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A common feature of rational [[Wrong Genre Savvy]] characters who don't think they're in a story, or [[Master of Delusion]] characters.
Inverse of [[Right for the Wrong Reasons]]. Many examples of [[Sure, Let's Go with That]] and [[Future Imperfect]] are the result of the assuming party being [['''Entertainingly Wrong]]'''.
== [[Anime]] &and [[Manga]] ==
== [[Anime]] & [[Manga]] ==
* ''[[Rosario + Vampire]]'' pulled this with Tsukune's older cousin, she came to perfectly valid conclusion considering she didn't know about monsters being real prior to her arrival. Of course she was clearly not being entirely observant seeing as a succubus transformed right in front of her, a snow demon froze a goldfish in an unobscured line of site before her and a witch' magic kept dropping amusing weights on everyone that tried to talk to Tsukume
** That and a faerie like spirit came right out of the cursed mirror she was holding, and she was still in denial till All Hell broke loose at the [[Extranormal Institute]] she was visiting
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* In a comic based on ''[[Batman: The Animated Series|Batman the Animated Series]]'' Riddler manages to deduce that Batman has to be a rich Gothamite with a personal grudge against crime. He proceeds to accost a roomful of suspects matching the criteria. Bruce Wayne is not among them.
== [[FanficFan Works]] ==
* In ''[http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5536346/15/Inviolate chapter 15]'' of ''[[Inviolate]]'',<ref>For those who care, it's an AU set just after Luthor is impeached in the DCU continuity</ref> [[Lex Luthor]] concludes that Bruce Wayne is backing [[Batman]]... but thinks that Batman is Matches Malone (sort of true, since both are really Wayne), and that Harvey Dent wore the cowl before him (completely false, but sensible - Jim Gordon thought much the same thing at one point).
* The premise of ''[http://www.tthfanfic.org/wholestory.php?no=19932 No Place Like Eureka]'', a ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]''/''[[Eureka]]'' crossover fanfic, is that Dawn gets embodied in Eureka rather than Sunnydale, using Carter and Stark's DNA instead of Buffy's. When the Eureka residents realize that something is strange about Dawn, they come to the perfectly logical -- andlogical—and entirely wrong -- conclusionwrong—conclusion that she was born in the future and sent back in time for some inscrutable reason. Hellgods and mystical Keys aren't really on their radar...
* There's a ''lot'' of this going around in ''[[Taylor Varga]]'', a ''[[Worm]]/[[Luna Varga]]'' crossover fic:
** PHO's first collective guesses about the nature of [[Lizard Folk|lizard girl]] cape Saurial (actually Taylor Hebert) are (mostly) wildly off-base, but Taylor decides to embrace them and run with them, in the process creating The Family and its "history" that predates the Dawn of Man.
** Similarly, the PRT's initial attempts to figure out the Family. Followed by their erroneous but perfectly reasonable "discovery" that they're extraterrestrials, thanks to genetic evidence planted by Amy "Panacea" Dallon.
** The conclusions a pair of deliverymen from New Jersey, dropping off non-lethal munitions provided by a Hebert family friend who is an actual mob boss, make about just what's going on at the DWU. This is subtly encouraged for his own amusement by the head of DWU security, and another union member's insistence on addressing Danny as "padrone" certainly doesn't help. And then the drivers overhear a conversation between Alec and Brian where Alec boasts of getting a headshot on someone in the unspoken context of a video game. The drivers leave with a ''lot'' of misconceptions about the DWU and Brockton Bay.
*** It stops being "entertaining", though, when thanks to some [[Idiot Ball]]-holding, a number of law enforcement agencies come to similar conclusions and start trying to infiltrate the DWU so they can bust the "smuggling" and "money-laundering" operations they are sure have to be going on there.
** Vicky "Glory Girl" Dallon, trying to figure out the connection between Saurial and Taylor, eventually concludes the two were raised together when, thanks to Taylor's recently-acquired ability to be in two places at once, both she and Saurial attend a study session.
** Similarly, Sophia "Shadow Stalker" Hess concludes that Taylor and Saurial had to have known each other for years, based on videos of how easily Taylor took down a would-be car-jacker, and that Taylor had to have let herself be bullied at Winslow as part of a [[Long Con]].
== [[Film]] ==
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== [[Literature]] ==
* The ''[[Discworld]]'' novel ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men Atat Arms]]'' pulls one of these on the reader (and Corporal Carrot). We're introduced to Angua, a new female recruit to the Night Watch, very much a Boy's Club. Both Vimes and Colon complain about her being the worst of the new recruits brought in to diversify the Watch, because she's "a w--" before being interrupted by an explosion. As it turns out, they're not complaining about her being female, but about her being {{spoiler|a werewolf}}.
* ''[[Motel of the Mysteries]]'' by David Macaulay is all about future archaeologists getting present-day America entertainingly wrong.
* Happens in the ''[[Harry Potter]]'' series, most prominently in ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Half-Blood Prince (novel)|Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]]'' and ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (novel)|Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows]]''. In ''Half-Blood Prince'', Dumbledore and Harry both come to the perfectly valid conclusion that Voldemort had tried to get a job at Hogwarts in an attempt to get ahold of an item belong to a Hogwarts Founder for use as a [[Soul Jar]]. In ''Deathly Hallows'', Harry realizes they had it backwards, and that Voldemort used the interview to ''hide'' one of his Soul Jars in a hidden room on the way to Dumbledore's office. Actually getting the job would've just been a bonus.
* In ''[[The Salvation War]]'' , the demon lord Belial was extremely confused about why [[Muggles Do It Better|the humans were slaughtering the demonic hordes]] even though they used to only cower in fear a "mere" five millenium ago. He thought to his own forges, and how his slight refinements to tridents made them much better. He came to the conclusion that humans had been so scared of the mighty demons that they stockpiled all many great weapons and only use it now that they faced extinction. Wrong, sure, but much closer to the fact than the rest of Hell assuming that [[Sufficiently Advanced Alien|humans suddenly have magic]].
** {{spoiler|The White House assumes that the sky volcano that was randomly moving around Detroit, spreading lava everywhere, was a lesson learned by the demons to cause more damage than the previous one that stayed in the same place. What really happened was a combination of the Naga's on the other end unable to make the portal in unison combined with the portal's guide demon being shot down before it could be opened.}}
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* In the ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' episode "Arthur's Mantle", Dr. Lee knows that Sam and Cameron were in a room with an Ancient artifact; that the security cameras in that room went out and when they came back on the two of them were no longer visible; and that the cameras in the hallway outside the only exit don't show them leaving the room. He concludes that the artifact must have miniaturized them and spends quite a bit of time trying to find them on the floor of the room. In reality, it made them invisible and intangible, and Sam spends most the episode hovering over Dr. Lee's shoulder, in frustration with the fact that she can't communicate this to him.
* Commonly seen in the ''[[Law and& Order]]'' franchise when one or more of the initial, red-herring, suspects turns out to have a perfectly reasonable explanation for their suspicious behaviour. The guy with the shrine to a dead kid who was stalking him, who quit a high-paying job to work with young children, all seeming to perfectly fit a predatory pedophile? The kid's real father concerned about his care by the adoptive parents and wanted to be close to him.
* Also seen in ''[[Criminal Minds]]'' when an initial profile ends up being wrong and they're forced to re-evaluate the entire motive (and suspect). Often the result of [[Pulling the Thread]].
== [[Real Life]] ==
* An example of [[It Will Never Catch On]] from [[Real Life]]: someone predicted television would never be successful in the United States because "Americans don't have the attention span to sit and watch a box for an hour". Logically sound, but based on wrong assumptions.
* A lesser known real life example occurs when Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, hears about the Europeans approaching the Inca capital of Cuzco. Based on reports of these foreigners wearing helmets, he comes to an astonishingly brilliant conclusion had he only known about European warfare. He notes that the Europeans have cooking pots (metal helmets for protection) over their heads. Atahualpa believed that anyone who wore cooking pots was crazy, which goes double if said people didn't even use those cooking pots for preparing food!
** Imagine his [[Oh Crap]] reaction when he set an ambush in the capital with thousands of soldiers vs. slightly over 100 Europeans, only to have said helmets turn out to be armor making them nigh-impossible to kill with Inca weaponry. The diseases the Europeans carried only cranked it [[Up to Eleven]].
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* From ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'': The history of [http://www.candlekeep.com/fr_faq.htm#_Toc16090515 High Moor]. One pissed-off druid in Elminster's Ecology assumes it to be the result of typical human deforestation. It's the result of a [[Fantastic Nuke|Killing Storm]]. He just assumed based on what he saw and knows, and probably never saw a single elf capable ''or'' willing to do this, nor would know, since elves aren't eager to tell anyone else about [[Horrible Histories|less glamorous moments of their past]].
== [[TheaterTheatre]] ==
* In ''[[My Fair Lady]]'', the rival dialectitian picks up on all the clues that Eliza's perfect English is the product of coaching, but he assumes that her ''manners'' are innate, and thus concludes that she's a foreign aristocrat instead of that she's a lower-class Englishwoman.
== [[RealVideo LifeGames]] ==
* In ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'', the Riddler is convinced that [[Batman]] is a [[Villain with Good Publicity]]; he ''must'' be stealing money from criminals he catches to fund his [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?|Wonderful Toys]]. Besides his mistaken belief that [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|"no one is that selfless"]], he doesn't know that Bats is legitimately filthy rich and has an R&D department he can nick stuff from.
** In a [[No Fourth Wall|wall-breaking]] moment, should the player solve enough of the Riddler's riddles, he'll scold 'Batman' for looking them up on the internet. It becomes [[Entertainingly Wrong]] for those players who resisted the temptation to "cheat." Many players do resort to solving puzzles by looking them up.
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* At one point in ''[[Homestuck]]'', Terezi comes across the scene of {{spoiler|Eridan}}'s recent killing spree. Having just seen {{spoiler|Tavros}} after he was impaled by {{spoiler|Vriska}}, she concocts a crazy sequence of events positing {{spoiler|Vriska}} as the killer there as well... except she immediately realizes ''it makes no sense.'' {{spoiler|[[It Makes Sense in Context|Especially since some of the evidence she saw was the result of one of the "victims" reviving as the troll equivalent of a vampire.]]}}
* In ''[[Kaspall]]'', [https://web.archive.org/web/20110305022807/http://kaspall.xepher.net/archive/pg261.html Sam concludes that the world would be a lot better] if it was just humans, because there would be no [[Fantastic Racism]].
* Banquo in the second ''[[Hark! A Vagrant|Hark a Vagrant]]'' strip on [http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=262 this page].
* In ''[[Narbonic]]'', Dave's internet girlfriend Lovelace (who is actually Professor Madblood's supercomputer) lets slip that she's staying in the same hotel room as Madblood at a convention. When [http://www.webcomicsnation.com/shaenongarrity/narbonic_plus/series.php?view=archive&chapter=49197#196132 Dave and Helen break into Madblood's room to find her], they discover only one set of luggage; Dave mistakenly concludes from this that Lovelace ''is'' Madblood.
* Similar to the ''Kaspall'' example, in one ''[[Order of the Stick]]'' comic, Roy concludes that if there were no ''raise dead'' or ''planeshift'' spells (meaning death was permanent, and you didn't even know for certain there was an afterlife), nobody would have wars.
* In ''[[Freefall]]'' Varroa Jacobsoni from company that performs terraforming [http://freefall.purrsia.com/ff300/fv00245.htm investigates the case of a killed deer].
== [[Web Original]] ==
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* In ''[[The Batman]]'', a couple of far-future archaeologists who are excavating the Batcave have a few conclusions like this. They think Oracle's wheelchair belonged to Alfred, for example, and after seeing a portrait of the Wayne family (Bruce and his parents), they conclude that ''Thomas'' Wayne was Batman, and Bruce was Robin.
== [[VideoReal GamesLife]] ==
* An example of [[It Will Never Catch On]] from [[Real Life]]: someone predicted television would never be successful in the United States because "Americans don't have the attention span to sit and watch a box for an hour". Logically sound, but based on wrong assumptions.
* In ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'', the Riddler is convinced that [[Batman]] is a [[Villain with Good Publicity]]; he ''must'' be stealing money from criminals he catches to fund his [[Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?|Wonderful Toys]]. Besides his mistaken belief that [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|"no one is that selfless"]], he doesn't know that Bats is legitimately filthy rich and has an R&D department he can nick stuff from.
* A lesser known real life example occurs when Atahualpa, the last Inca emperor, hears about the Europeans approaching the Inca capital of Cuzco. Based on reports of these foreigners wearing helmets, he comes to an astonishingly brilliant conclusion had he only known about European warfare. He notes that the Europeans have cooking pots (metal helmets for protection) over their heads. Atahualpa believed that anyone who wore cooking pots was crazy, which goes double if said people didn't even use those cooking pots for preparing food!
** In a [[No Fourth Wall|wall-breaking]] moment, should the player solve enough of the Riddler's riddles, he'll scold 'Batman' for looking them up on the internet. It becomes [[Entertainingly Wrong]] for those players who resisted the temptation to "cheat." Many players do resort to solving puzzles by looking them up.
** Imagine his [[Oh Crap]] reaction when he set an ambush in the capital with thousands of soldiers vs. slightly over 100 Europeans, only to have said helmets turn out to be armor making them nigh-impossible to kill with Inca weaponry. The diseases the Europeans carried only cranked it [[Up to Eleven]].
[[Category:Logic Tropes]]
[[Category:Entertainingly Wrong]]