoming the Mask]].
Heroes are often accused of hypocrisy by villains who want to believe they're [[Not So Different]] and brag [[At Least I Admit It]]. Heroes who actually ''are'' hypocrites tend to hear "[[What the Hell, Hero?]]" quite a lot. ([[Designated Hero|Unless they don't.]])
Yes, we all know that this is very much a regular occurrence in [[Real Life]], and that is all we need to say about that on this page, so '''[[No Real Life Examples Please]]'''
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== Anime and Manga ==
* Akane Tendo from ''[[Ranma One Half]]'' says that it wouldn't be fair for Ranma and Akane to get married because she'd be emotionally crushed, but feels that it's alright for Ranma, Ukyo, and Kodachi to be emotionally crushed because it's not her.
* In ''[[D Gray Man]]'', the Black Order is supposed to be the good guys, and represent light to battle the noah and akuma who have darkness based powers. {{spoiler|and then we find out about [[Eldritch Abomination|fallen ones]], heresy trials, the second exorcist project, the third exorcist project, and Apocryphos.}}
* Leonard Tessarossa from ''[[Full Metal Panic]]''. He makes a big deal about how he's a perfect gentleman, and is shown to constantly [[Green -Eyed Monster|get jealous and angry]] when people like [[Magnetic Hero|Sousuke]] more than him, wondering ''why'', since Sousuke is far less [[Men Are Uncultured|"cultured"]] and [[Sociopathic Hero|directly killed]] more people than him. Unfortunately, as much as he likes to think so, a gentleman he is not. No gentleman would (knowing [[Sacred First Kiss|how important it is to a woman]]) force a kiss on a girl who likes someone else, give the girl an [[Armor -Piercing Slap]] when she tells the other guy she loves him,just a matter of scale. or try to brainwash her so that she "won't resist him" any more (to the point where she eventually softly asks him if he "won't be violent" any more). Combining all this, there ''is'' a reason why Leonard is one of the most agreed upon [[The Scrappy|Scrappies]] in the series.
* ''[[Pokémon (Anime)|Pokémon]]'': Mewtwo wants to destroy humans because he hates them for [[Cloning Blues|cloning him]]. How does he go about this destruction? [[Hypocrite|By making clones]].
** The dub changes his motivation, he wants to sever the link between humans and Pokemon simply because he thinks all humans treat Pokemon as tools. And of course he is using Pokemon as tools to accomplish this.
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** In ''First Class'', Shaw says that "We don't hurt our own kind." {{spoiler|A few scenes later, he kills Darwin.}}
** Charles uses "mutant and proud" as part of his pick-up lines, which are basically a very erudite variation on "you have pretty (insert trait here)", in the presence of his adopted sister, who has been actively discouraged by Charles from taking any pride in her mutation.
*** Also when criticizing the first team for making a party and using their powers for playing, something he was doing in the beginning of the film. [[What the Hell, Hero?|They were teenagers who just entered a group where none of them would be considered freaks, what did he expect?!]] And let's not talk about his earlier saying to Magneto that he wouldn't use his powers to control him, and then {{spoiler|wiping out Moira's mind so the CIA wouldn't find him, [[Fridge Logic|AFTER SHE PROMISED SHE WOULD NEVER TELL ANYONE]]!!}}
** In the third movie a cure for mutation is discovered, and mutants are offered to take it voluntarily. Storm complains how it is wrong to even call it a cure since it implies that the mutation is a disease, and how mutants shouldn't shirk their powers. Right in front of her is a guy whose powers made him a subject of a horrible experiment, a girl who cannot even touch her boyfriened or else she kills him, and a furry blue guy, while Storm herself is a beautiful woman with control over weather.
* Jigsaw/John Kramer from the ''[[Saw]]'' saga. A terminally ill cancer patient, he puts people in ''deadly traps'' for them to appreciate life. And if this is not hypocritical enough, hear this: in Saw III, Jigsaw preaches about giving up revenge, because it only hurts everyone. Yet the ''whole'' main Saw VI game is one big freaking revenge against {{spoiler|the man who denied him coverage}}. A great example of such hypocrisy is the Hanging Trap, in which no matter who {{spoiler|William}} chooses, an innocent will die.
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* Elizabeth Wakefield in ''[[Sweet Valley High]]''. Frequently criticized or looked down on Jessica for being snobby and stuck-up, yet never realized that she was doing the exact same thing. Insisted and practically demanded that HER friends be given a second chance and insisted that people could change for the better, yet always refused to give JESSICA's friends the same consideration.
* Max Beerbohm's ''The Happy Hypocrite'' And why is he happy? Because he [[Becoming the Mask|became the mask]]. Literally.
* Henry Crawford of ''[[Mansfield Park]]'' claims to be a [[Ladykiller in Love]] with the heroine, yet has no problem running off with her cousin after proposing to her and considering them engaged; fancies himself a [[Prince Charming]] who wants to make Fanny Price happy, yet deliberately averts [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]] because, truthfully, [[ItsIt's All About Me]]. In contex, even ''he'' has no idea how contradictory his statements and actions are.
* In ''[[The Diamond Age]]'' hypocrisy is examined by several characters, notably Finkle-[[Mc Graw]] and Napier.
{{quote| "We take a somewhat different view of hypocrisy,” Finkle-[[Mc Graw]] continued. “In the late-twentieth-century Weltanschauung, a hypocrite was someone who espoused high moral views as part of a planned campaign of deception-he never held these beliefs sincerely and routinely violated them in privacy. Of course, most hypocrites are not like that. Most of the time it’s a spirit-is-willing, flesh-is-weak sort of thing.”<br />
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* [[Knight Templar]] Claude Frollo of ''[[The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Literature)|The Hunchback of Notre Dame]]'' believes that [[Sex Is Evil]] and that [[Celibate Hero|his chastity]] [[Virgin Power|makes him better than everyone else]] and that gypsies are sinful pagan scum. Then he falls in lust with Esmeralda, a gypsy dancer.
* Julien Sorel in ''[[The Red and The Black]]'' idolizes Napoleon and dreams of being a war hero. But he figures he can earn both social status and a good income by becoming a priest, so he pursues that unsuitable vocation, fully aware of his hypocrisy.
* In the ''[[Everworld]]'' series, [[Manipulative Bitch|Senna]] tries to give David, Jalil, April, and Christopher to the local [[Complete Monster]], [[Norse Mythology|Hel.]] After the whole thing is said and done, they all give Senna crap for it, but she brushes it off with a really weak [[I Did What I Had to Do]] type excuse. Five books later, Senna's mother tries to give Senna to Merlin in order to make it so that Loki, Ka Anor, and the other gods can't use her as a Gateway and invade the real world. Senna [[OOC Is Serious Business|completely]] [[Not So Stoic|loses]] [[Emotionless Girl|her]] [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|composure]].
** Later, David notes (in his narration) that while Senna believes that she can do anything to anyone, she also believes that anything done to ''her'' is unforgivable, and that this should not come as a shock to anyone.
** That's because from Senna's viewpoint, [[ItsIt's All About Me]], and everyone else is, at best, a tool or servant for her use.
* The Pharisees from [[The Bible (Literature)|The Bible]]. They adamantly enforce Old Testament law yet they broke a lot of rules so they can have Jesus arrested.
* ''[[In Death]]'': Principal Mosebly is revealed to be this in ''Innocent In Death''. She claims to stand for the school and it's best interests. However, it turns out that she was not only aware that one teacher Reed Williams had been having sex with the parents of schoolchildren and engaging in sexual harassment, but she had sex with him in the pool and in her own office! She only took steps to have him resign when she found out that he had rape drugs in his possession and that he was the prime suspect of murdering a teacher in the school. Peabody refers to her as a [[Hypocrite]] at one point.
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* A deliberate and fascinating example is King Uther from ''[[Merlin (TV)|Merlin]]''. After his wife's death he outlaws magic and brutally executes anyone who is even ''suspected'' of witchcraft. However, when his foster daughter {{spoiler|who we learn in the same episode is actually his ''biological'' daughter}} is fatally wounded, he asks his physician (who he knows has magical skills) to save her by ''any means necessary.''
** The reason he hates magic in the first place is because he made a deal with a sorceress to concieve a son with his barren wife. Furthermore, he describes his deceased wife as "my soul" and yet we later find out that he had an affair with his best friend's wife, and that (as he says to his son) "I know about the temptations of serving girls."
* A notable example from ''[[NoahsNoah's Arc]]'' is when Noah enters a sex party to try and find Ricky, and a guy tries to aggressively flirt with him. Malik immediately steps in and tell him to back off, and that no means no. He then immediately proceeeds to flirt with Noah even more aggressively, as Noah says no.
* In ''[[Community (TV)|Community]]'' episode [[Community (TV)/Recap/S1 E18 Basic Genealogy|Basic Genealogy]] Amber points out that Pierce is a hypocrite for saying who she can and can't have a relationship while having left Amber's mother for another women himself.
* Dan Humphrey and Vanessa Abrams on ''[[Gossip Girl]]''. They spend half their time judging the UES kids for the things they do and the other half of their time doing the exact same things as the UES kids. In season four Dan even told his sister Jenny she would be better off leaving Manhattan because she sunk to Chuck and Blair's level by scheming against them, and in the very next episode Dan himself schemed against Chuck and Blair.
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* ''[[Fate Stay Night]]'' - Saber, who is basically female Shirou with less delusions, as a heroic example. ''Archer'' is the one to call her out on her treatment of Shirou's ideal by pointing out that her wish is the same as his only 'more so.' Tohsaka also realizes she cannot really lecture Shirou anymore when she finds herself making the same kinds of choices and is unable {{spoiler|to kill Sakura, despite the cold pragmatic value that doing so would have.}}
* Francis McReary from ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'' the Deputy Police Commissioner of [[Vice City|Liberty City]], who honestly believes that his status and position automatically make him a morally just person and acquits him of any crimes that he commits. You quickly see past this facade when he orders you to gun down people by the dozens in order to hide his corruption and more importantly, when he {{spoiler|orders you to gun down his own brother to save his career}}.
* Some accuse Yuri Lowell from ''[[Tales of Vesperia]]'' of this. In-universe, Flynn [[What the Hell, Hero?|calls him out on it]] and stats that he is ''very'' close to [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]. Out of universe, the debate is close to reaching [[Internet Backdraft]] levels. What most people forget, however, is that Yuri makes a [[Hypocrisy Nod]]:
{{quote| '''Yuri:''' "[[I Did What I Had to Do|I recognise it for what it is, but I've made my choices]]."}}
* ''[[Ace Attorney]]'' - Franziska von Karma constantly refers to people by their full names. When she is called by her first name, she says that calling people by their full names is rude. Like father, like daughter, at least in regards to hypocrisy. {{spoiler|Case four of ''Investigations''}} has a great example of this:
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* ''[[Bob and George]]'' [http://www.bobandgeorge.com/archives/000428c Ah, the public service announcement]
** [http://www.bobandgeorge.com/archives/040926c Defining predestination and relying on it.]
* In ''[[Order of the Stick]]'', The last words of a Black Dragon who was going to subject Vaarsuvius' family to a [[Fate Worse Than Death]] is to call ''V'' [[You Monster!|the monster]]. V's response? "[[At Least I Admit It|We are all in the Monster Manual somewhere, are we not? My entry lies between Elemental and Ethereal Filcher.]]"
** In the mother Black Dragon's defense, V had just {{spoiler|[[Moral Event Horizon|committed genocide against the dragon's entire extended family line, killing hundreds of innocent dragons, not to mention UNBORN dragons.]] }}
** Another example is Redcloak saying that paladins are unnatural abominations due to their magical lack of fear. He even refers to himself as a "100% all-natural goblin" in his [[Hannibal Lecture]]. He conveniently leaves out the fact that he's wearing a magical artefact that has prolonged his natural lifespan by decades.
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== Western Animation ==
* Brian in ''[[Family Guy]]'' has a nasty tendency to be a huge hypocrite. He claims he likes women for their personalities but we only ever see him dating bimbos, and even then only in short-term relationships. He has plenty of liberal opinions but we never see him DO anything about them. He has no obvious job and just leeches off the Griffin family. He drinks and smokes quite heavily. In "Dial Meg For Murder" he voices his opinion that the prison system has turned the innocent Meg into a hardened criminal but it's obvious that nobody, including him, went to visit her during the three months she was in prison. Quagmire eventually [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|calls him out]] on how he really can be a prick. Glenn points out he himself has plenty of problems, but at least he ''admits'' them.
** The fact that Quagmire gave that speech at all is completly hypocritical since he is guilty of almost every crime he accuses Brian of and more. Brian dating Bimbos and saying he loves a womans mind is pretty minor when Quagmire has commited 'every' sexual offence there is.
** He did once hold the Mayor hostage over the issue of same sex marriage.
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