Encyclopedia Dramatica: Difference between revisions

Domain change.
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(Domain change.)
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{{quote|Where Facts Die, And Stereotypes Lie|[http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term{{=}}encyclopedia+dramatica Urban Dictionary]}}
'''[https://encyclopediadramatica.sers/Main_Page Encyclopedia Dramatica] (NSFW)''' is a site that you [[Love It or Hate It|either love or hate]]. It's pretty much impossible not to be on one side of the fence. Its purpose is to parody and satirize the internet, and this is done in a format similar to [[Wikipedia|The Other Wiki]]. Its second purpose is to document the lulz (pretty much just laughing at stupid things people do on the internet) and internet memes. However, this site is often mistakenly taken seriously. The users on this site are mostly [[troll]]s; hence, it is made deliberately offensive. Almost nothing on the site should be taken seriously. They will write something you find offensive on [[Asperger's Syndrome]], and then it will turn out that one of the sysops has the condition. They write something offensive about something you like, they say "just ignore it" and advise you to stop caring about what they think.
That said, if you are offended by anything at all, no matter how small, don't visit the site. You don't want to be there, and the users won't want you to be there, with the possible exception of the trolls who simply like watching someone be angry or offended. Also, don't register an account there purely for the purpose of complaining. You will be trolled, and if you don't like being trolled, or trolls in general, this is a site you will hate. Finally, since it's a humor wiki that anyone (with an account) can edit, you're going to get a lot of mixed results and a lot of things that aren't funny. There is a big project trying to fix the overuse of memes in articles and anything else unfunny, but it isn't done yet. Quality can't be guaranteed.
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On April of 2011, Encyclopedia Dramatica was temporarily killed. That didn't stop people from reestablishing the site at a new domain a few months later.
And as you might figure, Encyclopedia Dramatica does have an entry on the original [[TV Tropes]] wiki with heavy criticism of them. [[:Category:Banned On TV Tropes|Knowing TV Tropes' reaction to criticism...]] It doesn't have a page about All The Tropes, though, but it does have [https://encyclopediadramatica.sers/TV_Tropes_Drama#A_CHALLENGER_APPEARS.21 a mention of it].
They also have some games created on their forums [[:Category:Encyclopedia Dramatica PC Games|which you can find here.]]