Halfbreed: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''The Indians said I was white by law
''The White Man always called me "Indian Squaw"''|'''Cher''', "Half Breed"}}
|'''Cher'''|"Half Breed"}}
So, you just happen to be the child of that army guy who [[Going Native|went native]] and married [[The Chief's Daughter]]? Or perhaps the reverse applies and dear mum left home and joined dad on the ancestral family homestead back in rural Smalltownington. This of course is assuming both your parents [[Parental Abandonment|are alive]] and love each other, ([[Star-Crossed Lovers]] have a tendency to have it rough), or you might be the product of [[Child by Rape|less than consensual affairs.]] And then you were born. Congratulations, you are now guaranteed to be despised by one or both sides of your family. Maybe it was that time you wore the ritual face paint to Sunday school....
Nevertheless, the [[Moral Guardians]] of the local town have branded you the Half-Breed. ("Half-caste" is a roughly synonymous term.)
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** Though Lindesfarne did note in a plotline where lawmakers tried to ban marriages between herbivores and carnivores that it was a slippery slope, and that banning herbivore/carnivore marriages ''now'' could lead in the future to banning mixed marriages of ''any'' sort-say, a wolf (Rudy) and a fox (Fiona).
** There seems to be widespread prejudice against herbivore-carnivore relationships held by many people in ''[[Kevin and Kell]]''. Those who are prejudiced against ''any'' mixed breeding are portrayed as a group of small extremists and this is much less accepted.
* ''[[Errant Story]]'' has it right in the name, since "errant" is [[Fantastic Slurs|how elves call half-elves]]. One also referred to the protagonist as "[["It" Is Dehumanizing|it]]", though speaking this way to her grandfather elicited a [[Fireballs|heated]] [[Screw You, Elves|responce]].