Duty First, Love Second: Difference between revisions

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This trope can be particularly hard on villains who make a [[Heel Face Turn]] while in a committed relationship. They'll have to rely on [[Love Redeems]] to get their significant other to understand why he suddenly left her to side with the enemy.
Doesn't overlap with [[The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life]] because your significant other has to be in on any masquerade in cases of this trope. May overlap with [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's My Enemies]] but not necessarily. If the hero leaves his love interest to protect her, it's [[ItsIt's Not You, ItsIt's My Enemies]]; if the hero could recite Lovelace's poem in context, it's this trope (too).
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[[Category:Drama Tropes]]
[[Category:Loved I Not Honor More]]