Dark Secret: Difference between revisions

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* In the movie ''[[The Watcher in The Woods]]'', a group of friends have kept the secret of Karen's disappearance since they were children, and are haunted by it.
* ''[[One Missed Call]]'' has [[Munchausen Syndrome|Munchausen's By Proxy]] as the dark secret of one character.
* ''[[A Nightmare on Elm Street]]'''s [[Dark Secret]] is the decision by the parents of Elm Street to take the law into their own hands and kill Freddy Krueger, who was known back then as the "Springwood Slasher" and liked to kill children.
== [[Literature]] ==
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* [[Power Rangers Dino Thunder]]: Trent, the White Dino Ranger, is the son of {{spoiler|Anton Mercer, a.k.a. [[Big Bad|Mesogog]]}}. When the Rangers find this, they're a bit amused.
* The whole premise of ''[[Dexter]]''. His secret is [[Serial Killer|quite dark indeed]]...
* ''[[Babylon 5]]'', with Ivanova secretly being {{spoiler|A rogue telepath}}. Sheridan also has a secret, in that he's a member of a military conspiracy to {{spoiler|overthrow [[President Evil|President Clark]]}}. Then there's Delenn... you know, with Babylon 5 being a [[City of Spies|Space Station Of Spies]], it's safe to say that there are many people with [[Dark Secret|dark secrets]].
* In [[Stephen King|Stephen King's]] ''[[Storm of the Century]]'', many of the residents of Little Tall island have [[Dark Secret|Dark Secrets]]. The [[Big Bad]], being a mind reading demonic sorcerer, lets them know that he knows just to freak them out. He also reveals some of these secrets to the other residents [[For the Evulz|for kicks]].
* In the ''[[Community]]'' episode "[[Community/Recap/S2/E10 Mixology Certification|Mixology Certification]]" the group learns that Shirley had been hiding the fact she was a barfly during a more troubled time of her life.
* In ''[[Switched at Birth]]'', Regina knew about the switch and had a private investigator keep tabs on Bay for some time.
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* [[Starcraft II]]
** {{spoiler|Tychus Findlay}}. The [[Dark Secret]] in question is {{spoiler|his deal with Mengsk: he kills Kerrigan, he's free.}} As he says in the end of the game:
{{quote|"I've made a [[Deal with the Devil]]."}}
** In the secret mission "Piercing The Shroud", it is discovered that {{spoiler|the Dominion is behind the Zerg-Protoss Hybrids, which play a very important part in Zeratul's missions. Yep, that's right: it seems that the Dominion (with some dirty help) wants to bring [[The End of the World as We Know It|The End Of The Universe As We Know It]].}}
