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[[File:Foxfire_1840Foxfire 1840.jpg|link=Inuyasha|frame|Unlike witches, [[Miko|Mikos]]s can't be [[Kill It with Fire|burned at the stake]]. Especially when they're [[Friendly Fireproof|Friendly Foxfire Proof]].]]
It looks like fire, it crackles like fire, and it even burns like fire. However, it isn't really fire.
It looks like fire because that's what the [[Master of Illusion]] ''wants'' you to see. Despite crackling, it consumes no air, burns no fuel and creates no smoke. If it generates heat or burns victims, it's because [[Your Mind Makes It Real]]. Even if it can incinerate a chair, it rarely spreads to the rest of the room. It probably deals less damage than straight-up [[Playing with Fire|pyrokinesis]], too, though it can [[Non-Elemental|likely bypass]] resistances to fire. And a quick [[Tap on the Head]] to the creator likely [[No Ontological Inertia|puts them all out]].
Also known as Marsh Lights, Fox Fire, [[Ghost Lights]], [[Will O the Wisp]] and Ignis Fatuus, these are illusionary flames created by the supernatural, or are themselves a supernatural being like [[Our Ghosts Are Different|Ghosts]] or [[The Fair Folk|fairies]]. Living characters like illusionists, spiritualists and even [[Supernatural Martial Arts|supernatural martial artists]] can create Cold Flames through [[Soul Power]], [[Ki Attacks|Ki]] or illusions, or by using [[Elemental Powers]] like [[An Ice Person|Ice]] to create literal Cold Flames.
Visually, it's going to be a [[Technicolor Fire]] that isn't red-orange-yellow, usually blue or white to help denote the unnatural nature of the flames. It usually also has other, ''spooooky'' supernatural properties. Since it doesn't need a conventional fuel source, it can float around of its own accord, acting as a guide (or to get people lost) or as a [[Guardian Entity]]. Magicians may change the "fuel source" to something like poisons and use it to "burn them away", healing patients. In combat, the caster can make the Cold Flames [[Friendly Fireproof]] and not worry about harming allies. This property has the added bonus of letting casters [[Wreathed in Flames|wreath themselves in flame]] to look cool.
[[Hellfire]] is an inversion; fire which is even more dangerous.
== Anime and Manga ==
* Shippo and his father in ''[[Inuyasha|Inu Yasha]]'' can use foxfire. In that series it also has defensive properties, having protected Kagome and Shippo in the page image from a deadly attack.
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* In [[D.Gray-man]] one akuma had the ability to shoot ice fire, which it used to trap Allen when he and Lenalee were fighting against him and 2 other akuma in an alleyway. Oddly, he said it burned hotter then normal fire despite the fact that it could clearly be seen freezing around Allen's leg like ice.
* Certain species of [[Digimon]] utilize this for different reasons. Some, like Gabumon and its evolutions, use it as a theme for their attacks. Others, like Kyuubimon and its counterpart [[Palette Swap|Youkomon]] have it covering their bodies, be it as part of their attacks or simply as part of their design.
* Tomoe from ''[[Kamisama Kiss]]'' uses them, not surprising considering he is a [[Kitsune]]. In fact, he has developed a rather interesting, and rather sadistic, use for them by combining them with [[Baleful Polymorph]]. First he will transform his opponent into a game animal of some kind (a trout, an ostrich, etc...) and then use his fox-fire to cook them alive.
* One variety of mushi featured in ''[[Mushishi]]'' feeds off human body heat by appearing to its victims as an open flame. If a person huddles close to it for warmth, it saps their heat from them until they freeze to death.
* Becomes a plot point in ''[[Ao no Exorcist]]'' when Rin is trying to control his blue [[Hellfire]] so that [[Friendly Fireproof|it only burns what he wants it to]]. He eventually succeeds. Interestingly, {{spoiler|Rin and Yukio appear to be invulnerable to each others' flames}}.
== Film ==
* Sheikh Suleiman in the 2009 ''[[Clash of the Titans]]'' could heal wounds with his flames as well as burn enemies.
== Folklore ==
* Also known as ''Ignis Fatuus'' (Latin for "foolish fire") and "jack-o'-(the)-lantern" (until the latter term highjacked the function formerly held by "turnip ghost").
* [[Kitsune]] in Japanese folklore have this ability.
* Most versions of ''[[Tam Lin]]'' require the heroine to hold onto her lover in some form that's burning, trusting that he will not hurt her. In the related story "The [[The Fair Folk|Faerie]] Oak of Corriewater", when the rescuer takes fright and lets go, she ''does'' burn to death, implying [[Your Mind Makes It Real]].
== Literature ==
* In [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld/Thief of Time|Thief of Time]]'', {{spoiler|Kaos}} has a sword which generates [[Cold Flames]]. Literally. The flames in question ''freeze the air''.
* In ''Quest for the Fallen Star'', [[Sentient Cosmic Force|Earthpower]] manifests itself as green flames (or [[Color Coded for Your Convenience|yellow ones]], if [[Eldritch Abomination|Ill-creatures]] are using it). Subverted in that these can actually set stuff on fire.
* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s [[Conan the Barbarian]] story "Gods of the North", Ymir uses this.
{{quote| ''The girl's ivory body was suddenly enveloped in a cold blue flame so blinding that the Cimmerian threw up his hands to shield his eyes from the intolerable blaze.''}}
* Jarlaxle from the [[Forgotten Realms]] possesses a wand that shoots out illusionary fireballs. What makes them different from other illusions is that Jarlaxle practiced with it so much that it was almost indistinguishable from the real deal, to the point where several goblins actually ''died'' from it.
* In the ''[[Coldfire Trilogy]]'', the Hunter is skilled in the creation and usage of "coldfire" which is as cold as real fire is hot. He warns Damian that it is just as volatile and dangerous as true fire. The Hunter wields coldfire because part of the price he paid for his form of immortality is that he can no longer manipulate normal flames.
* An in-universe history book in ''[[Harry Potter]]'' references wizards using a spell to turn fire cold to survive burning at the stake.
* Mages who can control Fire in [[Mercedes Lackey]]'s ''[[Elemental Masters]]'' books can call up illusory fire as well as the real thing.
== Live -Action TelevisionTV ==
== Live Action Television ==
* In ''[[Kamen Rider Ryuki]]'', [[Evil Counterpart]] Ryuga's [[Finishing Move]] has his [[Bond Creatures|Contract Monster]] launch a blast of black flames that freezes the enemy's legs to the ground, holding them in place so Ryuga can deliver a flying kick to them.
== Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myth and Legend ==
* Also known as ''Ignis Fatuus'' (Latin for "foolish fire") and "jack-o'-(the)-lantern" (until the latter term highjacked the function formerly held by "turnip ghost").
== Real Life ==
* [[Kitsune]] in Japanese folklore have this ability.
* In Australia we have the Min-Min Lights, little balls of cold fire that scare the bejeezus out of people... Explorers and such used to believe they were spirits. They're just lights refracted around the curvature of the Earth. That's how flat parts of Australia are.
* Most versions of ''[[Tam Lin]]'' require the heroine to hold onto her lover in some form that's burning, trusting that he will not hurt her. In the related story "The [[The Fair Folk|Faerie]] Oak of Corriewater", when the rescuer takes fright and lets go, she ''does'' burn to death, implying [[Your Mind Makes It Real]].
* The [[Doing in the Wizard]] explanation for marsh lights is that they're actually caused by phosphorescent gases escaping from the marsh.
* [[wikipedia:St. Elmochr(27)s fire|St. Elmo's fire]].
== Religion ==
* [[Older Than Feudalism]]: The burning bush in ''[[The Bible]]''.
* In the Qu'ran and Jewish legends, when Abraham was burned by Nimrod in the stake, he prayed to God and God made the fire cold. The same thing happens also in ''[[The Bible]]'' when three righteous people are cast into a fire.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' has both Will O Wisps as enemies and one rare spell called Ghostfire, which deals [[Non-Elemental]] damage... and ''is invisible''.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' [[Fantasy Kitchen Sink|(natch)]] has Pyre-flame, one of the five Corpse Elements of the Underworld. It's green, burns through ''anything'' despite lack of fuel or oxygen, and behaves like a viscous liquid. It also melts away instantly in sunlight--whichsunlight—which isn't much of an issue in the Underworld, which has no sun.
* ''[[Orpheus]]'' gives us the Wisps, ghosts/projectors who have the innate ability to produce ghostly flames. Not only do they do a number on ghosts, they can also be used to distract mortals.
* The ''[[Ghostbusters]]'' [[Tabletop RPG]] classifies this as a Class 1 ectoplasmic manifestation.
* In ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade]]'', making illusory fire is one of the favored tricks of the Ravnos clan.
* Faerie Fire in ''[[Dungeons and& Dragons]]'' wraps the target in flames - harmless, too dim to blind, but outline prevents concealment via invisibility or Blur spell, let alone normal darkness.
** ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'' introduced Continual Faerie Fire - a greater area-affecting version.
== Video Games ==
* Will o' Wisp is an attack in ''[[Pokémon]]'', which causes the [[Standard Status Effect|burn status]] and nothing else. No other attack does that as its main effect, only as a side effect.
** IntrestinglyInterestingly, although it is classified as a Fire-type attack, barring the [[Kitsune|Vulpix/Ninetails]] line, it is used by Ghost-types instead.
** And in ''[[Super Smash Bros.|Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]'', Lucario's Aura looks a lot like blue flames emanating from his hands ([[Metal Gear Solid|Snake]] actually calls it blue fire.)
* Will O'Wisps are medium-level enemies in ''[[The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion]]''.
** ''Shivering Isles'' gives us The Cold Flame of Agnon, a mystic orange and green fire that can be literally ''worn'', is kindled by the willing self-sacrifice of two Daedra and is used to light the Great Torch of New Sheoth.
* ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time|The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time]]'' features magical blue flames which can be stored in a bottle. The potion shop clerk says you can use them "to feel refreshing coolness", but their only real in-game purpose is to melt the red ice you find in some areas.
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* In ''[[Chrono Trigger]]'' you have the [[Combination Attack|Triple Tech]] Frost Arc/Arc Impulse, with Crono Frog and Marle, it involves Marle [[An Ice Person|the ice mage]] causing Crono's sword to burn with a weird coloured flame. Said flame is from the Ice2 spell.
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* A creature made of this shows up in a late 2010 story arc in ''[[El Goonish Shive]]''. Justin and Elliot note his lack of actual heat.
* In ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'', Antimony Carver primarily uses her [[Green Lantern Ring|blinker stone]] to produce flames like this, even being capable of starting fires that provide heat and light while being undetectable to electronic sensors. {{spoiler|Possibly also a power of the fire elementals that Annie is apparently descended from}}.
== Web Original ==
* ''[[How to Kill a Mockingbird]]'': The mockingbirds are all constantly on cold fire, represented as blue flames.
* The girl at [[Super-Hero School|Whateley Academy]] in the [[Whateley Universe]] even calls herself Foxfire and has a fox kit familiar.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Tick (animation)|The Tick]]'': This was one of the inventions showcased at the [[Mad Scientist|Mad Science Fair]] in "The Tick vs. Science".
{{quote| '''Scientist:''' Look - the marshmallows aren't even roasting. They remain at a comfortable 68 degrees.<br />
'''Tick:''' Egad man, what's the point?! }}
== Real Life ==
* In Australia we have the Min-Min Lights, little balls of cold fire that scare the bejeezus out of people... Explorers and such used to believe they were spirits. They're just lights refracted around the curvature of the Earth. That's how flat parts of Australia are.
* The [[Doing inIn the Wizard]] explanation for marsh lights is that they're actually caused by phosphorescent gases escaping from the marsh.
* [[wikipedia:St. Elmochr(27)Elmo's fire|St. Elmo's fire]].{{context}}
[[Category:Haunted Index]]
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