Good Parents: Difference between revisions

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* Sanae and Akio of ''[[Clannad]]''. Just about the best parents ever, if a little eccentric sometimes. {{spoiler|In their backstory, though, they were neglectful of Nagisa when she was little... until she almost fell victim to her [[Ill Girl]] condition.}} And later, {{spoiler|they're the best grandparents to Ushio when Tomoya goes [[Disappeared Dad]] after Nagisa's [[Death by Childbirth]], but it's strongly implied that they're also [[Stepford Smiler|Stepford Smilers]] that love Ushio genuinely, but don't allow themselves to grieve for Nagisa in order to raise her child well and lovingly}}.
* Just as loving and at least as eccentric: Meimi's parents in ''[[Kaitou Saint Tail]]''.
* Shibuya 'Uma-chan' Shouma and his wife Shibuya 'Hamano Jennifer' Miko from ''[[Kyou Kara Maou]]'' are pretty awesome parents. Miko-san is a bit of a [[Cloudcuckoolander]] and dressed her younger son as a girl until he got old enough to object (he was cute as hell, too), and Shouma is busy, but they're extremely devoted and have a home that radiates security.
** One of the more fun subtle angles of the show is that as it progresses you see more and more what the lead gets from each of his parents--it's not ham-handed replication or anything either; it's as psychologically sound as you can get in a series where the hero develops a form of [[Incorruptible Pure Pureness]]. Bonus points for the fact that Miko and Shouma annoy Yuuri considerably most of the time. Without doing anything in the realm of [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents]]. Except that one time with the photo album, I guess...and that other time with the statue...when they followed him halfway around the world....
* Lindy Harlaown of ''[[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha]]'', which is a good thing since Fate, her adopted daughter, [[Abusive Parents|came from an abusive household]] and needed all the proper parental love she could get to recover from her psychological scars. Even when her children have all grown up, she's still there, willing to help them with any trouble they have as they become parents themselves.
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* ''[[Young Avengers]]'' has the Kaplans, Wiccan's parents, who mistake his coming out as a superhero as a DIFFERENT kind of coming out and immediately invite his boyfriend into the family.
** Them being such good parents had also caused some backlash amongst the fans, since Billy became a [[Determinator]] over finding the [[Scarlet Witch]], who thanks to chaos magic is also his and Tommy's mom. The fans are hoping that the Kaplans stay relevant, becuase they ''are'' good parents, even with Wanda back in the picture.
* [[Superman|Martha and Jonathan Kent found]] [[Moses in the Bulrushes|a baby in a rocket]], and took him in as their own son, raising him with care and instilling strong, fair morals and humility to make him into [[The Cape (trope)|the true hero we all know and love]].
** They even fall into this when they ''don't'' find that baby in the rocket. In [[The Nail]], an [[Alternate Universe]] where {{spoiler|Supes was found and raised by Amish and never became Superman}}, they become the [[Team Dad|team]] [[Team Mom|parents]] to {{spoiler|many super heroes, since they are actually outlaws from society.}} And this takes [[Tear Jerker|a heartbreaking turn]] when {{spoiler|the Amish community that Not!Supes belongs to comes into play... and his adoptive parents are horribly murdered in front of everyone. Ma and Pa take the now orphaned and completely lost Supes in... and soon, he becomes Superman.}}
* When [[Batgirl|Barbara Gordon]] is being [[Grand Theft Me|hijacked by Brainiac]], her friend [[Black Canary]] uses a picture of Babs's beloved father Jim Gordon to help pull her back from oblivion. As she explains it, and as we see throughout [[Birds of Prey|the series]], if there ever was a father, ''this'' man was it. Sometimes their relationship also verges over to [[Happily Adopted]], but writers can never seem to agree on whether or not Barbara is Jim's biological daughter, his niece that he raised after her parents death, or a non-blood adoptee.
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** Charlotte aka Lottie's father is also a certified [[Doting Parent]].
* [[Mulan]]'s parents.
* Both Maurice and Mrs. Potts in ''[[Beauty and the Beast]],'' to Belle and Chip respectively.
* Pacha and Chicha on ''[[The Emperor's New Groove|The Emperors New Groove]]'', and the spin-off series ''[[The Emperor's New School|The Emperors New School]]''.
* In ''[[Despicable Me]],'' Gru doesn't start out this way, but by the end of the film, even his [["Well Done, Son" Guy]] mother is proud of his parenting skills.
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* In Disney's ''[[Cinderella (Disney film)|Cinderella]]'', it's implied that Cinderella's father was this, [[Deceased Parents Are the Best|before he died]].
* While they don't get much screen time, [[Tangled|Rapunzel's]] parents clearly loved their daughter and, after she was kidnapped, spent the next eighteen years trying to find her.
* Pixar's ''[[Brave]]'' has King Fergus and Queen Elinor (who falls into [[My Beloved Smother]] territory, but genuinely loves and cares for her children).
== Film - Live Action ==
* You'd think it would be the kind of movie where the parents are dysfunctional and [[Stepford Smiler]], but in [[Donnie Darko]] the titular character's parents are loving and understanding, and he seems to love them back in his own way.
* Both Odin and Frigga in ''[[Thor (film)|Thor]]'' are very loving and caring to their two sons, {{spoiler|including Loki who was adopted and not Asgardian}}.
* Olive's parents in ''[[Easy A]]''.
* ''[[Final Destination]]'': In a film series where parents are generally left offscreen, Nora Carpenter and Mr. Corman from the second movie are two examples.
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== Literature ==
* [[Discworld|Sybil and Samuel Vimes]] are excellent examples of parents who truly love their children. The latter even is so devoted towards the happiness of his son it becomes a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|heartwarming]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|moment of awesome.]]
** The same can be said for Tiffany Aching's mum and dad. ''Especially'' dad.
* Arthur and Molly Weasley from ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]]'' - a bit overprotective, but never unreasonably so.
** Xenophilius Lovegood as well. Even if {{spoiler|he goes [[Knight Templar Parent]] and is willing to sell Harry out}}, he does it only so his beloved daughter Luna won't be in danger.
** James Potter and Lily Evans-Potter are implied to have been this before their deaths.
** Also Hermione's parents; we don't see much of them, but we know that they're very accepting of their daughter's extraordinary abilities. She loves them so much that she {{spoiler|''makes them forget she exists'' and move to Australia, just to protect them from the Death Eaters.}}.
** Despite their beliefs, the Malfoy's really care for Draco and would do close to everything for him.
* In ''[[The Wheel of Time]]'' series, Rand al'Thor has a very good relationship with his adoptive father, Tam al'Thor. And although she died when he was very young, Rand's memories of his adoptive mother, Kari, are just as positive.
** Rand attributes his better qualities and ability to work through his [[Heroic BSOD]] to the good upbringing and loving parenting Tam gave him. And after seeing Tam's [[Heartwarming Moments|heartwarming]] [[So Proud of You|interactions]] [[Berserk Button|and]] [[Papa Wolf|fierce]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|protectiveness]] of his son in the latest books, it's ''very'' clear why Rand loves his [[Badass Normal|father]] so much.
* Reuven Malter's father David in ''[[The Chosen]]''.
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* Marilla Cuthbert from [[Anne of Green Gables]] ''becomes'' this. {{spoiler|Sadly, it's not until after her brother Matthew dies that she's able to tell Anne how much Marilla loves the girl.}}
** Matthew also. He's more inclined to spoil Anne, but he still loves her and looks out for her best interests.
** Also, Anne and Gilbert; their children ''adore'' them.
* Gregor's parents in ''[[The Underland Chronicles]]'', though is father is [[Disappeared Dad|mysteriously missing]] {{spoiler|in the first book, and his mother is a [[Missing Mom]] for most of the last three books.}}
* Mara's parents in ''Vegan Virgin Valentine''.
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* The fact that Joyce Summers manages to give [[Buffy]] exactly the half-loving/half-stern talk that she needs after her vampire boyfriend's gypsy curse turns him evil, despite NOT KNOWING THAT THAT WAS WHAT HAD HAPPENED, speaks volumes.
** Not to mention [[Papa Wolf]] Giles. Their surrogate relationship builds slowly and subtly at first, but really becomes clear in the episode where her agrees to go to the Ice-Capades with her (there was a lot more going on between them in that episode, but this ultimate outcome was very touching).
* [[That '70s Show|Red and Kitty Forman]] are like this, despite one being a grumpy hardass and the other being more than a little neurotic. Kitty's emotional support has proven essential to allowing Eric to survive being Red's son, and has also led her to provide support for Eric's friends. Red might seem harsh and strict, but dealing with it leads Eric to become a stronger person for it, especially since Red only really punishes Eric when he's actually done something to deserve it.
* [[Numb3rs|Don and Charlie's parents]] did their best to raise a genius son and his brother while avoiding the favortism. Even after they both grew up, Alan gave sage advice and support them.
* [[Home Improvement|Tim and Jill Taylor]] raise three sons and love them no matter what they do.
* Phillip and Vivian Banks on [[The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air]] are this to their own kids AND their goofy nephew. Uncle Phil's concern in the episode where Will's [[Parental Abandonment|absentee father]] returns is very touching. And his reunion with Will after the jerk ditches him again might count as a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] if it weren't [[Tear Jerker|so sad]] at the same time.
* ''[[The Sarah Jane Adventures]]'' is full of them. The title character herself is a good parent to her [[Truly Single Parent|adopted]] [[Younger Than They Look|teenaged-appearing]] [[Artificial Human|son Luke]]. Maria's father Alan, and later Rani's parents Haresh and Gita, are the emotional rocks for their respective daughters and much loved by them despite sometimes being [[Amazingly Embarrassing Parents|embarrassing]]. Even Clyde's mother, who only has a handful of appearances, is established as a good mother to him during those few appearances. ([[Disappeared Dad|His father, though...]])
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* Elliot and Ellen's parents in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' are very [[Open-Minded Parent|Open Minded Parents]] but they must be doing something right as Elliot turned out pretty well adjusted. Tedd's father, and even {{spoiler|Raven's treatment of Noah}} are also great examples of good parents.
* Commander Badass from ''[[Manly Guys Doing Manly Things]]'': raw machismo, pretty much ''made'' of testosterone... and an ''awesome'' dad to his small children.
* Marten's parents from ''[[Questionable Content]]'' are at times strange or embarrassing, but he loves them a lot and acknowledges that his childhood was pretty great, despite their divorce (his dad was gay, but both parents have a good relationship with each other throughout the story.)
* [[Erstwhile]]: [ The mother and son] in "The Little Shroud"
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* Kim's parents on ''[[Kim Possible]]'' are loving, supportive, and extremely proud of their three children and also of Ron, whose own parents (or at least his mother) seem to take little interest in their son.
* They're not perfect and they're quite oblivious {{spoiler|until the series finale, at least}} but it's clear that Jack and Maddie Fenton of ''[[Danny Phantom]]'' fame love their children and will do anything to protect them.
* On ''[[Phineas and Ferb]],'' Linda and Lawrence are a [[Happily Married]] couple raising the children from their respective first marriages together, and while mostly oblivious to their exploits take care of them very well.
** From the same series, [[Mad Scientist|Doofenshmirtz]] to [[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter|his daughter]] Vanessa, who begins to realize over the course of the series that he's [ not so bad a father] despite his usual [[Doting Parent|doting]]. Averted, however, by Doofenshmirtz's own parents, who were [[Abusive Parents|basically horrible]]. In fact it could be interpreted that his own horrible upbringing is the reason he so desperatly wants to be a good father.
* Mr. Charlie Chan on ''[[The Amazing Chan and The Chan Clan]]'' may lead a busy life solving crimes, but he's always there for his kids and seems to appreciate their help even if they bungle more often than not. He's even very supportive and proud of his older kids' rock band.
* Most of the parents shown on ''[[The Weekenders]]'', Tino's especially, but Tish's as well. Lor's, not so much.
* ''[[Metalocalypse]]'' gives us Oscar and Rose Explosion, parents of Nathan Explosion. Pretty much their only offense is being typical embarrassing parents. Nathan even mentioned in the episode "Fatherklok" that he loves hanging out with his father. The other members of Dethklok weren't as lucky.
* Even though ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has a smorgasbord of parents who are abusive/evil/missing (Zuko ''and'' Azula), overprotective/stupid (Toph), repressive/preoccupied/snobbish (Mai), absent/with-their-hands-full (Ty Lee) or dead (pretty much everyone else at least once), there are a few characters lucky enough to have [[Good Parents]]. Sokka and Katara's dad Hakoda (and their mom Kya, when she was still alive), Haru's parents, Teo's dad, and a few others are good examples, and Zuko and Aang each have/had a [[Good Parents|Good]] [[Parental Substitute]] in Uncle Iroh and Monk Gyatso.
** While Fire Lord Ozai most certainly does not count, his wife Ursa does. She loves her children, does her best to temper Azula's sociopathic tendencies, and {{spoiler|is banished from her home after she commits some form of treason to save Zuko's life.}}
** In [[Sequel Series]] ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'', Korra's parents definitely qualify. Though they seem to be rather minor characters, Tonraq and Senna are alive and well and shown to be loving and supportive parents. From what we've seen so far Korra doesn't seem to have any issues with her parents at all.
*** Also Tenzin and his wife, Pema count.
* Surprisingly, [[Batman]] from ''[[Young Justice (animation)|Young Justice]]''. He is a [[Reasonable Authority Figure]] and is stern yet fair with the team and willing to praise them if they do a good job. When Robin was jealous that Batman was privately lecturing Aqualad and Batman realized, he didn't reprimand Robin or ignore him but rather, invite him out for a basketball game to assure Robin that no one will be replacing him.
** He particularly stands out next to [[Superman]], who, understandably, [[That Thing Is Not My Child|is having some trouble]] adjusting to [[Superboy]].
** [[The Flash|Wally]]'s parents support his superhero career and take its inherent strangeness in stride, providing the most "normal" version of this trope. There's also Artemis' mother, who {{spoiler|gave up a life of crime}} to give her a better life.
* Norman Osborn in ''[[Spider-Man: The Animated Series]]'' qualifies, contrasting to his comic counterpart.
* All of the parents in ''[[Arthur (animation)|Arthur]]'' can count.
* Mother and Father Bear from ''[[Little Bear]]'' are some of the best parents in all of western animation.
* Zachary and Eliza Foxx on ''[[Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers]]'': [[Happily Married]]? Check. Their kids turned out okay (despite Eliza's capture and forced separation)? Check. Even with the less than ideal circumstances, they are a strong, loving family.
* Sid's parents on ''[[Sid the Science Kid]]'' not only support Sid's curious nature they also humor all his questions. Plus they encourage him to explore his questions in more detail.
* [[Three Words]]: [[Tom and Jerry|Spike and Tyke]]