Codename: Kids Next Door/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[She's All Grown Up|He's All Grown Up]]: Teen!Hoagie is pretty cute (not to mention much thinner), and even manages to catch Cree's attention.
* [[Improbable Piloting Skills]]
* [[Innocently Insensitive]]: Sometimes. He unintentionally insulted Numbuh 3 when stating King Sandy has a thing for "weird girls", prompting both her [[Violently Protective Girlfriend|and Numbuh 4]] to smack him in response. He also [[Oblivious to Love|didn't get]] why [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Numbuh 5]] got angry at him for saying Numbuh 10 was "easy on the eyes".
* [[Loving a Shadow]]: His crush on Cree is pretty superficial, given he focuses on her beautiful appearance rather than her unpleasant personality. {{spoiler|It's implied his crush was based on his own implicit feelings for his teammate and Cree's sister, Numbuh Five.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Hoagie P. Gilligan ''Jr.'', appropriately enough, a twofer reference. First, there's "Gilligan," a reference to the title character of ''[[Gilligan's Island]]'', who was also second-in-command on the ''S.S. Minnow''. Then there's the "Jr.", often used at the end of a boy's name to signify that he's the second male in the family to have inherited his father's name (a seemingly throwaway detail that actually foreshadows the importance of his [[Disappeared Dad]], Hoagie P. Gilligan, Sr.)
* [[Must Make Her Laugh]]: Many of his awful puns are done to make Numbuh Five laugh (which annoysannoy her most of the time). {{spoiler|This is the main hint of his feelings for her.}}
* [[Nice Guy]]: He does have flaws, but he's still a very friendly and cheerful guy, and is the only one who lacks the [[Anti-Hero]] attributes the others have.
* [[Nice Hat]]
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* [[Opposites Attract]]: {{spoiler|With Numbuh Five.}}
* [[Private Detective]]: His side job, in full-on, [[Conspicuous Trenchcoat|trenchcoat]]-clad [[Film Noir]] mode.
* [[Pungeon Master]]: What he thinks he is. Everyone else sees him as a dork.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The blue to Numbah Four's red.
* [[Salt and Pepper]]: With Numbuh Five.
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* [[Action Girl]]
* [[The Anti-Nihilist]]
* [[Ascended Fanboy|Ascended Fangirl]]: {{spoiler|She becomes CEO of the Rainbow Monkeys Corporation when she grows up.}}
* [[Asian Airhead]]: Type Two.
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* [[Girls Love Stuffed Animals]]: Her room doesn't really have anything else.
* [[Happily Married]]: {{spoiler|To Numbuh 4 in future, not that anyone was surprised.}}
* [[I Have You Now, My Pretty]]: A recurring plot with King Sandy, at least until [[Settle for Sibling|he falls for her sister]].
* [[Idiot Hero]]
* [[Kawaiiko]]
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: Kuki ''Sanban'' -- "Sanban" is Japanese for "third"; Kuki is a misspelling of "kooky" (meaning crazy or off-kilter) and refers to her ditzy, [[Cloudcuckoolander]] personality.
* [[The Medic]]
* [[Mood Swinger]]
* [[Morality Pet]]: She tends to bring out the best in people, Numbuh Four in particular.
* [[Nice Girl]]
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Has shown hints of this, especially regarding her relationship with Numbuh Four.
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* [[Running Gag]]: Trying to use the Hippity Hop mecha in battle never ends well.
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: Contrasting with her [[Dude Magnet]] status, she hasn't shown interest in anyone not named "Numbuh Four".
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: She tends to get upset at Numbuh Four wheneverwhen he acts like a [[Jerkass]], yet whenever he shows his [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|softer side]], she's all over him, often [[The Glomp|literally]].
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: She's frequently shown to be pretty spoiled (especially regarding Rainbow Monkeys), but she's as sweet as they come.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Her cheerful personality (or at least part of it) is revealed to be a mask to keep her from falling into depression. Considering her [[Dysfunctional Family]], it's hard to be surprised.
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* [[Action Girl]]: Especially when up against Cree.
* [[Agent Scully]]: Is usually skeptical toward Nigel's conspiracy theories and will often be wrong.
* [[Berserk Button]]: [[Love Interest|Numbuh Two]] is her [[Tsundere]] button, often losing her cool whenever he makes his [[Lame Pun Reaction|awful puns]] (most of the time), does something stupid, and ''especially'' when he [[Casanova Wannabe|tries to flirt]] with other girls in her presence.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Her calm demeanor goes out of the window whenever Numbuh Two makes one of his awful puns (or just being stupid in general), prompting her to hit him with her hat in response. {{spoiler|Though it's implied part of it is a front to hide her feelings for him, considering she makes bad puns herself whenever he isn't present.}}
** She also gets [[Tranquil Fury|very annoyed]] whenever Numbuh Two shows interest in other girls.
* [[Betty and Veronica]]: The Betty to her sister's Veronica for Hoagie's Archie. {{spoiler|She wins by a landslide.}}
* [[Bifauxnen]]: Dressed up in a suit once for a dance.
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* [[Happily Married]]: {{spoiler|To Numbuh Two in the future.}}
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: In "Operation: Z.E.R.O.".
* [[Hidden Depths]]: [[Only Sane Man]] + [[Positive Discrimination]] + [[My Greatest Failure]] + [[My Greatest Second Chance]]
* [[Hypocrite]]: [[Tropes Are Not Bad|A part of her]] [[Not So Above It All]] schtick. Cases in point:
** She endlessly criticizes Numbuh Two's puns, yet she makes bad puns herself when alone. This may be justified due to her being a [[Tsundere]] towards Hoagie.
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* [[Broken Bird]]: A villainous example.
* [[Burning with Anger]]: Not just [[Wreathed in Flames]], but they increase in intensity when angry.
* [[Cain and Abel]]: {{spoiler|The Cain to Numbuh Zero's Abel. In a subversion, they never fight each other, with Numbuh Zero being the only person he has a more or less normal relationship with.}}
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]
* [[Child-Hater]]
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* [[One-Winged Angel]]/[[Scaled Up]]: In "Operation: I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.", he turns into a ''dragon''. Somehow.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: Gets it from his dad.
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: He clearly has a lot of arrested development going on, no thanks to his [[Abusive Parents|backstory]].
* [[Sibling Yin-Yang]]: {{spoiler|With Numbuh Zero.}}
* [[Sinister Silhouettes]]
* [[Stepford Smiler]]/[[Tsunshun]]: He may act all happy and aggressive most of the time, but ZERO makes it explicitly clear he's not nearly as happy as he presents himself.
* [[Tragic Villain]]: He has suffered horrendous [[Abusive Parents|Parental Abuse]] at the hands of his more evil father (who still doesn't have any respect towards him). At the end of the day, behind his evil exterior, he's actuallyjust a sad, miserable man who tries to make others miserable to feel better about himself.
* [[The Unfavourite]]: He's this to Grandfather, being treated like absolute shit while he sings his praises towards his older brother, {{spoiler|Numbuh Zero (who is a hero, by the way).}}
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]: While he was still quite cowardly, he certainly wasn't the villain he is now as a kid.
* [[Vile Villain Saccharine Show]]: At least at first.
* [[Villains Out Shopping]]
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* [[The Danza]]
* [[Dark Action Girl]]
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Zig-zagged. She may show some kindness towards Abby, but that doesn't stop her for treating her like shit. And considering the mayoritymajority of the villains treatingtreat their loved ones (even if they're heroic) with way more respect and care, she comes across as '''worse''' than them in this regard, which has earned her [[The Scrappy|Scrappywidely despised]] status out-of-universe.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]
* [[Fallen Hero]]
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* [[It's All About Me]]
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: Sure, she may have her nice moments with her younger sister, but she's not above being an [[Ungrateful Bastard|Ungrateful Bitch]] who treats her horribly. And while she does want to reconcile with her, she does want to do so by forcing Abby into a [[Face Heel Turn]] proving that, even if she cares about Abby, she cares more about [[It's All About Me|herself]], not willing to make ''any'' effort into repairing their relationship (that ''she'' destroyed in the first place).
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Rejecting Hank/Hoagie after he goes back to being a kid in "Operation: K.I.S.S." is understandable. What isn't is calling him a [[Fat Slob]] ''to his face''. {{spoiler|Which makes him choosing [[Settle for Sibling|her sister Abby]] over her [[Laser Guided Karma|quite karmic]].}}
* [[Kick the Morality Pet]]: To Numbuh Five. ''Constantly''.
* [[Not So Different]]: From Mushi, as they're both the evil, treacherous and ungrateful sisters of the two female protagonists of the series. She's also this with Chad.
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Maurice.
* [[Smug Snake]]: She's not incompetent, but her behavior is so revolting it's impossible to see her as anything but this trope, which makes it even more satisfying when her plans blow up in her face.
* [[Teens Are Monsters]]
* [[Ungrateful Bastard|Ungrateful Bitch]]: '''YES.'''So Thisvery is one of the many reasons she's largely [[The Scrappy|despised]] by the fandommuch.
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* [[Cloudcuckoolander]]
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: He's show several signs of this through the series. Idiot though he may be, this does still apply.
** In "Operation F.L.U.S.H."—He, he takes out five other villains thinking they're KND operatives in disguise. Of course, the five villains in question had just successfully taken over the Sector V treehouse, and then the actual members of Sector V (who have been all excused from school early) show up and kick his butt.
* [[Evil Uncle]]: {{spoiler|Mild on the evil, he's this to Numbuh Four.}}
* [[Evil Twin]]: {{spoiler|To Sid, Wally's father, although the term "evil" should be used very loosely.}}
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* [[Fisher King]]: When he rules the world, he uses his [[Reality Warper]] abilities to convert into an old-style [[Crapsack World]] complete with child labor, Industral Era-style factories making tapioca pudding for him to eat.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Is smart enough to NOT underestimate [[Hope Springs Eternal]] and understands he hasn't really won until he's destroyed the Book of KND, which let Numbuh Zero defeat him the last time. And he also doesn't go out to find it until nearly the entire world is under his control and the Kids Next Door are all but destroyed.
* [[Hate Sink]]: While not completely devoid of redeeming features, he's certainly the most despicable villain in the series, with him invoking this trope and being proud of it.
* [[Humanoid Abomination]]
* [[Irony]]: His relationships with his sons in a nutshell. He loves and dotes on his oldest son {{spoiler|Numbuh Zero}}, who rebelled against him and wants nothing to do with him; yet he despises his youngest son Father, who followed in his footsteps and desperately wants his approval.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk]]: He does deeply love his son Monty, but he doesn't pull any punches when he becomes an obstacle in his plans. While this could be chalked up to his [[Blue and Orange Morality|unconventional moral code]], his [[Jerkass|general dickishness]] absolves him of nothing.
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: He's not devoid of comedic moments, but his plan and actions are taken quite seriously.
* [[Large Ham]]: Is an even bigger ham than his son.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Literally. He had his memory erased by Numbuh Zero using some kind of laser, reducing him to a harmless old man until he's "recommissioned" by Father. This actually seems to be the only way to defeat him, as all other attempts failed completely.
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* [[Palette Swap]]: She has the same character model as one of the Delightful Children From Down The Lane.
* [[Single Woman Seeks Good Man]]: She's Nigel/Numbuh One's girlfriend.
* [[Tsundere]]: Oh, yes, sometimes dipping into [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]]'ish tendencies in her more extreme moods.
* [[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]: To Nigel.
* [[Woman Scorned]]: At worst.