Buffy the Vampire Slayer/WMG: Difference between revisions

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== Buffy was never in any Heaven. ==
Now, this might just be insanity, but perhaps she was completely wrong about being in heaven. Normally major things in the Buffyverse have a prophecy about them. Yet the resurrection of a Slayer which directly caused The First Evil to be able to start to try to take over the world which directly caused every Potential Slayer to be activated along with the recovery of an ancient Slayer weapon (I refuse to call it a scythe) never had one. Or did it? If you were a Hellgod or demon or whoever and you learned that an entire army of demon killing badasses was going to be created due to a Slayer being resurrected you'd want to stop that, right? Now, logically you could just lock up and torture every Slayer who dies to try to prevent that, right? No, that would be an awful idea. Think for a moment, you torture a Slayer and then she comes back to life. Chances are the first thing she'll want to do is get enough people to kick your ass three ways to Sunday. So, what is a hellgod or demon to do? Well, what about making her not WANT to kill demons or even live? Take away her will to fight? The best way to do that is to make her life a living hell if she's ever resurrected. So, you take away all her worries and make her the happiest being alive, err... dead. That way, she will most likely kill herself upon returning to life, stopping her from ruining your life ever again. After all, Buffy felt like everything would be fine and all would be good while she was dead. Yet her friends were suffering and if she didn't come back they would have all died. Clearly it was all a lie to try to sabotage her. It almost worked, too. Unluckily for them, you really cant fight prophecies.
* If only this was cannoncanon (it would be awesome but will never happen). BTW I agree 100%.
* I personally consider the lack of Joyce Summers up there as being proof positive it wasn't Heaven. No real Heaven would deny you a reunion with your loved ones, and can we imagine Joyce going anywhere else?
== Willow was just using the laptop as a keyboard and screen when reprogramming the Buffybot. ==