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== TheSeason Movie1 ==
* A vampire character's arm has just been accidentally sheared off at the shoulder. He glances at it, then frowns at the sidekick. "You ruined my new jacket!" He then looks at his vampire henchmen and orders, "Kill him a lot!"
* This same character's death scene, near the end of the movie. An exceptionally hammy Paul Reubens milks it for all it's worth.
* This exchange:
{{quote|'''Buffy''': You were my friend!
'''Grueller''' ''(now a vampire)'': Now, I'm a god!
''[Buffy kicks Grueller in the face, knocking him right back into Pike, who promptly stabs him through the heart with a slab of wood.]''
'''Pike''': And ''now'', [[Bond One-Liner|you're a coat rack]]! }}
* A TV news reporter notes that eyewitnesses have compared a vampire victim's neck bite to "a really gross hickey."
* When being attacked by a vamp:
{{quote|'''Pike''': [[Look a Distraction|Look! Air!]]}}
* The principal walking around and dropping detention slips on all the dead vampires on the gym floor.
== TV series ==
=== Season 1 ===
* Welcome to the Hellmouth (1x01)
** Xander's entrance which cements his [[Butt Monkey]] status.
Line 29 ⟶ 15:
'''Giles:''' It's devastating. He's turned into a sixteen year old boy. Of course, you'll have to kill him. }}
* I Robot, You Jane (1x08):
{{quote|'''[[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|Moloch The Corrupter]]''': ''[A demon, who has been released into the Internet, tries to turn Willow]'' {{smallcapssmall-caps| Don't you see? I can give you everything! I can control the world! Right now a man in Beijing is transferring money to a Swiss bank account for a contract on his mother's life. ''[[[Beat]]]'' Good for him!}}}}
** The ending. Funny enough at the time, [[Hilarious in Hindsight|tragically hilarious in hindsight.]]
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Hey, did you forget? The one boy I've had the hots for since I've moved here turned out to be a vampire.
Line 73 ⟶ 59:
** "That's cool. I'm going to go home, lay down and listen to country music... the music of pain."
=== Season 2 ===
* "When She Was Bad" (2x01):
{{quote|'''Snyder:''' There are some things I can just smell. It's like a sixth sense.
Line 87 ⟶ 73:
** After Angel [[Stealth Hi Bye|splits suddenly and soundlessly from the library]] ''[[Running Gag|again]]'':
{{quote|'''Xander:''' Okay, that's it. I'm putting a collar with a little bell on that guy.}}
** Spike and Buffy's climactic face-off has its moments:
{{quote|'''Buffy''': Do we really need weapons for this?
'''Spike''': I just like them. [[Large Ham|They make me feel all manly.]]}}
** Or:
{{quote|'''Spike''': [[Affably Evil|I'll tell you what. As a personal favor, from me to you, I'll make it quick. It won't hurt a bit.]]
'''Buffy''': [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|No Spike. It's gonna hurt a ''lot''.]]}}
** Cordelia and Willow are trapped in a closet together during the vampire attack on school. Willow is matter-of-factly waiting it out, and Cordelia is panicking. Eventually she starts praying. At the end of the episode, we cut back and Cordelia is still praying... in her own way.
{{quote|'''Cordelia''': And if you get me out of this, I ''swear'' I'll never be mean to anyone ever again. Unless they really deserve it or if it's that time of the month, in which case I don't think you or anyone else can hold me responsible...
'''Willow''': (disgustedly) Ask for some aspirin.
'''Cordelia''': And can you please send some asp- ''Hey!''}}
* "Reptile Boy" (2x05)
{{quote|'''Xander:''' Angel Angel Angel. Does every conversation we have have to come around to that freak?
Line 97 ⟶ 93:
** Also this, after the gang rescues Buffy from the frat house party turned attempted human sacrifice:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' (shamefacedly) I told ''one'' lie. I had ''one'' drink.
'''Giles:''' Yes, and you were very nearly devoured by a giant demon snake. The words "let that be a lesson to you" are a tad redundant at this juncture. }}
* "Halloween" (2x06)
** Cordelia's veering directly into [[Accidental Truth]] when dealing with Buffy's costume-induced 'Lady Useless' medieval persona, who she believes is freaking out over nothing. Noteworthy that Cordelia has ''no idea who Angel is'' at this point in time:
{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' What's with you? Take a pill!
'''Lady Buffy:''' (cowering behind a garbage can, pointing at Angel) He's... he's a vampire!
'''Cordelia:''' (turns to Angel with a "Can you ''believe'' this idiot?" expression on her face) She's got this thing where- (turns back to Buffy, continues in the most cheerfully insincere tone of voice you have ever heard) It's okay. Angel is a ''good'' vampire. He would ''never'' hurt you.
'''Lady Buffy:''' R-really?
'''Cordelia:''' Absolutely. He's our friend!}}
** Willow's own commentary on Buffy's costume choices:
{{quote|'''Willow:''' She couldn't have dressed as Xena?}}
** Ending in Buffy's own commentary when the spell wears off just as 'Lady Useless' is about to be assaulted by Spike:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' (sits up, does a dramatic [[Hair Flip]]) Hi honey, I'm ''home''. (proceeds to beat Spike's ass)}}
* "Lie to Me" (2x07)
** Angel laments the shallow vampire fanboys:
Line 126 ⟶ 133:
'''Willow:''' Well, we don't have cable, so we have to make our own fun. }}
** This CMOF, also a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|CMOA]] and the excuse for one of Joss's favorite props:
{{quote|{{smallcapssmall-caps| Judge}} (gloating): No weapon forged can defeat me!
Buffy: That was then...
*Buffy lifts rocket-propelled grenade launcher*
Buffy: This is now.
*Angel and Drusilla begin to dive out of the way*
{{smallcapssmall-caps| Judge}} (curious): What's that do?
*kwshhhhFOOOOOM* }}
** Drusilla's always good for a laugh:
Line 149 ⟶ 156:
{{quote|'''Oz:''' (after seeing Larry thrown down ''hard'') That works too.}}
* Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered (2x16):
** Due to <s>Axe Deodorant</s> a failed love spell, Xander is being chased by every girl in the town. He goes to the library and shoves athe dresser-sizedcard thingcatalog updrawers against the door to barricade it. Then Buffy ''pulls'' the door open from the other side.
** Or when Willow makes an ''extremely'' determined pass at Xander. In his own bedroom. Dressed only in Xander's shirt.
** Don't forget when Drusilla goes to declare her love to a terrified Xander and much to the confusement of Angelus. It was like watching King Kong with Xander unable to escape.
{{quote|'''Angelus:Willow''': I guesswant Iyou reallyto ''did''be drive youmy crazy!}}first.
'''Xander''': -baseman! ''Please'' tell me we're talking baseball.
'''Willow''': (pushes Xander up against the door) Ssh. We both know it's right. (leans in for a kiss)
'''Xander''': (pulls away) It's not that I don't find you sexy-
'''Willow''': Is it Oz? Don't worry about him. He's sweet... but he's not you.
'''Xander''': (desperately) Yes he is! And you should go to him! Because he's me! (Willow starts licking his ear) I-I don't wanna use force...
'''Willow''': (perverted grin) Mmmmm. Force is okay!
'''Xander''': (recoils in horror) That's IT! This has gotta stop! It's time for me to act like a man!
'''Xander''': And hide! (flees)}}
** Don't forget when Drusilla goes to declare her love to a terrified Xander. It was like watching King Kong with Xander unable to escape.
{{quote|'''Drusilla''': Your face is a poem. I can read it.
'''Xander''': (terrified) R-really? It doesn't say 'spare me' by any chance?
'''Drusilla''': (leaning in to bite Xander's neck) How do you feel about eternal life?
'''Xander''': We couldn't just start with a coffee? A movie, maybe?}}
*** The best part was Angelus' reaction, as Drusilla had interrupted his attempt to murder Xander and then started rubbing herself all over him:
{{quote|'''Angelus:''' (completely mystified) I guess I really ''did'' drive you crazy!}}
* "Killed by Death" (2x18)
** When no one is singing:
Line 197 ⟶ 220:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Ah, I'll wing it. Of course if we go to hell by then I won't have to take them. ([[Beat]]). [[Fridge Horror|...or maybe I'll be taking them forever...]] }}
=== Season 3 ===
* Anne (3x1)
{{quote|''(after the vampire has escaped)''
Line 215 ⟶ 238:
{{quote|'''Buffy''': "Great, anyone else want to weigh in on this? You there, by the dip."
'''Jonathan''': "No, thanks." }}
** And, the episode wrap-up:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' (warmly) I wish I could've been there with you.
'''Willow:''' Me, too. I really freaked out.
'''Buffy:''' I am sorry.
'''Willow:''' (solemnly) It's okay. I understand you having to bail. I can forgive that. Mm, I have to make allowances for what you're going through a-and be a grownup about it.
'''Buffy:''' (hairy eyeball) You're ''really'' enjoying this whole moral superiority thing, aren't you?
'''Willow:''' (giddily) It's like a drug!}}
** And then they close on a cheerfully ridiculous exchange of volleying insults.
* Faith, Hope and Trick (3x3)
** When Snyder is forced to rescind Buffy's expulsion:
Line 293 ⟶ 324:
{{quote|'''Mayor''': Do you like [[Family Circus]], Mr. Trick?
'''Mr. Trick''': I read [[Marmaduke]].
'''Mayor''': [[Squick|Agh! Uuugh!]] That dog's always on the furniture! It's so unsanitary.<br />
'''Mr. Trick''': No one tells Marmaduke what to do. That is my kind of dog.<br />
'''Allan''': I like to read [[Cathy]]!<br />
*The Mayor and Mr. Trick just stare* }}
* Doppelgängland (3x16)
** It would be easier to list the moments in this episode that ''weren't'' CMOFs.
** Willow regarding her parallel dimensional evil twin: "I'm so evil and skanky. And I think I'm kinda gay." Followed immediately by
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Willow, just remember, a vampire's personality has nothing to do with the person it was.
Line 303 ⟶ 335:
** Willow’s summation gets a call back in “Tabula Rasa” (6x8).
*** According to [[Word of God]], they weren't planning on making anyone gay at that point. That's right, it's a joke that's so funny ''it turned someone'' '''''gay'''''.
**** Later [[Word of God]] was that the staff had for some time been considering having someone eventually come out of the closet, but were not decided as to who it would be. Willow and Xander were two of the lead candidates... and when that joke came up, Willow sealed her fate.
** And her evil twins reaction to waking up in Willows fluffy clothes: "Well, look at me. I'm all fuzzy."
** Later in the episode, Willow shoots Vamp!Willow with a dart gun, steals her clothes and locks her in the library cage, where Cordelia finds her. Instead of letting her out however, she discusses the ethics of boyfriend stealing, with Willow's evil twin hanging on the bars with an expression that just screams [[Catch Phrase|bored now.]]
{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' What is it? Is there something on my neck?"
'''Vamp!Willow:''' Not yet. }}
** "I'm a blood-sucking fiend! Look at my outfit!"
** The gang's reaction to seeing Willow walk into the library, after first encountering Vamp!Willow at the Bronze:
'''Willow''': What's goin' on?
(everybody stares at her in horror)
'''Willow''': (jokingly) Jeez, who died?
(everybody continues staring)
'''Willow''' (horrified) Oh my God, who died?!?
'''Xander''': (runs up to her with a cross) BACK! GET BACK, DEMON!
([[Epic Fail|Nothing happens. Xander shakes the cross like a faulty Etch-a-Sketch, trying to get it to work.]])
'''Buffy''': (quaveringly) Willow... you're alive?
'''Willow''': (puzzled) Aren't I usually?
(Buffy and Xander glomp Willow as hard as they can)
'''Willow''': (still puzzled) I love you guys too? (breathlessly) Okay. Oxygen... becoming an issue... (they let go and step back)
'''Willow''': Giles, what's with these-
(Giles tackles Willow in a hug)
'''Willow''': It's really nice that you all missed me. (faux-affably) Say, you all didn't happen to do a bunch of drugs, did you?}}
** And the attempt to explain things:
{{quote|'''Xander''': Will, we saw you at the Bronze. A vampire.
'''Willow''': (offended) I'm not a vampire!
'''Buffy''': You are! I-I mean, you, you were. (plaintively) Giles, planning on jumping in with an explanation any time soon?
'''Giles''': Well, uh... something... something, um, very strange is happening.
'''Xander''': Can you believe the Watcher's Council let this guy go?}}
** This:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' It was ''exactly'' you, Will. Every detail. Except for your not being a dominatrix... as far as we know.
'''Willow:''' (rolling her eyes) Oh, right. Me and Oz play "Mistress of Pain" every night.
*(Giles frowns*)
'''Xander:''' Did anyone else just go to a scary visual place?
'''Buffy:''' ''Oh'' yeah. }}
Line 339 ⟶ 395:
** Vamp Willow's send-off. First, Willow's heartwarming hug to her vampire counterpart leads to some "friendly" groping ("Hands!"), and then Vamp Willow gets to enjoy being back in her own reality... for all of three seconds before getting staked.
{{quote|'''Vamp Willow:''' [[Curse Cut Short|Oh, f--]] ''(turns to dust)''}}
** After everyone thinks Willow's a vampire, Xander shoves a cross in her face. When it doesn't do anything, he shakes it like a faulty Etch-a-Sketch.
* Enemies (3x17)
{{quote|''The Mayor:'' "There is more than one way to skin a cat and I happen to know that this is factually true."}}
Line 345 ⟶ 400:
{{quote|"I have two words to put a smile on that dial. Miniature. Golf." (Faith stares at him for a moment, then [[Face Fault|cracks up.]]}}
** Willow is trying to convince Buffy there's nothing going on between Angel and Faith, but both realise that Faith is drop-dead gorgeous and [[Really Gets Around]].
{{quote|'''Willow:Buffy''': IYou're meanright, please, does Angel come up to Faith's standards for a guy? Let's see,would isnever hedo breathing?that.
'''Willow''': Faith would ''totally'' do that. Faith was built to do that. She's the do-that girl!
'''Buffy:''' Actually, no. }}
'''Buffy''': Comfort, remember? Comfort here?
'''Willow''': Please, does Angel come up to Faith's standards for a guy? Let's see, is he breathing?
'''Buffy''': Actually, no. }}
* Earshot (3x18)
** A great Oz moment comes when Buffy hears his thoughts:
Line 352 ⟶ 410:
** And Cordelia's thought-to-speech:
{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' [thinks] I don't see what this has to do with me. [out loud] I don't see what this has to do with me.}}
** Buffy's learning experience as to why it's sometimes a bad idea to read your mother's mind:
** "You had sex with Giles! You had ''sex'' with ''Giles''? On the hood of a Police Car? ''TWICE?!''"
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' "You had sex with Giles? You had ''sex'' with ''Giles''? On the hood of a police car?!? ''TWICE?!''"}}
*** And the episode's conclusion.
{{quote|'''Giles:''' I'm glad to see you've recovered from your psychic encounter more or less intact. Feel up to some training?
Line 382 ⟶ 441:
'''Willow:''' But Tucker's gonna-
'''Buffy:''' No. (inspirational music starts to swell) You guys are gonna have a prom. The kind of prom that everyone should have. I'm gonna give you a nice, fun, normal evening... (triumphantly) ''if I have to kill every single person on the face of the earth to do it''.
'''Xander:''' .(visibly freaked out) ...yay? }}
*** Later, after finding Tucker, we get this exchange.
{{quote|'''Willow:''' We can't just leave you, Buff-
Line 388 ⟶ 447:
'''Buffy:''' To see tail lights. Hit the door. I've got everything under control.
'''Oz: ''' Buffy, it makes sense to -
'''Buffy (deadly): ''' [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|Have. A nice. Time.]]<br />
'''Willow: ''' Okay then.<br />
'''Xander:''' See ya. }}
* Graduation Day (3x21 and 22)
** I'm just gonna go ahead and say any scene with the Mayor is an utterly brilliant mix of '60s sitcom humor (I half-expect to hear a [[Laugh Track]] whenever he's on screen) and standard ''Buffy'' villain shock value. There truly will never be a villain like him in television again.
{{quote|'''Mayor''': ''[reading from an ancient tome, in front of the Scoobies]'' "The Beast shall walk upon the Earth, and darkness shall follow. The several races of man will be as one in their terror and destruction" aww, that's kind of sweet! All those different races, coming together?}}
** Or, immediately after Giles has stabbed the Mayor through the heart in a rage:
{{quote|'''Mayor''': (as he nonchalantly pulls the sword out of his chest and wipes it off) ''Whoa!'' Now that was a little thoughtless. Violent outbursts like that? In front of the children? You know, Mr. Giles, they look to ''you'' to see how to behave.}}
** This troper's favourite is the Scoobies trying to come up with a way to defeat the Mayor.
{{quote|'''Cordelia:''' I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Line 410 ⟶ 471:
*** Also, the fact that the image is, essentially, a centerfold.
=== Season 4 ===
* The Freshman (4x1)
** "Uh, are we gonna fight? Or is this gonna be, like, some big monster sarcasm rally?" That line had this troper (kalel32688) and his mom in stitches.
Line 462 ⟶ 523:
* Pangs (4x8)
** ''Pangs'' wasn't the best of episodes in the series, with awkward conflict over Native Americans in the Scooby Gang and Angel being...well, having barely any role in the story at all. But James Marsters delivers some stellar performance that actually made me sympathetic towards a blood-sucking demon, for not being able to suck blood! Then he does some hilarious propwork hopping around in a chair all tied up while the Shumash indians are firing arrow after arrow at him. But the crowning moment of funny comes right towards the end of the encounter, where...
{{quote|'''Spike:''' [[Everything's Worse with Bears|A BEAR! YOU MADE A BEAR!]]<br />
'''Buffy:''' I didn't mean to!<br />
'''Spike:''' UNDO IT! UNDO IT!! }}
*** And there's Giles being inducted into the ritual of Thanksgiving dinner...
Line 470 ⟶ 531:
** The scene where Willow, Xander and Anya are rushing to help Buffy and Giles... on stolen bicycles. [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|Complete with heroic music]].
** The way everyone keeps assuming Angel is evil again, for absolutely no reason.
* Something Blue (4x9)
** The scenes where Spike and Buffy plan their wedding, and Xander's reaction to it:
Line 480 ⟶ 540:
'''Spike''': Whereas the name "Buffy" gives it that touch of classic elegance.
'''Buffy''': What's wrong with ''Buffy''?
'''Giles''': (''[[Deadpan Snarker|deadpan]]'') Huh. Such a good question.<br />
'''Buffy''': My mother gave me that name!<br />
'''Spike''': Yeah, your mother's a genius.<br />
'''Buffy''': Don't you start on my mother! }}
**** [[Completely Missing the Point|Couldn't he just go as William Pratt (his real name)]]?
Line 538 ⟶ 598:
** Giles informs the Scoobies that the [[Monster of the Week|Monsters Of The Week]] are planning to bring about the end of the world. Their response:
{{quote|'''Buffy, Willow, Xander:''' AGAIN??}}
** As they're fighting the demons at the lip of the Hellmouth, the demon fighting Xander knocks Xander down -- and then runs away from its helpless opponent and deliberately leaps to its death down the hole. Nicholas Brendan's delivery is, as usual, deadpan perfect.
{{quote|'''Xander''': (confusedly) Okay, I guess I won?}}
** At the end of the episode:
{{quote|'''Spike:''' What’s this? Sitting around watching the telly while there’s evil still afoot. That’s not very industrious of you. I say we go out there and kick a little demon ass! What, can’t go without your Buffy, is that it? Too chicken? Let’s find her! She is the Chosen One after all. Come on! Vampires! Grrr! Nasty! Let’s annihilate them. For justice...and for...the safety of puppies...and Christmas, right? Let’s fight that evil! Let’s kill something! *after the screen fades to black* Oh, come on!" }}
Line 623 ⟶ 685:
** Riley's declaration that "I showed up early, so I got to be cowboy guy."... Always thought of that as the explanation of how Marc Blucas got on the show in the first place.
=== Season 5 ===
* Buffy vs. Dracula (5x1)
** Xander is trying not to let everyone else know that he's been brainwashed by Dracula:
Line 646 ⟶ 708:
{{quote|'''Joyce:''' (to Dawn) Be good.
'''Xander:''' Oh, we will. We're just gonna play with matches, run with scissors, take candy from... some guy, I don't know his name. (winks at Dawn) }}
** He's totally hamming it up through this whole sequence:
{{quote|'''Xander''': Hey, check this out! (shows Dawn a pizza) They put ''cheese'' on ''round bread''! (Dawn and Xander both chuckle) It's gonna be big.}}
** Dawn's internal monologue has its moments:
{{quote|'''Dawn''': (voice-over, as Xander arrives to baby-sit her) I like Xander. Xander treats everyone like an equal. He doesn't look down on people.
'''Anya''': (faux-cheerful) Hello there, little girl!
'''Dawn''': (voice-over) Even when he ''should''.}}
** I always get a kick out of:
{{quote|'''Dawn''': She (Tara) and Willow are both witches. They do spells and stuff which is so much cooler than slaying. I told mom one time I wish they'd teach me some of the things they do together...and she got really quiet and made me go upstairs.}}
Line 662 ⟶ 730:
'''Buffy:''' "Thinking there will be a lot of Wiccans there? Heavy Wiccan crowd?"
'''Xander:''' "That's sort of her deal. Her and Willow are all Wiccie. Swinging with the Wiccan lifestyle."
'''Buffy:''' [[Not That There's Anything Wrong with That|"Which is cool!"]]<br />
'''Xander:''' "Oh yeah. "<br />
'''Buffy:''' "I just hope we fit in, not awkward."<br />
'''Xander:''' "With Willow, it is like she got this... whole new thing in her life. But she is still Willow, so I can always figure her out. But Tara, all I know is that she likes Willow. She already has one of those." }}
** The whole gang defends Tara when her father arrives to take her away.
Line 690 ⟶ 758:
* Checkpoint (5x12)
** During a reminder that the Scooby Gang (quote circa late season 5) is ''hardly'' a group of civilians:
{{quote|{{smallcapssmall-caps| Buffy:}} "We're talking about two very powerful witches and a [[I Take Offense to That Last One|thousand-year-old]] ex-demon."<br />
{{smallcapssmall-caps| [[The Ditz|Anya]]:}} [[Obfuscating Stupidity|"Willow's a demon?!"]] }}
*** After having spent the entire episode trying to [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|trying to convince the Council she's not a demon]], no less. Her interview with the council members also belongs on this list.
{{quote|'''Anya:''' Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins. Twenty years old. Born on the fourth of July — and don't think there weren't jokes about that my whole life, mister, 'cause there were. "Who's our little patriot?" they'd say, when I was younger and therefore smaller and shorter than I am now.
Line 714 ⟶ 782:
{{quote|Careful. These (his nails) are wet.}}
* I Was Made to Love You (5x15)
** Buffy's reaction to Joyce asking Buffy about the best way to prepare for her date:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Oh no. Love Doctor Buffy is not in. I am not qualified to give dating advice. I've had exactly two boyfriends, and they both left. Really left. ''Left town'' left.}}
** Joyce's final scene is quite possibly the most laugh-out-loud funny moment in the series, which makes it extremely bittersweet.
{{quote|'''Joyce''': Gosh, I'd forgotten how much fun dating can be.
Line 767 ⟶ 837:
** Buffy puts the grand plan into motion to stop Glory, and in lieu of her usual pep talk, we get this:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Hey, everybody knows their jobs. Remember, the ritual starts, we all die. And I'll kill anyone who comes near Dawn.
'''Spike:''' Well, not exactly [[Henry V|the St. Crispin's Day speech]], was it?<br />
'''Giles:''' (Wryly) "We few, we happy few..."<br />
'''Spike:''' We band of buggered. }}
=== Season 6 ===
* Bargaining (6x1 and 2)
{{quote|'''Xander''': Who made ''you'' boss the boss of us?
Line 808 ⟶ 878:
'''Tara''': I've got a theory-
'''Anya''': Bunnies are not cute like everyone supposes! They've got those hoppy legs and twitchy little noses! And what's with all the carrots?! What do they need good eyesight for anywaaaays!? BUNNIES!! BUNNIES!!! IT MUST BE BU-UN-NAAAAAYS!!!!!
'''The Scoobies''': [[Beat|(Silence)]]<br />
'''Anya''':...or maybe midgets. <br />}}
And of course this bit...<br />
{{quote|'''Xander:''' It could be witches, some evil witches ''*sees Willow and Tara glare at him*''...which is ridiculous, 'cause witches, they were persecuted, Wicca good and love the Earth and women power and...I'll be over here. }}
** The woman singing about getting a parking ticket.
{{quote|'''The women singing:''' Hey, I am not wearing underwear.}}
Line 858 ⟶ 928:
{{quote|'''Giles''': I can see...
'''Anya''': It's a miracle! }}
=== Season 7 ===
== Season 7 ==
* Beneath You (7x2)
** A woman asks the Scoobies if there's anyone among them who hasn't had sex with each other. Cue glances from Xander and Spike.
Line 889 ⟶ 960:
**** Not to mention the scene where she attempts it. Principal Wood is listening to quiet jazz while marking papers. In the window behind him we see Buffy appearing with the launcher, then Spike running in and doing a flying tackle, knocking Buffy out of view to stage right. They come back into frame with Buffy hanging off of Spike's shoulders beating him repeatedly over the head, vanishing to stage left. Then Spike comes back into view again running away with the rocket launcher and Buffy chasing after him like something straight out of Looney Toons, exit stage right again. Wood remains ''completely oblivious the entire time''.
*** Willow tries to [[Gender Bender|fix]] the problem with Jacket-Boy's physical form.
*** And Anya is implied to have committed multiple robberies somewhere, but turns the radio off before we can find out where and lies to the others about it when they ask.
{{quote|Anya: Oh! I wrote...a poem. Comparing him to daisies and forests and diamonds, and that sort of thing.}}
** Buffy and Willow fighting over RJ.
{{quote|'''Buffy''': Anya could be seducing RJ as we speak.
Line 906 ⟶ 975:
'''Xander:''' (ogling likewise) Ooo, daddy like.
'''Buffy:''' (rolls her eyes) What is that shirt made of? ''Paint?''
'''Willow:''' ([[Incredibly Lame Pun|dawning realization]]) Buffy...<br />
'''Buffy:''' Glad Dawnie isn't here to see her precious boyfriend getting all thrusty with some slut-bag hussy-<br />
(the girl turns around, and everybody jawdrops when they see that she ''is'' Dawn)<br />
'''Xander:''' (horrified) Oh... oh no! Daddy no... I wasn't... when I was lookin' I wasn't... ''oh God!''<br />
'''Willow:''' (ashamed) Right there with ya. }}
*** The line "Right there with ya." Is one of the funniest lines in the entire show.
** And the confrontation immediately afterwards:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' First, you said you were going to the library. Second, you do ''not'' go on a date without informing me first. And third, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|Anna Nicole Smith thinks you look tacky!]]}}
** At the end of the episode, as the gang is all standing around watching RJ's magic love spell jacket burn in the fireplace:
{{quote|'''Buffy''': Xander, be honest. You didn't, you know, think about slipping that jacket on just a little bit?
'''Xander''': I refuse to answer that on the grounds that it didn't fit.}}
** Or as they ponder their recent action:
{{quote|'''Anya''': It was a spell. You were helpless. We're not responsible for anything we did morally or, you know, legally...
'''Xander''': True. You fell for a mystical, ancient curse. Who hasn't made that mistake seven, eight times?
'''Buffy''': You hear that? Not your fault.
'''Dawn''': I'm just so... the way I acted, the way I talked to you. I feel so stupid. All over a spell.
'''Buffy''': Get ready to feel even stupider when it's not.
'''Willow''': Hey, Anya, you never told us what you can't believe you almost-
'''Anya''': Almost who now?
'''Willow''': No, you can't be the only not embarrassed one. What did you do?
'''Anya''': [[Blatant Lies|I, uh, wrote a poem. An epic poem... comparing him to a daisy and a tower and a lake...]]
'''Radio Announcement''': And now the latest on Sunnydale's late-night bandit who is still at large. A masked thief held up a number of large businesses—
'''Anya''': (turns off the radio) OK, great, ice cream. My treat!}}
* Conversations with Dead People (7x07)
** Andrew's mistranslation of the [[Arc Words]], "From Beneath You, It Devours" (he'd just been in Mexico and heard it in Spanish):
Line 987 ⟶ 1,073:
*** The Chinese potential didn't have a clue what Andrew saying and all she can respond with is "There's a girl doing gymnastics in the backyard". Andrew nods solemnly, thinking she said something completely different.
* Faith's and Spike's meeting, where they discuss going bad, sexual fetishes and Buffy.
{{quote|FAITH: (referring to [[Grand Theft Me|the body swap]]) Shoulda known it wasn't blondy behind the wheel. She'd never throw down like that.<br />
SPIKE: Oh you ''have'' been away.<br />
FAITH: Don't tell me miss tightly wound is gettin' her naughty on. }}
* Empty Places (7x19)
Line 1,000 ⟶ 1,086:
'''Buffy:''' Oh my god, are you twelve? }}
** Two words. "Wheelchair fight."
** What do you do the night before the final battle? Play [[Dungeons and& Dragons]], of course!
*** Also, from that scene, Andrew and his outfit.
*** And for all the [[Homestar Runner]] fans, the reference to Trogdor the Burninator really sealed the deal.
* Faith and Wood are barricading the school, after they'd slept together and Faith dumps him. When she starts up how men are only interested in her for her body Wood claims he's much more attractive. Faith is shocked and tries to deny his claims, before trying to go at it with him again.
=== Other / Uncategorized ===
== Other / Uncategorized ==
* In the pilot for the [[Animated Adaptation]] Giles goes from explaining about the apocalypse to despairing about the lack of attention without missing a beat.
{{quote|"Morgala's exact nature eludes us but we have narrowed it down to not listening to a word I'm saying."}}
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== Comics ==
* In Season 8, after Xander is forced to ride [[Running Gag|Centaurette]] !Dawn (causing her to get soaking wet), this exchange happens:
{{quote|'''Xander:''' How're you feeling?
'''Centaurette!Dawn:''' Like I was ridden hard and put away wet.
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[[Category:Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]
[[Category:Funny (comic book)]]