E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy: Difference between revisions

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Development started in 2006; this is Streum's first video game (their previous work being a board game). It was developed on the Source engine and is now on sale via Steam.
=== This game contains examples of: ===
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Spacious enough for attack helicopters to fly around in!
* [[The All-Seeing AI]]: Played straight with the metastreunomic force creatures. If you're not invisible, they know where you are, and they will never stop hunting you down. Possibly justified since {{spoiler|they are a manifestation of the destroyed natural world of the very planet you're standing on.}}
** It used to be that the AI for all factions had an uncanny way of knowing EXACTLY where you were if you weren't completely invisible, however thanks to a recent patch they behave more realistically and no longer randomly charge into your hiding places or turn around to see you trying to sneak by as soon as you enter an area.
* [[Alternate Timeline]]: If you die in combat it costs you a regeneration, and you spring back to life basically on the spot. You only have a limited number of these per mission, and since unless you're playing as a tanking character in heavy armor you're going to die a lot, they are valuable. When you run out of regenerations or otherwise die in a fairly 'permanent' way (such as falling into an area you're not supposed to be, hence cannot be revived in), your character will find himself in the dream hub area that you arrive in upon loading your character, and is informed that the "death" that just occurred was just a premonition of a future in which he failed, allowing you to continue from the start of the mission with all your regenerations restored.
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: An incredibly strange variant. The game's style is an anachronism of a plethora of sci-fi classics, from the Matrix (referenced by name even), [[Warhammer 4000040,000]], [[Fallout]], [[Ghost in the Shell]], and a backstory [[Lost]] would be proud of.
** The weapons take this further, advanced firearms coexist side-by-side with [[An Axe to Grind|battleaxes]] and [[Katanas Are Just Better|katanas]].
** And finally we have armor, with [[Badass Longcoat|Badass Longcoats]], military-inspired bulletproof armor, and cyberpunk jumpsuits alongside armor reminiscent of medieval knights and Japanese samurai.
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* [[An Axe to Grind]]: Of the Battle-Axe variety; characters specializing in melee can easily one hit kill most enemies with it.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Of the Killzone variety.
* BFS: The Damocles sword, which is essentially a claymore with weird energy generators on it to make the sword's blade explode stuff on contact.
* [[Black and Gray Morality]]: You are a member of EYE which is dedicated primarily to protecting humanity from the metastreumonic force and is divided into two subgroups, the Culters and the Jians. You also have the Federation which is supposedly a totalitarian government. EYE fights them not so much to liberate the masses, but to make a grab for power for itself. Then you start finding out that the monsters of the metastreumonic force are a manifestation of the natural environments across countless planets that have been destroyed by Humanity, and some Humans are even siding with the monsters. The only obviously evil side is the one you're told you're part of, which are a group of fanatical Culters who seem primarily concerned with eliminating every single Jian. Outside of them it's pretty open to debate on who's the real "good" team.
* [[Blind Idiot Translation]]: While its not ''too'' bad compared to other examples, there are some examples of sloppy translation, most notably in one of the penultimate missions. See [[Guide Dang It]] below.
* [[BFG]]:The Heavy Weapons department, particularly the Excidium which seems to be a massive semi-automatic cannon that awards an achievement for blowing oneself up with it's splash damage.
* [[Boring Yet Practical]]: The S6000 assault rifle and the silenced B.O.S.C.O. sniper rifle. These are bog-standard bullet weapons, but they both have plenty of ammunition (100 rounds per mag for the S6000, and 25 for the BOSCO) and have reasonable accuracy and stopping power for their purposes.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points]]: The Power Converter augment will allow you to convert your blood (health) into energy - using a [[Body Horror|mechanical device bolted onto your heart]]
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: The player character is ''very'' fond of the word in dialogue choices.
* [[Co-Op Multiplayer]]: The game has full online cooperative support for the entire singleplayer and all its side missions. If you're crazy enough, you could have a ''32 player'' coop game running.
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* [[Critical Failure]]: The most common Critical failure is a failed attack -- "Bullshit! Ultra-failed attack!", which does reduced damage. However, it's also possible to get tainted medicine - instantly killing you. Hacking can cause your head to explode. And some of the psychic abilities have the change to spontaneously kill you.
* [[Cyborg]]: Players are encouraged to augment themselves with appropriate cybernetic components. A hacker might replace parts of his brain with a computer, a swordsman might install a large artificial adrenalin gland near their heart, et cetera.
* [[Dueling Games]] / [[Follow the Leader]]: Looks like (and is being released close to) ''[[Deus Ex: Human Revolution|Deus Ex Human Revolution]]'', but gameplay-wise is basically ''[[Hellgate :London]]''.
* [[Dead All Along]]: {{spoiler|Mentor and Rimanah at least, possibly others too. Who knows, maybe EYE does not really exist, and you are just a brain in a jar somewhere...}}
* [[Dump Stat]]: Mental Balance, which reduces the likelihood of insanity. Unfortunately, it's completely redundant because of the "Maintenance" ability that ''every player has''. Maintenance only takes about a second to do, and it will cure your insanity.
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* [[Gas Mask Mooks]]: The majority of the Federal Police and Federal Special Forces
* [[Gatling Good]]: The Sulfatum minigun. Fires a solid wall of bullets from a 500 round drum.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: The protagonist can be this, quoting Sun Tzu and the like.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: You can summon a number of Polyclones relevant to your PSI-force. They usually die in 3 shots or less, but they are as competent as the AI and can even lob grenades so long as you order them to "Go Hunt!".
** They are also [[Fragile Speedster|Fragile Speedsters]] if you're wearing light armor.
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* [[Nintendo Hard]]: "Master" and above difficultly, when playing solo, especially after the major nerfs to ammo storage - players need to actually scavenge for ammo now.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: Either they are recruited into two government different government special forces or E.Y.E. Rogue psychers are actively hunted down.
* [[Real Is Brown]]: Everything is covered with at least 3 layers of grime, in keeping with the cyberpunk setting.
* [[Recurring Dreams]]: "It is true that I killed my mentor... and yet, I am not his murderer."
* [[Respawn on the Spot]]: Resurrectors automatically respawn the player where he died. There's a limited amount of resurrector uses, and they are shared between players in coop mode. Running out of resurrectors or falling into a bottomless pit results in the player being transported back to the dream world.
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* [[Scars Are Forever]]: If your karmic scale is off balance, every time your character dies they'll run the risk of suffering an irreversible stat penalty regardless if they used a resurrector or not.
** However, a late game research tree removes penalties. If your stats have reached the point that it costs double (or even triple) to increase each level up, this can increase them at the cost of at least 110,000 credits.
* [[Self-Duplication]]: The Polyclone and Transmutation PSI abilities allow you to make copies of yourself. Polyclone will 1 to 6 clones of you, but they are all individually weak and typically die in one hit. Transmutation makes a single copy of you, but it is far more powerful than the polyclones.
* [[Short-Range Shotgun]]: The Betty Boom, [[Sawed-Off Shotgun|for obvious reasons]], cannot kill past a couple meters. The CAW hammer gets some of this, but not nearly as badly as the Betty Boom. The Deprezador on the other hand, averts this entirely, being effective even at fairly long range due to it's small choke - the combination of aiming ease, a huge magazine, and massive damage make it a very practical weapon.
* [[Shout-Out]]:
** [[Warhammer 4000040,000|Legions of elite warriors stationed all over human space who are heavily indoctrinated into a specific religion, and who have fortresses designed to look like cathedrals]]
** Investigating a mysteriously-quiet facility with dark hallways, on the planet [[Alien|Sulaco]]. There's also an achievement called "Corporal Hicks".
** "[[The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde|Doctor Hyde]]" for teamkilling with a medkit.
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** Your personal Scrab says [[Battlestar Galactica|"by your command"]].
* [[Sniper Rifle]]: Three flavors. The BOSCO rifle is the weakest of the bunch, but offers a 25 round magazine, is lightweight, and is silenced. The TRK AD is a high-powered .50 cal anti-armor snipe rifle that can take out attack helicopters in two hits. The Hunting Machine is essentially a lengthened [[Hand Cannon|Bear Killer]] pistol; it offers extreme damage and an 8 round magazine, but lacks a scope - it functions more like a semi-automatic rifle.
* [[Stealth -Based Mission]]: You can play most missions in the game like this, only taking out key targets and avoiding the [[Mook|Mooks]].
** However, the enemies have shockingly good eyesight and will open fire if they have a clear line of sight to you. A popular play style has become throwing stealth out the window entirely and instead relying on heavy armor and [[More Dakka|miniguns]].
* [[Sword and Gun]]: It's possible to carry a katana or a [[BFS|Damocles]] in one hand, and a single [[BK 13]] pistol in the other. Once you unlock the [[Hand Cannon|Bear Killer]], you can swap out the piddly fully automatic .45ACP pistol for a .444 rifle round that can ''kill attack helicopters''
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* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Several times you'll have the option to negotiate with a hostile NPC, usually an officer or commander. You can threaten them to do what you ask or die, and they will frequently refuse to believe you can kill them, even if you cut through their entire force to get to them in the first place.
** Dutch, in the fourth area. If a monster gets behind him, he'll let it scratch his back with their foot long claws unless you kill them.
*** In addition, EYE agents don't seem to receive sensitivity classes. Its not so much knowing what will tick off a person so much as finding a path through the dialogue tree that does not reduce yourself to declaring to his face that you want to rape his dog, shoot him in the face and use his mother for pipe tobacco. You are just generally not a very nice person, Mr. 100 Karma.
* [[Useless Useful Stealth]]: Though it is possible to be used effectively, Steath drains your energy stores and you must periodically take cover and let it recharge. Though you can easily get around while invisible, enemy NPCs have a habit of accidentally stumbling into your out of the way hiding place with machine guns ready whenever you stop to recharge. In addition most attempts of just sneaking past people are made impossible due to the insane sight range of your foes.
** It's a bit better with that latest 1.3 patch. You can tone down the vision distance and hearing sensitivity of enemies, but they still have above-average awareness. You can sneak without cloak now though.
* [[Was Once a Man]]: The creatures of the Metastreumonic Force are speculated to be this. {{spoiler|The Synicles are speculated to be the opposite: creatures taking the form of human women.}}
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