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[[File:TzeentchDidntSeeThatComing.jpg|link=Warhammer 40,000|frame|Call it a hunch, but [[Captain Obvious|I'd say things didn't go as planned here]].]]
{{quote|''Mentsch tracht, Gott lacht.'' ("Man plans, [[God]] laughs.")|'''A Yiddish proverb'''}}
|'''A Yiddish proverb'''}}
Ah, nothing denotes how [[Crazy Prepared]] [[The Chessmaster]] is like the good old [[Gambit Pileup]]. Truly, there is ''nothing'' these twelfth-level omni-geniuses have not [[Clock King|contemplated in their equations]] and planned for with contingencies [[Time for Plan B|B]][[Crazy Prepared| through Z^42.]]
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Problems tend to come in five varieties, of which varieties 3, 4, and 5 qualify for this trope:
:1.# '''Known Knowns:''' There are the known dangers, these you deal with directly: My opponent has access to [[Frickin' Laser Beams|laser blasters]]—I need [[Deflector Shields]] before I attack.
:2.# '''Known Unknowns:''' These are the things strategists know they don't know, but they can prepare for the different possible outcomes: The enemy has his forces deployed elsewhere when you are [[Storming the Castle]], so you need a plan for what to do if these forces do not return in time (to take full advantage), and you need a plan for what to do if the enemy forces return early.
:#* Someone who is especially good at this kind is probably [[Crazy Prepared]].
:3.# '''Unknown Unknowns:''' Then there are the unknown unknowns, or even unknowable unknowns. These cannot be prepared for, planned for, or in any way anticipated. They are the bane of all well laid plans. This can often be a [[Genre Shift]], for example, and the character was in the dark because of [[The Masquerade]]. The mage being surprised by the space alien, for instance, or [[The Mafia]] [[Death Note|not expecting]] [[Psychic Powers]]. [[Deus Ex Machina|Acts of God]] and [[Outside Context Villain]]s tend to fit in here, unless characters are aware that they are a [[Cosmic Plaything]], and even then it's hard to know what you don't know, except that you don't know anything.
:4.# '''Unknown Knowns:''' It happens. Sometimes the plotter knows a given [[The Fool|person]], event, or variable is present... but doesn't see how it could ''[[Pride|possibly]]'' impact their foolproof plans and proceeds to [[Not Now, Kiddo|dismiss it]] or [[Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal|mistreat those "irrelevant" to his plot]], and otherwise ignore [[Sword of Damocles|the sword overhead]] [[Laser-Guided Karma|while whittling at the rope holding it there]].
:#* In [[Mystery Fiction]], these people are the suspects and facts that are quickly [[Beneath Suspicion|discarded in favor of the high profile suspects]]. However, add up all the background chatter and the motivations for why [[The Butler Did It|it was the butler]] becomes incredibly obvious.
:#* [[The Dog Bites Back]]
:#* [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]]
:5.# '''False Assumptions:''' Even the most diabolical scheme can be doomed before it even starts if it's built on [[Poor Communication Kills|faulty information.]] That [[Futurama|ridiculously circuitous]] plan to steal the [[MacGuffin]] from the safe deposit box by sneaking into the bank disguised as security guards? The only thing [[The Hero]]'s grandfather hid there was some [[All That Glitters|old family memorabilia]]; the [[MacGuffin]] is hidden somewhere else entirely (if it even exists).
Any plotter claiming to have all five of these variables accounted for (and actually has a plot succeed) is very likely playing a [[Gambit Roulette]] and [[Deus Ex Machina|getting help from on high]] to do it.
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Compare [[Spanner in the Works]], which very often is the unknown factor. See also [[Didn't Think This Through]].
== Anime and Manga ==
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== Fan Works ==
* This tends to happen to heroes of [[Peggy Sue]] fanfics when the changes they make to the timeline come back to bite them in the ass. An excellent example of this occurs in ''[[Harry Potter (novel)|Harry Potter]] and the Nightmares of Futures Past]]''; Harry rants to Dumbledore about his living conditions with the Dursleys at one point, and Dumbledore responds {{spoiler|by using memory charms on the Dursleys in an effort to improve the situation. When an unknown third party later removes the charms and Vernon ''remembers being charmed'', Harry's already-rocky relationship with the Dursleys turns downright venomous, culminating in a savage beating during the first year/second year summer break that leaves Harry in critical condition.}}
* {{spoiler|Tzeentch's failure to see the C'tan plans coming}} was what forced {{spoiler|the canon!40k gods}} to work together in ''[[Thousand Shinji]]''. Continues into ''[[The Open Door]]'', where newChaos forces occasionally find themselves facing things even the supposedly-omniscient {{spoiler|and inheritor of Tzeentcch's mantle}} Tzintchi fails to see coming and thus pay for it.
* Pops up left and right in ''[[Tiberium Wars]]'', to both GDI and Nod. After all, GDI never saw the initial Nod assault coming, nor did Nod ever see {{spoiler|Havoc's mini-guerilla war}}, {{spoiler|fifty thousand GDI Marines}}, or {{spoiler|a ''division'' of Mammoth Tanks}} coming.
* In ''[[With Strings Attached]]'', the completely unexpected appearance of mobs of skahs in Ehndris diverts the baddies' attention and gives John and Ringo the chance to avoid a head-on confrontation with the Raleka as they race to get into the warehouse.
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** Also, in [[Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth|Miles Edgeworth's game]], {{spoiler|Quercus Alba is unbeatable, until a series of these brings him down. Notable in that multiple completely unpredictable (from his perspective) events are required for him to be arrested}}.
* In ''[[Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning]]'' {{spoiler|Tirnoch created the Fateless One so that he/she could free Tirnoch from her prison that she was destined to hold her forever}}. This part works perfectly. What {{spoiler|Tirnoch}} ''didn't'' see coming was {{spoiler|the Fateless One being powerful enough to kill her.}}
* ''[[Pokémon Diamond and Pearl|Pokemon Platinum]]'''s: Cyrus captures the [[Olympus Mons|Legendary Pokemon of Time and Space]], and prepares to use them to destroy the universe to end human suffering. Unbeknownst to him, they were [[Rule of Three|two-thirds of a trio]], and the [[Eldritch Abomination|Legendary Pokemon of Matter/Antimatter]], long ago banned from reality and stricken from mythology out of fear, isn't too pleased with him for this...
** In ''[[Pokémon Black and White]]'', {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man|Ghetsis]]}} was not expecting the protagonist to be able to summon the other Legendary Dragon of Unova, nor that the player's relationship to their Pokemon really was [[The Power of Friendship|friendship]], rather than using Pokemon as tools, ''nor'' that this second revelation would cause N to doubt his own cause and [[Worthy Opponent|challenge the player character]] over the validity of their beliefs. As a result, the player ultimately [[Defeat Means Friendship|befriends N]], and {{spoiler|Ghetsis's plan to conquer Unova through [[Fantasy Gun Control]] falls to pieces. And [[Villainous Breakdown|so does he]].}}
* ''[[Red Dead Redemption 2]]'' pulls a nasty one on the player with the side quest, "He's British, Of Course". The protagonist meets Margaret - a male circus performer who dresses like a woman - who needs your help because three of his circus animals - a zebra, tiger, and lion - are loose. {{spoiler|The zebra and tiger are pretty easy to subdue, seeing as they're only a donkey and cougar with dyed fur; it seems Margaret is a charlatan side show owner who uses puckery to attract customers. Thus, when he emphases that he wants the lion alive, you're likely to assume it's another fake, especially since he claims it's from "Tanganyiki" [[As Long As It Sounds Foreign|(there is no such place)]]. This time, however, not only is this a ''real'' African lion, it's ''angry''. And sadly, there's no way to safely capture the poor beast alive, the only way to survive this encounter is to shoot it.}}
== Web Comics ==
* [http://www.darthsanddroids.net/episodes/0120.html This] ''[[Darths and Droids]]'' strip neatly showcases how PC's can become incredibly paranoid of these dangers (make sure to read the comments at the bottom).
* ''[[Looking for Group]]'': [http://www.lfgcomic.com/page/229 This strip].
{{quote|'''Beholder:''' Thus is was written...
'''The Archmage:''' This was not supposed to happen. }}
* ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'': [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0386.html "You know, the first two, I probably should've seen coming. The leprechaun costume? Not so much."]
** The identity of the champion.
{{quote|{{spoiler|Thog: thog is the Champion, thog's friends! And thog will keep fighting to the end! }}}}
* Happens all the time in ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]''. Often followed by Riff's [[Catch Phrase]], "Let me check my notes."
** One particularly memorable moment is an inversion.
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'''Riff''': ...why do you have emergency pants?
'''Torg''': I don't know, but in [[Bring My Brown Pants|every situation]] I could think up, I was ''glad to have them''. }}
**:* Followed about twenty strips later by magical moths that eat all clothing. '''"[[Crazy Prepared|This looks like a job for]] ''[[Crazy Prepared|emergency pants!]]''"''' He ''did'' see it coming, even though he couldn't have.
* In ''[[Girl Genius]]'', [[Gambit Pileup|no character ever gets]] to have everything go according to plan. Something always happens just when you least expect it. They can only be better or worse at [[Xanatos Speed Chess|being on top of the chaos]].
* ''[[SSDD]]'', the Oracle is usually successful in his [[Gambit Roulette]]s due to the fact that he was designed to make accurate predictions, but [http://www.poisonedminds.com/d/20010601.html apparently] [[Time Travel]] throws him off.
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* ''[[Bob and George]]'': Our [[Idiot Hero]] is on the edge of a cliff with The Yellow Demon jumping at him -- [http://www.bobandgeorge.com/archives/000709c so he runs back and the cliff falls]. Bet you the demon didn't see it coming.
** And the sickly Met Demon actually has an attack. [http://www.bobandgeorge.com/archives/050524c X uses the trope name]
* The defunct webcomic ''Filthy Lies'' had one character daydream a ''[[SelfHarry InsertPotter]]'' fic[[Self-Insert Fic]] where he was a [[Jerkass Stu]] (using Felix Felicis, for example, to have a threesome with Hermione and Ginny) induring the events of ''[[Harry Potter/Harry Potter and Thethe Half-Blood Prince (novel)|Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince]]''...who, during the climax, ended up screwing everything up so that all the good guys died. {{spoiler|He even took the big moment away from Snape by accidentally bumping Dumbledore off the top of the tower with poor broom handling before Snape could perform Avada Kedavra.}}
{{quote|'''Snape:''' I did ''not'' see that coming.}}
* In ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'', when Abe disarmed the elf. Anybody who forgets he's fighting a wizard after having to overcome his spells just to get there ''deserves'' to be {{spoiler|1=[[Macross Missile Massacre|spammed]] by [http://egscomics.com/?date=2009-07-04 exploding crows]}} on the spot.
* A chain of these in ''Alanna''. {{spoiler|[[Big Bad|Tristan]] has forcibly bonded OB, the god of lightning and dissection, to himself, and EB, the god of Frost and Destruction, to the protagonist}}. All he needs to do is capture the protagonist, and he pretty much wins. He knows that the protagonist has a lightning sprite that can absorb his electrical attacks to become stronger, but considers it to be a non-factor because sprites are easily banished. He also knows that {{spoiler|EB's creations will obey her, but isn't worried because he has a small army of Amalgams, and also knows that OB's creations can only function under OB's orders}}. However, he was completely unaware of several important facts: firstly, {{spoiler|OB's creations had a small degree of autonomy, and had built a clone of OB to guide them; Tristan didn't know about this because Fake!OB was non-functional, but the protagonist managed to get it operational. In return, Fake!OB sent OB's creations against Tristan for the final battle, and also gave the protagonist's lightning sprite a warding that made it impossible for Tristan to banish. lastly, it gave her a means to communicate with the imprisoned Real!OB}}. Tristan's [[Oh Crap|reaction]] to this is absolutely [[Crowning Moment of Funny|priceless]]. {{spoiler|More importantly. however, Tristan is unaware that there was a complication during EB's bonding}}. At the start of the story, "Spirit Guides" (Actually [[No Fourth Wall|the readers, who give the protagonist suggestions on what to do]]) were bonded to the protagonist, {{spoiler|occupying the place where EB was supposed to go, meaning that EB is actually bound to ''the readers'', instead of the protagonist. Since we can sever our connection with the protagonist at any time, the readers are essentially provided with a big red button labeled "Screw Tristan's plans six ways to Sunday." And Tristan certainly couldn't have predicted the readers using this information to prove to the original OB that Tristan's plan couldn't work, and that this would cause OB to take advantage of Tristan's unstable mental state when he tried to go [[One-Winged Angel]] to leave his body}}.
* In ''[[Sinfest]]'', [https://web.archive.org/web/20140209193754/http://sinfest.net/archive_page.php?comicID=2084 Lil' Evil flips off God and runs off. God asks him where exactly he thought he could hide.]
* ''[[Mountain Time]]'' — when Agoraphobic Hamster [http://mountaincomics.com/comic/mike-chambers/ pokes a penguin with a broom], it may sound as a bad idea, but it turns out to be a Very Bad Idea instead.
== Web Originals ==
* In ''[[The Salvation War]]'', this is the downfall of several figures in the story, not least of which include the antagonists {{spoiler|Satan and Yahweh}}, while in contrast much of human military tech shown in the story is concerned with trying to prevent this. In particular, [[Four-Star Badass|General]] {{spoiler|of the Armies}} [[The Strategist|David Petraeus]] is shown on several occasions accounting for known unknowns.
* Despite all of the completely ludicrous things they managed to pull off in [[DoctorDr. HorriblesHorrible's Sing -Along Blog|Dr. Horrible]], I still don't think anybody was expecting {{spoiler|Bad Horse to be an ''actual'' horse}}.
* In the "40K Rejects" series by Mini War Gaming dot com, in Episode 3 (''The Tale of an Ork''), Captain Slaughter and co. are looking for the five Ork Shokk Attack Guns. They capture several Orks in combat, and Slaughter interrogates them one by one. The first few are gibbering idiots, but the third is quite articulate. His intelligence and knowledge intrigue Slaughter, who is subsequently shocked to discover that {{spoiler|the Ork is actually "the Warboss in disguise"!}}. Slaughter's reaction to it is priceless:
{{quote|Slaughter: Out of all the unforeseen things I've ever seen!}}
* Ranger has multiple times fallen victim to the first type in [[Comic Fury Werewolf]]. He's several times forgotten key facts which are public information due to focusing too hard on the details. One of the worst is how he's twice forgotten about the vigilantes, and even {{spoiler|forgot about the alpha's ability to convert}} until he was dead and too late to warn the village.
== Western Animation ==
* Happens quite a bit in ''[[Johnny Test]]'', leading to a character [[Catch Phrase|using this line]].
* In an episode of ''[[Superman: The Animated Series]]'', Brainiac is surprised when he blasts off [[Batman]]'s suit {{spoiler|and [[Superman]] is underneath it, having taken on the guise of Batman with Bruce Wayne having gone missing (due to Brainiac kidnapping and brainwashing him for his plans)}}. His reaction is typically understated...
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'''Amanda Waller:''' Actually, yeah. But on the off chance I might've been wrong...
[The founding Leaguers have entered through the window]
'''Flash:''' Ta-da. }}
*:* Which is immediately followed by another one: It turns out that ''Brainiac'' is underneath Lex's suit. ''And '''skin'''''. I guess he learned his lesson...
*:* Then, of course, there was the episode "Wild Cards." In the middle of Joker's bomb threat on Vegas being aired as a reality TV show, Batman manages to talk to Harley Quinn alone. He insinuates that Joker seems awfully close to Ace, the new henchgirl. Harley storms off toward her puddin' in a jealous rage, but not before throwing and landing a solid punch on Batman for enlightening her. Cue to a shot of Joker staring blankly at a television screen after the exchange is over.
{{quote|'''Joker''': Have to admit, I didn't see ''that'' one coming...}}
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'': Azula, the [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]] [[The Chessmaster|Chessmaster]] and expertly [[Magnificent Bastard]], "miscalculated" one thing, possibly in her life: {{spoiler|[[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good|Mai's loyalty to Zuko]].}}
** In the [[Alternate Universe]] short "[[High School AU|School Time Shipping]]", Zuko, understandably, utters this when Katara reveals her choice of date to the dance: {{spoiler|the Blue Spirit, Zuko's ''[[Secret Identity|alter ego]]''.}}
** [[Complete Monster|Fire Lord Ozai]] faces a couple in the last episode: an Unknown Known {{spoiler|(Aang regaining control of the Avatar State)}} and then andan Unknown Unknown {{spoiler|(Energy Bending)}}.
* This is how Homer winds up going to a Krusty the Clown themed clown college in one episode of ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' (after being bombarded by new billboards telling him all the stuff he has to buy). He gets up in the middle of dinner, declares his intentions, and walks away. Bart just states, "I don't think any of us expected him to say that."
* One episode of ''[[Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog]]'', "Grounder the Genius", had the eponymous bumbling robot minion accidentally end up with Dr. Robotnik's stolen Super Genius Program in his head; he instantly transforms into an [[The Chessmaster|uber-chessmaster]] with enough smarts to incapacitate Sonic and decide that the bad doctor [[Turned Against Their Masters|has no place in his own schemes for world domination]]. In the end, he has Sonic and Tails on the ropes with a lightning generator and announces that he's thought of every possible occurrence...except the one where fellow bumbling robot minion Scratch shows up trying to help [[Losing Your Head|and accidentally knocks his head off.]]
* In an episode of ''[[Thundercats]]'', Mumm-Ra and the evil Mutants had succeeded in capturing ALL the Thundercats - except Snarf. When the Mutants discuss whether they should get him too, they all laugh at the notion that little, dorky Snarf could in any way possibly affect their plans now that they've essentially won. Little did they realize Snarf's talent for communicating with animals, as well as being so small and weak to be ignored to begin with, turned out to be their undoing.
* It was almost a [[Running Gag]] in ''[[Kim Possible]]'' how many bad guys would have Kim and/or Ron absolutely nailed to the wall, fail to account for [[Team Pet|Rufus]] chewing through their bonds or hitting the self-destruct for the [[Kill Sat]], and then are absolutely stunned that their plans were foiled in the end. And they never learned otherwise no matter how many times it happened to the same villains.
** Well actuallyIn an early episode, Drakken ''did'' manage to spot Rufus in time to foil him (or rather a mind controlled Kim pointed it out). But he winds up underestimating Kim's brothers when he doesn't believe a portable machine they made could stop him.
** And then the villains in the [[Grand Finale]] face an ''[[Kim Possible/Awesome|awesome]]'' Unknown Unknown in the form of Ron's Mystical Monkey Power.
* This was one of Hunter's [[Catch Phrase]]s in ''[[Road Rovers]]''. "Yet another unexpected twist."
** "Yet another unexpected twist."
{{quote|'''Hunter:''' "I would NOT have predicted this!"
'''Colleen:''' "[[Lampshade Hanging|Face it, Hunty. The Psychic Network, you're not...]]" }}
* The events of the first ''[[Futurama]]'' [[Christmas Episode]] lead Fry to lament, "I never thought it would end this way... gunned down by [[Badass Santa|Santa Claus]]. Honestly, I didn't see it coming!"
* In ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', Applejack says this in "Swarm of the Century", when the voracious parasprites, instead of eating her apple crop, ate her barn instead.
** The two things that Discord hadn't planned for were {{spoiler|Celestia breaking Twilight out of her [[Heroic BSOD]] by sending her the letters her student had sent her the entire previous season and Twilight somehow reuniting her friends and breaking them out of Discord's [[Mind Rape]] so they could use the Elements Of Harmony to defeat him.}} The former is likely an Unknown Unknown he couldn't have expected and the latter is a Known Unknown, he knew about who was involved but hadn't forseen how they could do anything to stop him at that point.
** After {{spoiler|Chrysalis true form being revealed true form in front of Celestia and her plans explained, it was obvious that Celestia wasn't going to stay still about it. What it wasn't obvious was that the queen of the Changelings had already gathered enough strenght to beat the Princess. Not even Chrysalis expected that!}}
* In one ''[[South Park]]'' episode, when Kenny died, Stan didn't react the usual way. (i.e. shouting [[Catch Phrase|"Oh, my God! They killed Kenny!"]]). Instead, he asked who didn't see that coming.
** Note that this occurs because the plot has already been resolved, and then in the last scene a [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere|giant bird busts through the ceiling and eats Kenny.]]
* Discussed by Edward's friend (voiced by [[Samuel Jackson]]) in [[The Boondocks]]. He talks about how there are known unknowns, things that we know that we don't know, and unknown unknowns, namely things that we don't know that didn't know, in order to justify how the plan that they had to capture a killer was so far going badly.
* In the second to last episode of [[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]], during the [[Final Battle]] {{spoiler|Jinx}} [[Heel Face Turn|switches sides.]] Cyborg comments "I didn't see that coming". Control Freak nods in agreement while being pinned down by Cyborg.
== Real Life ==
* The submarine ''USS San Francisco'' one ran smack into a [[wikipedia:USS San Francisco (SSN-711)#Collision with seamount|Underwater ''mountain''.]] The captain and crew should seen that coming if they were doing their jobs right (the captain ended up relieved of duty), so that would make this a case of unknown knowns.
* During [[World War I]], the Austro-Hungarian battleship ''SMS Szent István'' was torpedoed and sank by two Italian torpedo boats that ''just happened to pass in the area''. This goes under Unknown Knowns category, as the Austro-Hungarians knew that the Italians used motor torpedo boats and considered them a threath due their tendence to attack their fleet in the harbours, they just didn't expect them to be able to torpedo a battleship in the middle of the sea in spite of a destroyer and torpedo boat screen (and in fact thought it had been submarines until the Italians started bragging).