Cluster F-Bomb/Fan Works

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Examples of Cluster F-Bombs in Fan Works include:

Green Goblin: You son of a * BLEEP* ! I'm gonna * 16 glorious seconds of BLEEEEEEP* up Richard Gere's ass!

  • When Yami is tricked into going out with Téa in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, he lets out a rant that is almost entirely composed of Sound Effect Bleeps.
    • "And then you'll have to BLEEP sideways!"
  • Naruto the Abridged Series has a shorter outburst by Sasuke when his scene is cut off for the third time that episode.
  • The third episode of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Abridged has a flashback to the time Joseph "kamikaze'd an immortal god into an active volcano", which consists entirely of him screaming "fuck" whilst being inundated with piranhas and octopi... in a biplane.
  • In Twilight Valley, pretty much everyone utters at least one profanity. The most outrageous would have to be:

"You bastard! How dare you call me stupid!?" - said by Littlefoot
"You bastards! I hope when Littlefoot, Deimos and his friends rescue me, they kill you first! And I?ll have your fu?" - said by Chomper. Yes, he nearly drops the F-bomb before he gets kicked in the ribs
"You are all assholes! I hope Deimos finds you and rips out your internal organs! And you Ms. Maia, I hope that you get captured and taken to be sentenced by the Great Valley elders; I?ll enjoy seeing your carcass hanging from a tree or lying broken on the outskirts of the Great Valley." - Chomper, again.

  • A Death To Remember has an f-bomb practically every other line.
  • The Mass Effect Self Insert Mass Vexations has a protagonist who likes to swear a lot. He doesn't really go to town until he survives Virmire, though. Or until Wrex makes him lose The Game.
    • His Wham! Line uses three f-bombs in the course of the same sentence.

Art: You don't fucking understand! I knew she was going to fucking die since I fucking arrived on the fucking Citadel!

  • Vegita lets loose a volley of profanity that is beeped out by Jeice's scouter in Ep 19 of Dragon Ball Abridged, though at the end of the episode it's revealed to be a tame outburst with not a single F-Bomb.
  • The Golem in chapter eight and nine of The Exigence swear far more than any other characters.
  • Magica Madoka Veneficus Puella. Everyone (Madoka excluded) swears. This includes KyuBey's replacement.
  • All of the four in With Strings Attached use “fuck,” but John uses it more frequently than the others, and when he's pissed every other word, seemingly, is the F-bomb.
  • In Naruto Veangance Revelaitons, this happens very often, especially in the author's notes.


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