Giant Flyer: Difference between revisions

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* The Zlanbeasts and Kraan from the ''[[Lone Wolf]]'' series; ugly reptilian creatures with leathery wings serving the [[Evil Overlord|Darklords]] as flying mounts from them and their various troops. The Grand Master series also features the Lavas, dragon-like monsters in direct service of [[Big Bad|the god Naar]].
==== Tabletop RPG ====
* In the ''[[Iron Kingdoms]]'' world, any of the spawn of [[Our Dragons Are Different|Ever]][[Cosmic Horror|blight]] that happen to have wings. They all have chitinous plates where their eyes should be, but make up for it by having an prodigious number of sharp teeth, as well as a variety of other natural weapons such as claws and blight-breath. The Angelius has itself no less than six wings.
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** Quite a few other varieties of Tyranid come in winged strains, and then there are most of Tzeentch's demons...
* A lot of [[Warhammer Fantasy Battle]] Fantasy Battles armies have access to one or more of these.
=== Video Games ===