Honest John's Dealership: Difference between revisions

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* Silk from the ''[[Belgariad]]''.
** This is even somewhat lampshaded in one of the books, when he ends up receiving a bottle of Rivan perfume, and is unable to set a good price (In his mind this meant good as in making an exorbitant profit without setting it so high he'd be laughed out of the Fair), In the end, he gives it to Polgara, who 'thanks him for a princely gift', which only disgruntled him further.
* [[Robert Heinlein]]'s novel ''Red Planet''. Smythe, a student at Lowell Academy.
* Sylvester McMonkey McBean of [[Dr. Seuss]]'s ''The Sneetches'', who manages to con the eponymous creatures into repeatedly paying to use his star-applying and star-removing machines, [[Fantastic Racism|so they can remain "different from the inferior type"/indistinguishable from their former oppressors]]. He only leaves when the Sneetches are all completely broke, laughing at their stupidity. This being a children's book, however, [[An Aesop|they do learn a valuable lesson]], and stop discriminating based on belly stars or the lack thereof.
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* This is [[Cal Leandros|Robin Goodfellow's]] day job.
* Jack from ''[[Enchanted Forest Chronicles|Searching for Dragons]]''. Telemain actually warns him not to pad the bill on a magic carpet repair after learning that he's doing the job for a princess and the King of Dragons.
* According to ''[[The Twelve Chairs]]'',
{{quote|'''Ostap''': They make all contraband in Odessa, on Small Arnaut Street.}}
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