Disney Ducks Comic Universe: Difference between revisions

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* [[Celebrity Paradox]]: Some of Don's Hidden Mickeys refer to Mickey's real-life status as a fictional character, while the Ducks are "real" people. Take into account that Donald started off as Mickey's co-star in the cartoons, and you see how this fits.
* [[Comic Book Time]]
* [[Convicted by Public Opinion]]: A recurring theme. In ''[http://disneycomics.free.fr/Ducks/Barks/show.php?loc=1951/W_WDC_129-02R Pool Sharks]''{{Dead link}}'' by Barks, Donald lets a couple of kids use his brand new swimming pool. This leads to dozens of kids getting wind of it, using and ruining the pool, which leads to their parents getting worked up about accidents happening to their kids, which leads to Donald closing the pool without ever having gotten to use it, which leads to everyone hating Donald. To be frank, the people of Duckburg are dicks.
* [[Cool Old Guy]] / [[Cool Uncle]]: Scrooge, all the way.
** Once [[Character Development]] brings him out of being the crusty, skinflint, gouging, near-heartless old miser that he is when [[Carl Barks]] first introduces him to the Ducks Universe, anyway.
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* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]: your average person off the streets of Duckburg has a black button nose, may have unusually shaped ears and something of a snout but doesn't really resemble any known animal. Some stories by Barks have actual realistically drawn humans which makes things more confusing.
** It can get even weirder when characters appear who are basically humans with a ''beak''! (In fact, Gyro Gearloose comes very close to this.) Occasionally some colourist even has the gall to give such a character a [[Up to Eleven|human skin tone]], instead of white feathers...
*** Gyro. Has. ''[http://disneycomics.free.fr/Ducks/Rosa/show.php?num=6&loc=H89174&s=date HUMAN FEET.]''...{{Dead link}}''...
* [[Have a Gay Old Time]]: In the first ''[[The Three Caballeros]]'' comic Rosa did, he changed the lyrics of the eponymous song to remove the verse "the three gay caballeros". In the second one, the line is intact. You could almost swear there's a guy giving them a knowing gaze as they sing it that time...
* [[Heads or Tails]]: In "Flip Decision", Donald is conned by a charlatan into believing in [[wikipedia:Flipism|Flipism]]: the idea that all of life's choices can be made on the flip of a coin. [[Hilarity Ensues]], of course, though the coin does show uncanny predictive power.
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* [[Little Bit Beastly]]: The dog-nosed but otherwise human supporting cast.
* [[Long Runner Tech Marches On]]: With the notable exception of [[Don Rosa]], most Duck-writers let their stories take place in the present. Thus, while none of the characters has aged a day, the technology since the times of [[Carl Barks]] has marched on.
* [[Lovecraft Lite]]: You could call ''[http://disneycomics.free.fr/Ducks/Barks/show.php?loc=1956/W_US_13-02R Land beneath the Ground]''{{Dead link}}'' a Barksian version of [[H.P. Lovecraft]], surprisingly enough - just read it. And while you're at it, check out ''[http://disneycomics.free.fr/Ducks/Barks/show.php?loc=1950/W_OS_275-02R Ancient Persia]''{{Dead link}}'' ...''The Case of Charles Dexter Ward'', anyone? None of these are gloomy enough to count as real [[Cosmic Horror]], of course.
* [[Magical Native American]]: The Peeweegah, a tribe of long-nosed pygmy indians with the power to communicate with animals. First appeared in the [[Carl Barks]] story "Land of the Pygmy Indians", they then reappeared in the [[Don Rosa]] story "War of the Wendigo".
* [[The Men in Black]]: Recent European-produced stories sometimes include the half-parodic T.N.T (Tamers of Nonhuman Threats), of which Donald and Fethry are freelance agents, dealing with supernatural or alien threats to humanity while trying to hide their existence to the common public. Unlike many examples of this trope, the T.N.T. are unmistakable good guys and do not wear shades.
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