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* [[Blown Across the Room]]: A specialty of the Boneduster shotgun when fired at mid-range. [[Ludicrous Gibs|Close-up, it tends to make a mess.]]
* [[Book Ends]]: The prologue flashback features Grayson diving in front of Ishi to take a bullet for him. During the final battle, {{spoiler|Ishi dives in front of Grayson in the exact same manner to take a bullet for ''him''. With Trishka hiding nearby... Remember the little girl in Novak's office during the prologue?}}
* [[Boom! Headshot!]]: [[Your Head Asplode]]. The normal variety gives you a measly 25 points, but doing a [[Groin Attack]] then shooting/kicking them in the head causes this, but gives you "Mercy" for 100 points. Also, getting a headshot with certain weapons, like the Flail Gun, gets you more points.
* [[Booze -Based Buff]]: You get an "Intoxicated" skillshot out of your kills while drunk. There's a second version, called ''[[Fern Gully|Toxic Love]]", which happens whenever you're exposed to green rage-inducing gas (either from plants, or headshotting green-skinned enemies). The gas creates a different intoxication which makes the player dizzy, but also highlights enemies. And you get points for killing people in this mode.
* [[Boss Room]]: {{spoiler|Subverted for laughs in the second Muta-Burnout encounter. The room is a large circular arrangement dominated by a huge vat of acid, indicated to be a classic boss arena. Then the boss kills itself through its own ineptitude, allowing you to leave the area unmolested.}}
* [[Bottomless Pit]]: The demo alone features this, since you're inside a collapsed skyscraper dangling over the side of a cliff about a mile down. And yes, kicking enemies into it is yet another skillshot: "Vertigo."
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* [[Character Customization]]: Skillpoints earned in Anarchy Mode translate to [[Experience Points]]. [[Level Up]] to unlock different suit, boot and gun colors, endgame taunts and helmets.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]] / [[Chekhov's Boomerang]]: {{spoiler|Remember when you drop the train on the Hekaton shortly after Last Train From Explosion Town? ''That'' is why it has the sore later on!}}
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: Pretty much everyone ''except'' you. Major [[Non -Player Character|NPCs]] will backstab you (or indeed each other) at the drop of a hat. ''You'', on the other hand, are merely on a perfectly justified [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge]].
* [[Cluster F-Bomb]]: Or rather various bombing with various letters; let's just say '''everyone''' in this game does it. The Blog ''Rock Paper Shotgun'' dubbed this game "Captain Swearword's Big Fuckin' Adventure," which is a pretty apt title for this game.
* [[The Coconut Effect]]: Originally, the [[Exploding Barrels]] were going to be green. Then the developers realized none of the playtesters were shooting them. So back to the traditional red it went.
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{{quote| '''Grayson:''' ''It's a murder party, starring ME!''}}
* [[Hope Spot]]: {{spoiler|Gray and Ishi are trapped in a room with a bomb. They manage to find a way out...which leads right back into the room. [[Subverted Trope|Then Trishka rescues them]].}}
* [[Hyper -Destructive Bouncing Ball]]: The Bouncer weapon fires a large explosive cannonball which you can bounce around knocking enemies over before detonating it. You can turn this [[Up to Eleven]] with its charge shot, which causes the ball to ''[[Stuff Blowing Up|release an explosion every time it bounces]]''. You can kick it around to direct the blasts!
* [[Idiosyncratic Episode Naming]]: The names of most of the chapters (if not all of them) are dialogue excerpts from the chapters themselves, leading to names such as "I See We're All a Bit Upset...." and "That Thing Is Leaving Without Us"
* [[I'm a Humanitarian]]: There are no farms on Stygia, but lots of humans (or once-humans). Thus, most of the terrible gangs survive by ''eating each other.'' Yuck.
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* [[Preview Piggybacking]]: The limited ''[[Limited Special Collectors Ultimate Edition|Epic Edition]]'' version on the Xbox 360 comes with a voucher for free access to the ''[[Gears of War]] 3'' beta.
* [[Press X to Not Die]]: The game is riddled with quick-time events, but they are far more forgiving of mistakes. It's based more on reward than punishment, mostly giving you extra skillpoints for faster reactions, and slowing the game down further and further the longer you take to push the correct button. A more conventional versions appears with the Venus Flytraps. Don't mash Y quick enough? You die.
* [[Rated "M" for Manly]]: If it's not the fact that a simple kick to the face can throw your target 10 yards away and the whole focus of the gameplay is to be as creative as possible with your frags, the main character's dialogue is a constant stream of swears and he even looks a bit like [[Wolverine]].
* [[Refuge in Vulgarity]]: "Dick" is easily the most common word in the game's dialogue.
* [[Regenerating Health]]: When taking enough damage, screen starts flashing red and a message tells to take cover.
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* [[Shock and Awe]]: The ''Shocker'' and ''Kill-O-Watt'' skillshots, for killing an enemy by throwing them into electrified scenery objects.
* [[Shotguns Are Just Better]]: The Boneduster is a ''quadruple''-barreled shotgun. Its charge shot is a blast of super-heated air that can melt flesh.
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** One of the Carbine's multiplayer skins gives it [[Zero Punctuation|a pair of flaming breasts. It could only be made better if it shot shurikens and lightning.]]
** One of the later acts, in which you meet the mutant Burnouts, is called [[Burnout|Burnout Paradise.]]
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** If you get a burnout with a weakpoint on its backside and shoot it you cause an "Assplosion"
* [[Variable Mix]]: Fades between highs and lows as the situation demands, with stingers for certain [[Press X to Not Die|Press X To Get More SP]] events.
* [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|Video Game Cruelty Mandate]]: The word "potential" implies it's not the point. You get points for [[The Joys of Torturing Mooks|sadism]] and [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|overkill]]. Not only is it entirely possible to wrap a pair of chain-bound grenades around an enemy's head and detonate them, sending other bad guys flying into space, you get ''rewarded'' for it. [[It Got Worse|Those are some of the less creative ways to off people.]] Even worse, if you're trying to avoid [[But Thou Must!|being a cruel sadistic bastard]], you're going to end up praying you don't [[Nintendo Hard|run out of ammunition]] before the next [[Giant Mook]] runs out of armor.
* [[We Hardly Knew Ye]]: The rest of Gray's crew besides Ishi in the prologue and first chapter. Parodied with {{spoiler|Waggleton P. Tallylicker's death}}, complete with requisite "fallen soldier" music.
* [[What Kept You?]]: When Gray and Ishi rush in to rescue Trishka, they are treated to a tableau of her beating the Creeps to death with her bare hands.